death of me

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Chapter 20. Death of me

It seemed as if time stopped. With tension so thick in the air you can cut it with a knife. All I can decipher in this exact moment is the anger in Axel's dark eyes making my knees go weak. I'm more than certain he has a plan to kill me, the stir of whispers dwindle through the crowd such as 'what's he going to do?' and 'I hope he beats her up'. Wait what?

Suddenly, he stands up, I squeal as he grabs me throwing me over his shoulder. The cafeteria nor park is no longer silent, chatter erupts along with laughs as he carries me through the cafeteria. I wince as my head hits the doorway on the way out muttering an ouch.

"Put me down Axel!" I try to sound authoritative pounding my fists on his back but my frantic actions don't do a thing to stop him.

I soon notice how much attention we have as a crowd begins to form. Everything is upside down but I still manage to notice students holding phones in their hands and flashes coming from their cameras, oh no.

My mouth pops open to cry for help again but I'm suddenly free falling being dropped into the pool. I float to the bottom kicking the ground resurfacing. As I resurface gasping for air and spitting out the vile water I hear the crowd around historical in laughter. I climb out of the pool I shame crossing my arms over my chest feeling a deep red blush burning at my cheeks as Axel stands proud with an award winning smile.

"I'll get you back for this Wesley" I warn desperately wishing I took Amber's advice of not putting my clothes back on, "We'll see about that won't we Garcia?" He teases clearly amused by this whole situation.

I quickly twist around as I hear a frustrated scream behind me only to see Beth right behind me glaring at me with hands on her hips. She's wearing a black and gold bikini with matching thong bottoms and Ray bands on top of her head. Her hair is styled with bouncy curls along with a face full of makeup, obviously she didn't come here to swim.

"I warned you Carolina!" She threatens in a snotty tone, she quickly spins around on her heels trotting in the opposite direction. I glance in the direction she's walking to see she's heading over to Mr.Sanchez and Mrs.Jan who are currently having a conversation at the other side of the pool.

What came over me next I have no clue, as if it was out of impulse I sprint over to Beth out of pure panic, "Sorry!" I yell shoving her into the pool. As if the crowd was amused before, now the whole park's attention is on us.

Regret and guilt immediately flood over me, I couldn't of possibly tried to reason for her, it was a do or die move. I guess I have a death wish.

But something else soon came over me as well, something I've never felt, proud, proud of my self? Possibly. I've never stood up for myself when it came to Beth ever. For years she's pushed me around, I'm not sure why but she's always intimated me.

She quickly resurfaces with mascara running all over her face. The whole park is now howling with laughter as she crawls out of the pool. I take a step back as she slowly walks over to me.

I try my best not to laugh at the fact her makeup is smeared everywhere making me resemble an evil clown as she approaches me stopping about a foot in front of me, "Carolina you messed up, screw snitching, I'm going to make your life a living hell and that's a fact" She snarls throwing me a look that could kill.

I flinch as a tantrum like scream escapes her lips just drawing even more attention, "Great now my hairs ruined!" She screeches turning in the opposite direction running away being followed by her usual minions trying to comfort her.

"Carolina!" I quickly turn around only to be pulled into another bear hug by Amber almost taking me off my feet, "I can't believe you did that! That was hilarious nobody ever sticks up to that maniac for some reason" She grins hugging me again. I hug her back and I can't help but notice how thin she seems. Amber has always been quite thin but now I can feel her ribs.

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