breaking and entering

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Chapter 17. Breaking and entering

"Thank you Carolina" My grandma offers a warm smile as I hand her the warm soup she wanted, "It's no problem Grandma, do you want anything else?" I politely ask and she shakes her head, "I'm fine Carolina" she presses her lips together in a thin line.

"Have you taken your medicine?" I ask and she nods, "I'm fine Care, it's a school night, get some sleep love"

"Alright, love you Grandma" I tuck her in closing the door as I walk out her room. I comb threw my damp hair from my previous shower slightly frowning at how puffy and irritated my eyes look. It bothered me how much the whole situation affected me, they didn't deserve that power of me.

"Hey dufus do we have any milk in the house?" My brother Jack asks bursting into bathroom without warning.

"Yes we do and knock next time" I glare at him and he just chuckles, "Someone's mad, bad date? And why do you look like hell broke lose on your face?" He asks as my mouth pops open in shock, "This face is related to you, you know that right?"

"Pshh.. you took after Diana, not Dad" My brother scoffs exiting the bathroom. I scrunch my nose in disgust completely offended he'd compare me to her.

I exit the bathroom entering my room completely exhausted from the events of tonight. I flop pace first on my bed immediately being greeted the by comfort ness of my bed. Is it legal to marry a bed?

My head snaps up with curiosity as I hear a soft meow. Harold.

Harold's the neighborhood stray cat, he visits us ever so often, I usually hide him for short periods of time until my grandma finds out and throws him out. Closest pet I'll get to a dog ever in this house.

"Hi buddy" I grin reaching to pet him but he hisses jumping off my bed, "Harold?" I call out springing from my bed, my grin soon leaves my face as I see Harold on my window sill.

"Harold...." I warm as I inch closer to him, dear lord please no don-

My train of thought is cut off as Harold jumps from my window sill in a blur or orange. HAROLD.

I curse under my breath as I sprint to my window, I stare down at the ground to see nothing. Where could he have gone?


Oh dear.

I slowly look up in horror to see the sight of Harold on Axel's window sill licking his paw, "Harold" I whistle in attempt to bring him back. What are you doing? He's not a dog idiot.

Harold hisses before leaping into Axel's pitch black room. Oh no.

I feel my heart sink in my chest, what am I going to do? I stretch my head out the window to see his drive way is empty. I contemplate for a few moments as of what to do, I can't leave the cat.. can I?

I slowly creep on to my window sill already regretting the decision I've made. I stare down at the grass gulping, what am I doing? This is insane.

I leap into Axel's room whining as I smash onto the hard wood floor on the other side.I mutter an ouch as I quickly spring to my feet pacing over to the light switch flicking it on. How do spies on tv make breaking and entering look so easy?

My eyes search the room for a few moments, it's surprisingly very clean, his bed frame and dressers are a darker wood accompanied with navy blue and grey accents in the decorations of his room. The aroma of cologne and febreez linger in the air as I rapidly search the room as if my life depends on it.

The sight of a bag of gummies in a plastic bag on his dresser catches my eye. I giggle to myself as I take the bag shoving it into the pockets of my pajama pants.

My attention soon diverts to the meow coming from the hallway. Oh Frickle frackle.

I sprint into the hallway soon realizing his house is the exact opposite layout of mine. I follow the meows coming from downstairs soon entering the kitchen. His house is very modern, with beige walls and tile floors, it's the much nicer version of mine to say the least.

I come across a photo collage hung up with dozens of photos, a picture of Axel and a boy that looks only a year or two younger stands out to me though. They share a great resemblance, they are definitely related. Axel's arm is wrapped around him as they sit on a bench of what looks like a cookout. They both wear genuine but charming smiles that make a small smile spread onto my face.

I mentally slap myself for trailing off and begin searching the kitchen, under the table, behind the island. I notice Axel's day Barkley in a cage in the living room staring at me. I awkwardly tip toe around him as I call out for Harold a few more times but hear nothing. Great.

My body completely freezes at the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Oh no oh no. Panic flows over my body as the sound of a car door closing closes. Screw the cat.

I do the most reasonable thing I can think of, I trudge over the pantry closet opening it and stepping inside. I hear my heart thudding against my rib cages as the front door opens. The door soon closes along with the sound of keys jiggling sound closer as a figure enters the kitchen. I peak threw the shutters of the door to see a muscular but slim build opening the fridge and looking through it. The light casting from the fridge on the figure reveals a familiar face, Axel's.

I let out a sigh in relief taking a step further back into the closet banging my head on the shelf and knocking some food packages over over. I cover my mouth from gasping as I stare down at all of the packaged foods I've knocked down. I quickly peak through the shutters to see Axel staring directly at the pantry.

I hold back a scream as I quickly take a step back into the pantry as the fridge door closes. I chew my bottom lip nervously as a few painfully flow foot steps are heard outside the door. Please don't check the pantry, please don't check the pantry.

I close my eyes letting out a sigh of relief as the steps disappear, maybe he went upstairs. I suddenly decide nows my time to leave considering I don't want to spend a night in Axel's pantry. I wince as the door slowly creaks as I open it barely slipping through.

My eyes search the kitchen to see it's empty, alright I'm fine, everybody's fine, I'll just leave through the front door an-

My thought process is cut short when I'm slammed into the hard wall of the hallway along with a hard body pinning me against the wall. I wince as my body and head hits the wall completely taken back by this. My eyes fly open to meet a pair of familiar chocolatey brown eyes merely inches from mine.

"Care bear?" The devil himself in a tone of disbelief asks, "Surprise..." I squeak unsure of how to explain the situation. His eyebrows furrow a bit as he takes a step back planting his hands on both sides of my head never breaking the close proximity of our faces.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" He asks in a firm yet confused tone, I bite my lip nervously as I cross my arms over my chest in discomfort, "Umm... my crazy cat sorta broke in your house and.. uh.. I kinda sorta broke in to get him..."


Stalker status?


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Qotd : "why is the person you want to talk to the hardest to actually talk to?"

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