i'd rather heat stroke

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Chapter 35. I'd rather heat stroke

"Carolina!" An ear ripping caterwaul echos through my room, waking me from my deep slumber.

I groggily open my eyes, letting out a lazy yawn stretching my limbs as I do my best to wake up. My eyes open and my navy blue room is brightly lit up by the sunshine casted by the sun.

The spring sun casts its sunny rays on every square inch of my room. I sit up on my unmade bed, letting out another yawn as I raise my arms in the air deeply stretching them in this process.

My door continues to shake as it is almost brutally beat down in the process of my standing up. I mutter in annoyance a fake jumble of words as I stomp to my door, flinging it open.

"What?" I out pure of annoyance and curiosity and to my surprise Amber is on the other side of my door.

"Carolina! Wait did you just wake up?" She asks, astonishment in her tone as she stares at me with blue electric eyes full of energy.

I nod as I yawn once more, running a hand in my disheveled hair but it soon gets stuck in my long dark brown nest I refer to as my hair.

"Well good morning to you sunshine" She sniggers as she walks in my room right past me plopping down on my bed pulling her phone out.

"What time is it" my voice comes out as merely a whisper, "2:45" she answers never looking up from her phone.


The time registers slowly through my still sleep ridden mind as the flood of memories of last night's memories drown my brain.

Olly nearly dying from his leap of faith.

Miguel pouring his heart to me.

Everyone eating my McDonald's.


I refused to give a second of extra thought to that topic as I continue digging through my remembrance.

"I'm pretty sure Olly is dead by the way, I tried to wake him up" she states matter of factly as she sets her phone down lying down on my bed.

"Is my grandma home yet?" I ask with slight worry in my tone and she nods, "Yes, she said something about leaving to the grocery store though"

"Oh" is all I can muster.

"So...." She trails off now sitting up, "Have you talked to...." She trails off again whistling as she points in the direction of my window.

"N-not really.." I stammer unsure of why she's asking me, "Why do you ask?"

"He asked about you last night, wondering if I knew if you got home okay" she explains with a wicked crooked grin.

"Oh...." was all I could muster one again. I must've looked confused as I felt because Amber then let out a dramatic sigh, "Obliviousness" She bellowed throwing her head back.

My lips slightly opened to speak. To ask her what she meant but they soon closed as my door flew open.

My eyes widen in horror at the sight of Olly. He appeared as a vampire. The palest I've ever seen him with eyes hallow like a zombie. His shoulders slump as he slowly trudges himself into my room. The action alone looking like it took a great toll on him as he plopped down my bed, taking a seat next to Amber.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty, aren't we the early bird?" Amber sarcastically cheers, flashing him a million dollar smile that he hardly acknowledges, "I am never drinking again" he whines in pain as he rubs his own head in attempt to release tension.

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