don't look down

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Chapter. 13 Don't look down

Earlier this year, if you would've told me I would be vandalizing my Principal's house, I would've been genuinely concerned with your metal health.

Hell, I wouldn't even believe you if you said I learned how to properly bat.

"Ready?" Axel asks as we both stare at the white picket fence before us, " this really necessary?" I nervously ask and he glances over towards me, "don't chicken out now nerd" he chuckles revealing his breath taking smile still evident in the dark.

It's now night time and a full moon is out tonight, unfortunately no stars. I glance over at Axel to the see the light of the moon casting on his face complimenting his sharp yet scruffy features. He glances over at me as well and I quickly snap my neck to the side, real smooth Carolina,

"We're going to need to help each other up" I nod my head at his hands referring to him helping me up, What? There's no way I can get over this fence by myself.

"Oh I mean I kind of thought you'd lift me but it's cool whatevs" he mocks in a very high pitch airy voice as I fight back giggles before shushing him.

He makes a step interlocking his hands, "you know something tells me you are one of those girls who makes the guy do all the work" he retorts as he hoists me up.

"Can you save the jokes for later Wesley?" I surprisingly land on the other side. I look up to see Axel effortlessly climb the fence hopping over like it's nothing. Show off.

"Only when you admit how sexy I am" he has a lop sided grin that I shrug off, "so I guess not" I mumble.

He hands me the red spray paint can as we approach the side of the house. I shake the can a few times slowly popping the lid off.

Axel pops his can open and begins spraying something. I cover my nose with my sweater sleeve from the strong odor of the paint soon filling the air.

After a few minutes of working of what he referred to as his 'masterpiece', I glance up to read 'Mr.Gilbert sucks ass'.

"Digging your creativity" I giggle a bit at his triumphant smirk, "comes naturally" clearly.

I ponder as to what to write for a few moments. I shake the can once more beginning to write with the deep cherry red spray paint which looks nearly black in the night time. Considering my circumstances of nervousness and the bitter cold air I don't think I did half bad.

"Vandalizing is more fun when you have something to write?" Axel reads what I wrote with both a confused and amused tone in his voice.

"Yup" I state popping the 'p' taking a step back to admire my work unconsciously stepping into a hole in the ground falling on my back. Ouch.

"You good Care Bear?" Axel asks turning the flashlight on his phone shining it on me, "I'm good" I utter propping myself on my elbows on the grass which doesn't feel like grass, more soft and squishy, I suddenly feel my arms becoming highly itchy, what is going on?

"Oh fuck don't look down" Axel warns with wide eyes, I immediately regret my decision as I stare down to see one of my forearms completely covered in underground wasps.

I gasp at the sight as my whole body tenses up, "Care bear look at me" Axel demands and I snap attention to him nearly feeling my eyes bulging out of my head as I struggle breathing.

"Look at me and breath, do not screa-" Axel's attempt to calm me down flies out the window as I let out an ear ripping shriek springing to my feet doing an awkward jump dance to get them off me.

I stop dancing and screaming staring at Axel who now has a pale face like he's seen a ghost, "are they still on me?" I nervously ask and Axel just stares at me with a blank expression.

"Hey! Who's back there?" A familiar voice calls out from behind the house, Mr.Gilbert.

I'm suddenly pushed into the fence behind the giant bush in the backyard, "oh no" I whisper and Axel just puts his finger to my mouth shushing me. His strong body pressed up against mine enclosing me behind the bush. Oh no oh no I really did it this time.

"Is someone out there?" Mr.Gilbert yells.

"Keep quiet until I give the signal we run" He whispers in a harsh low quiet tone. The fog from his hot breath fanning my face fills the void between our faces and slightly soothes me. I take a few deep breaths attempting to calm my rapid heartbeat.

Wait. What signal?

"I said who's out there?" Mr.Gilbert asks pointing a flashlight directly at us.

"Sorry about this," Axel yells lifting me up throwing me over the fence.

I hit the ground on the other side, hard. Landing flat on my back I feel the literal wind get knocked out of me.

"Hey you! Come back here!" Mr.Gilbert demands as I hear Axel land on other side as well but on his feet, lucky him.

"C'mon Garcia nap later" Axel peels me off the floor dragging me to his car. I let out a whimper as my back hits the chair as he throws me into the passenger seat slamming the door.

He reappears on the driver's seat starting the car immediately driving away. It's quiet for a few moments as we both catch our breaths. Please tell me Gilbert did not see us, oh please.

I slightly flinch a little as Axel begins howling with laughter, "What's so funny? We almost just got caught!" I state matter of factly silently praying the principal didn't recognize us.

"Your face...when you fell in the wasp nest....and your scream!" He barely gets out between fits of laughter. His smile is so bright even I begin to chuckle with laughter from his contagious laugh.

"So how does it feel to live for once nerd?" He asks arching an eyebrow at me and I shrug feeling flushed from everything, "I'm not sure how one handles so much thrill"

The car stops as we approach a stoplight and Axel turns his attention to me but I just stare down at my feet as millions of thoughts fly through my brain. I currently don't know how to feel, I'm nervous mostly, and upset I might get caught. But I'm also, exhilarated, I've never done something this exciting or dangerous.

He places his index finger and thumb under my chin forcing me to meet his gaze, "You're cute when you're having fun nerd" he smirks turning his attention back to the road as the light turns green.

I feel my face and neck burn red from the compliment. 

I glance over my shoulder at Axel who is lazily draped in the front seat with one hand on the steering wheel. A devilish smirk playing at that gorgeous face of his knowing damn well his effect on me. Stupid blushing cheeks.


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Qotd :
"I have survived far too much to go quietly
let a meteor take me
call the thunder for backup
my death will be grand
the land will crack
the sun will eat itself" - the day I leave

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