duck face

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Chapter 3. Duck face

"Stop freaking out! Do you have anything embarrassing on your phone?" Amber asks as she grabs her lunch box out of her locker.

"Not exactly, I mean, maybe a few cringey selfies or embarrassing videos of us" I explain taking deep breaths in attempt to calm down.

"That's not that bad" she comments slamming her locker door closed, "Why don't you just ask for it back?" She curiously asks as we make our way to lunch.

"I have asked, Well, more like demanded, but Mr.Flores cut me off and then when the bell rang for lunch, then he disappeared" I whine thinking about the most popular guys in school laughing about the weird stuff I have on my phone that I have no real explanation for.

"I don't see a problem, you both have lunch right now, go to his table and ask for it back, I'm sure he wants his phone just as bad as you want yours" she calmly explains and I feel slightly better, "I'm sure he does, his phone has been non stop buzzing since I've had it" I mumble in agreement as we enter the lunch room.

My eyes instantly start searching the lunch room until the land at the table dead in the center full of the baseball team with a few girls surrounding their table. I turn to Amber looking for a sympathetic expression to only see a wicked grin, probably happy I have to do this.

I groan in annoyance as I bow my head marching to the table praying that I don't trip. As I approach the table feeling my heart beat race as I earn a few curious glances. I awkwardly tip toe towards Axel who's in a heavy make out session with a girl with bright red hair in my film class.

"Uh...excuse me?" I quietly mutter poking Axel's shoulder. He breaks the kiss with the girl diverting his attention to me. He frowns slightly at my presence taking a deep breaths most likely from not being able to breath from that make out.

"Need something love?" He bluntly asks in a dry tone that I'm taken back by it a little, "I do, actually" I fire back taking his phone out my back pocket.

His upper lip twitches in amusement into a full out smirk as he sees his phone in my hand. I stand there fidgeting with the hem of my shirt unsure of what to do as the girl still present on his lap is playing with his hair now kissing and sucking on his neck. After what feels like eternity he reaches into his back pocket pulling out my phone.

As I'm reaching for it he snatches it back, "ah ah ah... what's the magic word Garcia?" He teasingly asks and I feel my blood begin to boil.

"Can you just give it back?" I ask in a harsh tone, my patience, now out of the window, "Only if you say please" he grins clearly amused by this whole situation.

"Please" I mutter under my breath and his eye brows stitch together as he cups his ear, "what was that?" He asks even though he clearly heard me earnings few giggles from the girl on his lap, Sarah? I think her name is.

"Can I please have my phone back" I growl in a low tone completely tired of this whole situation, "sure thing babe" he says flashing a fake cheeky smile as he hands me my phone. I snatch it handing him his phone spinning on my heels to leave.

"Oh, Carolina?" He calls out, his deep voice booming through the cafeteria making the whole cafeteria fall silent turning their attention to us.

I slowly turn around meeting his gaze, I feel my knees wobble a little at all the attention on me. I've always hated being the center of the attention, even though I pitch, I've never felt so vulnerable.

I do my best to avoid all the eyes staring at me finally opening my mouth to speak, "What?"

"Cute selfies, you wear good duck face" he announces with a huge smirk on his face knowing he's completely humiliated me.

Laughter begins to fill the cafeteria and I feel my cheeks beginning to burn in embarrassment. I've never been so embarrassed, I feel the sudden urge to cry and throw up at the same time as people begin to shoot me some judgmental looks and point at me laughing.

I shoot him a venomous glare full of hate but he just flashes a million dollar smile before turning back to his make out session with Sarah.

I quickly spin on my heels storming to my table where I usually sit next to Amber and Olly ignoring all weird glances I receive by everybody. I quickly jump into seat bowing my head in hands as I stare down at the table wishing I could crawl into a shell and live their forever, secluded form the world.

"I'm guessing it didn't go good?" Amber sarcastically asks taking a bite of her salad, clearly amused by my embarrassment.

"I hate him"

"Look at the bright side..." she trails off giving me a sympathetic look, "You got your phone back" she giggles replacing her sympathetic look with an evil smirk.

"And publicly humiliated but hey I'm just being pessimistic" Olly grins and I grab a fry off his tray throwing it at him.

"Anyways, on a much brighter note, Nolan Johnson is having a party this Friday, want to go with us?" She casually asks and I shake my head, "I don't go to parties"

"Exactly, which is why you should go" she adds, "I don't know... grandma Rosa will not approve" I add using my Grandma as an excuse because there's no way in hell she'll let me go.

"Which is why you will say you are spending the night at my house, now quit making excuses we are going" she concludes. I open my mouth to protest but realize there is no point, she won't budge. I love the girl to death, but she is stubborn.

"Anyways..." she trails off with a mischievously grin creeping up at her face, "Stephen Himm will be there"

"Not this again" Olly groans and I frown at him.

Stephen Himm, where do I begin with this fellow? Well I've liked the boy since grade school, why haven't I told him you might ask? Well he's an intelligent soccer athlete and I'm me, so who am I kidding?

"Fine" I sigh in defeat bowing my head in my hands, I'm going to regret this.


I will do my best to update regularly on this story, I hope you are all having a great day & enjoying the story (:

Qotd : "your body
is a museum
of natural disasters
can you grasp how
stunning that is"
- Rupi Kaur

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