but I don't have diarrhea

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Chapter 10. But I don't have diarrhea

I step inside the Mexican restaurant which is dimly lit, I immediately feel better at the aroma of food filling my nostrils. Food helps everything.

I walk towards the back where they usually sit big groups to see most of the team at a giant table towards the back all attacking some salsa and chips in the center of the table.

My gaze is soon met by Axel's he pats the seat next to him which is empty. I turn around to make sure he's actually referring to me before shuffling over to him taking a seat next to him.

I feel slightly awkward sitting next to Cooper Wilson, Nolan Parker, Grayson Dawson and Axel Wesley, the biggest players of Plain-view. I don't know any of them personally, but I guess I can understand why every girl throws themselves at them, with their charm and unbreakable confidence, they pretty much run the school. Oddly.

"Hi I'm Cooper" Cooper smiles revealing a dimple on his left cheek. He's utterly adorable to say the least, Cooper has big green eyes and thick brown hair. He's the sweet heart out of the group, but don't be fooled, all in all he's just like the rest of them.

"Hi" I hesitantly return the smile before looking over the menu, "Garcia, nice run today" Nolan smirks looking over the menu, a young pretty Latin waitress soon approaches the table, "anything you'd like from the menu?" She asks with a thick Spanish accent as the boys all switch perverted looks, gross.

"That all depends, are you on the menu?" Grayson asks and the waitress blushes, I scrunch my nose in disgust as the waitress flirts back with Grayson. Usually I'm used to the boys on the team flirting with every girl they see but I happen to be extra impatient today from hunger and my encounter with Quinton.

"Is he always like this?" I ask Axel and he nods seeming to be just as annoyed as me. "Hey Axel, you speak Spanish right?" Cooper whispers and Axel nods, "how do I say, you are very beautiful in Spanish?" He asks. "Dude she speaks English just tell her now" Axel scoffs and Cooper just grins, "chicks dig guys who speak other languages"

"Fine, it's tengo diarrea" (I have diarrhea) Axel smirks with a glint of mischief in his eyes and I bite my lip holding back laughter, "Thanks man!" Cooper smiles innocently as he turns to the waitress.

"Tengo Diarrea" he grins and the smile of the waitress soon falls to the floor turning into a frown with a look of horror in her dark brown eyes, "I'll be back with your drinks" she growls spinning on her heals returning to the kitchen.

Cooper turns back to us with a pouty expression, "I don't get it, how could she resist this irresistible charm?"

"Do you want to tell him or me?" Axel asks turning to me and I shrug, "you did the damage, might as well be you" he flashes me a wicked grin at this before turning to Cooper, "that's because you told her you have diarrhea, not that she's beautiful"

"But I don't have diarrhea" he groans clearly not understanding what Axel did as Nolan and Grayson begin to howl with laughter.

"Good game today boys" Coach announces turning all our attention to the other side of the table, "I'm proud to have another great start to the season, keep up the good work and I'll see you Tuesday for practice, I've got to get going my daughters in labor" Coach explains leaving with Ben.

"I'm bored guys let's play a game" Justin grins scooting down a seat next to Grayson, "like what?" Nolan asks, "confession" Justin simply responds stuffing another mozzarella stick in his mouth.

"I'm in" a few boys say and I roll my eyes resting my chin on my hand propped up on my elbow as the game begins.

"Axel" Nolan smirks making all of our glances fall on Axel, "you first"

"What are we fourteen year old girls at a slumber party?" Axel asks making a few guys chuckle but Nolan just scowls, "just go"

"Alright... umm... every girl besides family that's ever been in my room I've slept with" he shrugs like it's not big deal, "that's a lie" Cooper protests, "my mom went in your mom before"

"I'm aware" Axel grins, ewww, laughter begins to erupt from all the guys at the table as Cooper just sits confused for a few moments before it suddenly hits him, "I hate you" He narrows his eyes at Axel.

"Care bear, let's hear a confession" Axel smirks wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively and I shiver at the images beforehand, "oh and don't be shy to confess your love for me" he winks, cue the eye roll.

"Ah I've got to hear this one" Jared chuckles and I roll my eyes.

"I don't have a confession" I flat out say a little to fast earning a few curious glances from all the guys around me, "ah come on everybody has one" Grayson insists nudging me with his elbow.

I shrug, "not me", "fine then answer this question will you?" Jared asks and I nod in agreement.

"Have you had your first kiss?" He asks and everybody at the table diverts their attention to me now except Axel who's typing away on his phone. I cower a little in my seat sliding down it a little, "that's a little personal isn't it?" I ask quietly and now I feel Axel's intense gaze on my which makes me feel even worse.

"You haven't had your first kiss yet?" Axel asks rather quietly and I slowly shake my head feeling my whole body burning with embarrassment as all the boy's gazes burn holes through me, who's idea was it to play this dumb game?

"Aww it's okay Carolina I love the innocent ones" Cooper winks at me earning booming chuckles from all the guys and a kick from Axel under the table making Cooper whine.

The table soon falls back into normal conversation but Axel still stays quiet watching me for a few moments longer. I finally turn to him furrowing my eyebrows, "Need something?" I ask rather harshly and he small smile forms on his face, "let's go"

"W-what?" I stutter and he gets up from the table grabbing my hand leading me out the restaurant. I ignore the sparks through my body from my hand in his as we leave the restaurant. I follow him into his vehicle taking a seat in the passenger seat as he starts the car up.

"Woah wait, where are we going?" I ask, "and ruin the surprise?" He smirks as he turns around reversing his car out of the parking spot.

"I think I've had enough surprises this week" I grumble referring to him being my neighbor and he chuckles a bit, "oh care bear, me being your neighbor is a gift and a privilege, use iy to your advantage," he grins flashing a million-dollar smile and I stare at him for a few moments before finally being hit with a realization.

"You are a disturbed individual."

"Yeah but you love me anyways."


Qotd : "on a cold winter night
she found light under the moon
she found strength after being broken
she found peace in letting go"- r.h sin

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