that's one way to eat a pizza

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Chapter 19. That's one way to eat a pizza

"Wake up Carolina!" The sound of my brother Miguel's voice wakes me up from my slumber. I grumble a few incoherent words as I turn over wrapping myself more into my warm blankets.

"Carolina I'm serious hurry up and take your shower so I can take one" My brother Miguel further insists snapping his fingers in my face but I'm back in dreamland. I hear him sigh in defeat and a smile grows on my face as I hear him leave my room.

Ahh, nothing like the comfort of my own be- I'm suddenly pulled out of dreamland when a flush of ice cold water is drowning me. My body shoots up from my bed as I squeal from the bitter cold water dropping my body temperature to below zero.

My attention soon falls on Miguel who is currently laughing uncontrollably on my floor with an empty bucket. My eyes narrow on him as he wheezes out of breath. I let out a war cry as I pounce on him wacking his chest and arms as he lets out child like screams.

"Stop you are getting water all over me" Miguel squeals as he squirms away running from my room. I giggle a bit as I grab a towel and clothes for the day. Today is the day of the field trip, surprisingly, I've made it through the past week and a half dodging Beth at all costs.

I grab my white celina bathing suit set, a pair of loose Mom jeans, cropped worn out navy blue sweater, and pairing my checkered Vans slip-ons along with it. We didn't have to wear uniforms today considering we wouldn't be at school today.

I hop into the hot steamy shower doing my usual shower routine as I jam out to The Pixies. I guess one can admit I am in a relatively good mood today, I mean, an excursion at a water park with all your (two) friends should be fun, right?

I step out of the shower changing into my bathing suit and clothes brushing my teeth and washing my face. I apply some deodorant and lotion before grabbing my bag not forgetting to grab my water park pass as I leave my house.

I drive to the school parking lot parking my baby blue van stepping out. I approach the the back of the school where all the crowding teens turning in their passes and boarding the buses are.

"Care!" Amber screeches tackling me in a bear hug along with Olly at her side, "Woah what has her in such a good mood?" I ask Olly out of curiosity as Amber does a happy dance.

"I'm pretty sure everybody is going to be like her today, I mean, indoor water park for the whole day instead of sitting through eight hours of boring classes? I'm stoked too" he explains in a matter of fact tone earning a shrug of agreement from me, "Fair point"

After turning our passes in we enter the line for the buses. Right after Olly and Amber board a grouchy hunched man steps in front of the entrance blocking me from entering, "Hey kid! This bus is full, the rest of the line move to bus 19" he hollers and I sigh in defeat knowing I'll be a loner the whole way. I don't really mind that much though, I've always been one to enjoy my own solitude.

I enter the line for the other bus boarding the empty school bus taking a seat towards the back. It's quiet for a moment as students begin to fill the seats. I'm about to pop my head phones in when my attention soon diverts to the loud chatting and laughter coming from the front. I lock eyes with Axel for a moment who's accompanied by Nolan, Grayson, and Cooper. They are all dressed similar to frat boys, with cargo shorts of all different colors, button ups, and sunglasses. I ignore the fact that they brought sunglasses even though we'll be inside all day popping my head phones in.

My short moment of nirvana is over once I see a figure sit next to me out of my peripheral vision.

"Hey crazy cat lady" Axel smirks, I quickly glance around the bus to make sure Beth isn't on this one. I let out a sigh of relief when I realize she isn't taking my headphones out, "Nice to see you too assaulter" I snicker matching his smirk that has now fallen.

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