an old friend

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Chapter 28. An old friend

"Here's your popcorn Carolina" Mandy beams with a cheery smile as she hands me my popcorn. I hesitantly take it paying her as my eyes never leave Quinton's intense gaze. I feel my heart race just from his presence as I blink a few times to truly register his appearance in front of me. I stare at him up and I'm down as my brain processes him, he's wearing dark jeans and a plain navy blue sweater, his thick dark hair effortlessly styled as he wears a pair of black vans.

Without saying a word I quickly spin on my heels almost sprinting out of the concession area in attempt to get away from Quinton. The burning sensation from the cool air nipping at my face matching the unsettling feelings stirring in my chest as the thumping of my heart intensifies.

I abruptly come to a hault when a firm grip latches onto my wrist causing me to drop one of my popcorn bags forcing me to spin around and face the ghost of past before me.

"What do you want?" I blurt out with venom dripping from my tone as I rip my wrist from his death grip, "Can't an old friend come to say hi?" He asks in an innocent yet challenging tone as a smirk grows onto his face.

"No" I speak between gritted teeth flashing him a look that could kill. My anger only seems to further stimulate his interest causing his sinister smirk to grow into a devilish grin.

His dark eyes search my body for a second before the return to resting on my eyes, "You look more like you're mother everyday Rollie" He teases I feel as if I've been punched in the gut causing me to feel winded before my blood begins to boil. I ball my fists so tight I feel my nails dig into the inside of my palms as it takes everything in me not to cause a scene. I take a deep breath chewing on my bottom lip and I gather all of my thoughts.

"What kind of cynical entertainment do you receive from hurting me?" I ask with hurt clearly evident in my tone that I don't bother hiding, "We never got to have that talk at the baseball field...." he trails off, "I want to talk" he adds with a with a shrug as if we have no history at all.

I'm slightly taken back by his cool facade, he can't be serious, after everything he thinks he can just waltz back into my life with no consequences what so ever?

"No" I say with no remorse whatsoever, a shift in the mood occurs as the teasing in his expression completely leaves. A look on his face appears as if to say 'wrong answer' as his jaw clenches followed by his tongue prodding under his lower lip, "It wasn't a question"

"This isn't open for discussion, you've done enough damage just leave me alone" I exclaim losing all patience, "You can't avoid me forever, it's been over a year when will you get over it?" He asks and for once in a long time he seems vulnerable. His demeanor now gone as his shoulders slump in defeat.

"What you did is something unforgivable, you or her, I'm not over it yet" I explain, the last part of my words trembling out of my mouth as I hold back tears, "You can stay mad at me but not her Care" he speaks in a soft tone, his raspy voice coming out as fog into the air, the same raspy voice I fell for.

"W-why are you sticking up for her?" I ask wrapping my arms around my self for warmth to stop my teeth from chattering.

"She's your mom care"

His words come out as bullets and I feel something break in me. My desperate attempts at holding my tears in break and they come streaming down my face as a deep pain sores into my chest.

"Care I'm sorry" He takes a step forward extending his arms to hug me but I instantly take one back shaking my head, "I'm sorry but I can't forgive you"

I turn around continuing my stride away from him wiping my stinging eyes. I don't dare turn around to see him. I wish I can forgive him, I've wished I could forgive the both of them for the past excruciating thirteen months but I can't, not yet at least.

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