Puppet show

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To Espresso's misfortune, Madeleine is here. The two had worked hard alongside Alchemist and Snow Sugar in hopes to build the first and most perfect Puppet show theatre for their kingdom. Obviously they came out successful. After all, with the two most hard working and calculating people around it was the only possible outcome.

'Let the celebration begin!' The shiny knight's voice vibrates inside everyone's hearts, that is, everyone's but Espresso's. While the rest are cheering for their hero's arrival, he sits on the front row of the theater, a sugarcoated donut in hand and trying his best to block out the noise. 'Hahaha, didn't I already greet you five seconds ago fellow citizen? No matter! Let us shake hands again!'

Espresso sighs, regretting making time for any of this. At last, the cheering eases off, allowing for a set of footsteps to be heard approaching. He barely turns his head to look at the man.

'You wouldn't mind me sitting here, right?' Espresso knows that Madeleine wouldn't really bother to care about the answer he gives, which in any case, would be a firm yes. He refuses to fall for a trick question such as this one and simply looks away.

The knight fixes his armor so that he can sit comfortably next to the one he is trying to impress. It is a confident first step. Anyone would normally swoon under such circumstances, but Espresso is a different case. If Madeleine does not successfully strike up an interesting conversation before the Puppet show starts, then his target is likely to walk away, as per usual.

'So!' He says loudly with the pride of a spoiled Prince. Espresso's face scrunches up with disgust. 'What do you think the show will be about?'

'Anything that could keep you quiet sounds pleasant.' Espresso wastes no time with his response. He wants to be done with the other as soon as possible.

Madeleine's iconic smile barely flinches. Admittedly, he somehow enjoys the Professor's sassiness.

'How can I stay quiet during a celebration as well deserved as this one? Cheering for our hard working friends should be done honestly and loudly.'

The word loudly sinks in Espresso's mind. He does not mind the noise as long as his coffee production requires it, but outside of that it is heavily unattractive.

'Being loud is a weak mean of delivering your message. You can still cheer for someone without causing their ears to self-destruct.'

Madeleine's plan was a success. He engaged the magician in small talk, preventing him from escaping in his usual manner. Now for the next step...but wait. There is no next step. He didn't think he could get this far. Madeleine freezes.


Espresso takes a victorious bite out of his donut. Madeleine's unresponsiveness is more than enough to prove his point. Silence truly is the best gift.


And now it is ruined again. The professor swallows his bite and turns to face the annoying knight.

'Are you incapable of listening?' He scoffs, thinking that maybe Madeleine's ears already destroyed themselves after all his shouting.

'I speak truth and only truth when I say that you have the finest eyes in the kingdom.'

Madeleine's cheeky grin is the icing to the cake. What sort of man sits next to someone who clearly dislikes him and then proceeds to compliment their eyes?

'Unbelievable...' Espresso mumbles, the compliment having passed through one ear and out the other. He stands up to walk away.

'Wait! My apologies Espresso, I did not mean to offend you in any way. Although I do not see how you could be offended by-'

'You are wasting precious time.' Espresso cuts him off, his sharp gaze reading even the slightest change in Madeleine's expression.

The knight's smile fades. He can't understand what he did wrong. He's merely trying to explain the situation.

'The show has not started yet. We are not wasting time, I assure you.'

'I could be discussing a very important theory for Coffee magic with Almond at this very moment instead of bickering with you.'

'Then tell me, what would you like to discuss with me?'

' The theory of Keeping Quiet. It is a much needed lesson you should take sometime.' Espresso sighs and readjusts his glasses. 'I must take my leave.'

For a second Madeleine thinks about blocking Espresso's way. In the end though, it never happens. He simply sighs in defeat and sits back down, watching the man from the corner of his eye.

'Hey, don't let it get to you Madeleine.' A sweet voice says from the row behind him.

The knight turns to meet the mocha shaded eyes of Latte. A magical demitasse spoon lays on her white glove covered hand. She smiles sweetly.

'Espresso is just hard to please.'

It takes a moment for Madeleine to process her words. Is she perhaps an ex-partner of Espresso? If so, the commander needs to know more in order to impress him.

'A fine observation friend. He is...'

'He will open up if you're calm and patient. I worked with him for quite some time back when I was just a student.'

'You sound like you know my friend well Latte! May I please know more?'

She chuckles, twisting a lock of her white hair on the shiny spoon.

'I can't really remember if there are any tricks to getting Espresso to like you...All I can remember is enjoying coffee with him often and then working on our magic skills. Perhaps you can give that a try? Buy him some coffee you know?'

Madeleine's blue eyes shine at her suggestion. He's never heard a more helpful advice, mainly because everyone thinks he is perfect. Latte notices the glint on his face and smiles even wider.

'Why yes of course...finding a common ground to strike with ease!'

'Haha...strike?' She says uneasily.

'Figuratively of course.' Madeleine grins to reassure her. She quickly forgets all her worries when she sees that smile. The two continue their lively discussion until the show begins. Before that however, they are unaware of someone's watchful gaze.

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