Deal with it

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'And I told that kid "Don't touch the cup or you're gonna burn yourself", and you know what she did? She touched the cup.' Almond huffs. The story still feels just as exasperating as it was when he first experienced it.

'Mishaps do tend to happen in the workplace. Did your student learn from their mistake?' Says Espresso with a relaxed smile.

'Well, she did almost do it a second time...' Professor Almond crosses his arms. 'Yet her hand stopped before it happened.'

'Then she improved.'

'I suppose.'

There is brief silence between the two. Hanging out is a rare occurrence for them so this is a strange sight for the few that admire them from afar. Their conversations almost always have to do with work, so Almond sharing a story with Espresso feels rather unusual. 

'Shiiit. Guys you won't believe what I saw.' A lazy voice cuts through their thoughts. Sharp teeth and hazy purple eyes approach. It's Vampire, a man who, coincidentally, is also a vampire.

The redhead stumbles messily towards them. He appears to be drunk once again, or maybe high. Most citizens of Kingdom X have a hard time telling the difference.

'Oh gods...' Almond looks away from the vampire and rubs his forehead. Amongst his case files, Vampire's are some of the most interesting. He's bitten more people than Red Velvet's hounds ever could, yet even the law can't punish him. His brilliant sister is much too protective to allow that.

'So basically...uugh my head.'

'You should take a seat Vampire.' Espresso ushers him towards a wooden chair. The other nods and collapses on the seat, falling so far back that Espresso has to pull him forward before the chair topples over.

'Aight so, I was walking 'round right? And then-' He hiccups, chuckling at his silliness. It is enough time for Almond and Espresso to exchange a look of confusion. 'And then I saw Latte.'

Espresso sighs instinctively. Latte, his old friend who grew up to be far too energetic and distracting for his likings was here as well. Almond does not act even the slightest bit surprised. He knew that his coworker would not miss the theater's opening show. Just as Espresso is about to declare his disinterest on Vampire's gossip, the following words seal his mouth shut.

'But get this. She wasn't alone. She was with Madeleine!'

'And what bussiness does that man have with Latte?' Espresso frowns.

'None.' Almond responds coldly. 'They have no bussiness with each other.' His tone is defensive. Of course, Vampire can't really retain any of the information at the moment. He laughs and continues.

'Anywaaay. I saw them chilling and talking. Seemed veeery flirty if ya ask me.'

Espresso shakes his head. For whatever reason this drunk man's words are making him feel uneasy, same as Almond.

'I will have a talk with Latte about this later. The show is about to start.'

As Almond says this, Princess, a beautiful lady with rosy cheeks taps on her glass of berry juice with a silver spoon.

'Get on your seats everyone. Please!'

The serious knight stuck to her side like glue taps his dented sword on the ground.

'Come on everyone the show is about to start.' He repeats and watches as they all settle on their seats.

The younger ones, specifically Acorn and Snow Sugar, lay on the grass at the front of the rows. The sound of a raven passing above catches Knight's attention. He narrows his eyes suspiciously for a second and then focuses back on the citizens.

In the end, Almond decides to sit next to Vampire. He said that he'd be better off watching the drunk man. Espresso commended his sense of responsibility while Vampire's drool came close to staining the warm fiber of his coat.

Men, women and kids watched in awe as the first for many show unfolded its mediocre story. Madeleine and a couple more who were used to more sophisticated theatrical shows try to remain in their seats as boredom tries to push them off. Right when the princess of the story gets abducted by a red dragon, the curtains are pulled for the first break. Espresso has seen enough. He stands and excuses himself away from the celebration. The sun has started to go down which means that moisture in the air would make the perfect conditions for his next coffee aroma experiment. He takes a quick mental note of that and sighs sufferingly.

He could not believe that a simple show could drain him like this. On top of that, he is still skeptical about what Vampire said. Upon escaping, he gave subtle glances to where Madeleine sat. The proud knight was alone, no Latte in sight.

A part of him wants to go talk to the knight, ask what he and Latte were discussing, but he is much too tired to bother himself with hindrances such as light magic.

The path to his house is long. He chose to settle near the edge of the kingdom in a cottage. Most of his time is spent in his brewing lab anyways. Unlike Espresso's humble place, Madeleine's house could be considered flashier than the Kingdom's palace itself. White statues, tiny fountains and colorful rose bushes decorate the outside. He even has an altar dedicated to himself. The place radiates with heroism, pride, but most importantly, light magic.

'It is rude to leave a celebration this early you know.'

Espresso halts. Is this who he thinks it is? Has that man followed him this far? He might as well go home with him at this point.

'Ugh.' Espresso turns around. It's who he never longed to see. 'Don't you know how rude it is to follow someone home?'

Madeleine's trademark smile grows wide. 'Do not worry. I wasn't planning on following you all the way back. I have an important question to ask.'

'Go ahead then. And made it quick.'

No coffee magic training had prepared Espresso for what he was about to hear.

'Well then! Would you like to get some coffee together sometime?'

Impossible. Madeleine? Asking Espresso to drink coffee together? What evil being plotted this fate? And why is he asking this so late at night out of the blue?

Madeleine starts to feel strange. Is this what being nervous feels like? The Knight Commander's shields seem to shake on his back as if they mistook this for a battle.

'Espresso?' He asks with concern and a fading smile.

After running through all the possible outcomes in his head, Espresso answers with every last bit of his energy.

'Of course not.'

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