We could get along

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The face of anger busts down the front door not even a second after the unlocking click is heard. He presents humself with one hand propped against the doorframe while the other holds a carefully wrapped package. At first, Purple Yam just wanted to finish this pathetic task and leave, however things took a strange turn. Stunned, the purple man can only question why Espresso out of all people could ever allow a devoted follower of the Divine in his house. It is early in the morning as well, to make matters weirder.

'Madeleine?!' He barks out, the stun not having lasted too long in his fierce mind. 'What the hell?'

Madeleine, who was hidden behind Espresso just a second ago, marches around the magician and salutes the unexpected guest.

'How lucky of me to stumble across you in...in front of Espresso's door, friend! A fated meeting, dare I say.' Shiny and energetic as always, Madeleine extends his greeting hand to the other.

Purple Yam groans long-sufferigly and accepts the hand-shake. He respects the Knight and his combat skills but something about his neverending peppy spirits ticks him off. Although everything tends to piss him off. Born during the hottest Summer heat wave of them all, they say that Purple Yam did not cry when he came out of the womb. Instead, he growled angrily and let out a deafening scream of rage and bloodlust. Exaggeration or not, it did make storytellers some money at that time.

'Fated meeting my ass...what are you doing here?'

The two warriors strengthen their grips on each other, testing who gives the firmer handshake. Espresso glances at the two then down to their hands. They have been doing the shaking movement for the past ten seconds while mainting aggressively straight grins.

'Simply paying my friend a visit. You?'

'Here to deliver a package.'

'Ha! Who put you up to such a measly task? A warrior of your skill should not be treated like an errand boy'

The bulky warrior pulls back his purple hand with a frown. 'I never said I was an errand boy.' Madeleine's smug grin as he crosses his arms has Purple Yam's boiling anger sizzling aggressively. 'I do whatever the fuck I want.'

'Ehem.' The professor furrows his brows at them. 'Pardon me for interrupting but I need this package.' He steps close to Madeleine and places a hand on his shoulder. 'I also need you to exit my peripheral vision.'

Madeleine winces slightly. His body receives a strange burning sensation that spreads down from his shoulder. Is it painful? Is it good? A bit of both he thinks. That brings him back to what went down before. Espresso's slender fingers grasping the bottom of his face. That look of unwavering control over him was mesmerising. Intimidating. Exciting.

'Haha!' The knight forces out a laugh as the hand on his shoulder slides away. Whether he feels like his lack of armor is good or not is unclear. 'Indeed it is time to part ways. I shall no longer keep you away from your duties friend.' He whips his hair back as he passes by Purple Yam, unintentionally hitting him with it in the process.

'Urgh.' Is all Purple Yam can muster before rage overtakes his senses. 'I will FU-' His eyes are forced upon Espresso who is glaring daggers at him. They have talked about this before. About what happens if Purple Yam ever disregards one of Espresso's golden rules near his property; Shouting is forbidden unless it is an emergency. In other words, unless you are dying.

With the grimace of a child who got caught in the act, Purple Yam pushes the box towards Espresso.

'Your delivery is here. Now tell Gingerfuck to stop making me do this shit. I get it that it was wrong of me to burn that guy's house and now I have to pay him back but this is ridiculous.'

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