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Gingerbrave was done watering the lavender by his friend's house. He had already gone out of his way to wish good morning to every passerby and is now enjoying this clear weather in peace with a cup of warm milk in hand. He gently brushes the white streak of his light brown hair back and takes a hold of today's newspaper.

'Let's see...' He sips some milk and puts the cup down. 'Hm, the Eastern Kingdom is having a hard time with agriculture this year. I should let Custard know.' He taps his finger on the table. Despite the Kingdom having no specific ruler, it still follows a political structure.

Custard willingly took the duties of king, yet he is still under the influence of laws that were decided during the uprising of Kingdom X. That means that he may make decisions, but they must be within the boundaries of those laws. Same goes for the rest of the residents who have the right to be politically active.

Gingerbrave, Wizard, Strawberry and the previous owners of this land, the gnomes, all helped write the constitution. The law. In other words, Gingerbrave is one of the few that the kingdom trusts with its decisions, seeing as he was there from the very beginning. Some argue that he should be the king, that he is the one truly worthy of the throne, but he is a simple man. He wants nothing but to run.

A long sip is all it takes for him to finish his cup of milk. He wipes the milk staining his lips on his sleeve and stretches back on his chair with a yawn.

'You damn milkdrinker. Enjoying your day off, are you?' A vaguely angry voice interrupts the young man.

Gingerbrave smiles and stands up, dragging the chair across him back for his guest. 'Hey Purple Yam! Sit down. I bet you're here to talk about the deliveries.'

'Right.' Accepting the offer, Purple Yam sits down. 'I've been working my ass off at that...' He pauses, the frown he had before somehow growing deeper. Gingerbrave has stood up once again.

'Give me a moment. I'll get you something to drink.'

'No! Fucking hell I don't want- Gingerfuck!' He slams his face between his palms. Gingerbrave has already gone inside. He ignored every single one of his complaints.

Purple Yam has no choice but to stay there. He cuts some lavender from the pot nearby and crushes the petals in his hand. His foot starts jumping impatiently, syncing along the pace of his furious thoughts. 

It's still the break of dawn. Not many people are seen outside, although anyone who's been living in Kingdom X knows that the residents are prone to waking up early. It might be the clear atmosphere or the ever so close sense of Spring that compells everyone to wake up this early. Unlike for everyone else, peace was never an option for Purple Yam. He's constantly on the edge, always looking for a way to get rid of his bubbling emotions. Sometimes it's overwhelming, sometimes he has to sink into his seat and say...

'I wish I was a fucking plant.' His hand opens slowly and he gazes at the torn petals.

'Back.' Gingerbrave declares and puts down two cups of milk. 'Now we can talk.'

'Fuck my cursed existence. Everywhere I go he follows.' His hand goes to reach for his mace but it stops midway, remembering that property damage will elongate his labor as Espresso's delivery man.

'Are you talking about Milk?' Gingerbrave asks, remembering the noble protector who once saved his life.

'Forget it! I came here for the deliveries.'

'Right...the deliveries. Espresso paid me a visit and we had a chat about it. In the end, we couldn't find anyone fit to replace you.'

'Shit.' He huffs and grabs the cup of milk. It looks small in his grasp. 'How long do I have left?'

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