Those days

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The sunset looked ethereal that day. It was impossible for the boy to take his eyes away. There were no clouds to count this time, only a clear blue mixed with orange and pink that expanded to the beyond and further. Beneath the neverending sky, the ocean was but a mirror that reflected its indisputable beauty. For the boy however, the salty waters looked a lot more magical in that moment, like a portal that could teleport you to another world, far, far away.

'Are you finished with your meal young Ser?' A butler dressed in a white suit asked.

'I am.' The boy handed a piece of cloth to him. 'Take it back to the mansion please.'

'But, young Ser, I can not leave you here alone.'

The boy looked back at the sky. 'I guess not.' He continued to stare in awe for a moment, until his eyes found their way down to the beach. The only way to access it at the time was through the Choco Mud Town, an area below the Créme Republic that lacked in most things, including flashiness. The young Ser was never allowed to go there alone, nor had he ever been there in the first place. That day however, he was prepared to shake off his butler with a little trick.

'We must go back young Ser.' As the butler said that, a loud thud came from behind him. Quickly, he turned and found another young boy on his knees and grunting in pain.

'It hurts!' The kid rolled over, holding onto his legs as if they were going to run away.

When the butler rushed over to ask if he were okay, the boy he was supposed to be watching slipped away. He managed to give the other one a thumbs up for his acting before running off to the Lower Town.

The boy had planned that for a while. He was starved for an adventure and this was exactly what he was looking for. A short trip to the beach, then back. If anything were to happen he also had come up with a few excuses to fit different occasions. For that time however, he was very grateful that his friend from training had helped in fooling his butler.

The exploration had just began when he had realised that the mud he would have to walk on was far too dirty for his bright attire.


He thought to himself and began looking around. Not very far, a stand that sold boots caught his attention. They were bright yellow boots and laughably cheap when compared to his current shoes. He approached the shady man selling them with an innocent smile.

'One pair please.'

The man leaned over the stand and snorted. 'Ya lost kid?'

That was a question he would have to get used to. He stood out way too much to be a townsfolk.

'One pair. Please.' The boy slapped ten gold coins on the table, double the amount of what was needed.

'Heh. Sure.' The man snatched the coins and threw a pair his way. 'Don't get yourself in trouble ey? 'Tis not a place for rich kids.' He said as he put all the gold in his pocket.

'Haha thank you.' The young one crouched down and began changing his shoes. Once he slipped into the boots, he gave the stand owner another smile. 'So, did you split it yet?'


'The change.' The boy tied his other pair of shoes on the side of his pants and leaned on the stand. 'Five golden coins.'

'Well, well. Aren't 'chu a little diplomat?'

'It is not diplomacy. Your sign says five golden coins.'

The man looked around, noticing a few passersby glancing at them. 'Ugh. Well I'll be.' He pulled out five golden coins and laid them in front of the kid. 'Maybe you rich kids do have some sense left. It's not all laughter up there is it?'

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