Zachary Village

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Free will. A concept, or a fact? Why is it that such a question has been brought up? Was it a choice, or fate? The train moves on, its destination known and predetermined; Zachary Village.

A tunnel expects it just ahead, used to the sound of the earth shaking under the tracks. Magic pushes the machine to keep going, an order unshakable. Steam of stardust flies behind it as it cuts through the air like a bullet, forcing trees and grass to bend in its wake.

The tunnel's darkness greets it, mountain swallowing it whole. Then there is light again. Sunrays flood through the thick windows, bringing the bright red colors of the train's seats to life.

'I hope you didn't steal my money.'

'Why would I steal your money? I am already winning.'

Two men bicker by the window. In front of them is a common board game. The first man counts his money, even checking his notes to see if he remembers the amount right. His hand moves to rub the back of his neck.

'You're right. Sorry for doubting you Sparkling.' He grins sheepishly.

'You have already lost. This is our fifth game Herb.' Sparkling leans in, teasingly knocking over a stack of coins Herb had set aside. 'Might be time for you to accept that business is not your forté.'

'Hah! This is... not over yet!'

The other sparkles, much like his name suggests, and sits back with a toothy smirk. 'You will turn the tides then? I should bring in some drinks to-'

'Nope!' Herb says, his cheeks flushing. 'I know your strategies. You want to get me tipsy.' He frowns, always being a lot more expressive and talkative around Sparkling. 'I won't fall for it again.'

Sparkling shakes his head, the smirk having shrunk to a small but determined smile. 'Roll then.' His head nods to the dice, which end up in the palm of the green haired man.


It was time to turn the tides for Herb. His body throbs with vigorous excitement, his nerves tickling him with doses of anxiety. The dice fall on the wooden table, scattering, turning, stopping.

'One. Um, well, technically two. on each dice.' Herb mumbles with disbelief.

'Oh, again?' Sparkling chuckles, a smug smile settling on his sharp features. 'Lucky you.'


The game resumes, reluctantly so from Herb's side. Eventually, victory smiles for the fifth time at Sparkling. Herb swears to never play that game again, but only a few words from his fierce competitor are what it took for him to try his luck, again.

Despite their focused gazes on the game, a squeaky wheel captures their attention. Sparkling lifts his head. A tea trolley. Herb shakes off his curiosity and keeps studying his enemy's strategy.

'Custard?' Sparkling's eyes grow wide. His smile follows the same pattern. 'Are you serving?' His voice has a cautious hint of disbelief. A king, serving tea with a squeaky wagon inside a train? And with a cute cat apron to top it off. The barista has a hard time containing his laughter.

'A good day to you, citizens! And yes, our cherished driver of this train needed an extra pair of hands. The wedding guests have filled up almost every wagon, so he allowed me to oversee the wagon duty.'

Herb turns, almost spitting out his water at the sight of the apron. There is a small kitten made of stars designed on it. However, the most important detail is the crown of stars that sits on its fluffy head. Custard doesn't seem to get why the two are struggling not to laugh. Or that, in this case, he is the joke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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