Lowest of the low

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'Of course not.'

Silence sharper than Madeleine's sword, longer than his silky white hair and ever more suffocating than the love he feels for the Great Divine ensues. What is this? What just happened? The knight can not believe his ears. Did he just get...rejected?

'If you are done stalling my return I shall take my leave.' Espresso turns his head with disinterest.

'No. I...I' Madeleine swallows hard. This whole situation is really making him feel inferior. 'I am not done, Espresso.' He looks into the man's dark eyes, carefully contemplating what his next words should be.

The professor is enjoying seeing him struggling this much. If he were bolder he would laugh at his face and walk away, but as for now a second chance has been given. Just as he thought that this couldn't get any better, the knight drops on his knees and gently takes a hold of Espresso's hand.

'...What?' Espresso's face is crippled with annoyance.

'Please...' This is it. The lowest of the low for the knight in shining armor. His white kneecaps are scraping the dirty floor beneath as he stands lower than a man who has somehow proven to be resistant to his charms. For one to pursue their target they must first get close to it, no matter the cost.

'Please? Please what?' Espresso makes a move to take away his hand but Madeleine squeezes it. He almost squeals at his strength.

'You are far greater than I am, Espresso. Ever since we parted ways at the Soul Jam mission I have been thinking about you and your commendable strength. Once more you have shown me just how independent you can be. I am a knight of the people, for I serve the Divine that watches me.' He lifts his blue gaze at his superior, knowing full well that hearing about the Divine may trigger him. He swallows once more and carefully mouths the rest. 'I want you to help me understand your ways. Please, let me treat you to a coffee. You will not regret it.' His strong grip loosens as he brings Espresso's hand close without breaking eye contact. His lips press against the other's skin, such a light gesture that Espresso barely feels it.

Time seems to slow down until the one standing above pulls the long haired man back up. Madeleine looks startled at first as his face comes very close to the other's.

'I shall see this through then. Make sure to be at Gnome's café on Wednesday, 6am sharp.' Espresso doesn't bother trading off any other words and takes off to his cozy home, leaving Madeleine to his own fuzzy messiness.

As if synchronised, the first time they both laid on their beds was difficult to process. They kept thinking of one another and their conversation. Espresso thought that calling off the meeting now would be pointless. After all, he found the way that the knight submitted himself to be rather cute.

Madeleine on the other hand was unable to get any sleep. His heart kept pounding out of his chest like a wild beast demanding to be let loose. Of course, he could not allow such a thing to happen. For now, he silently hugged his feather stuffed pillow as his mind wondered off to the professor.

This kept repeating until the day finally came for them to meet up. Coincidentally they had both been avoiding each other for the past few days until their meeting. The reason why is unclear to Madeleine, but Espresso had already made a habit out of it so it was hard to break it.

Gnome's café is a fine little place. It is run by Cocoa and Mint Choco, a very cute pair that has recently gotten engaged. They were the talk of the Kingdom for a good while. However, as beautiful as they are together they prefer not to flaunt their successes, hence the small size of the café.

Espresso really appreciates the great sense of style that Mint Choco has. He understands what all the hype is about.

'Oh my goodness! Thank you so much for the donation guys. Teehee, I haven't even started yet.' A voice tuned like a bird in spring pops up around the corner where Espresso is waiting.

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