Unwanted goodbye

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The road was somehow more harsh than before. The uneven terrain had been occupied by some fallen trees this time around. Something large must have passed by which made Espresso and Madeleine retell the story of the Draconis Ephialtes they encountered. They got a lot of excited eyes focused on them for it, which was not as bad as Espresso initially felt it would be. But as enjoyable as the journey back was, nothing prepared them for what would greet their return.

'Vampire, you are under arrest for murder!'

Half the kingdom has gathered around the circle containing the search group, Almond and Vampire. The sharp fanged man doesn't appear shocked. His head dips down as he avoids everyone's gaze.

'What?' Madeleine says with shock. He glances at Gingerbrave and the others. All of them, even Espresso, look as if they know more than they let on.

A girl rushes through the crowd, shouting the murderer's name. Or, more accurately, her brother's name. That is the only moment that Vampire dares to lift his hazy, purple eyes.

'Alchemist...' He utters, hands trembling.

Once she finds herself in the circle, Almond blocks her. 'I explained to you not to interfere Alchemist. This is more serious than any of his drunk incidents.' He looks pissed, but for the first time in a while, so does she.

'I don't care what you may think. My brother can't live the rest of his infinite life in jail. That is far from inhumane!'

'Inhumane? Does the life of an innocent human mean so little to you?' Almond remembers back to the woman's cold corpse on the shore. He grits his teeth. If it wasn't for Strawberry Crepe's technology it would have taken a lot longer for them to identify the killer. He is sure that Alchemist would have gone as far as to hide evidence for her brother's sake.

'That is not what I said. His sentence is too harsh Almond. You should know that.'

Madeleine nudges Espresso, but before the magician can say anything, Vampire shouts; 'I deserve it.'

The two arguing turn to him.

'No you don't brother.' She pushes Almond away and runs to her brother. Soon, she locks him in a tight hug. 'You can't let them torture you like that.'

'Sister.' He kneels down, holding her hands carefully. 'They are right. Look around.'

As she does, she notices all sorts of expressions. People are mostly scared of him. Scared of what he could do to them, or the people that they love if he loses his mind again. Some who are not scared want back the blood that he took. They want to drain it from his veins until he is an empty, hungry vessel of darkness.

'I am not welcome in this world anymore.' Vampire adds. 'So it is best if I am removed from it. I also...' He places his head against her stomach, shaking once again. The only way that he can possible express tears. '...don't want to lose you. You gave me hope. Something to come back to when I was not sure who I was or what I was supposed to be doing. Thanks to you I could tell myself that "my purpose is to take care of her and protect her". But Almond has been right all along. I am dangerous. Not the monster that I became.'

Alchemist hugs his head tightly as she mourns. Her future feels bleak without him. Without his silly antics. His annoying voice. His dumb eyes that can make anyone sleepy just by staring at them.

'I will miss you.' She sobs, refusing to back away as Almond orders her to. 'I know you never meant to do it. I know who you are. You are kind. Only a bit misguided.'

Vampire pulls away and stands up before her. 'Don't be like me. Be better. Well, you already are better than me.' He smiles, obvious sadness in his face. 'Goodbye little sister.'

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