Engulfed by blue

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When the world of dreams is quiet and the nothingness neverending, there is little that can hold the peace back.

Sleep for most is the best escape, a constant state of harmony for all the senses. It is the ultimate abandonment of your duties in the waking world. A simulation of death.

In such a state is Espresso. Between the waking and the dead. He is sleeping soundly, making no noise, huddled at the far right side of the tent. Before that, his thoughts had kept him awake for a while. At first it wasn't easy to enter his currently deep slumber as he kept waking up from nightmares that he can not remember anymore.

But like all good things, it was time for the lingering voice of a knight to slowly, but surely, bring him back to the world of the living.

His friend shakes his shoulder lightly as he bends over to see if the other's eyes open. That they do. Espresso is awake now. Dizzy, but awake. The first thing he sees is Madeleine's face over him, uttering some nonesense about taking over a shift.

What shift?

He thinks to himself, huffs at Madeleine in annoyance then closes his eyes again.

'You must be tired. Do not fret. I will take over for you.'

'Mm, par-' He yawns after covering his mouth. 'Pardon?'

The knight smiles at the sight of his tired friend. It is so adorable he almost chuckles. 'Oh nothing. Keep sleeping.' He makes a move to stand, but he notices his friend doing the same.

After another yawn, Espresso rubs his eyes and runs a hand through his hair while looking for his glasses.

'Here.' Madeleine hands them over, getting a mumbled "thanks" in return.

Right. I have to go watch Vampire.

After remembering what the shift entails, Espresso stares at the exit in regret. He thinks he should have gone earlier for the shift, not now that the sun is close to rising.

'Do not hesitate to let me take over, Espresso.' The knight repeats, smiling as he is subtly enamoured by the imperfect state his tired friend is in. The messy hair and wrinkled clothes are quick to show another different side of Espresso. A more...hidden side. The same applies to Madeleine, although he made sure to brush his hair just moments ago so Espresso wouldn't feel like the hairiest bear in the woods broke into their tent to eat him.

'I will be fine.' The magician makes his way through the tent. He is watched for a while by Madeleine, but as soon as he zips up the tent's entrance, the other flops down on his back with a heavy sigh.

The fire has gone out. Ashes are spread around thanks to the gentle wind. To Espresso's surprise, Vampire is not laying down, he is sat up, staring at the now lifeless wood that was used to feed the campfire. He slowly approaches, then sits down near the seemingly awake man.

'Good. You are awake.'

Vampire does not respond. His lazy eyes continue with their staring. Espresso glances at the spot the other is staring, noticing a very small spark that is fading in and almost out of life. It appears to be clinging onto its very existence.

'Are you in love?'

The vampire's question catches Espresso off guard. It doesn't sound like Vampire is talking to him specifically, but rather to anyone that may be able to respond to his ghastly voice. The magician glances at his tent, remembering the knight's smile in the morning. 'Why did you choose such a personal question?'

Vampire takes his eyes away from the fire. 'I want to know if I am alone.'

Espresso frowns slightly, meeting Vampire's gaze. To ensure that all goes well, he should try to play along. 'Then, yes. I am in love.' It rolls off his tongue so easily, it could fool even him into thinking it is true.

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