Their concord

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Rows and rows of endless stars collectively bring life to the empty black sky. A stale smell drifts in the air, something is creepy about it to the people of Kingdom X. Tonight feels unusually quiet.

A small owl takes flight, startled by the sudden surge of a hundred bats flying in a syncronised motion over its nest. The bat colony rushes forward, ignorant of its surroundings while it raises the suspicion of citizens trying to sleep. One bat may be quiet enough to pass unnoticed, but all of them together make for a loud bunch.

They head for the triangular rooftop of a stone house located right next to a construction site. The area is barely visited by any citizens as it tends to be rather loud during the day. At night, rumours are what keep most people out of the way.

It happens only for a brief moment when the stars appear to shine brighter than before. It is a futile attempt on their part to reveal the true form of the bat colony. Once close enough to the roof, the bats unite closer and closer, frantically bumping into each other until their flesh combusts in black flames and begins merging into a giant black cloud. First come the legs, then the torso, until the figure's head seemingly pops through the smoke. Where once was a colony of bats there is now a tall man with red hair and a wrinkled outfit.

His eyes blink slowly as he is still getting used to perceiving the world as a human. In his bat form he relies mostly on echolocation to find where he is going. Only a vampire could ever get used to switching from their regular human senses to the highly sensitive hearing of bats. It still feels weird even after years of doing it, mainly because he is never this sober when it happens.

With one hand stretched out, he crouches on the slated roof. The stale smell had turned horrid as soon as he got up here, but it doesn't bother him one bit. He gulps, touching the face of the cold body laid before him.

The person was a traveler. One he knew for a short time. He had brought her down there at the construction site about three days ago, hungry, demanding to have her body like an animal. She had no idea what his words truly meant that day. That by asking her to take off her clothes that drunk vampire was not asking for some late night fun together, but to toy with his warm fleshed prey.

'Sorry. I couldn't resist. Wine can only help me so much.' His pointer finger grows a long sharp nail almost instantly and he begins running it down her bloody cheek. It is a slow and excruciating movement that continues until he reaches her throat.

His finger stops at the previous bite marks, at least six pairs of them on the same spot. Her neck is full of bruises and her body is still naked to the core, only her torn clothes that he later threw on her are covering her chest and loins.

His purple eyes lazily look up. A star is flickering. It reminds him of those panicked police officers at another Kingdom. Their flashlights kept flickering on Vampire's body. It was full of bullet holes, but no blood. At least, none of it was ever his.

Fascinated by that memory, he smiles. 'What's the meaning of life?' He glances down at the body once more. 'Aren't we all just meant to go with the flow? Follow our insticts and all that stuff. I think I like doing that. I liked doing that with you.' He lays flat on the roof, holding his victim's hand. 'Let's ponder together. I mean, damn, I can't seem to catch that answer at all. Are we supposed to give life a meaning?' He gives the hand a firm squeeze. The silence only grows louder after his sharp ears hear a finger crack under his thumb. 'Ouch. That must've hurt.' He chuckles uncomfortably and turns his head to her. 'Have I given your life a meaning? Or have I stripped you from your right to find it yourself?'

The sober man sighs, sitting up from the spot. Some red hair are pulled by a nail on the roof and fall behind. 'My sister will be mad. Well, unless nobody finds you. I mean, how far is your home anyways?' His expression is empty. He knows too well that he will never know unless a large investigation happens. Nowadays it would be difficult for that to occur since everyone is so busy with keeping an eye on surviving war criminals such as Pomegranate. Even without those circumstances however, the Kingdom would still have to maintain its peaceful reputation and keep those crimes quiet.

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