White and wed

565 17 305

One last time.

White feathers scatter in the air. Wind carries them ahead and above the wooden railing. The soft breeze carves a path for them, and just below it is a river. Its flow is so lazy that one might mistake it for stillness. The white feathers' reflections contrast the seemingly green river and its colorful residents. Not too far above the surface, large branches weighed down by their numerous red blossoms cast their shadows on the river.

Crystal blue eyes take in the warm atmosphere around them. A small feather lands on the riverbed. Its arrival, though barely resulting in a single ripple, does not go unnoticed by the most keen hunters. A yellow fish quickly inspects it with a nibble. The eyes from above watch with curiosity as the feather is carried away by the current. More mouths come to take a bite, yet none stay for more. After it disappears into the distance, the man with the blue eyes sighs.

Oh, to be as weightless as a dove's white plumage. To have one and only purpose; the success of flight and the flaunt of beauty. A good life, that would be, even though it lacks in flashiness.

The man's long, cream colored hair hangs from the railing. His unparalleled beauty, fits perfectly alongside Spring's last standing vigorous blooms. Fighting for their place in this world, Summer plants and flowers are now ready to take over and show off their own charms. Regardless, Spring will always be the man's favourite between the four seasons.

That is why he chooses to hang around this bridge. Flowers always seem to be thriving around the river here. It never failed to calm him down during the rare times when he felt upset. Although, this time is an exception.

Will he come?

The question is simple but undoubtedly important for his sensitive heart.

Along the side of his white pants, the seal of The Créme Republic is sewn. One of his hands reaches down to his pocket to feel a carefully hidden envelope.

There are many things the commander can not be sure of, both in battle and in his personal life. No matter what it is, he has to make sure that he remains hopeful. Without hope, his purpose given to him with the blessing of the Celestial Light would come to be fruitless.

He knows that, yet he can not deny the emotions that he feels anymore. He can not deny the fact that he is pushing himself further and further towards the edge of a cliff, towards a choice that he is not yet ready to even come face to face with; Stay in the light or follow the sweet scent of coffee, towards a dark path of cluelessness, without a sealed purpose or warm rays to guide him across life.

One last time...

He lifts his hand out of a big paper bag and throws a handful of seeds onto the bridge. White doves come crashing hastily to the delightful opportunity for a feast. A small sparrow arrives as well, swiftly swooping in and grabbing a couple of seeds for itself. The doves peck at it, but it dodges them and tricks some of them away from the main area where the seeds were dropped. It quickly flies back and eats some more.

The knight smiles, throwing the rest of the seeds in the water. He remembers last time that he was here with his friend. They did not have enough crumbs for the birds and the colorful fish. This time around, he got plenty for all of them and even a second paper bag. Now, he just needs to see if the one meant to acquire it will show up after all.

When I arrived at his place earlier this morning, he did not respond to my knocking. He was not in his laboratory either. I am certain that he fell asleep. Ha, at last!

Just the thought of his beloved friend getting his well-deserved rest makes him happier. He holds onto that joy for as long as he needs to, until finally, a voice calls out to him.

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