Chapter Sixteen: No Matter How You Slice It

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A/N: If this Chapter can get 5 Votes, I'll publish the next Chapter immediately.

Aaron POV

All of us are outside in the forest. We put our stuff on the back of the truck. Me, and Koda went up to Riley, who was seeing if his phone has some messages. "I sense something wrong." Koda said. "Yeah, you don't look happy?" I said. Riley sighed. "I was just hoping my mom would have called, she's never forgotten my birthday before." Riley said. "Oh, today is your birthday." Koda said. "How exciting." I said.

Riley shushed us. "It's okay, if they don't remember." Riley said. Me, and Koda gave him a look. "They have much bigger thing on their minds, and it's fine." Riley said. "Koda, Riley, Aaron, time for some fun! Kiwi style!" Chase said holding a cupboard above his head. Tyler, and Ivan cheered with Chase.

"Okay, I not tell anyone." Koda said. "Me too." I said. We began walking back to the truck. "No worry, I think your family will remember." Koda said. "Yeah, there's no way your family will forget about you." I said. Riley just nodded his head.


We all got to a hill. "I expected something less vertical." Ivan said. "Woo, very nice. Just like I hoped." Chase said. Chase starts to hand all of us, a board each. "That's one big sand dune." Riley said. "Perhaps a bit too big no? Anyone, too big?" Ivan said. "Come on, it will be a blast!" Tyler said, as he patted Ivan's back.

All of us begin sliding. "Try, and keep up boys!" Shelby said. All of us started cheering, and laughing. Some of us fell down from our boards. We got to the bottom. "Guys, that was awesome!" Tyler said. "That wasn't scary at all!" Chase said. "You screamed like baby pig." Koda said to Ivan. "What do you think?" Tyler asked, as he helped Riley up. "That was pretty fun, I guess." Riley said. "It was pretty cool." I said. "I hope you got that on video." Chase said. "My phone, it must have slipped out of my hand." Shelby said.

"Over here, maybe." Shelby said. "Let's help the lady look." Ivan said. All of us begin searching for Shelby's phone. "Your phone, not behind truck." Koda said. Me, Koda, and Riley were behind the truck, looking for Shelby's phone.

"You're better without a phone, you waste too much time on that thing!" Chase said. "You, Sir Chase, are the master of wasting time!" Ivan said. "I have better things to do, I'm outta here!" Tyler said. "Grand idea!" Ivan said. "Hey, what about my phone!" Shelby said. Tyler, and the others begin pushing each other. "You lied, you find it!" Tyler said. "Thanks a lot. Yeah, and you guys are no help either!" Shelby said, as she left.

"But we're looking hard." Koda said. "What's wrong with them?" I asked. Koda looked behind me, and Riley, and saw a monster.

"Look out!" Koda said, as he kicked the monster.

"Oh, you spotted me! Better snip that in the butt!" Shearfear said.

We dodged his attacks, and begin fighting him.

"Chase!" I called.

"Help us!" Riley said.

"You deal with it, not my problem. See ya." Chase said, as he left.

"Someone owes me a new phone. I'm outta here!" Shelby said.

We turned back to look at Koda, still fighting Shearfear.

"Four down, three to go! When I'm done, you won't have a friend on the world! Vivix!" Shearfear said.

"We destroy you, ourselves!" Koda said.

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