IRL - The Power of The Rings

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(This is sorta based in the red carpet pictures and video from 2015 with tom hiddleston and david tennant where tom wins the best revival award and david won best actor award but it takes place in late 2020 and it only at the beginning, also this takes place after 'the emergency visit to equestria' so read that first before reading this)

it was a nice late afternoon and tom with emily were going to a red carpet event for the what's that stage awards as he was nominated for a stage play he did early this year, sebastian wasn't going because he has to his new script and he sadly wasn't invited which made emily sad, tom had just come downstairs and he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath and a ramdom tie he found which was a plain dark blue tie
"so, are we ready to go?" tom asks emily who was standing on the sofa next to sebastian who was sitting reading his script
"reah!" emily replies happily and she bobbles excitedly
sebastian who was wearing a plain black shirt, jogging bottoms as they were comfy to wear and blue socks looks at emily with the corner of his eye and smiles at emily bring adorable, he then looks at tom to see how handsome he looked and when he sees the tie tom is wearing, he chuckled and both tom and emily looks at him curiously
"i think that's one of my ties you're wearing" sebastian says smiling and tom looks at his tie then smiles
"well, if it is, at least i have something i'm wearing that reminds me of you" tom says sounding flirty as he goes over to sebastian
"don't you mean 2 things?" sebastian says also looking flirty and holds up tom's left hand with his ring on his ring finger and uses his thumb to play with the ring as he he moves it left and right
"oh yes! 2 things, how could i forget?" tom says and he chuckles making sebastian smile
"i don't know, must of been thinking about this red carpet event to much" sebastian says and tom smiles cutely with a little blush "you look very handsome by the way" he adds and tom blushes more
tom then grabs sebastian's face and they have a loving kiss, after they pull away they both look at emily and she was lying on her back looking dead
"emily?" tom says and emily reaches her right paw up
"i ded!" emily says dramatically "your cuteness gave me da diobeetees and i ded now!" she adds and both tom and sebastian chuckle (also, i know it spelt diabetes but i'm spelling it it diobeetees for fun)
tom then goes to emily and picks her up while she is still acting dead, she then recovers and tom gives her a smirk
"if you are done playing dead, we need to go to a red carpet event" tom says and emily giggles
"alright...tummy!" emily says and then acts dramatic making her giggle again "we're going now, bye!" she says to sebastian and she waves at him
sebastian waves back and then emily and tom teleports with emits magic to the red carpet, when they reappear they were on the carpet and everyone cheers when they see them, emily stayed by tom as he was signing autographs but then she spot someone she hadn't seen since the galaxy con panel in 2019
"*gasp* friend!" emily says when she spots david and she zooms over to him
david was signing autographs when he hears a familiar voice, he didn't time to react when he was tackled by emily and he stumbles a little
"oof! hi emily!" david says as emily looks at him wagging her tail like a dog
"hewwo!"emily replies happily and david rubs her on her head "what doing here?" she asks curiously
"i'm here as i've been nominated for a award" david replies then he get confused "what are you doing here?" he asks and emily smiles as she flies away from david to go to his eye level
"i'm here with dad, he's been nominated for an award too" emily replies and she points to tom with her right paw
as she does, david looks at tom who was still signing autographs and then he notices emily bracelet on her left paw
"what's that?" david says as emily turns to him and emily looks confused
"what's what?" emily replies as she looks around confused
"that bracelet on your left paw" david says and emily looks at her left paw
"oh! dis!" emily says pointing to her bracelet and david shouts 'yes!' while being jokingly annoyed "dis...dis is a p-present i got from...ben, yes!" emily says lying and hoping david buys it
"aww! that's cute" david says and emily mentally sighs in relief thst david bought her lie
"reah! it is" emily says happily while wagging her tail again "so, what award you up for?" she asks curiously with her right paw in her mouth
"i'm here for the best actor award" david says and looks proud making emily giggle
"very noice" emily says happily "i tink dad's up for the best revival award" she says thinking if she says that correctly
"that's great. i hope he wins" david says and emily nods happily
"me too! me too!" emily says happily and david smiles at emily "vell, got to go, see ya later" she says and she flies off back to tom
emily spend the remainder hour with tom on the red carpet then it was time to go into the theatre to start the awards, the award show went well and david got the award for best actor which he was happy about it, he did his speech and when he went to the thanking, he thanked emily and she blushes and waves her paw shyly when the camera points to her which made everyone go 'aww!', then tom got his best revival award and he walks onto the stage to get his award while emily follows him by stayed on the stairs, meanwhile back at home and sebastian was still reading the script, as he was reading his lines in the script, he bumps into a line that make him chuckle
"this looks like something tom would say" sebastian says to himself and grins as he was thinking of tom
as sebastian chuckles, his ring sparkles and he doesn't notice as he goes back to reading the script, back with tom and he was just finishing his speech and he was now trying to thank, he head first thought of sebastian and when it did, he ring sparkles and he then begins to chuckle, emily runs over to the mic on the pedestal and she stands in front of it
"as you can see, dad is really happy to have his award" emily says jokingly and it make everyone laugh
tom them recovers and he thanks emily first which made her blush again while waving her paw, when he was done, everyone claps and tom walks off stage while emily flies next to him
"what was that about?" emily whisper asks curiously as they walk to their chair
"i don't know, i just thought of sebastian and then i started laughing" tom replies and emily thinks as they sit down
the show carried on and people got their awards for various things and when the award show was over, the award winners went to their pictures taken, before tom and david had their pictures taken, they had to do a video for youtube thanking the fans for voting them, it was david first and he smiles when the person recording says action
"hello everyone, i just like to think you all for voting for me and helping me get this award" david says happily as as he spoke emily came onto the camera and the camera slowly pans to her
"what doing?" emily asks as she looks at the camera then at her friend
"i'm thanking the people for voting for me as best actor" david replies and emily giggles
"but how do you know it was dem? it might of been meb voting for you multiple tims cuz i love you" emily says mischievously and snickers
david laughs and it made emily giggle-laugh and when the pair calm down, david smiles at emily
"oh, emily" david says happily while chuckling knowing emily well and emily smiles at him with her tongue sticking out
the recording stops and emily flies to tom as he was calling her, it then was tom's turn to have a recording and he did have a lady emily didn't know but tom did so emily didn't care about her much, it also seems that the lady was letting tom talk and tom was happy to do it so when the cameraman says action, tom spoke with a smile on his face
"hi everyone, i just want to thank everyone that voted for me, uhh-" tom says but then he stops himself as emily was slowly covering the camera lens with her face being curious
as she covered the entire lens with her face, she softly smells the camera and she giggles when tom kindly tells her to move, she does and she goes next to tom who pets her on the head with his left hand
"anyway, it's a honour to have this award and i thank you all for voting me" tom says happily and then the camera stops recording
tom and emily then go off and it was time to have pictures, emily stayed out the way as she doesn't like 'the shouty people' while tom and david have their picture taken by the paparazzi, emily grins tiredly as she sees her dad and her friend having a picture together and she thought it was cool, tom was having his picture taken and he then glances over at emily who had spaced out a little with her tongue sticking out, he is then reminded in his mind that everytime sebastian is thinking or he is distracted, he open his mouth a little and he's been doing it since he was a baby
'like father, like daughter' tom thought with a smile on his face
as he was thinking of sebastian, his ring on his left hand which was behind david sparkles and then some of the cameras from the right of emily starts flying up with a green aura around them, emily snaps out of her thought as she sees the cameras fly up from the corner of her eye and her ears droop down a little in worry and confusion
"" emily says turning to tom and david who were still getting their pictures taken
"not now, emily" tom says still looking ahead at the camera
"dad!" emily says rising her worry in her voice as she quickly pans from the flying cameras to tom
"what is it, sweetheart-" tim says finally looking at emily then he notices the flying cameras
"ruck!" emily says as the camera start flying toward tom and david
the pair duck and the camera miss them as they fly above where they were standing
the camera diving makes the paparazzi run away in fear as they don't want to be hit and david looks at emily who was watching the flying cameras with her mouth slightly open
"emily! what's going on?!" david asks sounding confused and worried
"i don't know, it's not me!" emily replies going near david as she watches the camera turn around for another dive
emily watches as the camera took a dive like fighter jets and she then notice the green aura around the cameras, she then looks at tom and sees that the ring in his left ring finger was glowing green
"dad!" emily says like she was shouting and tom looks at her
"what?" tom replies looking worried and a little scared
"take off your ring! it vhat's causing da camera to fly about" emily says pointing to tom's left hand
tom looks at his ring and he didn't like he had to take it off
"but-" tom says and emily droops her ears sadly
"i know but it's da only way to stop the flying cameras, give da ring to me, trust me" emily says and tom looks at emily as she holds her paw out for the ring before nodding
tom then takes off his ring and he throws it to emily, emily catches it in her mouth and she manages to catch the cameras with her magic before they crashed to the floor breaking then, she then floats them back to their owners and they grabbed the camera which was theirs, after that was done emily looks at tom and tom was really confused what happened
"we'll talk about it when we get home" emily says simply and tom nods to understand
the paparazzi recover and carried on taking pictures like nothing happed but it was still on peoples minds, when the pictures were over  it was finally time for everyone to go home as it was late and emily teleported herself and tom back home, when they appear in the living room of their home, they see sebastian had been waiting for them and he was happy to see them but his eyes looked tired from reading
"welcome back, i see you've don a award" sebastian says happily as he sees the award in tom's hand
"yeah, best revival award" tom replies a little tired as he looks at the award then at sebastian
tom then puts his award with his other award in the dining room cabinet and he then sits down on the sofa to rest, as he sits down emily was telling sebastian what happened with tom's ring which she was still holding and then she points to sebastian's ring
"i need to borrow your ring to see how the magic works" emily says pointing to sebastian's ring on his left ring finger
"alright" sebastian replies with no hesitation and he hands emily his ring
"ok, i'll give them back in the morning" emily says with a smile and she flies off to her room
tom and sebastian watch her go and then when she was gone, they spend the rest of the night together being a domestic married couple, meanwhile in emily's room and she was investigating the rings, she looked at both of them and sees they were still the same in being good with both tom and sebastian's cutie mark on the front with a green or gray gem above the cities mark and written inside the ring, it said 'tom and sebastian', she sighs and starts to think on what to do as she looks at her flower bracelet, the bracelet seem to tell her what to do as she looks up at the diamond box on her draws and she lights up as she realises what to do, she flies over to the box, picks it up and takes it back to her bed where she places it in front of her, she then puts the rings in the ring locks and turns then anti-clockwise, as she does the box opens up at the top and projects a light onto the ceiling, emily looks up and it shows a movie on the ceiling.
the movie explains what the rings do and it first shows 2 people being in love, then it show the rings powers seem to be the couple get a connected mind and emotions, they can still use their magic when they think of each other and some other things too which only lovers can witness, when the projection was done, it goes away and emily takes the rings out of the diamond box
"vell...that was easy and interestin'," emily says happily then she yawns exhausted "sleepy tim!" she says and she falls over
she then drops off to sleep with both rings in her paws with sebastian's on her left paw and tom's on her right, she slept all though the night into the next morning and when it was the next morning, emily woke up still feeling tired and she then sees the rings in her paws making her remember what happened last night, she flies out of her room and she goes downstairs where she finds tom chilling with his pyjamas on.
"hi sweetheart, did you find out anything about the rings?" tom says then asks and emily nods happily
"reah but i'll wait for seddy to come down so i can tell you both" emily replies and tom nods with a smile
they waited for a bit but then sebastian gets up and when he grabs his breakfast he sits down next to tom and emily explains what she found out
"so, it seems da rings are connected by love, obviously and i've found out that that the rings can do different tings, like example, if one person is upset, one of da ring will tell the other ring da their partner is upset and da other wearer will feel upset too" emily explains the best she can and luckily both tom and sebastian understand "also it will make magic happen like what happened with da cameras yesterday, so if you two master da magician da rings, you'll be able to do what i can do" she adds and both tom and sebastian light up when they realise they can technically do magic
"so these rings are connected by our love and when we think of each other, it can do magic?" sebastian says thinking it and emily nods
"yep, and it also does dis type of magic dat only lovers can experience so it's somethin' you two have to witness on your own as i dunno what it means" emily explains and both tom and sebastian nod to understand
emily hand tim and sebastian their rings back and they put them back on, they then have their breakfast and as they do, tom and sebastian decide to try their new magic abilities out, tom tries first by getting the remote to the tv to him so he thought about the remote then he thought about sebastian and then the remote floats with a green aura like his unicorn magic, the remote floats near him and when he grabs it he grins on successfully getting the remote to him
"i did it!" tom says happily and sebastian smiles at him
"good job, dear!" "dats great, dad!" sebastian and emily say at the same time happy for tom then sebastian kisses tim on the cheek making tom blush
"ok, seddy, now your turn but i tink since in the equestria world, you are a pegasus, i tink you have the ability to fly" emily says then explains and sebastian smiles with his mouth open
he then tries it out happily and his ring makes wings appear in his back which looked like his pegasus wings, he then thinks of tom and as he dies he starts to fly up from the sofa and he was grinning happily
"i'm flying! i'm flying!" sebastian says happily and emily giggles while tom smiles lovingly
"you are, seddy! you fly!" emily replies flying to his level and sebastian hugs emily making her giggle more
emily, sebastian and tom spend the rest of the day learning the magic the rings can do with lunch and dinner breaks and by the time it was bedtime, tom and sebastian had mastered their rings power, the trio were now sitting down cuddling together when tom lift his head up from leaning on sebastian as he realised something
"i just realised, now i have this ring's power, i can act more like loki" tom says happily as he realises
"oh reah!, you can" emily says as she realises too
"...what can do with my wings?" sebastian asks not sure what he could do with his new wings
" could hang up the christmas decorations without a ladder" emily says as she thinks about it "you also can fly to places without transport and you can do cool stunts like i do" she adds still thinking and sebastian smiles as he thinks about it
"that's some good ideas, i'll try them when i can" sebastian says and emily smiles at him before yawning
"vell, i tink it's sleepy tim" emily says and both tom and sebastian yawn at the same time
the trio then go to bed and when tom and sebastian get into their bed, they have a kiss and their rings sparkle on their ring finger, they then go to sleep happily and the rings still sparkle when the pair have dreams about each other.
The End

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