IRL - The Flower Gem

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(Beginning and ending is based on the 2019 marvel phase 4 san diago comic con then it's my own fanfic idea, hope you enjoy)

Today was the san diago comic con and it was the day to announce what is coming to the marvel universe in phase 4, emily was there with tom to announce the loki tv series but she was happy that sebastian was there too, he was there to announce the falcon and winter soldier series with anthony and everything went as planned...till near the end, it was time for everyone to come out and see the fans before they watch something on the screen, everyone came out and emily came out with tom and sebastian, the pair was standing together and saying to fans while emily flew up a bit as she gets agoraphobia, as she was flying around, looking at the people and at tom and sebastian, she smiles at the pair with her tongue sticking out and then her senses went off like a warning light, her snoot and under the eyes gained a dark pink blush and her ears drooped
"somethin' wrong" emily mumbles but tom and sebastian heard her
they look up at her and was about to ask what's wrong as they could see her pink blush too when a portal appears right above of her, people gasp and step away from the stage while emily was trying to fly away but it was like being sucked up by a vacuum, emily tries to fly to avoid the portal but it was just too strong as she stayed in place
"emily!" both tom and sebastian say at the same time and try to grab her
"" emily says as she tries hard to reach them
emily couldn't though and she was sucked fully into the portal and then both sebastian and tom were sucked in too, the portal then closes and everyone on the stage and in the audience was left shocked, lost and confused, the trio were falling through the portal for what felt like forever and then they thud to the ground as they had landed.
emily was the first to open her eye and when she stands up she felt different, she didn't feel like she was a cat and she was right as she looked at her 'paw' and it was a hoof
"wha-? vhat?!" emily says confused and she looks around herself "i'm...i'm a pony!" she says realising what she was and was shocked
she was a red alicorn filly pony but she still had her red and white coat colour, her eyes were a mixture of 3 different colours of blue, she had a light red mane that ended half way down her neck like short hair, her wings were still a mixture of light and dark red but the wings were smaller, her tail was a light colour light her mane but it still had the white tip at the end and her cutie mark was a paw print with different things in each pad of the paw, there was a lightning bolt in the big pad then there was a music note, a pencil, a magic symbol and a video game controller in each little paw pad. (link to the my pony drawing here
"does dis mean i'm in the mlp universe?" emily asks herself as she looks around as she notice she was in a big field with a cartoony art style (mlp gen 4 art style also this is taking place between the series 7 final and the mlp movie)
she then notice 2 male ponies in front of her and she instantly recognises them as tom and sebastian, tom was a light gray unicorn pony with his curly brunette hair now a mane that ends half way down his neck, he still had his beard, his tail was a curly brunette colour with the tail being half the length of emily's tail and his cutie mark was a tea cup and saucer with a star in the middle of the tea cup.
sebastian was a dark gray almost black pegasus pony with his mane being brown, short and like tom's with it ended half way down his neck, he still had his 5 'o clock shadow beard, his wings were a mixture of gray and light gray, his tail was the same length as tom's but not as curly and his cutie mark was a red star with a teddy bear in the middle.
the pair then open their eyes and tom's eyes were a light blue but mix with other bright blue colours and sebastian's was a mild blue but also mixed with other blue colours, emily also notice that tom was a little bit taller then sebastian as the pair stand up and look around
"where are we?" tom asked after standing up
"dad! seddy! i see you're awake" emily says happily seeing her parents awake
"emily, what happened?" sebastian asks as he looks at her "and what are you a small horse?" he asks after realising what she is
"i'm not da only one who is a small horse" emily replies and points to tom and sebastian
the pair was confused but when they look at each other they were both suprised, they then look at their hoofs and around their new pony bodies super confused
"you're both ponies now and dat's not all" emily says happily and she flutters over to tom "dad, you're a unicorn, that means you can use magic and seddy, you're a pegasus, that means you can fly" she says as she points to tom's horn on his forehead and then points to sebastian's wings on his back
tom looks up at his horn on his head and sebastian looks at his wings from the side of his body, the pair then looked at each other and then look back at emily
"i can teach you how to use dem since you 2 so confused on how dey work" emily says happily then she looks at her mouth "i'm so not use to talkin' with a mouth" she says to herself and smacks her lips making a popping noise
so tom and sebastian get to work and for 40 minutes (20 with tom and 20 with sebastian) emily helped the pair with emily helping tom knowing how to use his magic and help sebastian how to fly, tom mastered his magic as he was connecting his magic with loki's and that helped him master the magic, it also sees that tom's magic aura was green and not blue like his eye colour, meanwhile sebastian was having fun while flying around after knowing how to flap his wings and too take off
"yay! you two have mastere your pony bodies" emily says happily as tom walks over to her and sebastian softly lands next to tom
"couldn't of done it without you, darling" tom says happily and then he snuggles emily
emily snuggles back and then her and sebastian have a snuggle after he had her snuggle with tom, after the snuggles emily steps back and smiles
"have you 2 notice your cutie marks?" emily asks and points to her right leg
tom and sebastian look at their legs and see their cutie mark
"what are they there?" sebastian asks confused
"they're there because it's to show you and other ponies what your purpose is" emily says and shows her cutie mark "look at mine, mine tells me i'm a cat that's the goddess of electricity, i like to sing, play games and draw and i'm a expert magic user" she explains while pointing at each part of her cutie mark "dad, yours is telling you that you are a british actor" she says as she flutters over and points to tom's cutie mark "and seddy, yours is telling you that you are a actor but you have the personality of a teddy bear, aww!" she says as she points to sebastian's cutie mark
"why is it a teddy bear?" sebastian asks confused as he was looking at his mark
"i think it's cuz you are a teddy bear when peeps get to know you, very cuddly, look lost all the time, need comfort from the peeps you like and i guess a dog, a cat and a lion equal a teddy bear so...your a teddy bear" emily explains and then she smiles at sebastian before landing in front of him and tom "also i think the star means you're a actor and you play bucky" she adds and looks at tom
"so i'll ask again what i asked earlier as we got distracted, where are we?" tom asks looking serious and confused
"we are in the my little pony universe" emily replies and hold her hoof up "i don't know why we are here but i think it's important cuz if it wasn't, we wouldn't have that portal open up above me and suck us up into it" she adds looking serious then a little confused
sebastian and tom do a 'that's true' shrug and then emily points to a road at the bottom of the field where there was a path
"anyway, shall we follow that path and see where it goes?" emily says as the pair look at the path too when emily points at it
they look back at emily and nods to agree, they then set off and start walking down the path but what they didn't know is that someone was watching them walk down and they gasp happily
"mommy! mommy!" a little filly says to her mother
the filly was a light purple earth pony that had long blond hair that was braided over the ears and at the back of the mane, her blond tail was also braided with a hair band at the bottom, she also had a pink bow hair band in her hair, she had highlight green eyes and her cutie mark was a rose with bat wings.
"what is it, dear?" the mom pony replies as she walks over to her daughter
the mom pony was a crayola indigo earth pony with long black hair with a gray streak going down the middle, wearing a blue dress with a turtleneck, clear glitter shoes, her tail was like her hair which is black with a gray streak going done the middle, her eyes were a very deep purple and her cutie mark was a diamond with dark wings coming off of it.
"look at these colts i have found!" the filly says and points to her cauldron with the picture of emily fluttering ahead of tom and sebastian who were walking
"let's see..." the mom says and puts on these fancy looking glasses (they look like the sunglasses anthony wore during the winter soldier interview with that italian guy)
she looks at the pair and then takes her glasses off with a judgmental face, she then looks at the filly who was looking at her curiously
"hmm...yes, they both look quite fitting for a good husband" the mom says and then smiles evily "we take them both and let your older sister decide" she adds and the filly claps her hoofs happily
"good idea, mother" the filly says happily but the mom shushes her
"calm down, rosewing" the mom says harshly "ladies!" she shouts and then 2 mares trot in
one of them was a light honey yellow pony that was half earth pony and half crystal pony, she had long ginger hair that was slightly curly and her tail was the same, she had a sparkly glow to her and crystal specks in her eyes due to her crystal pony side, her eye colour was a mix of blue and green and her cutie mark was a honey dipper with honey leaking off of it.
meanwhile the other pony was a big (like the size of bulk biceps big) mint green earth pony with medium creamy pink hair, mane and tail, she had a durpy looking face with steel gray eyes and her cutie mark was a evil ghost with horn holding a screw.
"alright ladies, we think we have found a future husband for ghostella" the mom says and the big pony now known as ghostella jumps happily making earthquakes and making thr other jump
"mother, why are we doing this? can't ghostella chose her own husband?" the honey yellow pony says and the mom stares at her judgingly
"no honeybuns! it's important that it's a arranged marriage because then ghostella won't be able to harvest the pony magic and that's means she won't get stronger" the mom explains angrily "now shut up!" she says and points to the honey pony now known as honeybuns
"sorry, mother rotten-diamond" honeybuns says apologeticly
the mom now known as rotten-diamond just huffs and she looks back at the cauldron
"ok here is the plan" mother rotten-diamond says and she told the ladies her evil plan
honeybuns was not happy with this plan at all but both ghostella and rosewing loved the idea as they were both smiling...well honeybuns thinks ghostella was was hard to tell.
"great idea, mother" rosewing says happily
ghostella just nods aggressively and rotten-diamond just grins evily
"good, let's get ready, ladies" rotten-diamond says and she walks out the room with rosewing behind her and then ghostella follows
honeybuns was now in the room alone and she sighs sadly, she hated this place and she wishes she could escape like what rapunzal did in the rapunzal story her mother use to tell her, honeybuns wasn't even rotten-diamonds' daughter and she was 'adopted' into the family after she got separated from her parents after a giant wasp attack.
when honeybuns was a 2 year old filly, her and her parents (mum being the crystal pony and dad is the earth pony) lived on a honey farm and her father was the one that collect honey from the bees and they were getting a lot of bits for selling their honey then one day a giant wasp came and attacked the farm, honeybuns went after the wasp after it knocked her father out and dispite her mother's wishes of her going after it, she did anyway and she stabbed the wasp in the butt by the stinger and she was then picked up by the wasp after flinching in pain, the wasp then chucks honeybuns away like she was a sack of clothes, she landed in front of the tower that she lives in now and rotten-diamond took her in after her husband (that is also the father to ghostella and rosewing) tell her not to use her for ghostella's lunch.
that was 12 years ago now, the colt that saved her has his pony magic and soul eaten by ghostella after she went on a food rampage when honeybuns was 8, she was never loved by the family except for rotten-diamond's husband named golden flask, he was a light brown earth pony with a short dark gray hair, mane and tail, he had light gray spots all over his flank, snout and hoofs and his cutie mark was a flask with gold liquid inside, golden flask (who honeybuns called step-dad) was a scientist pony and he love to make potions, he even made potions with honeybuns from time to time and they always had a laugh about it when it went wrong or get excited when it went right.
honeybuns loved him and was super confused on how he ended up marrying a lady like rotten-diamond but then he told her that rotten-diamond was so different in the past and her name was origanlly diamond wings, her cutie mark was different too being a diamond with angle wings but then she was exposed to a bad potion that golden flask's friend made and it turned her personality to bad and the wings on her cutie mark changed to evil wings from the angle wings, since rotten-diamond was evil, abusive, and the only people she loved was her daughter ghostella, rosewing came second and honeybuns was left to defend for herself making her alone and sad.
she sighs as she walks over to the couldren slowly, she wishes she had friends, her family back and to feel what she felt when she was with her step-dad, she sat by the couldren sulking and then she hears voices
"this a long path" the voice says and honeybuns looks in to see it was still on tom, sebastian and emily
"i know dad but we have to be by a town soon and then we can figure out why we are here in the first place" emily replies and honeybuns looked confused
'didn't mother and rosewing not see the red and white filly?' honeybuns thought confused and she kept watching
"i'm pretty sure that you'll be able to figure it out, you are as smart at him" sebastian says and point at tom
"aww, seddy, you are smart too, didn't you solve that escape room with anthony-banthony, cucumber and shari-letitia mostly on your own" emily replies and sebastian smiles remembering the event
"oh yeah, i did, didn't i?" sebastian says and began to look shy as he rubs his left arm on his right arm
"i remember emily showing me that video and you were very good in that escape room" tom says smiling at sebastian "there was that other time when we were doing interviews together and...the interviewer asked us who would would be the one person in the marvel universe we would save and you chose the smart option of doctor strange with the time stone and...that was just so smart" he explains happily and this made sebastian blush while looking down
"th-thanks tom" sebastian says looking up still having a blush and he smiles at tom
tom smiles back and emily who was watching quietly giggles a little
'aww, my parents are being cute again!' emily thought while smiling with her tongue sticking out
they carry on walking while emily flew and back with honeybuns she was a little shocked
"they're a family?" honeybuns asks quietly to herself "aww" she says after finding the conversation quite cute
she then realises that a. her 'mother' and her 'sisters' are going after a family which is a little girl with her 2 dads and b. the filly was a alicorn and honeybuns knows not to ever mess with a alicorn, she needed to get out and tell emily, tom and sebastian about her 'mother's' plan so she ran to her room after turning the video feed off in the couldren and shut the door, she then grabs what she needs and she plans her escape.
meanwhile with tom, sebastian and emily and it was starting to get dark after hours of walking, they had started in a field and now they were by a forest with a crop field next to it
"should we settle down for the night?" sebastian asks and tom nods
"no! we can keep going!" emily says stubbornly but then she yawns "...ok, i think it's time for sleepy time" she says after realising how exhausted she was
tom then grabs her by the scruff with his mouth as she was too tired to fly and he with sebastian walk in to the woods, they find a spot to settle down for the night and after sebastian went and got some wood, tom lit the fire with his magic and sebastian settles down by loafing (tucking his limbs into his body like what a cat does), emily settles down next to sebastian to his left and he uses his uses his left wing to cover her
"night" emily mumbles sleepy and then she was asleep with the warmth of the fire and sebastian's earth making her super sleepy
"night darling" tom replies stil standing up checking on the fire and then he settles down by sebastian's right
they had to stay close to each other to keep warm and tom was for some reason still looking cold, sebastian notice this and shyly he puts his right wing over tom's back, tom looks at sebastian's wing behind him and then looks at sebastian who smiles sleepy at him then puts his head down to sleep, tom looks at sebastian who was asleep and he smiles at him before putting his head next to sebastian's and he was now asleep too.
they slept all night and as emily slept she had a dream, in the dream she was in a white area and she was confused, she then sees 8 gem stones appear in front of her in different colours and all shaped like a flower petal, there was a red, yellow, orange, blue, green, purple, pink and black gems appeared and they start spinning around her, as they spinner around a tune was heard and emily thought it sounded very nice (it sound a mixture of lugia's song and the lullaby from pan's labyrinth but different), the gem stone then stop, float up in front of emily and then come together to make a rainbow flower gem, with a round white bit in the middle and it looked beautiful but then the white bit in the middle shatters after a few brakes and the petals fly away in different directions, the last thing emily heard before waking up was the melody again and she knew it was going to be stuck in her head.
when she wakes up she looks around and see that both tom and sebastian were still asleep, she was still under sebastian's wing and she was very cozy but she had to move, she gets out of the coziness of the wing blanket and she shakes her body to make more awake, she then looks back at tom and sebastian and she couldn't help but make a aww face, not only did sebastian give his left wing for emily to use as a blanket but he also gave tom his right wing as a blanket too and tom in the night had leaned himself into sebastian.
"so cute!" emily says quietly with a cheeky smile
she then goes over to them and gives them a nuzzle on the forehead to see if they will wake up but they don't and just grown a little, emily huffs and sits down as she gave up waking them up, she then lies down and looks up at the clouds though the trees
'i wonder if us bein' 'ere as ponies and that flower dream i had last night have to be connected' emily thought as she was thinking of the dream she had last night
she then starts humming the song and she liked how it sounded as she hummed it, she then hears stirring and stops humming to look over, she sees that it was sebastian that was waking up and he stretched his body and wings after stands up
"hi emily" sebastian whispers after he sees that tom was still asleep
"hi seddy" emily replies also quietly with her right hoof wave and sebastian waves back
"i see we are still ponies" sebastian says looking at his right hoof still seeing he was a pegasus
"reah, i wonder if the others back home are missing us?" emily replies and asks and sebastian nods with a worried face
"they're probably got a search party going on to find us, we did just disappear off the face of the earth" sebastian says and looked up at the blue sky with some clouds about
"we did" emily replies and also looks up at the sky with clouds "we went poof! gone" she adds still look up
sebastian looks at emily as she was still looking up and then looks over at tom who was still asleep, he then wonders what would of happened if it wasn't tom he and emily came with, he thought on what would of happened if it was anthony instead and he instantly knew it would be chaotic, especially with him and emily clashing all the time, he then thought on if it wasn't him that went but chris hemsworth and he thinks that tom and chris with clash while emily was trying to calm down the pair but it not working, he then feels something and he look in front of him to see emily nuzzling him
"love you" emily mumbles as she nuzzle his snout
"love you too" sebastian replies and starts nuzzling her back
the pair then hear stirring and look over to tom who was just standing up
"hi" "hewwo dad" both sebastian and emily says and wave their right hoofs at tom
"morning...ah, i see we are still ponies" tom says and realises he was still a unicorn
"yep, it wasn't a dream" emily replied and she goes over to him
she and tom then have a nuzzle and when they were done, emily went to see if she could find any food, she then came back with some apples and the trio ate the apples which were more tasty as they were ponies, even emily who is a picky eater enjoyed the apple and when they were done they put out the fire and carried on walking down the path, as they carried on walking they all of a sudden hear a voice behind them and turn around to see a honey yellow pony calling them
"hey! wait!" the yellow pony says and then stops in front of emily
"we have stopped, what's up?" emily says curiously as she could sense the pony was safe
"you have to get out of here! my mother and her army are coming after you 2 and-" the yellow pony says full of stress and she was then cut off by a loud noise "oh no...they're here, run!" she says in panic and they bolt
they run as fast as they could while sebastian and emily flew and emily look behind her to see these little gremlin like creatures chasing after them
"what are they!?" emily says in panic and points behind her
both sebastian and tom look behind them and see the gremlin things too, they then gain panicked faces and they then all look at the yellow pony
"they are called chao-critters, they are my adopted mother's army and they are after these two" the yellow pony says and she points to sebastian and tom
emily was going to ask why but then she sees that the chao-critters were gaining on them so they had to run, tom was slowing down as they were starting to see a village coming up which emily recognises immediately as ponyville, sebastian notice tom was slowing down and he picks tom up as he was about to be grabbed by the chao-critters
"thanks sebastian" tom says and sebastian reply's with a smile
the 4 of them keep running/flying till they do get into ponyville and then they hide behind a building, the chao-critters get into town too then stop, they look around to see a lot of male ponies walk/flying around and acting casual, the chao-critters were confused and one of them called rotten-diamond with a walkie-talkie
"what is it?!" rotten-diamond says annoyed
the chao-critters explains in gibble gabble and rotten-diamond was sighing into the phone
"you're saying that there are a lot of colts in your location and you don't know if you should take all of them?" rotten-diamond says and the chao-critter nods to confirm "...sigh, just take all of them, it's ghostella's chose on the groom anyway" she says after thinking and the chao-critter nods again before ending the call
the chao-critter then tells the others the plan and get to work when confirming the plan, they shoot a pistol like gun at the colts and puts them to sleep with a dart going in their necks, the chao-critters collect every colt they put to sleep and put then in a wagon with a stange purple blob pulling it
"what's going on?" emily asks confused as she watches the critters taking the sleeping colts to the wagon
"this is all a plan of my adopted mother's" the yellow pony replies also looking at the critters "oh yeah! i'm honeybuns by the way" she says realising she didn't say her name
"i'm emily" emily says happily and she and honeybuns shake hoofs "and these 2 are-" she says and points to where tom and sebastian were but they were gone
she looks for them and she finds them uncounsious and being carried to the wagon by the critters
"dad! seddy!" emily shouts in distress and she gets angry
she goes after them but then she stops as she sees the crystal castle doors open and out walks out princess twilight sparkle who look fine but then was shocked to see the critters
"what's going on here?!" twilight says and the critters stop to look at her
as the critters were distracted by twilight, emily uses her magic to try and float tom and sebastian away from the critters and to her but the critters were blocking her magic, the critters then go back to work and they put the unconsious tom and sebastian in the wagon, twilight after figuring out what was going on get angry and flys towards the critters
"hey! give back those colts!" twilight says in anger and she uses her magic
she fires a beam at the critters but when it gets near them the beam dissolved into nothing which made twilight shocked, the critters didn't notice the beam and was carrying on with what they were doing, the critters were now stealing colts and even male fillies from every pony location from canterlot to the crystal empire to the apple loosa to los pegasus and all the other places, when all the male pomies were collected, the critters go off and head to the tower of rotten-diamond
"what happened?" twilight says super confused "why would they steal all the male ponies?" she asks herself
"i know" honeybuns says as she goes over to twilight
emily follows her and when twilight notice her she was shocked
"a child alicorn?!" twilight says and does the startled horse pose
emily looks at herself again and then looks at twilight who was still startled but with all 4 hoofs on the ground
"well, yeah but no, long story" emily says and twilight eyes became bigger and more curious
jump to a while later in the cutie map room and emily had explained to twilight and the other 6 ponies that she came here with parents (tom and sebastian) and they knew they were sent here for a reason but they hadn't figured it out, they were walking here to see if ponyville had the reason but then honeybuns appeared and was about to explain them what her adopted mother was planning but the chao-critters appeared, followed them to ponyville and stole every colt even her parents.
"and now we are here" emily says as she finishes her story
"ok, honeybuns, what was your adopted mother's plan?" twilight says to the honey yellow pony
"well, she is planning to find a groom got my older sister, ghostella but then after she is married to the colt, she will suck the pony magic and the soul from the colt and it will make her stronger" honeybuns explains with a worried face
"but...why does she need to be married to take the colt's magic and soul? that's sounds awful by the way" rainbow dash says and makes a digest face after speaking
"because when mares and colts get married, the colt's magic will start blending in with the mare's magic as they are going to keep their love to each other and to ghostella, it's basically a taste test of the colt's magic" honeybuns explains
"...oh yeah, i know about magic sharing, shining armour and cadance shared their magic after queen chrysalis tried to take over canterlot a while ago" twilight says as she realises
"and now your sister is planning to take my parent's magic and soul and den dey will be dead!" emily says panicking and she then fall over on her side "ahh!" she screams a little
"wait? BOTH your parents? your parents are both guys?" pinkie pie asks curiously
"reah, both of dem" emily says as she sits up a little
"that. is. ADORABLE!" pinkie pie says and she throws confetti all over the room "i've never really met a filly with 2 dads before, i only know a few fillies with either a mom and a dad or 2 moms" she adds as she thinks of all the parents she knew
'classic pinkie pie' emily thought as she stood up
"so do we know where these critters are takin' all the colts?" applejack says a little worried as the critters took her brother big mac
"to my adopted mother's tower but you can't get to it unless you can get passed all the puzzles, it's a weird way to say keep out" honeybuns says then gets annoyed
"that's true, i would of just put a bunch of guard animals" starlight says from next to twilight
"reah but with fluttershy, all the animals would just cuddle her and we can all gat passed" emily says and points to fluttershy
"oh...yeah, that true" fluttershy says shyly but happily
"wait, how do you know fluttershy's name, darling" rarity says realising emily knee fluttershy's name
"well, you see, where i'm from, you all...are part of show" emily says and she rubs her right hoof at the back of her head
"a what?!" all of them say in shock and suprise
" show, a kids tv show" emily replies and gives them all a worried smile
"ooo! does the people like us?!" pinkie pie says excited as she stand in front of emily on her front hoofs with a big grin on her face
"yes dey do and dere is a fandom called bronies dat celebrates the tv show, have conventions every year and even make videos online taking about theories, reviews on the episode dat came out on saturday, animation and other stuff" emily replies and explains
"our show has a fan base?! awesome!" rainbow dash says and she flies up excited with her body outstretched "who is everyone's favourite pony? is it me?" she says as she flies over pinkie pie going in front of emily
"no actually, from what i can remember...i tink everyone favourite pony is fluttershy" emily replies and points to fluttershy
"oh my, i'm a lot of ponies favorite, oh my" fluttershy says and gets anxious
"peeps' favorite but reah" emily says and she smiles at fluttershy
"why her?" pinkie pie asks curiously
"cuz she's kind, polite, adorable, a big animal lover, a little sassy and she calms everyone down as she is a soft speaker" emily says happily and she looks at fluttershy who was blushing "but don't worry pinkie, you're my second favourite" she adds and smiles at pinkie
"can we get back on track?!" twilight says annoyed and both pinkie and rainbow go back to their seats with guilty faces
"yeah, so what do we do?" starlight says curiously
"we need to get the colts back" twilight says and pounds her hoof the cutie map "and i'm a expert at puzzle solving so i'm sure we can get to the tower easily" she adds rubbing in her ego
"but then after the puzzles there is a magic gate and it won't open unless we find a special key that i have no idea what it is" honeybuns says worried "and it's one of those one way gates so i could exit the gate but now i can't get back in without the key" she adds cleaning up any confusion
"so we need to find a key and solves a bunch of puzzles then we can get into the tower and save all the colts and emily's parents" starlight says and they all nod to agree
"hmm...if only we knew what the key looks like" pinkie says thinking
emily thinks too and then the song pops up in her head again making her hum it, as she does the map starts to glow and then the map of equestria appears, all the mares gasps as emily kept humming and then a flower gem appears on top of the map
"that flower looks gorgeous!" rarity says with sparking eyes "i must use it in my next fashion design!" she says and starts drawing the flower
the flower petals then fall apart and then land in 8 different locations of the map, meanwhile with the tree of harmony and emily's humming was causing the tree to sparkle, the elements in the tree then light up and they all let out a beam all pointing to a yellow flower that was growing near the tree, the flower then changed into a flower shaped pendent and then the pendent flies up and disappears, it then reappears ontop of the map making the mares suprised and the pendent flies over to emily, she takes it while still humming and then she stops
"what did dis come from?" emily says as she looks at the pendent
"i think it's from the tree of harmony" twilight says after thinking about it
emily then flies over to the map and uses her magic to copy the map with the petal gem's location, when she was done she lands next to honeybuns and then the map disappeared
"i believe dis is what i'm going to put the flower petal gems on when i find dem" emily says as she holds up the pendent
"so what's the plan then?" rainbow dash asks wanting to know what's going on
" 6 unless starlight wants to go too will go to the tower and solve does puzzles, me and honeybuns will go and collect the petal gems" emily says and points around then at herself and then honeybuns
"umm...shouldn't honeybuns come with us as she will know what the puzzles are?" applejack says confided but honest
"actually, i have no idea what the puzzles are and like the gate, it's a one way trip so when i escaped, the puzzles just let me escape, it's getting back in that i won't know what to do" honeybuns replies looking guilty "also i know the puzzles exist in the first place is because my adopted father told me about them when i was young" she adds and she looks back up at emily
"...ok, fair enough, when do we get going!" rainbow dash says getting excited as she flies up from her chair
the others look at her then they all nod, twilight then looks over at starlight and smiles at her
"are you coming?" twilight asks as the other ponies get off their chairs
"no, better stay here and look after spike, the critters might come back and start taking creatures for grooms" starlight replies and twilight nods
"ok, be safe and make sure nothing happens till we get back" twilight says and starlight does a salute
twilight and the mane 5 go off and a few minutes later they all were at the door with their backpack full of things
"are we all ready to go?" twilight asks and they all nod even fluttershy who was shyly hiding behind pinkie pie
"before we go though, i like to ask, emily, why are you a alicorn?" applejack says and asks emily
"because in my world, i'm a red and white cat that can fly, use magic and i am also the goddess of electricity" emily replie causally "i also have a friend group that are also gods and goddess called 'the elemental friends' and we all have elemental power e.g. i have a friend that uses fire, one who uses ice, one who uses nature and etc" she adds and the other looked impressed
"ok that cleans things up, let's get going!" pinkie pie says with a bounce and the others agree
they then leave the castle and twilight had a map that honeybuns circled on where the tower was located and they head off in that direction, with emily and honeybuns they stop in front of the crystal castle and emily brings out the map with her magic
"ok, looks like the closest on is...that one!" emily says and she points to the closest one which was the purple gem that was located in the everfree forest
"ok, let's go" honeybuns replies and they gallop off to the forest
meanwhile in the tower and under the tower in the basement was a lot of cells full of colts and male fillies, there were loads of cages to fits all the colts in and all the unicorn and pegasus ponies were wearing locks on their heads over the horn or around their waist covering their wings to stop them casting magic or flying, at the last cage on the right is where tom and sebastian were located and the pair were still unconsious, the pair were also wearing locks with tom having his over his horn and sebastian having his ofer his wings and around his waist, tom then stirs and wakes up to see he was in a cell with sebastian next to him.
he walks over to the bars of the cell after standing up and sees that there was soo many cells with colts to his left but to his right was a door which made tom curious, he then tried to use his magic on the lock outside the cell locking the door but the magic was sealed in the horn lock and it didn't do much to the lock, he then went back over to sebastian and looked at the lock that was around his waist, he sees that it was not a lock and key padlock but a number padlock and all he had to do was figure out the number, he sat down by sebastian, picks up the lock and starts to roll the number roller around trying to figure out the code, as he did sebastian starts to stir and he opens his eyes to look at tom
"what are you doing?" sebastian asks curiously with his left eye on tom
"the lock you are wearing is a number padlock, i'm trying to figure out the number so i can unlock the padlock so you can fly again" tom replies and goes back to the padlock
sebastian lifts his head up to see that his wings were locked up with a metal thing around his waist and tom's horn was locked up too, he lies his head down again and he looks around the room, he sees the room was made with cortez bricks, he sees there is a bench on the right side, behind his and tom was a chain wall and on his left was a single uncomfortable bed.
sebastian keeps looking around the room when he spots something engraved on the bricks, he looks at the engraving as it was big writing but still won't be seen very well and it was a 3 numbers which made sebastian smile a little as he knew it was for the padlock
"have you tried 2-6-1?" sebastian says as he looks at tom
"hold on" tom replied and puts the numbers in sebastian said
it works as the padlock fall out and tom pulls off the padlock, he then takes off the metal lock holding sebastian's wings down and the pegasus was able to fly again
"how did you know the number?" tom asks as sebastian was putting in the numbers in tom's padlock
"it was engraved in the bricks over there" sebastian replies as he takes the horn lock off tom's horn
he then points to the corner to a brick in the front left corner of the room and there was 261 carved into the brick, tom then goes over to the brick and touches it, dust then comes off the carving and tom was looking at the dust as it fell
"this was carved recently" tom says as he turns to sebastian
"how?" sebastian replies super confused "we are the only 2 in here and we were unconsious too...unless it was carved before we were put in the cell" sebastian says and tom nods at his answer
"i think we have someone helping us" tom says looking serious as he walks over to the cell bars
tom then uses his magic to put the numbers into the padlock on the cell door and when the lock came undone, tom pulls the lock off carefully so the guards wouldn't see and slowly open the door
"come, there is a door there" tom says and points to the door when sebastian goes next to him
tom opens the door and they bolt into it when the guard turns around, tom then shuts the cell door and makes the horn and wing locks disappear so it looked like nobody was in the cell in the first place, they then look around the door they went in and it was a staircase going up, tom starts walking up but then sebastian grabs him and starts flying up, when they get to the top where they see another door sebastian puts tom down in front if the door and lands next to him
"i am still right about what i said are really smart" tom says calmly with a smile and sebastian blushes a little while looking down
tom then opens the door with his magic and then inside the door was a chemistry room with flasks, many types of liquids and other stuff, they walk around the room to look at all the chemistry stuff and then sebastian walks over to the window, outside he saw that they were quite high up as he sees it was a tower and there was lot of woods outside, he also sees that there was a thick brick wall around the tower with a black metal gate in the middle with a strange lock in the middle as it flowed a rainbow colour
"wow...this is a strange place" tom says next to sebastian as he walk over to him
"it is, i hope emily is coming soon, i miss her" sebastian says missing emily as he looks up at the stormy sky that's next to a clear sky
"i do too but you know she is, she our daughter and you know how powerful she can be when we are in danger" tom replies and he puts his hoof on sebastian's back
"...yeah, i know" sebastian says and he smiles at tom
tom smiles back and they both look out at the window as some birds fly past and some butterflies flutter by
"i wonder what emily is doing now?" tom says and sebastian gives a shrug "come on, let's look around" he adds and sebastian nods
they then walk away from the window and carry on looking around, meanwhile emily and honeybuns was now in everfree forest and emily was looking around confused
hmm...i wonder where we can find the gem" emily says to herself as she looks around
suddenly emily hears a suffering in the bushes and both honeybuns and emily was suprised, honeybuns hid behind emily while emily got into protective mode and made her horn light up, then something jumps out of the bushes and it was a...male pony?
"i thought all the colts were captured?" honeybuns says confused looking at emily then back at the male pony
"me too" emily replies equally as confused
this male earth pony was a blue colour with brown hair, mane and tail the hair had a split in the middle but a tuff of hair was handing out on the right, he had a short mane finishing above the neck, his tail was a little longer but not that long, his eyes were a sea blue with lighter colours, he had visible hoof shoes that were brown and little white tuffs above the hoof shoes and his cutie mark was a j with a face at the bottom with eyes and a open mouth with teeth
"wait, wait, wait...jermaine?" emily says as she recognise the cutie mark (a.k.a jerma985 a.k.a jeremy 'i look like scout from tf2' elbertson)
the blue pony looks at emily and honeybuns and he starts to freak out but emily puts a mute bubble over him as he freaks out
"jermaine, calm down, it's okay, we won't hurt you" emily says as she walks over to the mute bubble
the blue pony looks at emily and then at honeybuns before nodding as he calms down, emily then takes away the bubble and the green pony was breathing hard
"jermaine, what doin' 'ere?" emily says as the blue pony looks at her "aren't you suppose to be doin' a livestream or somethin'?" she asks confused
"i was going to but then a portal appeared above my head and i was sucked into it" the green pony explains with his hoofs "and its jerma, not jermaine" he adds annoyed
"'s jermaine" emily says after making a poker face and she giggles a little
"wait...aren't you emily? the daughter of loki?" the blue pony now known as jerma asks recognising emily
"yep, was sucked into a portal like you did" emily replies with a nod while looking annoyed "i also wasn't the only one, my dad and seddy were sucked in too and now they with ever male pony in equestria are taken by her adopted mother" she adds and points to honeybuns
"wait...equestria...i'm in the land of my little pony, aren't i?" jerma says and emily nods a reply "aww! i wanted to be in the tmnt universe!" he says sulking and stomps his hoof in anger
"well tough! you 'ere now and you are now comin' with us if you like it or not" emily says jokingly and she giggles at her light parents like telling off
"where are we anyway?" jerma asks as he looks around
"this is everfree forest, we are 'ere to look for a purple flower petal, you seen it?" emily replies and asks
" mean this?" jerma says and he holds up a purple flower petal "i found it when i landed and just took it" he adds and emily gets happy
"yes! dat's it!" emily says happily and then the pendent around her neck reacts to the petal
the pendent then floats up as well as the purple petal and then they connect together with the purple petal going at the bottom left before landing in emily's hoof again
"that's one down, just need 7 to go" honeybuns says and emily nods
emily then brings out the magic again and she looks for the next nearest gem
" nearest one is...there!" emily says and point to the blue one which is located in the old castle of the two sisters
"ok, let's go" honeybuns says and the pair gallop off till emily realises jerma wasn't following
"jermaine! come on!" emily says as she sees jerma standing there
"...oh fine!" jerma says wanting to act stubborn but it didn't work
he then catches up with the pair and they run off to the castle of the 2 sisters, meanwhile in the castle and rotten-diamond was with ghostella and rosewing in the planning room
"now that we have captured every colt in equestria, ghostella my dear, you can choose your future husband" rotten-diamond says to ghostella and ghostella jumps happily
rosewing was happy for her biggest sister but at the same time, she missed her her middle sister honeybuns, she loved honeybuns as she was kind and caring but she has to be mean to her as her mother told her too, the reason is because 'she's an outcast' but rosewing hated that excuse and she wants to find her and apologise to her
"rosewing, go to your room while me and your sister go husband choosing" rotten-diamond demanded and rosewing nods
"yes mother" rosewing says and she leaves the room
she heads to her room and when she goes in she looks out to see rotten-diamond and ghostella going off, when the pair were gone she goes into her room and sighs, she then walks over to a photo frame of her with honeybuns when she was a toddler and honeybuns was a pre-teen and she smiles at it
"oh sister, i know you aren't really my sister but...i want you to be, i'm sorry what i do to you but mother will be mad that i am being nice and kind to you" rosewing says to the photo "i wish i could of said sorry before you left" she says quietly then she hugs thr photo close to her
meanwhile in the chemistry room and as tom was looking around he saw a book popping out a little on the tall bookshelf, the book that was sticking out was located on the near top shelf which is the second to the top shelf and tom uses his magic to get the book down
"you know, we've been here for about a day and you have already an expert at your magic" sebastian says when he walks up next to tom
"it's not hard to master when you played the god of mischief for almost 10 years" tom replies looking at sebastian as he has the book floating next to him "also emily helped a little too" he adds as he opens the book
"that's true, i wouldn't be flying if she didn't teach me" sebastian replies and he looks at the book "what is the book?" he asked as he points to the book
"it's on magical things, darling" tom says as he looks at the front cover then he realised he called sebastian 'darling'
he looks over at sebastian and he was blushing a little with a cute smile on his face, tom thought on if emily was here, she would be giggling and saying it was cute
"what is it about?" sebastian says after recovering a little but he was still blushing a little
"it seems to be about magic items that are in this pony land" tom says as he flicks thought the pages
"i think i remember emily saying this place was called 'equestria' but i'm not 100% sure" sebastian says remembering as he had his hoof on his chin to think as he remembered emily talking about the tv show to him once
tom then flickers to the page that showed the picture of the tree of harmony with the elements of harmony on the tree, after glancing thought the text he then turns to the next page and the pic of a 8 petaled rainbow gem flower with a white gem in the middle
'the rainbow gem flower is a gem made flower that grew while the tree of harmony was growing, the flower was as strong as the elements of harmony and both the flower and the tree were like sisters that depended on each other like the royal sisters, the tree would keep the flower healthy and the flower will repay the tree by singing its melody to the tree making the tree happy bit put then one day the flower was picked and taken away by a evil sorcerer named darkstar, darkstar tried to use the flower's magic for evil but the love that the white gem stored from the love the tree gave shattered and it caused all the petals to separate and land in different location, it is unknown to this day on how to retrieve the flower petals or how to find them but one day, someone will be able to have the ability to retrieve the 8 flower petals and when they do, they'll be able to have the ability to be as stronge as the element of harmony' the book text says and sebastian was looking at the picture under the text
"it weird seeing that there are a lot of bright colors like red, yellow, green and blue but then there is the black one" sebastian says and he points to the black petal on the flower "it could of been gray but i don't mind black" he adds and he looks at tom with the corner of his eye
"yes, i do remember emily saying that black and red was your favourite colours" tom says as he uses his magic to shut the book and he looks at sebastian as sebastian looks back at him
"...did she tell you anything else about me?" sebastian replies curious on what emily had been telling tom
"well, she did show me that video that you posted on instagram about the time you were jealous that i got to drive a lamborghini in that advert i did" tom says and sebastian get a blush as he sits down and rubbing the back of his head with his hoof
"oh yeah...i di-did get a little jealous" sebastian replies as he looks away still having a blush
"there was also that picture but emily didn't show me it, she accidentally left her phone open while she went to get something" tom says and sebastian look at him a little confused "it was of you with a lot of picture of me pinned all over in your trailer with life sized cardboard cutout of you" he adds and sebastian gains a big blush "why did you have pictures of me in your trailer anyway?" he asks and looked at sebastian curiously
"well uhh, you know, umm..." sebastian says gaining his anxiety voice as he steps back a little "you know, it-it was a way to...keep me m-motivated, you know" he says still in his anxious voice and really blushing
sebastian then sits down again with a big blush under his eyes and he looks down feeling embarrassed, tom then goes over to him with a warm smile and he sits in front of sebastian, he then puts his hoof under sebastian's chin and sebastian looks up at him
"i'm your motivation?" tom says and sebastian looks down
"y-yeah umm..." sebastian says still blushing "i mean...umm" he says trying to say something but he didn't know what to say "the pic-pictures were a prank by my coworkers after they f-found out that, umm" he says honestly but didn't known how to say what he was thinking
"found out what? that you have a crush on me?" tom says when he takes his hoof away from under sebastian's chin and sebastian looks up at him suprised then back down again
"...yeah" sebastian admitted after a second and he kept looking down "y-you are just so polite and kind and unlike anthony, you cared about how i that time it was you, me and emily doing a interview for infinity war, you gave me so many compliments and i couldn't take them and then you asked me if i was okay" he says while looking at tom "you are also umm...very handsome" he adds and whispers after the pause
tom hears him though and he was a little shocked before he smiles with a little blush under his eyes, he then lifts up sebastian's head again with his hoof under his chin and sebastian looks at him
"when i first saw you as bucky in the first captian america movies, i thought you were a great actor and it's why i love the winter soldier so much, the character and the movie, then i met you i'm person during the infinity war interviews, i thought you were funny, you get very cute when you get anxious, you're very intelligent, i love it when you smile, your laugh is nice to listen too and i think i have a crush on you too, i can see why emily loves you so much...i also see a lot of you in her personality" tom explains and sebastian was smiling at him with big eyes and a big blush
"funny, i see a lot of you in her personality" sebastian says calmly and the pair chuckle
"i guess we both rub off onto her" tom says after chuckling and sebastian nods to agree as tom pulls his hoof away from sebastian's chin
they then look at each other before they close their eyes, boop their snouts together and do an eskimo kiss, after the eskimo kiss they pull away and they smile at each other
"i wonder if emily knew that we had crush on each other?" sebastian says as he realises as he puts his hoof under his mouth to think
"knowing her, she probably did and that's why she made us sit together on the bus tour" tom replies and they smirk at each other
"oh emily" they say at the same time then they quietly laugh
after they calm down they have another eskimo kiss and when they pull away, sebastian hears footsteps and he grabs tom, sebastian flies up to the corner and tom makes themselves invisible with his magic while holding onto the book he had tightly, a pony walks into the room and it was rotten-diamond
"i can't believe honeybuns escaped and nobody told me" rotten-diamond says as she walks in with a chao-critter next to her
the chao-critter looked different to the other, he had pony like eyes that were a green colour where the other critters just had yellow triangle eyes, he was a lighter black then the others and he was wearing a bow tie like he was a butler.
"i'm sorry your mistress, she escaped while we were preparing to go out and grab all the colts" the chao-critter says looking guilty and both tom and sebastian were suprised that the critter could talk
"bah! we don't need her anyway, she was a waste of space!" rotten-diamond says as she walks over to the chemical table "but back to business" she says and then she picks up a potion that was in a spray bottle
"what's that mistress?" the critter asks curiously
"this is a love potion that will make all the colts that ghostella wants to fall in love with her" rotten-diamond says and explains
"oh, that's a great idea mistress" the critter says and tom could sense a little disgust in his voice
"i know, isn't it great, now come, we need to test it" rotten-diamond says and she walks out of the room
the pair then leave the room and sebastian slowly puts tom the ground, tom then lifts the invisibility spell and they sigh in relief, sebastian was then about to say something but then the door opens again and sebastian grabs tom around the neck while tom uses the invisibility spell again both having worried and suprised faces, the pony that came into the room wasn't a pony but that critter that was with rotten-diamond and he looked glad to be rid of his mistress
"ok you 2, i know you are there and you can come out now, i won't hurt or tell anyone you are here" the critter says and tom takes away the invisibility spell after a minute
"how can we trust you?" sebastian says protecting tom and in a defensive pose
"well i was the one that helped you escape and i also know what your daughter emily is up too" the critter says and sebastian looks at tom before standing upright
"may i ask who you are?" tom says politely and sebastian couldn't help but smirk at the politeness
"i am scruffles but everyone calls me scruff for short" the critter replies and gives a gentleman bow
"you're different to the other chao-critters we saw that stole us" sebastian says a little confused on why this critter was different
"it's because i was shown love and care by my real mistress, honeybuns" the critter replies happily "she's the honey yellow pony you met earlier today" he adds and both tom and sebastian go 'oh! her!'
the story behind scruffles is that in his past, he was like his brother which are chaotic, no intelligents and only followed orders but one day scruffles fell down a ditch during a mission around the tower, he hurt himself badly but luckily he was saved and cared for by honeybuns, the love and caring nature of honeybuns gave scruffles made him realise that being mean was bad and that's when he realise he was given intelligent thanks to the love that honeybuns gave him, honeybuns gave him a name and a accessories to wear around his neck and he was so grateful that she gave him a personality that she promised her a giant i own you and she just smile and replies 'your friendship is enough for me' and she hugs him, now scruffles was a butler and he served everyone in the family but mainly honeybuns.
"so how do you know what emily is up to?" tom asks curiously
"my mistress sends me messages about her adventure as she told me she would do it before she left to help you" scruffles replies and he holds out a scroll "she told me a bit ago that she with emily and a new pony they had found are going after the flower gems as the gen will open up that lock on the gate and while they are on their fetch quest, the elements of friendship are hacking at the puzzles that lead to the gate" he adds and both tom and sebastian nod when he was finished talking
"the elements of friendship?" sebastian says a little confused on what that means
"yes, i believe they are twilight sparkle, fluttershy, pinkie pie, rarity, rainbow dash and applejack, the 6 friends that have saved the world of equestria more then once" scruffles replies in his butler tone explains the mane 6 ponies
"i remember emily telling me about them" tom says after thinking about it
"yeah, i remember her telling me about them too" sebastian says also after thinking it over
"anyway, would you 2 like to be in a better room? i don't know when the other 'mistress' will be back and you 2 need to hide from her" scruffles says and the pair nod to reply
scruffles then takes them out of the chemistry room and take them to a room in the back all the while the pair were invisible with tom's invisibility magic, they go into the room and it was a spare bedroom
"you can stay here till emily and mistress return and i will try to make the others avoid the room the best i can" scruffles says and then he leaves
tom and sebastian look around the room and it had a king sized bed, a desk with a chair in front of a window, a big sofa, a bookshelf full of books, some board games at the bottom of the shelf and a chest in front of the bed
" technology is there?" sebastian says as he looks around
"emily did say that technology didn't exist in the my little pony world" tom says as he remembers emily saying about the technology
sebastian then huffs as he sits on the floor and tom smiles at him then sits next to him, he then put the book down he had the entire time and opens it with his magic to the page with the flower gem
"so this that we were looking at earlier is what emily is going after to save us" tom says as he points at the picture with his hoof
"seems so and i know she can do it" sebastian says and smiles at tom with proudness on his eye
"me too" tom replies and they boop snouts together
after they tom looks back at the book and sebastian looks out the window while putting his head on tom's back, back with emily and her 2 companions a while back (the part where sebastian and tom confess their feeling) and as they get to the castle emily felt a flutter in her heart and it made her fall over
"oh! my parents are bein' cute while i'm not dere!" emily says as she holds her right hoof up as her left was on her heart "me tiny heart can't take it" she adds and then pretends to die
"how do you know?" jerma says as he with honeybuns look at her on the ground
"i just know, we have a special bond" emily says as she looks up at the pair annoyed
"come on you 2, we need to find the next gem" honeybuns says and emily gets up after she starts walking off
emily, jerma and honeybuns go to the entrance of the castle and when they were there, emily looks around
"'s got to be around here somewhere" emily says and then she gets an idea
she then howls the first notes of the song and there was a sweet sounded whistle as a reply finishing the song, emily bolts using the whistle to find the gem and she finds herself in one of the rooms, in the room was empty but in the corner was the blue gem that was in a spider web with a spider in it
"spider!" jerma says and he hides behind honeybuns while honeybuns rolls her eyes annoyed
emily rolls her eyes too and she flies up to the spider
"umm, hello spider, i was wondering if i can have that gem there? it's for a important mission" emily says politely to the spider and the spider nods after thinking about it
the spider then grabs the gem and hands it to emily happily
"thank you!" emily says with joy and the spider felt happy
emily then flies down and she puts the blue gem to the pendent, they react and the blue gem places itself opposite the purple gem, the pendent then goes back on emily's hoof and she puts the pendent around her neck before summoning the map again
"ok the next one is...there!" emily says and points to area between apple loosa and the rock farm
the gem that was there is the yellow one and to honeybuns, she was getting a weird feeling while looking at the place
"shall we go and then after dis, we find one more then settle down for the night" emily says after putting the map away and explains the plan
the pair nod after thinking about it and emily then uses her horn to teleport, emily teleported then outside of apple loosa at the train station and she points to south west direction, the trio then walk for quite a bit and jerma acting tired all the time while walking just cause he wanted emily to teleport there but she couldn't as she hadn't seen the area where they are going before, they then finally get to their location and it was a...honey farm?
"i-i remember this place" honeybuns say and her face was amazed "this is where i grew up before the innocent happened" she explains and she bolts off
emily and jerma follow her and they get to the house that was past all the wooden beehives, honeybuns then knocked on the door and a mare crystal pony comes out the door, she had a light colour tone to honeybuns' body colour and she looked like she was made out of crystal, she had her hair up in a bum and the hair colour was a brunette colour, she also had a brunette mane and tail and her cutie mark was a beehive with a bee buzzing out of it, the mare looks at honeybuns and before honeybuns could speak, the mare gets excited
"honeybuns, is that you?" the mare says and honeybuns nods
"yeah mum, it's me" she replies and starts to tear up
emily and jerma knew it was time to back off so they ran into the field to find the gem
"oh honeybuns, i've been worrying about you for years! where have you been?" the mare now known as honeybuns' mother says upset
"umm, can we go inside to explain, explaining on the doorstep will be weird" honeybuns says and her mother nods
the pair then go inside and they have a chat in what happened, honeybuns explains her story about how the giant wasp flung her to the tower and she was then adopted by rotten-diamond and grew up with a great step-dad till he was killed by ghostella due a rage rampage
"since he passed, i was raised by a very bad family and now i have escaped" honeybuns says and grew a smile "now i am help a friend find these gems to help her get her parents back" she explains and her mother nods
"that's nice, sweetie" honeybuns' mother says she sips her honey tea
"so what happened here while i was gone for 12 years?" honeybuns says wanting to know what happened on the honey farm while she was gone
"well...after you disappeared, your father...i'm sorry honeybuns, he didn't make it, he was stinged badly by the wasp and he didn't make it" honeybuns' mother says and honeybuns gasps before tearing up
honeybuns then hugs her mother crying and her mother hugs back trying not to tear up herself but she ended up crying too, the pair finish crying after a few minutes and after a longer time hugging they pull apart, when they do pull apart the front door opens and honeybuns expected to be emily and jerma but instead was a male earth pony, the pony was a thick boned pony that was white with a gray hair, mane and tail, the hair was thin as he looked to older pony, his mane was short and his tail was also short, he looked very cranky and his cutie mark was a top hat with cane.
"hello dear, how's yo-who is she?!" the colt says as he walks in then notices honeybuns
"oh, mr.millions, this is my daughter honeybuns, she finally came home after 12 years" honeybuns' mother says and she hugs honeybuns again
honeybuns looks at the guy and was really confused on how this guy wasn't captured by the chao-when they invaded equestria a few hours ago, the colt mr.million then looks at honeybuns judging and she gets creeped out, meanwhile with emily and jerma and the pair had found where the gen is located and it was in a old looking beehive, emily goes over to the beehive and a bee lands on her nose
"hello little bee, i was umm...wondering if your hive has a petal shaped gem in there? i need to have it for a mission" emily says to the bee and the bee nods
the bee then flies into the hive, was there for a bit then few back out with the yellow gem, emily napping takes it and makes the gem and the pendent react, the gem connects to the pendent and it went on the left side on the second row, emily then puts the pendent back on and then her ear twitch as she senses something
"somethin' wrong" emily says as she looks in the direction of the house than at jerma
"well goodie, another problem to solve" jerma replies sarcastically
"jermaine! just come on" emily says sounding annoyed with jerma and she pulls jerma with her magic
jerma gallops with her and then when they make it to the house they saw a colt in there and he sounded annoyed
"well, well, well, if it isn't that filly that tried to save her father's life by charging at a giant wasp, some little hero you are" mr.millions says and honeybuns gets defensive
"it's not my fault the wasp came here and the wasp flung me away making me missing for 12 years!" honeybuns says angrily and she stomps her hoof "i was trying to protect my dad, you would too if your dad was in danger" she adds still angry pointing at mr.millions
mr.millions gets angry and he grabs honeybuns by the scruff of the neck making honeybuns' mother shocked and puts her hoofs over her mouth
"look here, missy, you were gone for 12 years, things have changed now and i now run this honey farm so if you are staying, you have to-" mr.millions says and he was cut off by emily floating him in the air with her magic
"listen here, mister, you can't just be bullin' peeps like that, that's mean and doesn't solve anythin', so you behave yourself or i am tossin' you to the alligaters!" emily says and she shakes mr.millions aggressively before dropping him to the ground
mr.millions was dizzy after emily shook him around and emily went over to honeybuns after doing a angry sneeze
"we found the gem and we are going to the next place so if you want to stay here, you can, me and jermaine will go and you can spend time 'ere with your mum" emily says and points to honeybuns' mother when she mentions her
", i go with you guys, i'll will come back though when the adventure is over" honeybuns says and she hugs her mother
"or we can come back here after we get the next gem as we need somewhere to spend the night, the next one is located in the rock farm over dere and it's the black one" emily says after she looks at the map
"oh! i will get the bedrooms set up" honeybuns' mother says happily and she bolts into the house
the trio then head off walking past the still dizzy mr.millions and they walk over to the rock farm, when the trio get there, both honeybuns and jerma didn't like the look of the place as it was so gray, emily howled the song and a reply was heard making emily gallop to it, when she finds the source it was under a very big rock and she was about to use her magic to lift the rock but jerma stops her
"don't worry, i got this" jerma says confidently and he approaches the rock
he then puts his hoofs under the rock and he uses all of his strength to move the rock, emily expected it not to work and her use her magic to help jerma but no, jerma actually was able to move the rock and it rolls away a little, emily then finds the gem in the middle of a circle of rocks and she picks it up, the black gem and the pendent react and the black gem goes to the bottom right.
"ok that's the last one for today as it's starting to become night time, let's head back to honeybuns' house" emily says and the pair agree
they then head back to the honey farm and when they arrive, honeybuns' mother was happy to see honeybuns again and mr.millions was still on the ground super dizzy
"how much did you shake him?" jerma says to emily as they look at mr.millions while honeybuns and her mother were hugging
"not that much...but then again, i must of shakes him harder then i realised" emily replies then she thought it over
the trio were then invited inside, they had dinner together which was delicious as they were ponies and then they go to bed when it was half past ten, with the mane 6 ponies they had managed to get though 3 of the puzzles and now were camping out for the night in a area that by the 3rd and 4th puzzle and in the tower, tom and sebastian were asleep on the king sized bed with sebastian laying on his right side and tom beside sebastian having his head on sebastian's waist using him as a pillow, with scruffles, he was reading the letter that honeybuns had sent him and he quickly put it away when rotten-diamond appeared with ghostella behind her looking excited
"ok butler, i want you to check if rosewing is asleep while me and ghostella go colt choosing" rotten-diamond says seeing scruffles and scruffles nods
"yes, mistress" scruffles replies and he walks away
he then walks towards rosewing's room and he slowly opens her door when he gets there, he sees her fast asleep on her bed but she was also hugging a photo frame as well, scruffles knew it was the photo of her with honeybuns as he knew she loved her dispite always bullying her all the time, he smiles then shuts the door and he walks to his room to settle down for the night, meanwhile in the basement, rotten-diamond and ghostella were walking down the cell hallway choosing a groom for ghostella, all the colts in the cells were really frightened as they were at the back of the cell and as they walked down the cells ghostella stops at one cell, she looks at this really bulk pegasus pony everyone knows as bulk bicep and she started to fall in love as heart bubbles appear above her head, rotten-diamond came back when she notice ghostella wasn't by her side and looks at bulk biceps
"hmm no, all muscle and no brains" rotten-diamond says and that broke ghostella's heart
rotten-diamond then drags ghostella away from bulk biceps and they keep looking at all the colts, they then reach the end of the cells and rotten-diamond was furious that ghostella didn't choose a colt other then that muscle pony
"ugh! come on ghostella, there must be a pony you want for your husband!" rotten-diamond yells at ghostella and ghostella look guilty
rotten-diamond was about to storm off but then she realised something
"where are those 2 colts that we saw in the couldren?" rotten-diamond demanded talking about tom and sebastian
"they ran off ma'am" one of the guards says looking as guilty as ghostella
"grr! find them!" rotten-diamond shout and all the guards sulute before running off
the guards start looking around and the ruckus woke up scruffles, scruffles walks out of his room and sees the guards looking all over the place
"what's going on?" scruffles says annoyed to be woken up
"ma'am has said that 2 colts are missing and we are looking for them" one of the guards says and scruffles kept his cool
"oh yeah, i think i saw those 2 colts leave the tower and are heading to the dragon lands" scruffles says lying but he was a expert lier "they said something about 'getting a dragon to come and burn the tower down' or something like that" he adds and the guards believe him as they walk off
scruffles then goes back to bed feeling proud of himself and he goes back to sleep, the guard tell rotten-diamond what scruffles told them and she tells then to head out to the dragon lands, they do that but what they didn't know that it was dragon fog hit pig season which is where male dragons fight each other for the love of a female dragon so the guard are going to be becoming toast.
the next morning and when the mane 6 woke up, they had their breakfast that applejack brought them and then after they carried on with the puzzles, when emily, honeybuns and jerma woke up they got washed and had breakfast and as they were having breakfast, honeybuns received a letter with magic
"what's that?" jerma says as he points to the letter
"it's from my friend scruffles, hes helping me while i'm away" honeybuns replies and then she reads the letter "oh! i forgot to mention, emily, scruffles has helped your parents get out of the cells and now he has put them in a spare room of the tower and hope to hide them there till we collect all the gems, unlock the tower gate and get into the tower to stop my-i mean rotten-diamond" she explains as she forgot to tell emily
"oh thank goodness, tell him thanks for helping" emily says in relief and she smiles with her tongue sticking out
"he puts now that last night, rotten-diamond had realised that your parents were missing so she send the guard to find them, luckily scruffles lied and said they had escaped and gone to the dragon lands where he knows that it's dragon fighting season so...*giggles* those guard will become toasted" honeybuns explains about the letter and the ending made emily, jerma and honeybuns laugh
when the laughing calmed down the trio carried on eating but there were all smiling, after breakfast honeybuns said bye to her mother and tell her she'll be back tomorrow and then they head off walking again passed mr.millions who had passed out
"so where to now?" jerma asks and emily pulls out the map
"umm, here" emily says and she points to the smoky mountains where the green gem was located "let me teleport" she adds and both jerma and honeybuns hold emily's hooves
emily then uses her magic and she teleport to the bottom of the smoky mountains, meanwhile at the tower and both tom and sebastian were awake and are sitting on the sofa as scruffles had just brought them breakfast and a pot of tea with 2 cups
"here you go, this is what i make for honeybuns everyday, i hope you like it" scruffles says after putting the try down on the coffee table
"thanks scruffles" sebastian says a little sleepy and he watches him leave the room
tom uses his magic to pour himself and sebastian a cup of tea and then he blows on his tea before sipping it
"mmm, that's a good cup of tea" tom says happily after sipping his tea
"you british and your tea" sebastian says jokingly while shaking his head and then he chuckles
sebastian then picks up his tea with his hooves and he takes a sip, he liked it as it was honey tea and he took another sip, he then put his cup down and picks up a piece of toast with strawberry jam on it, he chomps into it and he loved it, he takes another bit and then he notice that tom looked sad
"what's the matter?" sebastian asks after he swallows his toast
"oh, it's nothing serious, i just miss emily" tom says looking down and then looking at sebastian
"you weren't that sad about missing her yesterday, is it because of you not seeing her in a while or is it your motherly instinct?" sebastian says looking worried
"...both" tom admitted after a think though "i think it's because we are in a unknown place and i'm worried she'll get hurt while we aren't there with her and-" he says getting panicked and then sebastian rubs his snout on his cheek making him stop
"it's okay, she has some companions with her like that honeybuns girl so she is fine" sebastian says and tom looks at him "and remember what you said yesterday, 'she's our daughter and we know how powerful she is when we are in danger'," he says and tom nods at the memory "so she is determined to go though thick and thin situations just to go back home with us" he says and this made tom smile
"'re right, thanks sebastian" tom says calmly and sebastian nods a little
"you're welcome" sebastian replies and then tom boops his snout onto sebastian's snout
they do a eskimo kiss and then they go back to their breakfast, meanwhile back with emily and after singing the melody, she finds the green gem at the very top of the mountain, she had to leave jerma and honeybuns behind as she is the only one that can fly and she grabs the gen that was sitting on a snowdrop leave, the gen goes into the pendent and it goes between the yellow and the blue gem, she then goes back down and meets up with jerma and honeybuns
"got it!" emily says happily and shows the pendent with now 5 gems on it
"good, that means we need 3 more" honeybuns says and emily nods
emily then pulls out the map and finds that the next place they need to go to is galloping gorge where the orange gem is
"ok, teleport time!" emily says and then teleports after jerma and honeybuns hold her hooves
they appear at galloping gorge and the place looked like everfree forest but it didn't have as much as a creepy feeling that everfree forest did, the trio walk thought the forest as emily hums the melody and when they get near the gem, they see it ontop if a very large tree, emily flies up and see that it was a squirrel that had the gem
"umm, hello squrriel, i was wondering if you had a petal shaped gem? i need it for a mission" emily asks the squirrel and the squirrel nods before going to its home in the tree
the squirrel then comes back out of the tree and holds out the orange gem
"aww! thank you, so kind" emily says as she takes the gem and the squirrel blushes
emily puts the gem and the pendent together and the orange gem went to the top right leaving left the red gem and the pink gem, emily then land back down next to jerma and honeybuns and she showed the pair the almost complete pendent
"ok, the next place we are going to is...the crystal palace where the pink gem is located" emily says as she looks at the map then at her 2 companies
"ooo! the crystal palace! that's where my mum came from" honeybuns says happily to see the crystal palace for the first time
emily smiles and with a quick teleport the trio were at the train station of the crystal empire, they walk to the town and where they get near the places for some reason princess cadence and baby flurry heart were there
"oh! you must be emily and honeybuns" princess cadence says seeing emily, honeybuns and jerma walk over "starlight and twilight told me this morning with a letter you would be coming, they said you are looking for a petal gem?" she explains and emily nods
"reah, it a pink petal and-what's going on over dere?" emily says and points behind her
princess cadence looks behind her and a bunch of mares were panicking
"these cho-critters have took all the colts and male fillies from here too and now all the mares are panicking about them" cadence says and emily looked worried
"then we need to release all the colts quicker then" honeybuns says and emily and jerma nod "emily! sing the melody" she says pointing to emily and she smiles
emily sings the melody and a replies was heard at the top of the castle, emily flies to the top and she finds the petal next to the spike that the crystal heart was on, she picks it up, puts it on the pendent and the pendent place it on the right side between the orange and the purple
"now there is just one more left" emily says and she cheers to herself
she then flies back down to jerma and honeybuns and before emily could bring out the map, flurry wanted to snuggle her so they have a nuzzle, after flurry had her nuzzle emily bring out the map and the location of the last gem which is the red one is at neigharga falls
"ok, to neigharga falls we go" emily says and she waves goodbye to cadence before the trio teleported away
they reappear at neigharga falls and emily sings the melody again a she follows the sound, she with jerma and honeybuns find the last red petal with some otters that lived in the river
"umm, hewwo otters, i was wondering if you had a red petal gem that i can have? it's for a important mission" emily says to the otter and they nod
they then go into the river and they come back out a few minutes later with the red petal gem
"aww! thank you so much" emily says happily and excited then she puts the red gem to the pendent
the pendent puts the red gem on the top left conner and now that all the gems were together the pendent shines and it teleports the trio to the tower where the mane 6 were waiting at the gate, meanwhile a while ago while emily, jerma and honeybuns were at the crystal empire in the tower, scruffles was about to tell the news to tom and sebastian that emily and the others were her but he didn't know that he was spied on by rotten-diamond and when she opened the door to the spare room she finds scruffles talking to tom and sebastian
"butler! you've been hiding these 2 all this time! betrayer! guards!" rotten-diamond says with some pointing and some guards came and picked up tom and sebastian
"ahh! tom" sebastian says trying to reach for tom but he was knocked out
"sebastian!" tom replies before being knocked out and he was taken away
sebastian was taken away too and rotten-diamond decided that tom should be the one to marry ghostella so she hypnotised tom to do what she said and the guards got tom dressed up, meanwhile back outside and emily holds up the flower almost complete pendent to the mane 6
"here is the pendent and it should open the door even with the middle part missing" emily says and points to the empty middle part of the pendent
the pendent was then holded up to the lock on the gate and the pendent reacts, it then makes the lock unlock itself after a beam comes out of the pendent and hits the keyholes on the lock, the lock then disappears and the gate opens making the group cheer
"i wanna ask before we go in, would you of teleported there if we didn't solve the puzzles?" twilight asks seeing if solving the puzzles was a waste of time
", it would of teleported us to the start of the puzzles so you 6 save us some time" emily replies after thinking about "and i know dis because the pendent just told me in my head" she adds and points to her head
"ooo! who are you!?" pinkie pie says noticing jerma
"i'm jerma" jerma says and emily smiles
"jermaine!" emily says happily and she giggles "but anyway, let's save the male ponies and my parents!" she adds now serious and the group cheer
they gallop in and they were stopped by some chao-critters and some guard
"we need to get physical with these guys as our magic doesn't work on them" twilight says to mainly rarity and emily
"ok...charge!" emily says and she points to the enemies
they all charge except for fluttershy who sends her animals to attack and they all got physalis with their horse bucking, punching, kicking and animals bits and scratches, meanwhile back in the castle and sebastian wakes up finding himself in the courtyard of the castle and holded by a guard, wedding music start and ghostella walks down the aisle with tom at the end looking hypnotised
"tom!" sebastian shouts to get his attention but it doesn't work
"we are gathered here today to wed these 2 ponies" rotten-diamond says being the priest
back in the front of the castle and emily buck kicks a chao-critter and then honeybuns goes to her in worry
"go inside, we got this!" honeybuns says as she buck kicks a guard in the face
emily nods and she bolts off to get inside the castle, back in the courtyard and sebastian was struggling to break free, rotten-diamond was about to say "you may now kiss the bride" when sebastian managed to break free and he gallops over to tom, he then buck kicks ghostella out of the way and then he without much thought kisses tom
"i'm here to-" emily says heroically but then stops when she sees tom and sebastian kissing
she was speechless as she stood there at the door with shocked eyes and she didn't notice the pendent reacting, the pendent then floats up and both a copy version of tom and sebastian's cutie mark come off their flanks, the cutie marks hover above the pair and then the pendent shoots a rainbow beam at the cutie marks, emily looks up at the bean and watches at the 2 cutie marks start spinning fast, a bright light was made making everyone react to it and then the light go away to reveal 2 wedding rings, the rings them go down and one goes on tom's horn and the other on sebastian's left wing.
the pair then stop kissing and the pendent floats down to emily again, sebastian then steps away and emily gallops to them
"dad! seddy!" emily says as she gets close to them and then they look at tom
tom shakes his head and looks at the pair with confusing then joy
"emily! sebastian!" tom says happily and they have a group hug
they then glow and the pendent floats up again as the group of ponies come into the room after facing off the enemies and then getting all the colts to safety and back to their homes, the cutie marks of emily, tom and sebastian then float up as well as the trio watches and then spin around making a light appear, the light them dies down and a white gem appears
"that's the final gem!" rarity says see the gem
the white gem then connect to the pendent and the pendent glows a rainbow colour as all the gems were back together again, emily then gets lifted up and the pendent goes to her head, it then makes a tiara and emily feels so much power in her body as her eyes go red
"you 2 will get so much revenge for stealing my parents and forcing one of them to get married to a beast pony" emily says and she makes a circle of magic come from her hooves
while she was building up power rosewings and scruffles appear and goes over to honeybuns
"honeybuns!" rosewing says and she hugs honeybuns which made the mare suprised "i'm sorry for bullying you for years, it's what mother told me to do and if i didn't she-" rosewing says and she was them cut off when honeybuns hugs her back
"shh, it's okay, i forgive you" honeybuns says and rosewings cries as she hugs honeybuns again
back with emily and she had fired off a giant beam and it hits both rotten-diamond and ghostella, the beam then disappears and both rotten-diamond and ghostella were still ther but now their cutie marks have changed, rotten-diamond's cutie mark was the original mark (the diamond with angle wings) before it was changed and when rotten-diamond's cutie mark changed so did rosewings and her cutie mark was now a rose worth swan wings, ghostella's cutie mark was the last one to change and she was also now a adult mare size, her cutie mark was now just a happy ghost, emily lands in front of her parents and rotten-diamond stands up as well as ghostella
"wha-where am i?" rotten diamond says and she looks around
"mother?" rosewings says as she gallops over "are you okay?" she asks
"yes...just confused" rotten-diamond says and she walks away near the mane 6, honeybuns and jerma with both rosewings sny ghostella behind her "oh twilight sparkle, it's nice to see you here, i'm diamondwings, it's nice to meet you" she says now names diamondwings and her and twilight shake hoofs
with emily, tom and sebastian and the trio look at each other after watching diamondwings and twilight shake hoofs while rosewings and ghostella were talking to the others
"that's a nice tiara you have there" tom says pointing to emily's tiara
"thanks" emily replied and takes off her tiara to look at it
the tiara had the flower pendent in the top middle and her, tom's and sebastian's cutie marks underneath with emily's in the middle, tom's on the right and sebastian's on the left, the tiara then glows and it goes away leaving the pendent and then the pendent goes on emily's left hoof turning into a bracelet, the bracelet was the pendent in the middle and a white, pink and red strap going around emily's hoof
"and now it's a bracelet" emily says as she holds up her left hoof "oh by the way, you two have rings on" she says and points to tom's horn and then at sebastian's left wing
they look at their rings and the rings were gold with 'tom and sebastian' written on the inside with their cutie mark by their name with tom's on the left side and sebastian's in the right
"looks like you two are married now, how do you feel?" emily says and she pretends to hold up a mic like a news reporter
"but...we just started dating yesterday?" sebastian says and he blushes while covering his mouth not believing what he said
"oh! so dat's why my heart was fluttering a lot yesterday, makes sense now" emily replies and then she does a cheeky giggle "it also the kiss i saw when i bursted into the yard that gave the new relationship away" she adds and she giggles again as tom and sebastian look at each other with a little blush under their eyes
"well...i'm glad i got accidently married to someone that has had a crush on me for a long time" tom says calmly as he looks at sebastian with half open eyes
"and i'm glad i accidently got married to a polite, caring and handsome actor" sebastian replies and then they eskimo kiss before kissing and emily cheers
'yay! my parents are together!' emily thought happily then she realises something "hey, does dis mean now you 2 are both bisexuals cuz i don't mind" she says and the pair broke apart and they both think about it before nodding
"yeah i guess it does" sebastian says after nodding and looking at tom
"i agree" tom says and he then cuddles emily and sebastian cuddles the both of them
all of a sudden a portal appears above them and above jerma and it was time to go
"i hope you come here again soon" twilight says as she gives emily a hug "also congratulate on your marriage" she adds point to tom and sebastian and the pair mumble a 'thank you'
"me too and not on a great adventure next time" emily replies and they all laugh
"we all hope to see you all again" twilight says and the mane 6 and honeybuns nods
"thank you for everything, emily and jerma, i hope i get to see you two again soon" honeybuns says and the 3 have a quick hug
"us too" emily replies and jerma nods
"even though i never watch my little pony, i think this place is alright" jerma says and gives a warming smile
emily, jerma, tom and sebastian then go though the portal while saying and waving goodbye and then they were gone from the mlp world, they then go thought the portal and jerma ends up back in his computer room as a human again and emily, sebastian and tom were back at the san diego comic con room as a cat and humans landing next to each other with everyone sounded suprised they were back
"they're back!" emily hears chris hemsworth says and everyone cheers
" long we gone?" emily asks as she stands up and shaking her body glad to be back in her cat body again
"about...2 minutes" anthony says as he checks his watch
"wait...2 minutes!" emily says suprised with her voice cracking a little and her eyes looking small "where we were, we were gone for 2 days!" she adds looking at anthony
she then notice the braclete she was wearing and she looks over at tom and sebastian and on their left ring finger were their wedding rings, emily was a little shocked and she uses her magic to take off the rings and her bracelet off and then hides them
"well wherever you were, it wasn't very long and now we can continue" benedict says and the panel continued
after the panel emily, tom and sebastian were sitting together at the back while everyone was having a party to celebrate and then emily remembered the accessories
"look, i have your wedding rings and my bracelet here, i don't know if you want dem back or..." emily says as she holds up the 2 rings and her bracelet with her magic
tom and sebastian then take their rings knowing which one is which as tom's ring was thinner then sebastian and they look at them, the rings got smaller from wearing them as ponies but they were still the same rings and after looking at them then at each other, they put the rings back on their left ring finger and emily looked a little suprised
"you're going to wear dem? won't peeps talk?"emily says as she puts her bracelet on her left paw which suprisenly fits and was tight enough so it won't fall off
"let them talk, we are married now and there is nothing they can do about it" tom says looking annoyed but sounding calm and to prove he didn't care he kisses sebastian on the left cheek
sebastian rubs his left cheek and blushes while emily looks around to see if anyone saw which they didn't, she then giggles and sebastian looks at her then at tom
"yeah...i don't care either" sebastian says and emily just smiles
emily then looks at her bracelet and she wonders why the bracelet came with her, shouldn't it be in ponyville with the tree of harmony as the pendent is as powerful as the elements of harmony? maybe it decided to come with her as it had the all the love on it for her, tom and sebastian, well as least when she does use it, it turns into a very cute crown and she likes to wear hats things sometimes.
The End

The End

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