IRL Movie Fic - Emily!

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(This is a fanfic that is based on the movies 'oliver!' from 1968 and 'annie!' from 1982 as i've watched both those movies recently and i had an idea for my own version, so i hope you enjoy it 😋)

Once upon a time, in july 2000, in a orphanage in the hills, the orphanage was called 'the sweet angle orphan home' and in it lived a buncho of orphan kids that live a terrible life due to the caretaker, mrs.fenby was abusive and there was another caretaker, mr.gordon, who was also abusive and more abusive then mrs.fenby, there was about 25 kids in the orphanage in total with 16 boys and 9 girls and there was 5 black skinned kids(named ashley 'female' 12, herman 10, cadence 7, luke 8 and lucy 7), 4 kids with one black skinned parent and one white skinned parent(named clarkson 10, freya 11, ethan 7 and hannah 12), 5 kids that had a special need (one had adha named brian 5, one had down's syndrome named jake 9, one had cerebral palsy named william 11 and the only one in a wheelchair, one had asthma who is also blind and deaf named isabelle 9 and one that has a lot of allergies named mia 6),3 kids that were asian-english (named charlie 14, mike 13 and jack 12), 2 kids that were american-english (named zack 13 and winston 15), 2 kids that were australian-english (named lucas 8 and toby 9), 2 kids that were english white (adam 11 and evie 11) , one that was irish white (named george 16) and lastly there was emily.
emily was 3 years old with her birthday last month on the 23rd of june 1997 and being the youngest in the orphanage with short dark blonde hair that was curly in places, blue eyes, small in height to the point she was smaller then all other other kids, she wore a red dress, red shoes and she had a hair band in with a red ribbon in the middle of the hair band, emily was special girl as firstly, she was a high functioning autistic so cause of this disability, she never spoke so the adults think she's mute and secondly, she had a special ability, that ability was that she can communicate to animals and understand them too like dr.dolittle, mr.gordon owns a rottweiler named rockie and all the kids are frightened of him...except emily who can calm down rockie super quick as rockie likes her too, they would play together when rockie was let out of his kennel but mr.gordon barely let him out due to emily so emily barely saw him which made her sad, emily also had a strong sixth sense as well as good hearing and amazing eye sight so she could sense/hear mrs.fenby or mr.gordon coming from a mile away from the bedroom and she was the kids go to kid for when they are doing something they shouldn't for this reason, the kids never got caught thanks to emily and she was dubbed 'the lookout' by the other kids.
the boys and girls had their own room with the 16 boys at th back room on the left side of the house and the girls at the back room on the right side of the house, the house can hold up to 30 kids in total and there was 30 kids in the orphanage last year with 18 boys and 12 girls but 2 (a brother-sister sibling pair names sam and abbie) got adopted, 1 died to a undiagnosed stomach cancer (his name was danny or daniel) , one went to a different orphanage due to him almost killing mr,gordon with a prank (named matt or matthew) and one died one day but the kids over 5 knew it was mr.gordon that killed her but they didn't know how, all they knew that she was a really pretty, really nice girl, she was about 16, her and george were like the parents of the orphanage kids taking care of them and she was very motherly towards the kids while george was very fatherly towards the kids mainly the boy (her name was sophie), george is still fatherly to the kids protecting them from mrs.ferby and mr.gordon but he really misses sophie as he had a giant crush on her with all the kids knowing, sophi even knew and the night she was killed, she was going to ask george on a date.
so back to emily and she was dropped off at the orphanage after she was born in 1997, nobody knows who her parent was that dropped her off? and why they dropped her off at the orphanage? but she was here now and she was a mixture of happy she had a roof under her but she didn't like the place and wished she was adopted like how the other kids explain it to her, they tell her that adoption is the best thing to happen to a orphan child as they get to have a family of their own, their own room, pets to play with, a big garden and a playground to go to everyday, going to a place called school to learn and make friends and great food unlike the ones that mr.gordon and mrs.fenby gives the kids here, which is some type of portage but grosser, also for some reason, emily knew the parent that dropped her off wanted her to be well taken care off as there was a lot of stuff left in her basket with her when she was dropped off at the orphanage, she was left with a small red and white wooden cat with wings and the dress and hair band she is wearing now which she refuses to take off even when mrs.ferby and mr.gordon want her to so they could 'wash it' but emily felt they were lying so she didn't.
so to the story and emily was in her room, sitting on her bed and fiddling with her wooden cat toy, she had just woken up from her afternoon nap and was wondering where the other kids were as she played with her toy, then she could hear footsteps and she knew it was either mrs.ferby or me.gordon as it was heavy footsteps, it turned out to be mrs.ferby as she stands at the door and looking at emily
"there you are! come on, there are people coming today to look at you brats thinking of adopting!" mrs ferby says taking emily's arm and dragging her to the main room to the orphanage
when they get there, emily stand between isabelle and mia and all the kids were lined up as mrs.ferby lets the people on and mr.gordon was staring down some of the boys, the 2 adults come in and it was a married couple with a teenager looking to be 17, the couple was examining the kids and they made a diguested face at jake (the downs kid), william (the celery palsy kid) and isabelle (the asmatic deaf-blind kid) for their obvious special needs, they look at the other kids then stop at emily and as they do, emily starts feeling very anxious and wanting to get out of the room
"this is emily, she's 3 years old, she's a high functioning autistic and she's also mute so she wont speak" mrs.ferby says in her nice lady voice which the kids know it's for show
the couple look at emily making emily feel more and more anxious and then they go onto the next kid passing mia on the way going to brian, the couple examine all kids while their teenage son looking bored behind his parents and when they were done, they went over to mrs.ferby and points to emily
"we want the red dress one" the lady says and emily body tensed up as she didn't want to with them
"emily? ok?" mrs.ferby says confused why the couple would choose her
the lady went to emily, took her arm and the went to the office to sigh some things, after signing some things the couple and their son went to the car with emily and emily, turned to the window to see the kids looking sadly at emily, emily as sad as she didn't want to go but then she was pushed into the left back seat of the car, the car drives off and as the car leaves the orphanage, emily starts seeing the family's true colours as the couple started to argue and the son was bullying emily by poking and slapping her left arm hard which will have bruises later, when they get to the house, emily was pulled out the car cruelly by the man and shoved into the house, she then was shoved into the basement which was under the stairs, she fell down the stairs and then she bangs her head and back into the wall at the bottom
"now stay down here till dinner time!" the man says and she slams the door making emily flinch
emily then starts to silently cry but then stops when she hears a dog cry, she goes over to the noise and sees in a very small dog crate a 8 week old puppy, the puppy was very small, black and tan in colour with the tan around the muzzle, under the ears which were a little floppy but standing up a little, above the eyes where it looked like eyebrows, the chest with a little white there too and around the arms and legs, it also had a little dark gray around the eyes and it was very cute (if you couldn't tell the breed, it's a yorkshire terrier also it's a female), emily opens the crate after fiddling with the 2 locks and the puppy goes to emily's arms wanting comfort, she picks up the puppy and feels that the puppy was very skinny and probably starving, emily didn't know how long the puppy had been down here in the basement but she was relieved she found her, emily hugs the puppy tightly but not to tight and then looks at the puppy, she sees the puppy looking up and as she turns she sees that the little window at the top was slightly open.
she had an idea and climbs to the window while holding the puppy in her left arm, she then opens the window and she manages to climb out the basement window with a little struggle, she was now outside and she bolts from the house as the man sees that emily had escaped
"she's escaped with the puppy that was in the basement! after her!" the man shouts and he with the lady and son go after emily
emily with the puppy run for a bit till she sees a empty open barrel in a alleyway and she jumps in it using some boxes as stairs, she hides in it and she hears the cruel family run off passed her thinking she ran straight ahead as they didn't see her jump in the barrel as they were around a corner as she jumps in, when the family's voices had disappeared, emily sticks her head out to see if they were gone and as they were she tries to climb out of the barrel but the barrel came out from where it was and rolled down the steep road, the barrel rolled and emily closed her eyes and hold onto the puppy tightly so it wouldn't fly out of her arms, she also had been holding onto her wooden cat the entire time and refuses to let it go, the barrel kept rolling till it comes to a sudden holt by something and emily flies out of the barrel into a giant mud puddle.
half her face, her dress, the puppy, and her arms and legs were covered in mud and she sits up to look at herself
"oh, baby! are you okay?" a lady says as she picks up emily
the lady that looked to be in her late 20s with brown hair in a pony tail, brown eyes, a pretty face, wearing a woman's light brown coat and what looks to be a casual maids outfit underneath watches the barrel roll down the hill and when she sees emily come out and land in the mud, she was horrified
"oh! i'll take you to the mansion, i'm sure the man of the mansion won't mind me taking you home, he is a nice man and he very polite" the lady says to emily and she takes emily to her car
emily felt safe with this lady and she shakes her head a little from feeling the mud in her hair, the lady sticks emily in the back of her car and she gets in the drivers seat after putting the groceries she had in the empty seat next to her, she then drives off and looks at the mirror at the top to look at emily
"so what's your name?" the lady asks and emily opened her mouth but nothing came out but a noise "not a great speaker? huh?" she asks and emily sadly nods "dont worry, you can tell me about yourself later" she says and emily nods still looking sad and hugs the puppy to her while still holding the wooden cat
the lady drives for 20 minutes and then they arrive at the mansion, 2 men open the door and the lady parks her car in the front of the mansion, she gets out and she picks up her groceries, she then picks up emily and a man came over to her
"park the car for me, please" the lady says and the man nods
the man gets in the car and the lady walks up to the mansion where another man opens the door, she heads inside and emily looked around in amazement in her face at how large the mansion is, she had no idea what a mansion is but she guesses it's a big house, as the lady walks passed the big stairs to the kitchen across the room she sees that a man was coming down the stairs with a butler next to him and they were having a talk, the man looked to be 19, had medium length curly dark blonde hair, baby blue eyes, he had a stubble on his face that looked to be ginger in colour, he was wearing a suit with a blue tie and he was lanky thin (if you couldn't tell, this is tom hiddleston), the other man looked to be 17, had short thick brown hair, blue eyes, a little stubble that was brown in colour, he was wearing a butler outfit with white gloves and he was writing something down in a notebook (and this one is sebastian stan)
"have you got everything down?" the man in the suit asks the butler
"yes sir" the butler replies in a american accent and he walks off to where the lady and emily came in from
"oh, rose, i was wondering when you will be getting back-" the man says noticing the lady now named rose and then he noice emily "who's the little girl?" he asks calmly
"oh, sir hiddleston, i found her in the mud when i was coming back to the car, she was rolling down in a barrel and she fell into the mud, so i wanted to know if i can give her a bath?" rose says and the man now known as sir hiddleston thinks
"does she have a family?" sir hiddleston asks and the lady became worried
"umm...hold on" rose says and she puts emily down "do you have a family?" she asks and emily quickly shakes her head
"are you a orphan?" sir hiddleston asks and emily nods her head "how old are you?" he asks and emily had to think till she holds up what she thinks is 3 fingers which she was right
"3?" rose says and emily nods "she's just a toddler" she says in that motherly worry
"ok, you can give her a bath and wash her dress but then we need to think what to do with her" sir hiddleston says and the lady does a small calm smile
"thank you, sir" rose says and she picks up emily "i just need to take the groceries into the kitchen" she says but sir hiddleston stops her
"no need, i think...there he is!" sir hiddleston says and he smiles a little when the butler from before comes back
"i did it sir" the butler says and sir hiddleston smiles
"good, can you take roses groceries into the kitchen please?" sir hiddleston asks and the butler smiles
"sure thing, sir" the butler says and he takes the groceries from rose
the butler walks off with the groceries to the kitchen and rose goes upstairs
"come on, little one, let's get you washed and dressed" rose says and goes to the bathroom
when rose and emily get to the bathroom, rose undressed emily putting the dress and hair band to the side so they can be put in the washing machine later and stuck both her and the puppy in the bath as emily didn't want to part with the puppy, also the wooden cat was put by the sink and emily can see it from the bath, as rose was giving emily a good bath she notice the start of bruising on emily's left arm and this made rose concerned, the bruising was a hand shape and little dots around the top of the arm to the elbow and it looked to be all over the arm, she decides to ignore it for now and bring it up to sir hiddleston later, she carries on cleaning emily and emily helped wash the puppy when she was done using dog shampoo to clean the puppy from mud, after emily and the puppy were clean, they get dried off and as emily was clean, her hair became super curly due to it being really thick, rose finds a spare outfit for emily to wear while her dress and hair band were being washed, she was wearing a light pink t-shirt with a picture of a teddy bear in the middle, a dark pink skirt, white socks with foil on the top and pink strapped shoes
"there! what do you think?" rose says as emily looks at the outfit
emily liked it but she felt something was missing, she then touches her hair not to feel her hair band and she didn't like it was gone
"oh, you want a hair band, hold on" rose says and goes off out the bathroom
emily looks at the puppy and the puppy looks back at emily with a curious look in her eyes, emily looked confused with a head tilt and she looks back to where rise went off to, rose then came back and she sticks a pink hair band on emily's head
"there you go" rose says and she shows emily a mirror
emily looks at herself and she liked the hair band, she smiles and this made rose smile
"now you look really clean and cute, let's show sir hiddleston" rose says and she picks up emily
rose and emily come out of the bathroom with rose putting emily's dirty dress in her other arm and the puppy was following behind them, emily also picks up her wooden cat before rose picked her up and rose takes emily and the puppy to sit hiddleston's office and when rose enters after knocking she sees sir hiddleston doing paperwork
"yes?" sir hiddleston says and he looks up wearing reading glasses to see rose holding emily and he does a little smirk at emily who was looking around curiously but then does his serious face
"she all washed and dressed" rose says and she puts emily down on the ground
emily looks around the room some more and then she looks at the puppy who was sniffing around the room also curiously
"you look very clean" sir hiddleston says happily and emily for the first time ever smiles looking down a little embarrassed "what's the name of the puppy?" he asks and emily looks at the puppy
emily keeps look at the puppy for a name and the puppy looks at her going 'so, what's my name?' and emily thinks
"sss...squibbs" emily says and speaks for the first time making her smile suprised that she could speak
"squibbs?" sir hiddleston says and emily nods
"squibbs" emily repeats and the puppy goes over to her
emily picks up the puppy and the puppy licks her face on her cheek with her tail wagging happily
"and tell me, what's your name?" sir hiddleston asks and emily kicks her lips anxiously
"...em-ly" emily replies with her name which sounded a little broken
"emily?" sir hiddleston replied and emily nods to confirm "emily and squibbs" he says in a mumble and he smiles
"sir, when i was washing emily, i notice this in her arm" rose says and shows sir hiddleston emily's bruised left arm "it seems from where she came from, she was abused" she adds and sir hiddleston went sad
sir hiddleston looks at emily and she looked like a sad dog who owner had left it alone while they went out, sir hiddleston then gets up, goes over to emily and crouches down to her level
"do you want to stay here for a bit?" sir hiddleston asks emily and emily looked a little suprised but then she nods her head "good and when you've settled down, you can tell me what happened here on your arm" he adds and points to emily's arm
emily looks at her arm and she looks back at sir hiddleston with a little smile on her face
"oh! i forgot to introduce myself, i'm tom and everyone around here called me sir hiddleston but you can call me tom if you want" sir hiddleston now known as tom says and emily nods
"t-tom?" emily says unsure she was saying it right but tom nods confirming she said it right
"that's me" tom says a smile as he thought emily says his name very cutely "you've already met rose, my maid" he says and emily turns to her
"ro-sie?" emily says and rose made a face like she saw something cute
"yes, that's my name" rose says happily accepting emily's nickname for her
just then the door opens and it was the butler from before, he looks at tom, then at emily and he smiles at emiy before walks over to tom
"and this is sebastian, my butler" tom says as sebastian crouches down to emily's level
"hello!" the butler now known as sebastian says and emily looks at sebastian for a second before smiling
"seb-by?"emily says curiously as she looks at sebastian then tom see if she got his name right and sebastian smirks and huffs though his nose
"yes, you can call me that if it's easier for you to say" sebastian says kindly and emily smiles "and who's this?" he asks and pets squibbs in emily's arms
"squibbs!" emily replies happily and sebastian looks at emily
"squibbs? that's a odd name" sebastian says and emily tilted her head confused as she didn't know what 'odd' meant
"sebastian, can you show emily to the kitchen, i think her and squibbs might be hungry" tom says as sebastian stands up and sebastian nods
"yes sir" sebastian says and he picks up emily as she holds her hands up "let's get you something to eat" he says to emily and he walks out the room
when he, emily and squibbs were gone, tom sits back down and rose looks at him
"so what should we do with her?" rose asks worried
"i dunno, keep her here for a bit till we find out what orphanage she came from or find a family that can take her in" tom says as he thinks and rose nods at her
"yes sir, but what about if where she came from is abusing her, then what?" rose says then asks and tom looks up at her thinking
"i guess we can keep her here longer" tom says with a smile and then he gets back to work
rose nods at him and decides to leave him alone to work, after she shuts the door she goes off to see how emily is doing so she heads to the kitchen, meanwhile back in the office and tom decides to think about his life, he was one of 3 with 2 younger sister and his mom was english and his dad was scottish, his dad was a millionaire and he met tom's mother at a little cafe in town, they fell in love and then had tom and his sisters, tom's dad decided to make tom the heir to the mansion as he was the oldest and tom's dad also had another mansion in scotland which belonged to his parents, tom's dad's idea was that when tom takes over the mansion they live in now, him with tom's mom will go over to scotland and live in the mansion there with his parents while tom and his sisters looked after the mansion they lived in, tom was happy to do that so he worked hard on i his school work so when he finished school at 16, he will be ready to take over the mansion, due to tom working so hard, he couldn't keep a relationship long, he had 2 girlfriends in total and both of them left him after 2 years saying that he thinks of his school work more then his relationships so he had nobody now, after his second girlfriend left when he had just turned 16, his parents and sisters were going to visit tom's grandparents for a weekend and tom didn't go as he had exam homework to do, but before they got there, they were killed by a giant rock that fell off the mountain that is close to the mansion, all 4 of them were kill and tom was left with the mansion and all his parents money as that what the will said, tom was devastated that his family was gone and he was now an orphan but he had to look after the mansion like his dad told him too so he did, he had been doing this for 2 years now and he seems to be coping well, he also had support from his grandparents on both sides, aunts, uncles, cousins and family friends, he sighs and he carries on doing what he was doing before rose came in with emily and at the same time, thinking about emily and if he should keep her.
meanwhile sebastian put emily in the dining room and he places her on one of the chairs, he realises she too short for the chair so he finds a box to boost her up so she was the same level as the table
"so, is there anything you would like?" sebastian asks and emily looked at him unsure as she never tried any other food other then the porridge mush from the orphanage "don't know? hmm...i know what you will like!" he says, thinks then he gets an idea and goes off to the kitchen
emily waits at the table for her food but at the same time, she wanted to get off the chair and look around the dining room, she had never been in a place like this before, it was so big, even bigger then the orphanage and it very nice, she wondered if tom likes living here as he gets to run around without getting told off, he gets to do mischievous stuff without getting told off and he had the place all to himself with people called 'butlers' and 'maids', emily wasn't sure what butlers and maids do but she knew someone will tell her eventually, suddenly the doors open and it was sebastian, he had a plate of something and when he puts the plate down the plate was full of fat yellow stick things
"here you are, enjoy your uhh...chips! yes, chips" sebastian says trying to remember what the english word for fries were and he walks away to leave emily alone with her food but not to far
emily examines the fat yellow stick which was called a chip and she takes a bite into it after picking the chip up with a fork, she eats it, swallows it and she really loved it, she carries on eating the chips till they were all gone and she gets out of her chair
"are you done?" sebastian asks kindly and emily nods happily
"love dem!" emily replies happily ans excited and sebastian chuckles
"good" sebastian says and he picks up the abandoned plate
"squibbs food!" emily says and points to squibbs who was next to her right leg
"don't worry, i will get squibbs her food" sebastian says and he rubs emily's head with his right hand before he goes off to get squibbs her food
emily and squibbs wait for sebastian to come back and when he does he had a red dog food bowl with some dog food in it
"here you go" sebastian says and hands the food bowl to squibbs
squibbs smells it and she takes a chunk of the dog food out of the bowl, she eats the chunk on the floor and she keeps doing it till the chunks were gone and it was just the dog food gravy left which she licks up, when squibbs was done, she went to emily who was looking around the next room which was the living room and sebastian was helping her explain stuff she didn't know
"what dat?" emily asks as she points to a magazine on a coffee table
"it's a magazine, it's like a book but different" sebastian replies as he holds up the magazine
"ooo!" emily says interested and she watches as sebastian puts the magazine back down on the coffee table "what dis?" emily asks as she points to the tv which is one of those big block tvs
"this is a tv, you watch stuff in it like the news and kids cartoons" sebastian replies and emily was a little confused on what he meant
sebastian then turns on the tv seeing that emily was confused and he turns it to the kids channel where teletubbies was playing, emily watches the show and she was super mesmerised by the show, she then sat down on the sofa with squibbs sitting next to her and was smiling as she watched, as she watches she does notice that rose comes in but she was more interested in the teletubbies while squibbs was napping next to her
"how is she?" rose asks sebastian wanting to know how emily was doing
"she fine, she ate some fr-chips, fed squibbs the puppy and now she's being curious and watching this" sebastian replies catching his slip up and points to the tv where teletubbies was still playing
"that's good" rose says with a sigh of relief "i've talked to sir hiddleston and he says that if we can't find the orphanage she came from or if she doesn't has a family, we can keep her here" she says and sebastian looks at emily still being mesmerised by the teletubbies and then looks back at rose with a smile
"i would love if she stayed, she's a nice and caring girl" sebastian mumbles but rose heard him and she nods
"yeah..." rose says simply and she watches emily with a little smile on her face
suddenly the door opens and it was tom, he comes in the room, sees that emily was watching tv, smiles and then looks over at rose
"rose, one of the other maids told me that the dress emily came in is clean, can you put it in the room next to my room?" tom says and rose was a little confused till she realises that the room next to his room which had been vacant for a while might now be emily's room
"yes, sir" rose replies and she leaves the room to sort out emily's dress and hair band
tom then goes over to sebastian and asks how emily did after she left the office, sebastian fills him in on what she ate and what she did after she had her chips till what's she's doing now, tom smiles at sebastian and sebastian smiles back ar him with a little blush in his cheeks, tom notices and he huffs with amusement, he then goes over to emily and sits next to her
"emily?" tom says to emily and she turns to him "since you've settled down now, can you tell me what happened for you to get here?" he asks and emily thinks
"umm...orpfan place" emily says and tom tried to think what she's saying
"you were in a orphanage?" tom says seeing if that what emily meant and emily nods to confirm
"bad plwace" emily says and tom looked sad
"the orphanage you were in is a bad place?" tom says seeing if that what emily meant and emily nods again to confirm "why?" he asks
"lady and man plwace, bad" emily says and tom looks at her worried
"the man and lady that run the place are bad?" tom says seeing if that what emiy meant and emily nods to confirm "why? what do they do?" he asks and emily looked sad
"dey hit friends, put dem away bad, one gone long tim, t'day gave me family, family bad, ran away" emily says brokenly and with her now speech impediment and tom tries to figure out what she's saying
" the orphanage you were at hit the kids, locked them up when they were bad, gone, you got adopted by a family today but the family turned out to be bad people so you ran away?" sebastian says and emily nodded at all he got from what emily said
"no back...bad 'n' scary" emily says anxious and tears were forming in her eyes that she might go back to the orphanage so she leans in to tom and puts her head on his side
both tom and sebastian felt sorry for emily and tom hugs emily close to comfort her, emily felt the warmth of tom and it made her close her eyes making a sigh as she does so, tom keeps her company and holding her close and sebastian thought he needed to leave but tom stops him and makes him join him and emily on the sofa, he does so and the trio with squibbs sat quietly as they adults watch tv, emily was doozing and squibbs was asleep, it wasn't long till emily fell asleep and her head was moved from tom's side to tom's lap as tom moved her to be more comfy, tom decides to pick her up and take her to bed
"i'm taking her to bed" tom says to sebastian as sebastian gets up too and sebastian nods understanding
tom then goes off with squibbs behind him while sebastian tidys up the room and when tom get to the spare room which was next to his room, he turns on the light and looks at the bed, the room was a big room with a four post double bed in the corner by the window, a waldrobe, a clothes draw, a bookshelf, a desk, a table with a small block tv on it and a bedside table by the bed, the bed had 4 pillows with white pillow cases on and a duvet with a white duvet cover on it, tom puts emily into bed with squibbs going next to emily's chest and he strokes emily's hair when she feel the warmth disappear, when she went back to sleep, tom leaves after looking at emily and sayibbs fast asleep together on the bed and he head to his own room as he sees it was 10pm, he was about to go to his room till he sees sebastian come up the stairs and has a idea
"hey sebastian?" tom says and sebastian looks at him
"yes sir?" sebastian replies and tom goes over to him
"go on the computer in my office and see what you can find about the orphanage emily is from" tom says and sebastian nods
"yes, sir and i will tell you what i find in the morning" sebastian says seriously and he goes off to tom's office
tom watches sebastian go and he gains a smile on his face watching sebastian, when sebastian is gone in the office, tom goes in his room and he gets into bed after doing his nighttime routine of brushing his teeth and then getting dressed in his pyjamas, he then falls asleep after thinking on what to do with emily after hearing her story and he decides to think about it tomorrow.
meanwhile at the orphanage a few hours ago and mrs.ferby had just put down the phone from the family that adopted emily and she looked angry
"ugh!" mrs.ferby says angry and she flips a nearby table
"what's wrong?" mr.gordon asks annoyed as ever
"it's that brat, emily, she ran away from the family that adopted her and now the family want a refund" mrs.fenby explains frustrated and this made mr.gordon angry
"do they know where she is?" mr.gordon says angrily
"no, she gave them the slip when they were going after her, she could be anywhere by now" mrs.fenby says really annoyed and angry
"ugh! i will start looking for her tomorrow" mr.gordon says annoyed and mrs.fenby puts her hand on his chest when he starts getting up
"don't bother, if she died of hypothermia or starves to death, we just make up a good excuse to the government, they always believe us" mrs.fenby says and mr.gordon nods with an evil grin
as the 2 'caretakers' we're talking, they didn't notice that mia (the allergies girl) heard everything and she goes back upstairs to tell the other girls, she get to the room and all the girls (except isabelle who is the asthmatic, blind and deaf girl) look at her
"girls, i just heard that emily escaped her new home!" mia says and all the girls gasp
"really! that's good! they didn't look to be a good family anyway" lucy says surprised then relived
"i wonder where she is now?" freya asks curiously yet worried
"i dunno, mrs.fenby didn't say, she only said that they will make an excuse if emily died out there" mia say and the girls gasp again
"she's only 3 years old! we need to save her" evie says and the other girls agree
"shall we tell the boys?" hannah asks as she points to the door
"umm...i dunno, there are more boys then us, i think we should only take a few?" ashley says and the other girls agree
the girls that night decide which boys to take after deciding to chose 4 boys to go with them, they knew to take winston as he's the second oldest to george, they decide to leave george as he need to look after isabelle and william (the cerebral palsy boy), the other 3 they were stuck on so they decided to ask them tomorrow to see who wants to go, back at the mansion around 11:30 and sebastian was on the computer looking for the orphanage emily was talking about, he looks until he spots one with a news article, the news article was about the death of a 15 year old girl named sophie that lived in the orphanage which was name the sweet angel orphan home, she was killed by unknown causes and the caretakers were very distraught about it, the picture of the article were of the orphanage building, the girl and the caretaker at the bottom, sebastian decides to print off the news article and show it to tom in the morning.
the next morning and tom wakes up first and as he stretches after he stands up, he hears a knock on the door
"come in, sebastian" tom says and sebastian opens the door
"how did you know it was me?" sebastian asks as he walks over to tom
"2 things, 1, you use a certian knock and 2, you're the only one who knock which i appreciate" tom says and sebastian blushes make tom smile while also blushing a little "so, did you find anything?" he asks and sebastian nods getting to the reason he came in here
"oh yes! umm...i found this while looking around" sebastian replies and he hands tom the news article
tom looks though the article and was shocked to read it, he then looks up at sebastian and he was looking in the direction of emily's room then back at tom with worry in his face
"i wonder if emily knows anything about this?" tom asks in worry and sebastian looked the same way
"we can ask her what she remembers, from the date she would of been 2 at the time" sebastian says and points to the date which was the 12 of september 1998
tom nods and the pair walk out of the room to get breakfast, in emily's room and emily was waking up to squibbs licking her face and pawing her in the arm
"squibbs, what wrong?" emily says and squibbs jumps down off the bed and to the door
emily realises that squibbs wanted to go potty so she gets out of bed and opens to door for her, squibbs bolts off and emily follows her slowly as she still trying to wake up, she then bumps into someone when she gets to the bottom step as she was rubbing her eyes to see who was in front of her and it turned out to be tom
"oh! hello emily, did you sleep well?" tom says as he see it was her and he picks her up
"reah..." emily replies in a mumble then she lies her head on tom's shoulder
"*chuckles* come on, let's get you breakfast, maybe something to eat will wake you up" tom says and he takes emily to the dining room
when the pair get to the dining room, tom puts emily on the chair she was on yesterday and emily looks at tom as he sits to her left, meanwhile sebastian was waiting by the kitchen doors for the food to be made for emily and tom when squibbs appears from the door after she went potty and she jumps up at sebastian's leg
"what? do you want food?" sebastian says happily to squibbs and the puppy squeaks a reply "ok, ok, i'll get you your food, hold on" he says smiling at squibbs and squibbs sits in front of him
sebastian goes off into the kitchen then a few minutes later, he returns with a dog bowl full of dog food
"there you go" sebastian says as he puts the food down and squibbs tucks into it
sebastian smiles as he watches squibbs eat and then he gets the food for emily and tom though the pass though window, he takes the food and he goes off into the dining room, when he gets there, emily looks at sebastian with the food and wondered what the food is
"oh good, a english breakfast" tom says happily when he gets his breakfast which is an english breakfast
the english breakfast contains some beans, 2 sausages, a fried egg, bacon strips, toast and black pudding, sebastian then gave emily her plate and she had a stack of pancakes instead of an english breakfast
"here are your pancakes, emily, i hope you like them" sebastian says happily while sounding a little mischievous and tom couldn't help but smile
emily looks at the pancakes and they were a stack of 5 very thick pancakes, emily takes a bite of her pancake eating it like a sandwich and she loved it as her eyes looked like they were sparkling, she then tucks into the pancakes and tom looks at her to smiles at her then continues with his food, a bit later and emily was on her last pancake and tom was almost finished his breakfast when emily notice something
'tom food, me food, food' emily thought as she looks at tom's plate, then her pancake then at sebastian who looked to be daydreaming
emily looks at her last pancake, at sebastian then at her pancake again and she then gets a idea, she grabs her plate, struggles to get out of her chair but she does it and then walks over to sebastian
"'ere ar'" emily says kindly and sebastian looks at her as she holds out her plate with the last pancake on it
"is-is this for me?" sebastian says after he crouches down and takes the plate from emily 
"yee" emily replies with a happy nod and sebastian smiles at her
"thank you, emily" sebastian says happily then gets curious "but, why you giving this to me?" he asked curiously
"tom food, me food, sebby no food" emily says as she points at tom, then her and then at sebastian in his arm
"so? you felt worried for me that i didn't have food and both you and sir did?" sebastian says translating her and emily nods happily
"yee" emily says while nodding and sebastian smiles at her with a bigger smile
"thank you" sebastian says happily and he tucks into the pancake making emily smile and giggle
she then sees squibbs come in the room and she pets her, after petting squibbs she walks away into the living room and tom watches her go with squibbs following her by her foot
"i guess she didn't want you to feel left out" tom says and sebastian nods with pancake in his mouth
"...yeah, she's a caring and sweet girl" sebastian says after swallowing and then eats another bite
"she is..." tom replies as he looks at the door then at sebastian again "if it's easier for you, you can call me tom when it's just you, me and emily or just you and me" he says and sebastian nods and smiles
"...i would like that..." sebastian says happily after swallowing his pancake bite and he smiles at tom "thanks...tom" he adds and he blushes little
tom smiles back also gaining a blush and he looks at sebastian thinking he had the cutest smile, tom then thinks about how he hired sebastian, it was a few weeks after his parents and sister died and he was looking for some butlers and maids to help around the mansion, he was about to go as he thought he had chosen the best ones till sebastian came in, sebastian at the time had just turned 15 and tom thought he was cute till he realised what he was thinking, sebastian did his butler exams and he passed with flying colours, tom also decided to make sebastian his right hand butler ad he was so good and...he may or may not gained a little crush on sebastian, that night after the butler and maid auditions, tom finds out he is bisexual and he decides to keep it a secret till he feels like it's right, since hiring sebastian and working with him for 2 years, his crush on sebastian became bigger and bigger and he thinks that sebastian has a crush on him too as he blushes and smiles a lot at him which made his heart race.
back in the room and tom realises that he had finished his breakfast, sebastian was taking his last chunk of his pancake and he cleaned up his and tom's plate by putting his plate under tom's
"you should check what emily is up to, i don't think she knows how to turn the tv on" sebastian says and tom nods looking at sebastian with a cute smile
sebastian smile back then he leaves the room with the dirty stuff, tom then gets up and goes into the living room to see if emily is there, he finds out that she is there and she was looking around the room curiously, emily looks at him then she runs over to a picture and points to it
"what dat?" emily asks as she points to the picture
tom goes over and sees she was pointing to the picture of him with his parents and sisters
"this is a picture frame and this is a picture" tom says picking up the picture and he sits down on the big single sofa to look at it
emily climbs up to sit next to him with squibbs going on her lap and she looked really curious
"who dat?" emily asks as she points to the 5 year old tom
"that's me when i was 5, that is a my sister who was 4 and this is my youngest sister who was your age" tom replies and he them points to his parents "also this is my mum and this is my dad" he adds and he looks at emily who still looked curious
"where dey?" emily asks as she notice she never saw them
"...they're gone..." tom says looking sad and emily looked worried
"like mama sophie, she gone too" emily says and this made tom remember the news article sebastian printed for him
"did she...look like this?" tom asks and he holds out the paper with the picture of sophie on it
"reah, miss her" emily says and she looked sad
"i miss my family too, they went when i was 16 and i've been looking after this mansion since" tom says and emily looks up at him with curiosity in her eyes
"do sebby help?" emily asks and tom nods
"yeah, sebastian help out looking after the mansion too and he's doing a great job" tom says and he didn't realise he did a love sigh
"*gasp* dat mrs.furry and mr.gob, dey bad!" emily says as she sees the picture of mrs.ferby and mr.gordon
tom looks at the picture of the pair and then looks back at emily
"what did they do?" tom asks and emily looked worried
"dey bad, dey mean kids, dey lock kid away bad, mr.gob sophie gone" emily says and tom thinks about what she said
"they are bad people who are mean to the kids, lock the kids away when they are bad and mr.gordon made sophie disappear?" tom says rephrasing what emily said and emily nods
"reah, papa georgie says mr.gob wrapped sophie to gone" emily says and tom thinks till he became shocked in horror
'this mr.gordon raped a girl to death?! that's horrible!' tom thought in horror then looks at emily
"how old was this sophie when she was gone?" tom asks and emily thinks
"five...ween" emily says struggling to say the number
"15?" tom says and emily nods confirming the number
tom looks at the news article and there next to sophie's name was her age of 15, tom then looks back at emily and she was looking around
"do you remember what happened on the day sophie was gone?" tom asks and emily thinks about it
"umm...mama sophie me bed, mr.gob ask help, mama sophie vent mr.gob, me asleep" emily says and tom think about what she said
"so, sophie put you to bed that night then mr.gordon asks sophie to help with something, she agrees and goes with him and then you fell asleep" tom says translating emily and emily nods to confirm what he described
"mr.gob dog, rocky dog friend" emily says and tom smiles at her
"mr.gordon has a dog named rocky but rocky is your friend" tom says and emily nods
"no seen vhile" emily says and she looked sad
"but you haven't seen it in a while?" tom translates and emily nods while stroking squibbs in her lap "aww! i'm sure he's alright" tom says side hugging her to comfort her and emily looks up at him making a little smile
tom was starting to love emily's smiles, they were cute and a relief that she's not sad anymore, suddenly sebastian comes in the room and he looked worried
"hey tom" sebastian says and tom looks up at him "you have a visitor, it's...your great aunt audrey and great uncle ralph" he says then whispers and tom face looked a mixture of annoyed and angry
tom's great aunt audrey and great uncle ralph were the only relatives that tom hated, they were from tom's mum side of the family and great aunt audrey is a narcissistic, entitled, stubborn, a guilt tripper, alcoholic, a drug user, a smoker, a massive lier, a ableismist (someone who hates special needs people), a anti lgbt+ supporter, racist, a xenophobe, a horrible parent and a terrible aunt, great uncle ralph is the exactly the same as her but a terrible uncle instead and everyone had lost contact with them for years after a bad incident where the pair got into a fight with everyone after finding out that tom's male cousin from his dad's side is gay with a boyfriend, the couple did have 2 children in 1973 and 1974 who are tom's great cousins named sarah and fred but they were taken away from auldry and ralph when they were 2 and 3 years old after auldry and ralph tried to burn them alive as they had special needs from auldry drinking and taking drugs thought out her pregnancy with the pair, tom and his family still keep in contact with sarah and fred and they are now 25 and 26 and living great lives with families of their own without their parents around, lately they've been trying to use their family members like tom's grandparents on his mum's side, his aunt and uncle on his mum's side, his older cousins being 18+ on his mum's side, some friends and even trying to steal a lot from charities and stores.
"ok, stay here with emily and i'll sort them out" tom says annoyed with a angry grunt and he gets up
sebastian picks up emily and tom leaves the room, sebastian then sits on the sofa with emily going on his lap and then he remembers something
"oh yeah, i think you left this on the sofa last night" sebastian says and he takes out something in his left pocket
he opens his hand and it was emily's wooden cat, emily takes it and she fiddles with it while leaning into sebastian, meanwhile tom walks over to the front door to where 2 butlers were holding back auldry and ralph
"oh! if it isn't my great grandnephew!" auldry says and tom glares at the couple annoyed
"what do you two want? you know you're banned from coming here by my mum years ago and the ban still stands" tom says annoyed and aldrey acted offended
"i can't believe you would banned us like this" aunt auldry says offended and shocked but tom didn't budge "we're your great aunt and uncle, we just want to see how our great grandnephew is doing running a mansion and stuff" she adds and tom still looked annoyed
"you still haven't told me what you want?" tom says lifting an eye brow and uncle ralph sighs annoyed
"what do you think we want?" uncle ralph asks annoyed and tom pulls a 'really?' face
"well, what the other family members tell me, you've been trying to get people you know to give you money and when they invite you in their house, you steal their stuff so no to the money and no to staying here, EVER!" tom say calmly then angry and the aunt and uncle get annoyed "so get out or in calling the police on you two" he adds pointing to the door and aunt auldry gets angry
"you are such a ungrateful child! all we want to do is visit and you accuse us for wanting money and stealing stuff" auldry says really annoyed and tom still looked angry at then "you know what? we don't want to stay here anyway because i bet you still have that stupid romanian-american butler still working here and romania is the worst country!" she adds and tom still looked anger but mentally he was frustrated at auldry taking about sebastian and his birth country like that
"didn't you say a while ago that all country other then the UK are the worst?" tom says calmly as he points out a comment she said ages ago
"...yes!...ahh!" auldry confesses but then screams in frustration "you are the most selfish, stubborn and annoying brat i've ever know!" she yells and then heads to the door "i hope this mansion burns down with you in it!" she adds still yelling then she and ralph leave
"make sure they leave and if they don't, call the police and say they are trespassing" tom says to the 2 butlers that was blocking auldry and ralph to come in after the door slams shut
"yes, sir!" the butlers say and they head out the front door
tom sighs and puts his hand on his face, he really hates his great aunt and uncle since he first met them at the age of 3 and he wishes to never see them again, he thinks to get a restraining order on them so they will stay away and then he can tell the other family members on his mother's side to do the same, he walks off to the living room and when he gets there, he sees sebastian and emily reading a book and the book was a fairy tale book from the bookshelf while squibbs was asleep on a pillow next to the pair, sebastian looks at tom to he looked stressed and he looked sad, emily looks up to and as sebastian looks back at the book, emily follows tom to the double seat sofa and watches him lie down, emily looks at him for a moment then she goes off sebastian's lap and then sofa, she then goes over to tom and holds out her wooden cat
"'ere ar'!" emily says happily and tom takes the wooden cat from her after he sits up from looking at it as he was lying down "tom sad, cat me happy, cat you happy" emily says and looks at emily then at the cat
"i look sad so you're giving me your toy because it makes you happy and it might make me happy?" tom says and emily nods
"reah" emily replies happily and tom smiles at her making the stress from the incident earlier melt away 
"thank you, emily" tom says and emily smiles too
she then walks back to sebastian and he picks her back up onto his lap, he then carries on reading the book and emily leans into him on his right shoulder while sucking her thumb, squibbs hadn't move the whole time and was still asleep on the pillow by sebastian and emily, tom looks at the wooden emily gave him and he smiles at it as it did remind him of emily, he then looks over at emily and she was looking at the book as sebastian read to her, she would now a and again point to the book with her little hand and sebastian would explain what it was she pointed at, tom glances over at sebastian and as he was watching sebastian read to emily, he couldn't help but blush after think how cute sebastian was being a good father towards emily, he then lies down again and turns to look at the sofa as he was trying to hide his blushed face
'oh my god! why is he so cute!' tom thought as he was acting like a 12 year old girl seeing her crush for the millionth time
sebastian glances over at tom who was still facing towards the sofa and sebastian smiles before going back to the book, he then gets to the end of the book and sees that emily had fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder and sucking her thumb, sebastian looks up at the time to see it was half past 12 and he then looks over at tom
"hey tom?" sebastian says and tom turns around "she's fallen asleep, should i take her to bed?" he asks and tom looks at emily then he shakes his head
"no, she's okay there with you, why don't you take a nap too? you were up late helping me and you must be tired" tom says and sebastian thought about it but his body answered for him as he yawns
tom chuckle as sebastian stopped yawning and he then turns around so he was at the other end of the sofa, sebastian gets comfy on the sofa and he closes his eyes making sure he had emily close before he did, tom also decided to take a nap to help release stress from earlier and soon both him and sebastian were asleep like emily and squibbs and they had a dreamless sleep, an hour and a half later and emily was the first one to wake up, she looks around to see that both sebastian and tom had fallen asleep with sebastian having his head on the left side of the head rest and he had emily in his right side with his arm around emily's waist to keep her safe, tom meanwhile was lying on the double sofa with his head on a pillow and he was on his side with one arm under him and the other leaking off the sofa, she also looks at squibbs who was still asleep but she went from being in a curled up position on a pillow  to being on her back and her limbs are all over the place on the pillow.
emily giggles quietly at squibbs then she gets off sebastian and she decides to look around, she looks all over the living room and then she decides to leave the living room to look around the hallways, as emily looked around the hallway, she was amazed about everything, she wondered what things were and she wondered what those men were doing at the front door, there were 2 butlers dressed like sebastian but looked complete different to him also looked really big (buff) were standing at the door and they seems to be blocking someone from coming in the mansion, emily stood there and watched as these 2 bulky men were trying their best to block this thing trying to come in.
"you...can't come in, sir...hiddleston told you to...leave!" one of the bulky butlers says as they were trying to block this thing person from coming in
"my great grandnephew is family and i can come into the mansion whenever i want so...MOVE!" a lady's voice says and then she comes charging into the mansion successfully moving the 2 bulky butlers out of the way.
the lady had hair which was long at the front and short at the back (a line cut aka the karen haircut), it was a gray colour, she had green eyes but you couldn't tell as she was wearing giant round sunglasses, chubby face, really overweight body, a floral t-shirt with a white vest coat, tight jeans, black half heel shoes, she looked to be 5'5 and a brown leather handbag with some key rings on the loop where the handle connects to the bag, the lady had a man with him and he had really short hair like he was in the army, brown eyes but you couldn't tell as he was wearing big versace sunglasses, like the lady he was very overweight around the face, chest and belly and his belly looked to be really big to the point emily thought he might of eaten a person which freaked her out, he had baggy trousers on but he was so fat the trousers didn't look baggy, big trainers and he looked to be about 6'0.
the lady looked around and then she spots emily standing by the stairs and she gained an evil look
"look ralph, a toddler" the lady says to the man and she goes over to emily
emily tries to run but the man grabs emily by her left arm hard and picks her up by her arm, emily starts to cry scream but then the lady shut her up by smacking her face which made emily scream cry more stressed
"will you shut up, you annoying pest!" the lady says and smacks emily again which made her cry more
meanwhile in the living room and both tom and sebastian woke up to the screaming from emily, they went into a parent mode they didn't know they had and they run out of the room to see the man and woman which were ralph and auldry abusing emily
"oi! leave her alone!" tom shouts and ralph drops emily making her thud onto the marble floor
tom picks up emily and holds her close with one hand on her back as she was still crying in pain and fear on tom's shoulder
"who is she?!" auldrey says annoyed and tom glares at her angrily
"...she's my daughter! so like i said a few seconds ago, leave her alone!" tom says a little suprised he called emily his daughter
sebastian was suprised too but he was as angry as tom was that these 'relatives' of tom had abused a innocent 3 year old so he let it slide
"your daughter?! when did you have a kid?" auldrey asks and tom face didn't budge
"3 years ago in 1997" tom replies and he still was holding the upset emily close to him
"but you would of been 16 at the time?! you decided to make someone go though a teen pregnancy?!" auldrey says shocked and offended and tom just shrugs "what would your father think of you sleeping around as a teenager?!" she asks and tom shrugs again
"he would be alright with it and so would my mother!" tom argues back and both auldrey and ralph were shocked
"well, i never-" auldrey says offended and tom gave a smirk knowing his parents and even his 2 sisters if they were all still alive would accept emily completely with open arms "do you know who the other parent is!?" she asks and timon thinks about it
he then with the corner of his eye looks at sebastian who was trying to calm emily down but failing and then he nods thrn points to sebastian (also, forgot to say, this movie fic has the same rules as the IRL AU rules so if you don't understand, go to the info part of the first page and scroll down till you get to the 'IRL AU Facts' part which is under 'emily's acting story')
auldrey gasps in horror and sebastian looks to see what the evil great aunt was being shocked about
"him?! the romanian-american?! auldrey says while pointing to sebastian and tom nods while smirking "...why you!" she says angry also now realising that tom was not straight
the 2 bulky butler that had been knocked out when auldrey and ralph pushed in were now awake and now had grabbed auldrey and ralph so they didn't hurt tom, emily or sebastian
"you traitor, i thought you were straight!" auldrey says trying to fight the bulky butler that was holding her and ralph was doing the same
tom shakes his head and he sighs
"no...i'm bisexual" tom says calmly and auldrey flips out trying to fight to get away from the bulky butler even more
suddenly the police arrive and tom tells the butler to take auldrey and ralph to the police car
"i will get you and your dumb romanian-american boyfriend and your stupid daughter and ruin your lives for the rest of the time you are alive for ruining family tree!" auldrey shouts as she was dragged out the house and then she with ralph were gone
tom and sebastian watch her go then when she was gone, tom takes emily to her room and sebastian follows behind him thinking about everything that just happened, when they get to emily's room, tom put emily on her bed and she was still crying but it wasn't loud as before, tom checks her face and sees that there was a bred hand shaped mark on her left and right cheek and her left arm had a mark on it too from wheeze ralph was holding her
"at least they didn't cause any blood to spill" tom mumble as he finished checking emily "bit it does look like she will get bruises where the red marks are" he adds and sebastian looked worried
then both tom and sebastian could hear little taps on the floor and they look at the door to see squibbs running in the room, she jumps up on the bed and she cuddles into emily, emily who was still crying feels her and she starts petting squibbs and squibbs was licking emily's fingers
"emily, it's okay now, those mean people are gone" tom says as he wipes some tears away from emily's eyes
emily calms down a little more till she was now silently crying and her crying caused her eyes to be poofy as well eyes her cheek to be really red, tom decides to sits on the bed with her and he picks emily up to hold her close, he rocks himself as emily leans onto his shoulder and she was calm but with sniff now and again, sebastian joins tom on the bed with he took squibbs from emily and putting her on his lap
"m-man 'n' lady, sc-scary" emily mumbles still upset and scared and tom hugs her close
"i know, i know but they won't bother us anymore, i promise" tom replied and emily sniffles
"d-dey m-mean, d-dey n-names" emily says upset and tom sighs
"yes, they called me and sebastian names but we learn to ignore them as it's not nice" tom replies and emily nods and sniffles again
then at the door to the bedroom, rose was there and she gasps when she sees emily really upset
"what happened?!" rose says as she goes over to emily
"i'll explain later, for now, can you give her a bath and dress her up for dinner, she might need something to eat to calm her down" tom says and he hands emily over to rose
"yes, sir" rose says and she leaves the room to go to the bathroom with emily in her arms
when rose was gone, tom gets up and tells sebastian to follow him, he does with squibbs and they go to tom's bedroom with tom sitting on his bed and sebastian going to sit next to him as tom tells him to with squibbs going to a chair to sit on the pillow on it
"so umm...earlier, your great aunt auldrey asked who emily was and you said she was your daughter, uhh...did you meant that or-?" sebastian asks kinda shyly and tom was looking down when he asks
tom then sighs and then looks at sebastian with a little happiness in his eyes
"...yes, yes i did" tom replies honestly and sebastian smiles at him "even though she came to the mansion yesterday, i've just...grown to love her as a daughter and...*sigh* i don't know if i can take her back to the orphanage even if they are abusing her and the other kids" he adds and sebastian comforts him by giving him a side hug
"don't worry, if i was you right now, i wouldn't want to take her back either, she's a lovely, caring and kind 3 year old girl and she doesn't deserve to be on a bad place like that" sebastian says and tom smiles at him to which he smiles back
tom and sebastian sat on tom's be in comfortable silents for what felt like hours even though it had been a few minutes but then sebastian asks a question
"you said to your great aunt that you were bisexual" sebastian says and tom nods to confirm " tell the bisexual too" he admits and tom mentally sighs in relief
"that's good, at least i'm not alone with it" tom replies and sebastian smiles tom with a blush which tom thought was cute
"yeah...but...i was wondering...who is this 'boyfriend' your aunt mentioned?" sebastian says then asks and tom looks at him a little shocked then he smiles softly
"'s uhh...someone that i liked since i first met them causing the reason i found out i'm bisexual, it's someone who is really nice, caring, really cute, really handsome and...they've been by my side since after my family passed away, giving me comfort and helping me out a lot" tom explains and sebastian makes a sad smile
"he sounds nice" sebastian says in a mumble and tom realises sebastian thinks he's talking about someone else
"...they are and i also found out...that they are very good at caring for a 3 year old girl" tom says as he leans into sebastian and after some quiet, sebastian figures out who it was tom liked and looks at tom suprised then he blushes a lot
"me? is it me?" sebastian asks and tom nods before leaning in and kisses sebastian on the lips
sebastian was shocked at first but then he falls into the kiss making it deeper, the pair move their hand so tom had his hand around sebastian's waist and sebastian had his hand around tom's chest, after the kiss, the pair pull apart and they look at each other's blue eyes before they snicker happily
"i've had a crush on you since we met, too" sebastian says and tom smiles at him with a blush "i like your curly hair, big blue eyes, how handsome you dress, how smart you are, how well you are coping after your family died and now knowing how cute you are with emily, i you!" she explains and tom turns his smile into a grin then he kisses sebastian again
"i love you too" tom says and he smiles "i've always wanted to say that to you" he adds and sebastian chuckles making tom's heart flutter
"me too" sebastian replies after his chuckles and he smiles at tom happily "...also, since you said that your emily's father? does that mean i'm her father too?" he asks and tom nods happily
"yeah, she likes you as much as she likes me so i bet she'll love you as her father" tom replies and sebastian grins happily to hear that
sebastian and tom kiss again and then they hear footsteps so they pull apart, sebastian goes over to where squibbs was and the pair see that it was emily and rose, emily was in rose's arms with a towel wrapped around her and rose was taking her into the bedroom to get her dressed, about 2 minutes later, emily comes out of her bedroom looking clean and she was wearing her red dress with red hair band, her hair was also very curly and as emily ran over to tom, sebastian looked at her hair thinking how similar her and tom's hairs are
"hi emily, did you have a good bath?" tom asks as he picks up emily
" sad" emily says and tom frowns
"you still sad? why?" tom says and he sits on the bed and putting emily next to him
"mean lady sebby names" emily replies and sebastian gave a soft smile
"the mean lady called sebastian names?" tom says translating emily and she nods to confirm
"lady sebby ramenmin-avacan" emily says fumbling the word but tom knew what she meant
"the lady called sebastian a romanian-american?" tom says translating emily and she nods to confirm
"oh emily, that's not name calling, that where i'm from" sebastian says as he say next to emily on the bed
emily looked confused and sebastian gave a smile and rubs her hair
"you see, i was born in romania, a country that is a little away from england" sebastian says and emily looked curious "then when i was...8, i moved to america which is..." he says and then he was given a world map book by tom who sebastian didn't see get up
sebastian opens the book and shows romania to emily
"here is where i was born and here is where i move to with my mommy" sebastian explains as he points to romania then america
"ooo!" emily says interested then points to america "mummy there?" she asks pointing to where sebastian was pointing and sebastian nods
"yeah, my mom is still in america" sebastian confirms what emily asked and emily looked sad
"miss mummy?" emily asks and sebastian thinks for a minute before nodding a little
"yeah, i do miss my mommy but we send letters to each other every week so she knows i'm well and happy" sebastian says then explains and emily nods while looking at the map book
as she does tom picks up her left arm to check on it and he can see the hand grip mark on her arm had disappeared but the bruises on her upper arm were still there, he then looks at emily's face and see the hand mark on her face was gone too which was a relief, tom looks at the clock and sees it was coming up to dinner time so he with sebastian and emily go off and have their dinner, emily had a small burger for dinner, squibbs was fed dog food, tom had pasta and tom invited sebastian to have dinner with him and emily and sebastian had pasta too for dinner, after dinner emily went to watch tv which was tots tv while sitting on the single sofa with squibbs next to her and both tom and sebastian were sitting on the double sofa next to emily
"so umm...i forgot to say this earlier but...will you go out on a date with me sometime?" tom says and of course sebastian nods happily
"i'll love too!" sebastian replies happily and tom grins
"we can go out tuesday as tomorrow i've got something important to do" tom says and sebastian tilts his head a little confused
"what that then?" sebastian asks and tom looks at him with a smile
"well, i got paperwork to do, one of them i need your help with" tom replies and he looks over at emily
sebastian looks over to then back at tom and then he realised what he was talking about and he smiles
"oh, that paperwork, of course i'll help out with that one" sebastian says happily and tom smiles at him
the 'paperwork' tom was talking about was emily's adoption papers and when they are done, emily will be officially the daughter of tom and sebastian which made them mentally excited, soon enough it was time for bed and after putting emily and squibbs into bed, tom goes to his room and he takes sebastian with him to the bed
"oh...i-i've never slept with anyone before" sebastian admits as tom was getting into his bed
"me neither, with my last 2 relationships, i only went passed the second date till they broke up with me" tom replies as he watches sebastian undress till he was in his underwear and a vest
"so then, what makes me different to your other 2 relationships?" sebastian asks as he goes over to the right side of the bed as tom had taken the left side
"i've known you longer, i knew those lady 2 relationships for about 6-8 months but i've known you for 2 and a half years so i feel like i know you much more then my 2 previous relationships, i don't even remember their names anymore as it had been almost 3 year since my last one and 5 years since my first one" tom explains as he watches sebastian get into bed and after sebastian makes himself comfortable, tom snuggles up to him
"thats good to know that i'm more rememberable then your last 2 relationships" sebastian says happily and then they share a long goodnight kiss "well, goodnight" he says and he closes his eyes after lying down
"goodnight, darling" tom says then mumbles then he falls asleep too
the pair were now asleep and in emily's room, emily was asleep with squibbs close to her chest and squibbs was on her back snoring, meanwhile at the orphanage and the 8 girls with the boys help decided to escape tomorrow night with the 4 oldest boys with them (which were winston, zack, mike and jack) to go find emily while the other 14 kids to stay behind and act like the other 11 kids weren't missing,  they had it all planned out and just hope mrs.ferby and mr.gordon don't notice anything, the next day at the mansion and both tom and sebastian spend almost all day filling out adoption papers and some other stuff to get emily with squibbs to be officially adopted, while doing the adoption paperwork, tom and sebastian found out some things about emily from the orphanage she stayed at, they found out that her middle name is alice, she had high functioning autism, she was at the orphanage since she was a day old, she was listed as mute but both tom and sebastian know now she isn't, she has been listed as mischievous and nobody really knows who any of her parents are, by almost dinner time, emily and squibbs was now officially adopted by tom and sebastian which made them really happy and couldn't wait to tell emily.
"now that's done, let's go tell emily" tom says happily and sebastian was as happy as tom was that all the adoption forms were filled out
emily the whole day was with rose who was happy to take her and when tom returns to emily who was in her bedroom with rose, emily ran over to him and he picked her up
"hi emily, how wa your day?" to asked and emily smiles
"fun, no you, sebby" emily says and tom smiles at her
"it was fun but you missed me and sebastian?" tom says translating emily and emily nods a little sad "don't worry, we're here now and we have something to tell you" he adds and him with sebastian take emily to tom's (and now sebastian's) room
squibbs follows as she always does and when they get to the bed, tom puts emily in the middle of the bed with squibbs going in front of her and tom and sebastian goes to the their sides of the bed
"no take back!" emily says worried and tom shakes his head
"no we aren't taking you back, instead me and sebastian have...adopted you! you are part of our family now!" tom says and he was excited as he said it
emily took a minute to presses and when she does go though, she smiles widely and she hugs bit tom and sebastian
"yay!" emily says happily and she sits on the bed again as tom rubs her hair
"we also adopted squibbs so now she will have to go to the vet in 2 days for a check-up" sebastian says after he takes squibbs and holds it in front of emily
emily open mouth grins and she pets squibbs on the head making the yorkie puppy wag her tail happily
"so emily, your new name is emily alice hiddleston-stan" tom says and emily looked happy but she didn't really understand what it means
emily then thinks a little more then realises something and she points to tom
"dad-dy?" emily asks and this made tom's heart flutter
"yes, i'm your daddy now, sebastian is too" tom replies as he points to himself then at sebastian
"dad-dy...seddy!" emily says and sebastian thinks for a second till he sees what emily meant
"are you...blending sebby and daddy together?" sebastian asks emily and emily nods with a mischievous smile
"reah! seddy! daddy! yay!" emily says happily and this made tom and sebastian feel really proud
the trio share another hug with kisses and after the affection was over emily pets squibbs in her head
"emily? there is one more thing we have to tell" sebastian says and emily looks at then confused "you see, it's not bad, it's just we are going out tomorrow night and you will be with rose again just just for tomorrow night, you think you can be a good girl while we are gone?" he explains and after processing what sebastian said emily nods her head
"reah, me good, me good time!" emily says happily and sebastian smiles at her
"you're good all the time?" tom says translating emily and the 3 year old girl nods happily "are you sure? i heard you can be very mischievous" he adds and emily giggles mischievously as a response
both tom and sebastian chuckle and then the pair realise that they are starving as they stomach growl loudly
"heh, i guess we forgot to eat at lunch" sebastian says and tom nods to agree with him
"come on emily, let's go grab dinner" tom says to emily and he picks her up
they go down to dinner and for dinner, emily had some plain chicken and tom and sebastian had chicken with gravy, mashed potatos and vegetables, squibbs also had some chicken and she enjoyed it, after dinner, the trio and squibbs were chilling in the living room watching a movie and after the movie was finished, it was 10pm so it was time for bed, emily had already fallen asleep near the end of the movie so sebastian puts her into bed, after emily and squibbs were safely in bed, sebastian joins tom in their bed and he snuggles up to tom to which he kisses him on the lips and cheek
"night darling" tom says and he settles down to sleep
"night...dear" sebastian replies and he settles down to sleep  
the pair were now both asleep and in their sleep, they had dreams about the future for the pair of them and for emily, meanwhile at the orphanage, the 7 girls and the 4 boys escaped the orphanage about 11pm after mrs.ferby and mr.gordon went to sleep and after they fully escaped the orphanage feeling like they were they were in a movie as they did so, they ran off into town to se if they could find emily but what they didn't know is that mrs.fenby saw them escape and decided to follow them to see what they were up to, she knew they were looking for emily as the kids in the orphanage relay on each other to cope in the orphanage and she also heard the girls talking about finding emily so she kept quiet as she followed the 11 escapees to see if they can find emily and bring her back to the orphanage, she also doesn't know that emily was adopted by tom and sebastian as the pair did it privately with a judge over the phone.
the next morning and after breakfast, sebastian and tom decided to show emily around the mansion as they realised that emily had only been in 4 rooms of the mansion, the living room, the dining room, her bedroom and tom and sebastian's bedroom, they showed emily the kitchen, the big back garden the size of a field with a small lake in the middle of the garden with ducks, swans and gooses in the lake, the swimming pool and spa room, the ball room, the theatre room, the library room and as they showed emily an empty room which they told her ot could be a play room for her, she ran over to a wall as it looked off to her and she finds out it was a secret small room
"dook!" emily says happily as she points to the small room
the small room looked like it hadn't been touched as there was nothing in it and there was dust and cobwebs in places but both tom and sebastian get the idea to change the room into a quiet room for emily so she can have some peace if everything gets too much for her (e.g. getting anxious at parties, gets too upset and etc)
"we can change this secret room into a quiet room for you and squibbs if you want" tom asks and emily smiles and nods happily "good, we'll sort it out later, for now let's go get lunch" he says and emily cheers happily
tom picks her up and they go down to have a lunch, tom and sebastian had a small lunch as they are having a dinner date later and emily had some strawberry jam sandwiches, after lunch p, sebastian decides to read her some childrens book to help her learn as she seems to lack education as they found out the orphanage she was at never did education for the kids, the reason was that the orphanage 'didn't have enough money' for school stuff and to send the kids to public/private school so the kids at the orphanage didn't have school education, so for 4 and a half hours, sebastian taught emily about different colours, different animals, the alphabet, numbers (up to 20), different toys and families.
"look, this girl and boy have a mom and a dad, this boy has 2 moms and this girl has 2 dads" sebastian says as he points to the stock photos of 3 families
" 'n' dog" emily says as she points to the first family that have a cat and dog with them on the sides
"yes, they have a cat and dog too" sebastian says and smiles liking that emily doesn't like to leave the pets out
then sebastian sees rose as the door and he looks at the time to see it was 4:30pm
"oh! i have to go get changed" sebastian says realising and he hands emily to rose "see you in a bit, emily" he adds after a kiss on emily's forehead and he runs off to get ready
emily giggles at sebastian before he runs off and after he does rose goes and think what game emily wants to play, a little later and both tom and sebastian were dressed up in fancy black suits and they met each other at the front door
"y-you look very n-nice" sebastian says shyly when tom walks up to him with a smile on his face
"well, you look very nice too...and handsome" tom replies and sebastian blushes by the compliment
tom then sees emily come out of the living room and she bolts over to him with a smile on her face, tom picks her up and she looks at tom with a curious look
"vhen back?" emily says as she remembers tom and sebastian saying to her that they were going out
"in a few hours, be a good girl while we are gone and we'll see you later" tom says and he gives emily a kiss on the forehead
sebastian also gives emily a kiss in the forehead and when tom puts emily down, she watches then leave and when they were gone, she goes back to the living room where rose was waiting for her, meanwhile on the streets a few miles away from the mansion and the 11 orphan kids from the orphanage were still looking for emily and calling her out, they've been looking for almost a whole day and they decide to sit on some steps leading to a museum
"we're never going ti find emily, she must of left then or something" evie says and she sighs
the other kids sigh and as they sat, ashley overhears a conversation with 2 ladies
"did you hear?" lady 1 says to lady 2
"no, what?" lady 2 replies confused and curious
"you know sir hiddleston, that rich guy that took over from his fathers that died a few years ago?" lady 1 says and lady 2 nods knowing who she was talking about "i heard that he has a daughter now, her name is emily and she is was attacked by sir hiddleston's great aunt and uncle" she explains and lady 2 gasps
"that's horrible!" lady 2 says and lady 1 nods
the 2 ladies keep walking and ashley watched them go, when they were out of sight and ear shot, ashley turns to the other kids
"i know where emily might be!" ashley exclames and all the kids look at her "follow me!" she says and she runs off
the 10 other kids follow her and after running for a few minutes, they reach the mansion and they looked at it amazed
"how do you know how to get here, ashley?" jack asks ashley
"i remember seeing it a while ago while me, mrs.fenby and mr.gordon we're driving into town to get food" ashley replies and all the kids nod to understand
they all go to a hole in the fence and they all sneak over to the front door without being spotted but what they don't know is that mrs.fenby has been following them the whole time and she was grinning that the kids have found emily, meanwhile inside the mansion and emily was playing snakes and ladders with rose, rose was in the lead being on 28 and she just threw a 5 on the dice
"ok, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5! aww, i have to go down the ladder" rose says and she moves her blue counter down the board to the number 16
it was emily's turn and she accidently rolls the dice to hard making it roll under the single sofa
"don't worry, i'll get it" rose says and she goes to the sofa
emily watches as rose tries to get the dice from under the sofa and then suddenly she hears a little banging sound on the front door, she gets up and toddles off to the door, when she gets there she opens the door and was suprised to see 11 of the orphanage kids at the door
"emily!" the 11 orphanage kids say happily to see emily and she smiles at them
"are you okay?" evie asks and emily nods
"reah, new family now" emily replies and the kids sigh in relief
"that's good, we were worried that you were lost in the streets after we heard you got away from the family that adopted you" mia says and emily smiles
"ran bad family, found new family, new family nice" emily replies and the kids smile on the good news
"that's good, well i guess we can go back now and tell the other kids that you are safe and happy" winston says and the other kids nod
suddenly a gasp was heard and it was lucy, the 11 kids turn and they see mrs.fenby standing behind them looking smug
"mrs.fenby!" zack says suprised and mrs.fenby storms over
"i have found you stupid brats and now, you will come back to the orphanage and get punished big time!" mrs.fenby says and she pulls out a horse whip
the kids get spooked and they ran away, mrs.fenby was whipping the kids that were lacking behind and then she grabs emily by her left arm
"you are in so much trouble when we get back, missy!" mrs.fenby says with grit teeth to emily and emily tries to break free
"rosie! help!" emily shouts inside the mansion before being dragged away
rose didn't hear her but squibbs did as she lifts her head up, she bolts to the door and when she sees emily being dragged away by mrs.fenby, she bolts over to emily and she jumps into emily's free arm
"squibbs!" emily whispers and she looks at mrs.fenby to see if she heard her but she didn't "go dad and seddy" she tells squibbs and the puppy gave emily a 'are you sure?' look "go! go!" she whispers and she drops squibbs
the yorkie puppy then bolts off and emily was put into a pickup truck wit the other 11 kids, meanwhile in town and both tom and sebastian were walking away from the restaurant they had just eaten at and were now heading back to the mansion
"that was a nice dinner" sebastian says happily and tom smiles at him
"it was, maybe you want to go there again sometime" tom replied and sebastian nods then blushes
suddenly a small thing was approaching the pair and they jumped a little in fright but then they saw it was squibbs
"squibbs?" tom says and he picks up the yorkie puppy "what are you doing here? where's emily?" he asks and when he says emily's name, squibbs freaks out
she jumps out of tom's hands and she spins in a circle while boofing
"i think emily's in trouble" sebastian says and the pair looked worried "where is emily, squibbs?" he asks the puppy and squibbs boofs again
she then turns to the road and both tom and sebastian look too, they then see a pickup truck drive passed and emily was in it banging her fist on the window when she sees tom and sebastian
"dad! seddy! helps!" emily says inside the car as it drives passed the pair and she could see that their face were of worried and shock
"emily!" both tom and sebastian say at the same time and they go after the car with sebastian picking up squibbs before they ran
as the car was going, winston gets an idea and tell zack, jack and mike about it, they liked the idea and they turn to mrs.fenby
"mrs.fenby, can we go the toilet?" winston says as he and the other 3 boys pretend to be need a wiz
"yeah, mrs.fenby, we really need to go" zack says sound he needed to go
"...fine! but make it quick!" mrs.fenby says annoyed and she stops the car in front of a fence
the 4 boys get out of the car and mrs.fenby watches them as they go over to a bush, as they do, mrs.fenby had her back to the car and emily managed to sneak out of the car, she bolts into the hole in the fence with a 'no trespassing' sigh on the door and mrs.fenby sees her as she goes though the fence
"hey! you brat!" mrs.fenby says and she goes after emily
"run, emily! run!" the kids shout as emily bolts for it with mrs.fenby behind her
emily ran as fast as she could with mrs.fenby hot in her tail looking angry and then emily ducks into a hole to a old building, the building was a old factory that has been abandoned for years, mrs.fenby sees emily go in the hole and gets mad when she sees the hole is too small for her and she goes around, meanwhile the kids were waiting outside the fence when a car appears, it was mr.gordon with rocky the rottweiler and he looked annoyed
"what are you kids doing out here?! where's mrs.fenby?!" mr.gordon says angry while holding onto rocky's lead tightly and all the kids point to the hole in the factory gate
mr.gordon growls annoyed and he enters the factory to try and find mrs.fenby, a few minutes later tom, sebastian and squibbs appear with the police with them
"where's emily?" tom asks the kids who were sitting around the car
the kids point to the factory and tom looks up at the sigh of the factory to see it was a make-up factory
"oh no!" tom mumbles knowing that make-up factories always have chemicals in them even abandoned ones
"what?" sebastian asks looking worried at tom
"this is a make-up factory, if emily falls into a chemical, she can be in serious trouble" to  replies looking like a worried mother and sebastian also became really worried
inside the factory and emily had managed to climb up to the banisters above, she looks down the banister when she get to the top and sees that mrs.fenby had found a way inside, mrs.fenby looks around to see if she can spot emily and when she does ontop of the banisters, emily gasps and runs down one of the many paths it has
"come back here! you little twerp!" mrs.fenby shouts and she heads to the ladder to climb up
emily ran on the banisters but as she does she can hear the metal of the banisters creak and squeak, the banisters are so old and the water from the leaking ceiling get to them, the banisters were now rusty and some of the platform and the bars have either rusted away or a about to fall from the rust, emily ran down the banister and mrs.fenby spots her as emily turns to a right going down one of the sofa paths, mrs.fenby goes after he like a cheetah going after it's pray and emily was scared, emily doesn't realise it but she runs over a platform that was almost ready to fall out of the banister from rust and underneath that platform was a big bowl full of chemicals that looked like it was boiling hot
"come here, you bit-ahh!" mrs.fenby says almost getting to emily but then she falls thought the looose platform due to her weight
she falls into the chemicals and emily kinda watches her fall, when she was in the chemicals, she gets burned alive and she scream when she does so, she then sinks into the chemicals and she never tries to resurface, emily looks on shock on what she saw and then steps back after mrs.fenby disappeared and tries to figure out what happened, suddenly emily hears a deep bark and she looks off the banister to see rocky who looked to be warming her
"rocky!" emily says happily and she was about to go see him but then was pulled up by mr.gordon by her left arm
"gotcha! you twerpy pest!" mr.gordon says and emily start to panic
"rocky! helps!" emily shouts to the rottweiler and the dog decided to act
the black and tan dog somehow manages to climb the ladder and when he gets to the top, he charges at mr.gordon and when he gets to him, he uses his body weight to push mr.gordon to the side and the man drops emily as he stumbles, as mr.gordon stumbles he was heading towards the gap that mrs.fenby went though and he then also fall into the chemicals, he struggles like she did but after a minute, he also drowns in the chemicals, emily and rocky watch mr.gordon disappear and when he was gone, the police come in and they look around for emily, emily while holding rocky's lead and rocky go over to the left corner of the banister and when the police see her they go ahead and rescue her from the banister, meanwhile outside and tom and sebastian were impaciently waiting for emily to come out while the kids waited in stress.
"*gasp* look!" mia says and everyone looks over to where mia was pointing
the police was coming out and one of them was holding emily and another had rocky
"emily!" tom and sebastian says in relief and the policeman that had emily passed emily to tom
"dad! seddy! squibbs!" emily says happily and they share a group hug
"are you okay?" sebastian asks and emily nods in response
"what happened to mrs.fenby and mr.gordon?" winston asks emily and emily thinks before holding her arms wide
"big bowl thingy" emily says and everyone was a little confused "mrs.furry fell in, rocky saved me mr.gob, fell in to" she explains and tom thinks about what she said but a policeman informs the other policemen
"there is a giant chemical pot in the middle of the factory" the policeman says and tom looks at the policemen then at emily
"did mr.gordon and mrs.fenby fall into the chemical pot?" tom asks the 3 year old emily and she nods to confirm
"reah, mrs.furry fell metal bridge, mr.gob push rocky save me" emily says and tom looks at her thinking what she just said
"so, mrs.fenby fell in the chemical pot from a loose banister and mr.gordon got pushed in by rocky as he was protecting you?" tom translates emily and she nods to confirm
"does that mean we don't have mrs.fenby or mr.gordon looking after us anymore?" jack asked and winston nods at him and the other kids
the kids cheer happily and emily giggles from the happy energy, emily then looks over at rocky and the rottweiler was looking sad
"rocky!" emily says and the dog looks at her "no sad, friend take in" she says and points to the orphan kids
rocky looks at emily then at the 11 orphan kids who looked patient, the dig then wags his tail and he goes over to the kids, the kids pet and praise rocky and he was loving the attention
"come along everyone, let's go to your homes" one policeman says and everyone nods
a policeman takes emily, tom, sebastian and squibbs home to the mansion and another policemen took the 11 kids and rocky back to the orphanage leaving mrs.fenby's car and mr.gordon's car left by the factory gate, when emily and the other get back, they get out of the police car and when they open the front door, rose was there looking panicked but when she sees emily in tom's arm and squibbs in sebastian's arms, she calms down a lot with a sigh
"oh good! you found them, they ran off while i was looking for a dice for our snake and ladder game" rose says relieved and tom looks at emily
"she didn't run off, she was taken" tom says and rose gasps in horror
"who by?!" rose says really wanted to know who took her and what happened
tom and sebastian explain to her what happened and when they were done, rose looked relieved that emily was back and decided to go off and tell the other maids and butlers what happened, after rose leaves, tom and sebastian notice that emily had fallen asleep in tom's arms and tom goes and puts her and squibbs to bed, after emily and squibbs was put to bed, tom and sebastian put themselves to bed after a happy then stressful night, they snuggle up to each other when they get into bed and they go to sleep feeling happy that emily was back home safe and sound.
a month later and emily was happy to have a caring dad and daddy, they bought her a lot of stuff like clothes, toys, they made her the playroom and the quiet room in that empty room they showed emily and she found the empty secret room in the room, they bought stuff for squibbs like a bandana, a collar which was red with white spots, a tag for the collar which was also red with white spots, a bed, toys, a blanket with her name on it, some other blankets and squibbs loves them all, she also heard from the orphanage she came from a day ago and the 24 kids have got now 2 new caretaker, a ex nurse and children hospital caretaker name miss.roseluck and another ex nurse named mr.richie who was also gay as he acted gay and had a camp voice, the 24 kids at the orphanage now got the care they needed and they were never abused again, rocky was also got the love he needed from the kiss, miss.loveluck and mr.richie, meanwhile the deaths of mrs.ferby and mr.gordon were considered a accidental death and their cars were taken to be checked over and then crushed as the car had sighs of illegal drugs in them, rocky had his ownership taken from mr.gordon and giving to the the sweet angel orphanage home's new owner, mr.carlson (it was mr.gordon the original orphanage home owner), also all evidence of mrs.ferby and mr.gordon are gone now as if the pair were still alive, they would be arrested for child abuse, animal abuse, child kidnapping, keeping illegal drugs and keeping a orphanage in a poor state, another thing that happened is that a day after the incident with emily's kidnapping by mrs.ferby and mr.gordon, squibbs was taken to the vet and found out her birthday is on the 19th of may, she's really healthy, she was abused by the family that had her before but she had fully healed from the wounds she gained and she also got a micro chip and a booster, she also needs to come back in a month to get her last booster till she can start going for walks and meeting other dogs, lastly tom and sebastian kept going on dates every saturday and they fell in love more and more when they did, they had already been in 4 dates so far and they loved each one of them.
back with emily and today was the 13th of august, this is a special day as it was sebastian's 18th birthday and he was getting spoiled by emily, tom and squibbs, they got sebastian loads of presents and he loved all of them, tom even got himself and sebastian breakfast in bed and sebastian loved it
"my birthday has just started and i feel like i've just has it" sebastian says ashe starts eating his breakfast
"don't worry, darling, i have another present for you and you'll have to wait till tonight to get it" tom says and he gives sebastian a wink
sebastian blushes badly and he covers his face while tom chuckles, emily was confused what was happening but she then she forgot as her food was delicious, thoughout the day, sebastian played with emily in the morning, then some cards and packages came in the mail, he got a card from his mother, relatives, friends and family friends and his packages he got were from his mother and some of his friends, he also got some money to buy something for himself from the people who gave him money and he ended up getting £50
"what get?" emily asks pointing to the money and poking it
"i dunno, maybe something that you and me can do together like a jigsaw or a building kit" sebastian says happily and emily giggles while clapping
"yay!" emily says happily and sebastian hugs her tightly
the rest of the afternoon, sebastian played with emily and squibbs till dinner time and while sebastian was busy with emily and squibbs, tom was busy doing some final touches to his plan, at dinner time, sebastian and tom had a steak dinner while emily had fish fingers and chips, after dinner a birthday cake was brought out for sebastian and tom, the staff and emily (kinda) sang happy birthday to him, after he blows out the candle when the song was over, everyone cheers and emily, sebastian and tom with some of the staff had a piece of cake, after the cake was finished and the staff cleaned up the dining room table, emily and squibbs was put to bed as she became super exhausted after playing all day and it left sebastian and tom alone
"hey, follow me" tom says and he takes sebastian's hand
they go out to the balcony in tom's room and the balcony was decorated up with stramers, a happy birthday sigh, balloons and other birthday things
"so, would you like to se what lady present i got for you?" tom says in a calm whisper to sebastian's face and sebastian nods
tom then turns around, shuffles a bit then he goes down on one knee and opens a ring box
"will you marry me?" tom asks and this made sebastian suprised
sebastian cries and he hugs tom before giving him a long kiss on the lips
"yes, yes i will" sebastian whispers and he kisses tom again
they then had a fun time in bed and then the next morning after getting washed and dressed, they wait till emily gets up and when she does and they have breakfast together, they decide to tell emily the news
"emily, guess what?" tom says and emily tilts her head confused yet curious "me and seddy are planning to get married" he says excitedly and emily still looked a little confused as she doesn't know what 'married' meant
"it mean that me and tom will now be officially together and you'll officially have 2 together dads" sebastian adds and emily gets it as she smiles widely
"*gasp* yay!" emily says happily and the trio have a hug and a kiss
tom and sebastian then go off to plan the wedding and emily decided to watch teletubbies with squibbs, the wedding was planned for the 12th of july next year as it was the year anniversary of emily's being adopted by tom and sebastian, they did all the wedding things thoughout the year like the suits, the wedding cake, the place where the wedding will be, the place the reception will be, who's coming and who isn't, how many meals they had to have, what to have for meals, who's going to be the best man, the maid of honour, the bridesmaids and groomsman and other wedding things, they were excited for their wedding and emily was happy to be with them and to have squibbs by her side.
The End

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