IRL - The Christmas Stream Disaster

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(Based on jerma's christmas livestream and a continuation of 'the emily show')

It was a cloudy day where emily is which is in her bedroom looking on her social medias and in 30 mintues, she going to visit jerma and help him with his christmas livestream, jerma asked emily last week if she wanted to help with the stream as the last stream they did together which was the baby shower stream was super popular and gained 10x the view jerma's streams usually have, emily obviously said yes as she also loved the last stream she did with jerma and she loves helping him out, jerma also told her the plan of the stream and it was a christmas party stream with him, ster, baby emile and some other celebrating the party and there is also a part where everyone opens presents. emily claps her paws together and giggles a little when she she sees the word presents in the text and she was excited to get presents for her and to give presents to jerma, ster and emile.
emily was getting ready to go as she was cleaning herself, making sure she was tidy and had everything she needed like a santa hat, presents and other stuff when she hears walking outside her door, she gets off her bed and looks outside her door to see both tom and sebastian getting ready to go somewhere as they were both wearing formal wear
"umm, where going?" emily asks as she steps out of her room and both tom and sebastian look over at her
"oh, we are going to a christmas special interview that me and sebastian were invited too" tom replies and emily nods with a 'ah!'
"what are you going to do while we are gone?" sebastian asks as he wipes his suit down and then looks over at emily
"well, i'm goin' to meet my friend, jermaine for a christmas party livestream, so if you need anythin', call me, otay?" emily replies and both tom and sebastian smile and give her a thumbs up or a nod "see you in a few hours or so" she adds with a paw wave and both tom and sebastian wave at her back before she goes back into her room
send jumps on the bed and after checking everything one last time, emily teleports away and she reappears at jerma's house in his living room, when she appears, jerma who has 7 month old emile in his arms was waiting for her on the sofa and when she sees her, he smiles and gets up from his spot holding emile in the underarm accessory
"emily!" jerma says happily with a smile and emily smiles as well with also wagging her tail like a dog "you ready to go?" he asks and emily nods happily
"yeah!-...where's ster?" emily replies then asks as she sees that ster wasn't here
"oh, he's already over at the studio getting everything ready, he should be done when we get over there" jerma replies and emily nods at her happily
emily then glances down at baby emile who had grown a lot since emily last saw him a few months ago when he was just a newborn baby, now emile had just turned 7 months old and he looked like he's in the teething phase as he was chewing on a chew toy that looked like a dummy with the end being a red colour looking like a lollipop and he was wearing a christmas baby grow which was green with candy canes, christmas lights and ball-balls all over it, emile then looks up at emily, reaches his hands out and starts squeaking happily
"i think he likes you" jerma says after he looks down at emile then at emily seeing what emile was reacting at
"yeah, all babies and toddlers seem to like me for some reason, i think it's cuz i have one of those temperaments where babies and toddlers just come over to me and hug me, dey never let go sometimes, it's weird" emily says then explains and jerma huffs with a smile imagining emily being hugs by infants unable to move "anyway, where is dis studio?" she asks changing the subject and jerma reacts like he came out if a daydream
he pulls out his phone and shows emily the place they were going which would of been a hour drive of the pair went by car, emily nods remembering the location and she holds out her paw
"take my paw and i'll teleport us dere in a instant" emily says happily and jerma smiles as he happily takes emily's paw
the trio then teleport and reappear inside the studio in the room that jerma has hired for the day, ster then spots them appear and goes over to them
"hi love!" ster says happily seeing jerma as he reaches jerma and jerma was happy to see him
jerma and ster have a kiss while jerma still had emile as a underarm accessory and then after the kiss, ster takes emile from jerma and starts playing with emile making him giggle
"have my baby been a good boy with daddy while i was gone? has he? i bet he has!" ster says as he snuggles emile making emile laugh more
jerma smiles softly as ster playing with emile and he couldn't believe he was getting married to this man next year with their son as the ring boy which is going to be so cute, he then remembered emily was with then and he looks around to find her, he sees her looking around the set and the set was based on a wooden cottage that families in america would hire out in the winter in somewhere that gets really cold and really snowy in winter like the top of america or the top of canada, it looked very cozy and very christmassy which made emily smile
"ok, when do we start this stream?" emily asks when she turns around to jerma and ster
"umm...we start in 20 mintues, we have to finish sorting out the presents under the tree and wait for one or two more people to arrive" ster replies after looking at his watch then look at under the tree where there were some presents
"otay! i'll go and sit over dere" emily says happily and she goes to sit down on the sofa
ster then puts baby emile in a baby chair that bounces and both him and jerma carry on with the preparation, as emily watch, she though about tom and sebastian, they said they had gone to an interview but...she doesn't ever remember them saying that they had been invited to an interview, they always say that they were going somewhere when they get an email by their managers so this was really odd, meanwhile with tom and sebastian and they were getting their make up on by the make up artists in their temporary dressing rooms, the reason that they didn't tell emily about this interview event because they were told not to by their managers by the person running the event but the thing is, they have no idea who is running the event or which celebrities are going to be with them, they only knew there was 4 other plus them which was 6 in total, they also knew they was going to one more male and the other 3 were females
"i feel really guilty not telling emily till the last mintue" sebastian says after both him and tom were done with the make up
the pair were sitting on the sofa together and sebastian lied his head on tom's shoulder making him smile softly
"i know but it was lucky that it was today that she got to do something with her streamer friend" tom replies calmly with his soft smile
the pair waited in the changing room for a while almost falling asleep from boredom but then a knock on the door happened and a lady popped her head though the door saying it was time for them to go on stage, the pair follows the lady to the stage and when they get there, they see that the set on the stage was a cozy cottage house that was really big and looked very homely (it was also a lot bigger then jerma's set), the pair look around and then tom notice who the host was as they were talking to the staff looking quite aggressive
"isn't that-?" tom says pointing ahead of him at the host and sebastian looked too
the host for this event was...james corden? but he was serverly injured after that big heavy metal safe fell on him a while ago with emily causing that chain reaction when she pushed james out of the way to protect tom and david (reference to the emily show)
"yep, that's james, didn't something happen to him? like, while you and emily were meant to have a interview with him but then something happened to make emily take over" sebastian replies then looks at tom confused as he kinda forgot what happened but only remembering emily being the replacement host of james' show
"yes and that thing was that he was crushed by a heavy metal safe! that's what happened" tom says a little surprised that james was standing there looking okay
"oh! okay...shouldn't he be like in loads of casts and stuff?" sebastian says looking at james then asks as he looks back at tom again and tom gave a silent nod
now the pair were confused and felt something was wrong but couldn't tell what, they were then told by the lady that they followed eariler to sit on the sofa which was by the desk james was going to sit at, there were about 3 double sofa in total for 6 people and the pair were sitting at the sofa to the right, they look at the other people on the other 2 sofa on the sofa next to them which was the middle sofa, there was 2 young woman that both tom and sebastian have never seen before, they looked to be in their late 20s, early 30s, one looked to be a actress and the other looked to be a model of some description and on the left double by the desk was olivia coleman on the left side and then surprising, emily's best friend david tennant on the right.
they still felt confused and started to now feel this bad gut feeling that something was wrong and turns out they weren't the only one as david also felt something was wrong too as he looked confused and worried
"OK! WE GO LIVE IN 3...2...1..GO!" the director says and all the cameras turn on
"hello everyone! welcome to the james corden christmas show!" james says happily at the cameras and the audience
tom, sebastian, david, olivia and the 2 ladies look over at the audience and they were surprised and worried when they see that the audience were these black human figures with really weird eyes, the eyes looked to be from a carton but in real life, they looked super uncomfortable to look at, james though was acting like nothing was wrong and he sits down at his desk looking at all the guest he brought in, he also looked really off, his eyes looked weird like they weren't his eyes and there was this small black mist coming off of him which you would only notice it now and again, he then starts to introduce his guest and it turns out the girls are call jodie gunner and harriet neman, meanwhile back with emily and the jerma christmas stream was about to start in 5 mintues and jerma was checking everything was ready
"let's see...cameras check!, people...check! ster, check! emile, check! emily, check!, presents...check!" jerma mumbles to himself as he looks around "ok! i think we have everything ready" he adds as he goes off the stage
emily was also off stage as jerma said eariler that the set had to be empty as when it goes into the 30 second countdown, it going to show the set in the background with people zooming about getting the set ready when it was already ready
"ok, we'll be live in 2 mintues!" jerma says as he hold up his phone to look at the time
"jerma, are you okay? you sound stressed" ster says as he stands up to go next to jerma
"umm...just a little nervous, that's all" jerma says looking down and he did look nervous
"it's okay, you have me and emile with you so don't worry, you also have emily over there" ster says as he cuddles jerma and rubs his nose on jerma's cheek
jerma smiles at the affection and he looks up at ster, he then kisses ster on the forehead and ster smiles at him as he lifts his head up
"thank you, steve, i love you" jerma says quietly and ster gives jerma a quick kiss on the lips
"love you too, jeremy" ster replies and the pair smile at each other
"we start in a mintue!" one of the staff says and this snaps jerma and ster out of their cuddling time making them back away
jerma looks at his phone and sees there is 55 seconds till the stream, he does a physical breath in and sigh then he smiles getting ready to get into his steaming mode, meanwhile with emily and she though that jerma and ster's relationship was adorable as she gave a aww and a smile, she then felt something was wrong as the top of the nose was going pink and going under her eyes, she then looks down at her bracelet as it caught her eye and sees it was flashing like a alarm light
'what's goin' on? i'm not in danger...unless dad and seddy are in danger...!' emily thought and she now was getting worried
she makes her phone appear with her magic and looked around to see if she can find what interviews were going on today, luckily it was easy as it was spreading all over twitter and it seems to be a james corden christmas special and there on the sofa in one of the pictures was tom and sebastian
"huh? i thought he was-?" emily says confused to see james up and about again
she knew he was severely injured after that incident with the heavy safe with that weird chain reaction, emily still doesn't know how that happened, all she did was push him out the way as he was sitting in a wheelly chair and then after a long chain reaction, he was crushed by a safe that came out of nowhere and emily still sometimes wonders how it all happened
"ok, we're live in 3-2-1 and GO!" jerma says and the when he says go, it goes quiet as he walks on stage "umm...hello everyone" he says as he stands in front of the camera
jerma then starts talking to his chat on camera for a bit while in the back, emily was starting to feel stressed as she was really worried about tom and sebastian, meanwhile back with the pair and the show was starting to get more and more uncomfortable as james was starting to get more and more strange, he started to have more of this black mist aura around him like it was smoke coming off him and his eyes were changeing from a blue colour to a light yellow colour, it was really worrying and even staff looked uncomfortable
"right then, let's see what's next..." james says and he looks down at a paper
tom, sebastian and david all didn't feel comfortable as that kept seeing james looking more and more weird as the mist coming off of him was now a fog and his eyes were more yellow like he was angry about something and then it hit tom why he he acting angry, he wanted emily, it's why he had invited him, sebastian and david to this interview without invited her so she can lure her in and do something with her but she was with jerma so hopefully she won't come but as he looked down, he sees that both his and sebastian's rings were blinking sensing the danger that was about to unfold
"i think i know what's going on" tom whispers to sebastian leaning into his side of thr head and he looked confused
"what?" sebastian replies and tom looked around then back at sebastian again
"i think james wants emily and he's using me, you and her friend david as bait" tom whispers and it clicks in sebastian's head as he looked slightly surprised "i don't know why she wants her but it must be bad if it's the reason he didn't invite her and told us to keep it a secret" he adds and sebastian nods to agree with him
"is there a way to stop her coming?" sebastian whispers to tom and tom shakes his head "why?" he asks and tom shows sebastian the rings
"these are alerting her we are in danger and she's probably see this with her bracelet and is starting to worry" tom explained and sebastian looked worried making tom worried too
'right, it's now time for! the POINTY STICK!" james says and as he says it his voice suddenly changes to 2 different voices
one was james's voice while the other one sounded more deep and robotic which made all the guest very spooked and uncomfortable, suddenly some really pointy, large and black like the fog coming off james' body javelin sticks appeared and were dangerously close to all the guest with no way to get away from them
"now, let me ask this simple question...where. is. she?" james says in his 2 different voices as he was mainly looking at tom and sebastian
"...umm...we...we don't really know, she said she was off to help a friend but...not told us where?" sebastian says in a scared and worried tone hoping he said the right thing as he looks between tom and scary james
james suddenly gives off this roaring screaming noise and it spooked the guests, james then started changing and he had suddenly became this tall black monster with fog still coming off of him and now he had a mask on his face that looked like a white mask but it had soulless eyes and pointy teeth
"WHERE. IS .SHEEE!" the monster says in a angry roaring voice and this scared all the guest
the 2 girls in the middle sofa started to bolt for ot to the backstage but then the monster lifted his right hand and then under the 2 girls, a hole appeared and the girls were grabbed by a big hand, they scream as they are pulled into the hole and then the hole closes making the screams stop
"if any of you try to escape, you'll end up like those girls" the monster says pointing to where the girls were and this got tom, sebastian, david and olivia really scared
meanwhile, back with emily and she was stressing, panicking and needed to leave after someone recorded a video on what happened to the 2 girls and the scared faces of sebastian and tom
"umm...i need to!" emily says loudly in the most stressed voice she ever made
"wait what?" jerma says hearing her and looks over to her seeing her really panicking
"my parents are in danger, i need help dem" emily says and jerma sees that emily's bracelet was flashing
"wait, emily!" jerma says as he goes over to her and grabs her paw
she then teleports taking jerma with her and they reappear hiding behind stage, near the back of the james monster, emily pecks around and sees that both tom and sebastian were hugging each other scared and she quietly gasps as she sees david looked so scared he was about to cry
"friend! no!" emily whispers to herself seeing david and she gets snarly
"emily?" jerma whispers looking confused and emily turns to him looked surprised
"why 'ere?! did you grab me?" emily whispers to jerma in a surprised and shocked voice
"yes, i grabbed you because i wanted to ask you what was going on but you teleported before i could speak" jerma whispers and emily gave herself a little faceplam
"look over dere" emily whispers and she points to round the corner with her paw
jerma looks as he was shocked to see a big black monster with fog coming off it, he then pulls back and looks at emily
"what is that?!" jerma whispers in shock and emily gives a shrug
"i dunno, from what i saw on twitter, it's meant to be james corden but...i dunno what's happened to him" emily whispers explain and jerma looked slightly confused
"WHERE IS SHE?!" the monster shouts loudly and both emily and jerma had to cover their ears on how loud it was
" also looks like he's looking for me" emily whispers mostly to herself but jerma heard her and was confused
"why you?" jerma asks and emily sighs and looks at jerma
"well, a while ago, me and dad came to da james corden night show to be a guest and i decided to push james out the way as a warning to him to stay away from dad and friend...but den a weird chain reaction went off and james was suddenly crushed by a heavy metal safe...i still don't know where dat safe came from and now, i think he's blaming me for da safe crushing when i have nothing to do with it" emily whisper explains to jerma and he nods to understand but still looked confused
emily looks around to see if she could find anything to help her and then she notice that jerma was holding a baseball bat, she knows jerma wasn't holding a baseball bat when she teleported here with him so she looks at the bat confused
"when did you get dat baseball bat, jermaine?" emily asks as she points to the bat in jerma's right hand
jerma looks at his hand and was also confused on how he got the baseball bat
"i-i don't know, when did i have a baseball bat?" jerma replies and he sits there trying to remember when he picked it up but he doesn't remember "i can't remember but it looks cool" he adds after a few seconds and he starts swinging it about
emily watches jerma swing and examine the bat and when she looks over at the monster and at the bat, she gets an idea
"jermaine, hand me da bat" emily says as she points to the bat looking at jerma
"umm, okay?" jerma replies a little confused and holds out the bat to emily
emily takes the bat off jerma and then she does her plan, on the stage and the monster was getting agitated as it was getting more inpatient, it kept making the black javelin sticks inch closer and closer to the 4 on the sofa and they were getting frightened
"WHERE IS SHE!?" the monster roars in so much anger as it swipes the stuff of the desk
"HEY!" emily yell and it makes the monster confused as it perks up then looks around
emily then smacks the monster to the side of its face and it goes flying across the room into the shadow crowd with the creepy eyes, emily then lands on the bare desk and she watches the monster as it struggled to get up from the stage seats, she the looks over at the guest and see that all 4 of them were unconsious
"EMILY!" the monster roars and emily looks back at the monster as it zooms back to where it was before "YOU'VE FINALLY ARRIVED" he says and emily smiles teasingly
"reah, i'm 'ere, what want?" emily replies looking both curious and snarly
"TO GET MY REVENGE ON YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID!" the monster says and emily pulled a poker face as she makes her tail hold the baseball bat
"you mean with the crushing of the metal safe out of nowhere...hmm, yeah but dat wasn't me, i have no idea where dat safe came from and you have no evidence it was me anyway, you're just blaming me cuz i pushed you into the chain reaction which by the way, i also didn't do, i don't even know how to make a chain reaction, you stupid idiot!" emily explains in a annoyed and slightly angry tone and she looks at the monster waiting to see his reaction
the monster roars loudly and then swipes at emily making her jump up and use the baseball bat around her tail to whack the hand hard, the monster pulls his hand back and holds it while he hissed in pain
"if you want to settle this, let's have a song battle!" emily says with a teeth smirk with a snarl and then she makes her microphone that she's use multiple times in the past for song battles appear with her magic
the monster then makes a microphone with its fog and now the pair have microphone, the music starts playing (which is a 4 songs mixed together the song are 'arrhythmia' from the fnf mid night suffering mod, 'you can't run' from the fnf vs sonic.exe mod, 'power down' from the fnf vs mario's madness mod and 'pray 2.0' from the scrapped sonic.exe mod) the song lasted about 4 mintues and while singing, emily had to use the baseball bat to hit projectiles that the monster was hitting at her back at the monster, when they were done with emily winning, the monster roars in anger and then made another song start (this song was a mixture of 'diagraphephobia' from the fnf vs eteled mod and 'athazagoraphobia' from the fnf blue balls incident), the song lasted another 4 mintues and with emily winning again, the monster roars super loudly making emily cover her ears
"YOU LITTLE-!" the monster roars but then something made him stop talking
a portal suddenly opens behind the monster and he tries to not get sucked on but it fails
"NO! NO! STOP! LET ME HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE! NOOOOO!" the monster says and then he was sucked into the portal
emily watches the monster disappear wondering what did james do to cause all this in the first place, she didn't see that the black javelin sticks disappear and this causes the 4 guests to start waking up as the fog of the javelin sticks were making them unconsious, emily turned around to the groaning noises of the 4 waking up but then suddenly another portal appears, this portal was like the other where if was trying to suck in something but this time it was emily, emily holded onto the desk so she wouldn't get sucked into the portal but she was losing grip on the desk and onto the baseball bat around her tail.
jerma who went to the other side of the stage sees this and he knew he needed to do something, he sees emily almost losing her grip on the baseball bat and he decided to do something he probably will regret a lot, emily was still hanging on almost loosing her grip on the desk as the suction of the portal was really strong but then she sees jerma running towards
"jermaine what-?!" emily says seeing jerma and then she sees jerma jump next to her "jermaine!" she says making her voice concerned
she then watches as she sees jerma jump into the portal and the baseball bat goes with him as she lost her grip with it, emily turns around to see jerma and the baseball bat going farther away in the portal and then the portal shuts closed like a it was made out of liquid, emily was now watching the empty area where the portal was and her ears rotated as she hears tom, sebastian, olivia and david get up
"what happened?" olivia asks as she holds her hands to her head as she had a light headache and she was confused
"...i don't know...emily?" david replies and her sees emily on the empty desk
emily didn't say anything and just kept looking at where the portal originally was, she then felt a single emotion as she looks down and then back at the missing portal again
"JERMAINEEEEE!" emily cries out in sadness and stress as she looks straight up like she was howling
"wait...isn't that your streamer friend?" tom asks and emily lies down on her back and looks at tom and sebastian then looks at david before looking back at tom and sebastian again
"yes, i accidently brought him with me when i came to save you lot from dat monster james, i defeated da monster and he was sucked into a portal...den a portal opened up trying to suck ME in...but then JERMAINE decided to jump in himSELF! to SAVE ME!" emily says have upset and half angry "JERMAINE, WHY DID YOU DO DAT YOU...y-you..." she adds and then she looks down feeling overwhelmed and wanted to cry
she closes her eyes and a tear falls down the left side of her face, she couldn't believe jerma did that, for her even and she didn't know why, expecally as he has a fiancé and kid back at the studio which emily relised that she just cut off the stream in the first 5 mintues, she looks down with her ears drooping and another tear falls down the left side of her face
"you want to save him?" a text suddenly says in a black tv static background and white lines at the sides like it's being made on a old projector
"!...what?" emily says almost quietly and sounding upset as she opens her left eye and looks to her left
"do you want to save jeremy?" the text says again with the same background as before
"...yes" emily says now fully looking to the left shocked on what she was seeing and a little confused
"then you need to pick up your microphone and copy me" the text with the black background says with the background still having the white sides
"umm...okay" emily says still confused but she would do anything to get jerma back so she picks up the microphone she placed down next to her
a song starts playing (which is a mixture of 'friends are there song' from the fnf vs garfield mod and 'lucky you' for the fnf walten files mod) and emily sang the best she can dispite being sad, meanwhile somewhere and jerma wakes up to be on some sort of platform, it was like a rock but it looked like styrofoam
"wh-where am i?" jerma says confused as he wakes up as he looks around confused
he sees that he was on the rock and then to his right, he sees there was a swirling portal and around him was like he was in space but a messed up space
"e-emily?" jerma says realising what happened and he looks around for emily to not see her anywhere but he did spot the baseball bat
he picks up the bat and looks at it, the bat then starts to glow and jerma throws it away from him as he freaks out, the bat floats in place as jerma pushes it away from him and then it floats up a little, the bay then spins getting from slow to really fast and then the bat changed into a microphone, jerma grabs it looking a little confused on how the bat turned into a microphone but then his thoughts stop as he hears singing, he listens more and he realises that it was emily singing
"emily?!" jerma says happy to hear emily's voice and he has a little grin on his face
"sing, jeremy, sing!" the text with the black background says and jerma looks right confused but does what the text says
jerma starts singing and both him and emily were now singing together, back with emily and she was now hearing jerma's voice
"jermaine?!" emily says hearing jerma's voice "i can hear you!" she adds with happy sadness and she keeps singing
the pair sang and sang and then when they stop, jerma suddenly felt a earthquake
"wh-what's happening?!" jerma says as he was trying hard not to fall over
suddenly a big white mask appeared like the mask on the monster to his right where the swirling portal was and it roars in anger
"YOU! YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU DONE!" the monster says and jerma put on his angry face
"oh yeah, we'll see about that!" jerma replies angerily and he holds his microphone up
a song starts to play (which is a mixture of the legacy song face part from the fnf friday night crunchin' mod mixed with the vs tweedle dee and dum from the fnf alice mad and hopeless mod) and it lasted about 3 mintues, jerma can hear emily helping him and he managed to win with her help, the monster roars in anger and changes to a different song, the new song played (which is a mixture of deal with the devil from the dvd vs blackjack mod mixed with uproar song from the fnf mind games mod) the song was intense and emily helped as she always does, the song lasted about 4 and a half mintues and jerma won, the monster roars now in defeat and it goes down, it disappears and jerma sees something and it was an image of the studio he's using for his live stream
"what? why is my-!" jerma says then was about to ask why his studio was on the screen but then suddenly it blows up
jerma stares in shock at the screen as the entire studio was in flames and bits of the studio was all over the car park
"IF YOU DEFEAT ME, I'M TAKING OUT SOMETHING YOU HOLD DEAR!" the monster says one last time then it disappears for good
jerma then flies off into the portal behind him and he still was pulling that shocked face, back at the studio and emily notice the portal open where it was before, jerma then falls out of it and lands on the sofa in the middle where those 2 girls were originally sitting
"jermaine!" emily says happily seeing jerma and goes over to him "jermaine! are you okay? you look like you seen ghost" she adds as she seen jerma's shocked face
jerma didn't say anything for a second and then he starts to cry
"jermaine?" emily says and pokes jerma on the arm to tell her what happened
"his family is safe" the text with the black background says suddenly and emily looks to her right
"what?" emily says looking confused with a head tilt
"steve and emile are safe, they were in the car about to drive home when the studio exploded, he think they were killed in the studio explosion made by the monster, tell jeremy to call steve" the text with the black background says and emily still looked confused but nods
"jermaine, call ster" emily says and jerma looks down at her
"but-" jerma says about to explain what he saw but emily put her right paw on his mouth
"call. 'im. now!" emily says looking semi serious and jerma looks at her
he then sighs and picks up his phone which was in his left pocket, he then calls ster and after one ring, the phone is picked up
"jeremy! is that you?" ster says in the phone and jerma starts crying relief tears
"...yes, it's me!...are you okay?" jerma replies in such relief and emily backs off to leave jerms to talk to ster
"yes, me and emile are both fine, i was just taking emile to the car as some weird feeling told me too and as i was getting in the car after strapping emile in, the studio blew up" ster explains and jerma sighs in relief to hear emile was okay too "i don't know how the studio blew up but sadly, me and emile were the only survivors" he adds and jerma looks slightly sad
"...looks like after this, i will have to call the staffs family to explain what happened...but i'm glad you and emile are okay" jerma says in sadness but then gives a sad smile
"yeah, i'll help you if you the way, where are you, i saw emily teleport and you went with her" ster says then asks curiously
"i'll tell you later, for now..." jerma says and then does a glance to emily who was talking to david, olivia, tom and sebastian on what happened "i'll get emily to come get you and bring you here" he adds and has managed to calm down a little
"ok, see you in a bit" ster says and he hangs up
jerma looks at his phone after ster hung up and then he looks over at emily who was watching olivia leave, emily then looks at jerma and jerma calls her over with his right hand
"vhat?" emily whispers as she was really close to jerma's face
"i need you to go get ster and emile for me" jerma whispers to emily and emily went 'oh!' with some nodding
"otay!" emily says and she disappears in front of jerma
she reappears as quirkily as she disappears and she had ster and emile with her, jerma smiles with the tears starting and he went to hug emile and ster
"what's wrong with you, jeremy?" ster says seeing how upset jerma was
"oh, it just dat he saw a building dat was meant to have you and emile in it blew up and he thought you didn't survive, you know" emily says to ster and ster nods understanding
after the hug, jerma hugs emile making him squeak happily and then emily flies between jerma and ster with a confused face
"hey umm...sorry to disturb the family reunion but...what going to happen to the live stream as it kinda just ended without reason" emily says bring in a point and both jerma and ster look at her with wide eyes
"oh yeah, the studio blew up and...and i just left with emily mid stream" jerma says slightly embarrassed as he looks down blushing a little
"ya did, without me tellin' ya too" emily says and she sticks her tongue out
"and now, i have no idea what i'm going to do, i was doing a christmas live stream with the stream awards attached to it and now! i can't do ANYTHING!" jerma says and he gets very dramatic
emily looks at jerma and then she looks around, she first looks at the set which was similar to the set that was in the studio, then there was david, tom and sebastian who was looking confused at jerma and then there was the staff who were also looking confused at jerma, this then gave her an idea and she looks over at jerma again
"jermaine?" emily says but jerma didn't hear her as he was rambling
"it would've been SO nice to have a NORMAL stream but then i HAD to grab emily-" jerma rambled and emily couldn't help but giggle
"jermaine!" emily says again more louder but still ignored by jerma
"and now, i can't do what i wanted to do, announce the best stream, the worst stream, the-" jerma still rambles and emily had to physically grab his attention
she flies over to jerma and puts her paw on his mouth to shush him as he made a funny quick sound
"jermaine! listen to me!" emily says and jerma keeps looking at her with a little nod "it's not over yet, look! we are in a studio with a set dat was similar to your set, we have da staff that can help us sort out the stream and oh look! we have some actors that can help us!" she explains and she she looks over at david, tom and sebastian with her cheeky grin
"...that's a good idea, shall we get set up?" jerma says and emily smiles
"reah!" emily says and she uses her magic to set up the cameras
she had all the cameras connected to one computer and the computer was set up to jerma's twitch, emily then came back and showed jerma what she did
"so that's done, what's next?...*gasp* OH NO!" jerma says and was shocked as he remebered something
"vhat?!" emily says looking shocked as jerma was
"the explosion, it took some stuff that we need for the stream" jerma says shocked and this made emily gasp and look shocked
"don't worry, i can help you with that" the text with the black background says suddenly
"" emily says looking ahead of her with her left eye
"like this" the text with the black background says and emily looked confused
suddenly a tree with underneath it appear and jerma, ster and emily recognises it as the tree from the other studio, another thing that appeared was the golden envelopes that jerma uses for the stream awards and there was nicely stacked on the desk
"the presents! the tree! the envelopes! it's all here!" jerma says happily as he goes to the tree with the presents under then to the desk with the golden envelopes on "emily! how did you do that?" he asks jerma and emily looked confused
"it wasn't me!" emily says looked offended but she was joking as she looks at jerma "speaking of not me, why are you dressed like the scout?" she says pointing to jerma
jerma was confused what emily was talking about so he goes over to a mirror which was at the end of the right side of the stage, he looks into it and sure enough, he had the scout from team fortress 2 gear on, it was weird but strange, jerma thought he looked good in it
"*gasp* it's the scoot!" emily says excitability as she points at jerma
"yeah, yeah, i'm battin' a thousand!" jerma says in his best scout voice and he swings his bat which was the microphone but now was the bat again
"yeah!" emily says happily and holds out her paw suppose to be giving a thumbs up but she didn't have thumbs "can you change him back now?" she asks the text as she looks ahead of her
"sure!" the text in the black background says suddenly
jerma's outfit changed and he was now in his normal clothes again but now he was wearing his lost dressing gown that he lost at the studio when he did the dollhouse stream which made him happy as he missed it a lot
"...who are you, anyway?" emily asks as she looks in front of her with a confused face and a tilted head
"you can say that...i'm a anonymous friend" the text with the black background says and emily was slightly sceptical
"...hmm...otay...hmm" emily says quietly with a sceptical look to her face
"now, you should go off and do the stream before it gets too late" the text with the black background says and emily nods slowly
"ok! let's go and get ready for dis stream" emily says to jerma and jerma nods as he almost forgot
everyone went off to get ready for the stream and jerma had to change the original script with the help of ster and emily, when it was done, the stream restarts and it was a big hit gaining loads of view watching the stream, a bit later and it was time for another title award
"now next on the award envelopes otto moments!" jerma says as he reads the envelope on the back
"umm...jermaine? you didn't do any streams of otto this year" emily says as she remembers watching all the streams he did this year up to this point and there was no otto
"...oh no! how could i forgot my oldest son! my little man! my chonky boy!" jerma says acting upset he forgot to give otto the spotlight this year
"yeah jerma, how could you forget otto, he's the main star of the streams!" ster says looking cross and he points at jerma
"i know! i'm sorry!" jerma says as he covers his face in shame
"what did you put in 'ere, anyway?" emily asks as she takes the envelope from jerma
she opens it and sees it say otto on the card
"otto? you mean otto in general as the moment?" emily says then asks and she only got a nod from jerma "ok, so the winner is just otto" she adds and throws the card and envelope away
the stream continues and then it was getting to the end of the stream as jerma had just ran out of award titles
"ok, so it's almost the end of the stream but before we end, i like to see who has got presents under the tree" jerma says as she slowly walks over to the tree
he then bends down to the presents and he looks at the tags or stickers that are on the presents
"let's! look emily, for you!" jerma says sorting out the present and he had found one for emily
"*gasp* for me!" emily says happimy in both a acting way and in a excitable way
emily takes the present from jerma taking it by the ribbon around the present in her mouth and then drags it to the desk where she was sitting
"ok, emily wait a bit till you open it" jerma says and emily nods happily "ok, let's! here's one for st-" he says and he was about to hand his partner ster his present but he was looking over at emily
emily was still sitting on the desk but now she had wrapping paper in her mouth, ribbon under her paw and her present was open, emily watched jerma and jerma was looking between emily and her present
"...umm...emily?" jerma says and emily looks at jerma with a confused look "why is your present open?" he asks and emily looks at her present the back at jerma
"...i dunno" emily says with a shrug and jerma looks at her suspiciously
"...hmm...anyway, ster, this is for you" jerma says and ster who had a sleeping emile in a front baby pouch takes the present off jerma
"really? i only have one present" ster says in a acting disappointed tone
"open it, you won't be disappointed" jerma replies both in happiness and anxiousness as he looks between ster and the present
ster rolls his eyes and the open his present which was a box looked to be for a fancy pen, when ster opens the present he stands there getting from a resting face to a shocked face, he then hugs jerma carefully as he had emile and then kisses jerma on the cheek
"vhat happened?" emily asks quietly to herself as she was confused and the flies over to look in ster's box
when she spots what was in the box, she gasps and she smiles happily, she then looks at the stream cameras and gets a mischievous idea
"jermaine! jermaine!" emily says as she smiles mischievously going over to jerma "why don't you tell all the peeps and peepettes what you just told ster, hmm?" she adds as she was pushing jerma to the nearest camera
"i-i-" jerma says trying to stop her but he know he will have to tell his fans eventually
"go on, jermaine! you can tell dem" emily says still smiling mischievously and she had her tongue sticking out
"oh...umm...hehe...umm..." jerma says struggling on how to tell the audience "well...i'm...i'm pregnant" he finally admits and he hears emily cheering in the background
"look, he's not lyin', see" emily says and shoes everyone in the stream what he showed ster which was a positive pregnancy test
"how far are you?" ster asks as he was petting sleeping emile on the head
"umm...about 3 week so almost a month" jerma replies and emily thinks about it in her little head
"dat's will have the baby in july or august" emily says and ster gasps next to emily
"our weddings in early july, hope the baby doesn't decide to appear then" ster says and jerma makes a little worried face
"don't worry...dat much, you stil got 6 months to think about dat" emily says and both jerma and ster calm down a bit by agreeing with her
"well...i guess that's the end of the stream...i hope you enjoyed and i guess i see you all in the new year...bye everyone" jerma says and the stream changes to the end of stream card
the mics were all muted and jerma sighs in relief that the stream is over
"well, that went well" ster says to jerma and jerms happily agrees with him
"that was better then what i had planned at the other studio" jerma says with a smile and he then looks at emily who was looking at the 3 sofa
on the left sofa was david and he was passed out and on the right sofa was tom and sebastian who were also passed out, the trio did a lot for the stream which emily was surprised about as it was all bind acting to the trio for this stream as their roles were made up on the spot
"emily" jerma says and emily turns to him "thank you for helping me with this stream" he says and emily smiles at him with her tongue sticking out
"yeah and i should be thanking you for saving me by sacrificing yourself, that was really brave yet dumb of you to do...thank you, jermaine" emily says smiling and then she giggles "do you want help teleporting you 3 home?" she asks and jerma nod after he yawns
"yes, please" ster says also yawning after jerma
emily giggles and she puts her paw on jerma, jerma grabs ster's hand and they all teleported to jerma and ster's house, emily took her paw off jerma when they arrived home anc then she disappeared again to go back to the stage leaving jerma and ster alone, the pair instantly get ready for bed and after getting emile to bed and getting themselves ready for bed, jerma and ster fall asleep happily cuddling with each other and ster had his left hand on jerma's stomach.
emily was back at the stage and she with david went to his home with her teleporting, she puts him to bed with her magic and then comes back to do the same with tom and sebastian, she teleports them to their house and with her magic, she puts them to bed and they were sleeping peacefully, emily goes back to the stage one last time and she goes over to the present she halfed opened, she then decided to send the present from the tree to jerma house as they forgot them and then she focuses on her present
'i wonder what he got me?' emily thought and she takes off the wrapping
under the wrapping was a white box and when she pulled off the lid, she sees that it was a teddy bear, the teddy bear was a cute red teddy bear and it had emily's name engraved on its foot, emily smiles on how cute it was and then she leaves to go to bed after she tidys up the whole stage making it look it was never touched, she reappears on her bed and after she puts the bear on a shelf with a lot of other teddy bears, she falls asleep happily and smiles as she sleeps
The End

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