LazyTown - The 'Arranged' Marriage

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(This is a somewhat sequel to 'sportacus' brother' and in this AU of lazytown, when stephanie came to town, it was the first week of the summer holidays in 2004, series 1 takes place between 2004 and 2005 while series 2 takes place between the middle of 2006 to the middle of 2007, sportacus's brother arrived august 2007 and this is taking place a few months later in late january of 2008, emily is also pregnant being almost 6 months which is almost to her due date of valentine's day and i will do a valentine's day fanfic soon)

It was a cloudy day and sportacus was doing push up in his airship, he was minding his own business when he hears he got mail, he gets up and he grabs the mail tube mid air after it comes though the hole on the floor
"i got mail!" sportacus says happily as he opens the top of the mail tube
he pulls out a letter from the mail tube he looks at the writing on the front of the envelope, he then gets happy as he recognises the writing as being his mum's writing and he opens the envelope to grab the paper inside
'dear my son, it's been a few months since i last saw you and i have some good news and bad news, the good news is that me and you mother are okay and your brother is still in jail still completely frozen so he won't harm you anymore, the bad news seems that the chief of our town has chosen you to be married off to his daughter, i told him that you don't want to get married yet but he wants his daughter to have someone suitable and handsome like you, i have read the rule book of our town and the only way you could get out of it is if you are married already or you already have a relationship, so if you don't want to marry the girl, you better find someone to be your partner, the chief and his daughter are also coming to visit you tomorrow so you can spend time with the girl to see if she likes you so prepare for that, gottta go now and talk to me soon, your pabbi and you mammi' the letter says on the front and back of the paper
sportacus looks at the letter looking suprised and shocked as he sat in the driver's seat of his airship, he was going to marry the chief's daughter if he didn't find a relationship fast, he didn't want to marry the chief's daughter as he remembers her from school and she as what robbie would call stingy 'a spoilt brat', her parents let her get away with everything, she always got what she wanted then forget about it a month later to move onto the next thing, she loved to cause a scene and throw a lot of temper trantums, she went from boyfriend to boyfriend like fly's lifespan, made fun of every girl in the school and even her closest friends also got made fun off and she did try and date sportacus once when he was 13 but he wasn't interested in her so he got made fun of by her and her friends and now he would have to marry her unless he has a relationship already but who would want to be his partner.
he thinks and thinks till he couldn't think of what to do, he needed help for an idea and he thinks on who to ask, he couldn't ask the kids as even he loves them dearly and would love to help him, they would probably make it worse, the mayor and bessie would probably be clueless about it and robbie would probably be glad that he's leaving town so the town can be lazy again but then probably get upset that sportacus is gone but then he smiles knowing who to talk to and goes to the door, meanwhile in the town, the kids were inside stephanie's house playing dress up in her room, robbie was in his lair fast asleep laying back in his chair with legs up as the kids weren't making noise outside and emily was outside on the bench robbie usually sleeps on eating a donut and by one, this was really her last one of 6 as she ate the entire box of donuts, the reason she ate the whole box of donuts is because she's pregnant being almost 6 months along also reaching her due date and her baby demand that she has donuts so she went to get them, she finishes the donut and she was about to go to sleep after putting the donut box in the bin and setteling done on the bench she was sitting on when suddenly sportacus lands a few feet in front of her
"hi elf boy!" emily says happily seeing sportacus when he lands down in front of her
"emily! i need your help!" sportacus says as he goes over to her
"what's up?" emily asks as she sits up and has her head tilted confused
sportacus explains to emily about the letter from his dad and what it said with emily listening curiously
"so, you need to have a partner so then you don't have to marry a girl that is your hometown's chief's daughter" emily repeats making sure she hears right and sportacus nods his head quickly "hmm...buddy!" she says after thinking about it for a few seconds
"robbie?" sportacus says confused now the one doing the head tilt
"yeah, buddy can be your husband, you and him have had a thing for each other for a while so i'm sure he can pretend to be your husband, besides, when she sees you with buddy, she will get instantly turned off seeing that you are gay" emily explains and sportacus thinks about before smiling and nodding
"ok! umm...but will robbie be okay? you know, being my husband?" sportacus says happily then worried knowing robbie
"i think so but i will have to really convince him to do it...maybe he will do it for a big cake" emily says as she was thinking
"i'm pretty sure the kids won't mind making a cake like they did before" sportacus says knowing that the kids made a cake before
"yeah but that was for bessie's birthday and knowing them, they would need a really good reason for the cake to be baked" emily says annoyed as she knew those 5 kids to well "and you can't say you need it as they know you'll have a sugar meltdown if you eat sugar" she adds and sportacus was thinking on what to do
"we could say it's for robbie's birthday...when is robbie's birthday?" sportacus says happily then confused as he didn't know when robbie's birthday is
"it's on october 13th" emily says instantly as she know
"...wait...his birthday is 3 days after mine?" sportacus says realising and emily nods with a shrug
"he never celebrates it and i don't know why, i try to sometimes but he always wants to spend it sleeping the day away" emily says looking a little sad and sportacus
"well, when it's his next birthday, i will help you celebrate it" sportacus says determined and emily gives a little smirk
"anyway, we've gone off track, how are we going to get the kids to make us a cake for buddy?" emily says getting back on track with the conversation
"hi sportacus! hi emily! what are you two doing?" stephanie says as she comes over to the pair with ziggy behind her following her like a loyal dog
"nothing much, just chatting, hey umm, by any chance are you making any cakes anytime?" emily says then asks making ziggy excited
"oh! cake! i love cake, can we make a cake, stephanie?! can we?! can we?!" ziggy says happily as he bobs up and downs excitability
"i'm sure we can make a cake later, why do you ask?" stephanie says smiling at ziggy then looking at emily confused
"oh, know when you cooked bessie a cake and robbie took it? *stephanie and ziggy nod* well uh, buddy has said he would love to have some more as you know, everyone knows things made by other people taste better" emily explains trying hard to not sound suspicious
"umm...alright, if robbie loved it so much, i don't mind making one for him, let's go and get the others and make the cake, ziggy" stephanie says happily and beckons ziggy to follow him
"yay! i love cake!" ziggy says happily as he follows stephanie like a dog again going back to stephanie's house
sportacus and emily watch stephanie and ziggy go back to stephanie's house and when they were gone, sportacus looks at emily smiling
"why does robbie love cake so much?" sportacus asks and emily shrugs
"it's just his all time favourite food, he'll eat any cake you'll give him from sponge cake to carrot cake to even chocolate velvet cake, as long as it's cake, he's happy and content" emily replies calmly and smiling knowing her buddy
"wait, carrot cake? that's a vegetable, does this mean he can eat fruit cake too?" sportacus says realising and emily nods happily
"yep! any cake, even the ones that sportscandy in it, he'll eat it!" emily says happily then she realises something "don't you dare use this as a advantage for your healthy eating thing, got it?" she says seriously as she points at sportacus
"i won't!" sportacus replies looking guilty as he has his hands in the air
"...good!" emily says looking suspicious at sportacus then does a little fake sneeze as to huff
"how is robbie by the way? i haven't seen him since yesterday after he stormed off" sportacus says wondering what robbie was doing
"yeah, that scheme where he disguises himself as a teenager and convincing the kids that being lazy is going to be cool when they get to his age was a good idea till you came along, he's fine now and is asleep in his chair, before i left, he was sleep talking and said 'i like it when you smile...and your muscles'...i think he was talking about you but i'm not sure" emily explains and this made sportacus smile smugly with a little blush on his face "that's reminds me on the time he fell asleep after putting a sticker in the energy book you gave him and he said 'hello sportacus~' while smiling" she adds and sportacus was smiling more
"h-he dreams about me?" sportacus says slightly stuttering as he had a warm feeling in his stomach
"yeah, i think he's got a crush on you but...don't told him i tol you" emily says and sportacus nod while he was grinning "hmm...i think i know now why you don't want to marry that lady-i mean another reason" she adds with a smug smile
"what's that?" sportacus says looking clueless and emily smugly smiles at him
"you love buddy, don't you?" emily says sounding muchevious and sportacus get shocked as a blush appears fully on his face making emily laugh
"...yes..." sportacus whispers while nodding and fiddling with the crystal casing
"that's good to know cuz i think buddy loves you too but he doesn't know it yet" emily says happily as she grins happily with a bit of mischief still in her face and sportacus rubs the back of his hat bashfully
"hey emily!" stephanie says suddenly and both emily and sportacus look over at her with the other kids behind her and the cake she was carrying that looks exactly like the cake that was made for bessie that robbie stole "here is the cake you asked for, do you think robbie is going to like it?" she says then asks and emily nods her head while smiling and sticking her tongue out
"it's perfect, buddy is going to adore it, thanks" emily replies as sportacus take the cake off stephanie "oh! before we go, can you do something for me" she adds realising something
"sure! what is it?" stephanie says happily and emily flies over to her
"tomorrow, blue boy here is going to have some guests over and...i want you all to call him 'dad', call robbie 'daddy' and act like they are your parents, okay?" emily explains while pointing at sportacus next to her and the kids nod happily while ziggy gets excited
"sportacus is our dad now?! yay!" ziggy says happily and he hugs sportacus's leg
"we will but why?" stephanie says and emily moves her right paw in a circle
"me and sportacus will tell you tomorrow after they leave" emily says and stephanie nods a little accepting the answer "now go off and play or something, it might wake buddy up if he hasn't caught the scent of the cake" she says then whispers as she puts her paw on her mouth
"okay! come on everyone, let's play duck, duck, goose!" stephanie says and the kids cheer happily as ziggy pulls away from sportacus's leg
they run off to lazy park to play their game and emily with sportacus still holding the cake go off to robbie's lair, meanwhile in the lair and robbie was still asleep till he picks up the smell of the cake as his nose twitches, he smiles as he smells the cake and he wakes up licking his lips
"cake! i smell cake! where's is the cake!" robbie says happily as he stands up and looks around for the cake
at the hatch of the lair and emily can hear robbie looking around for the cake as he was shouting 'cake!' like it was a lost dog
"stay here, i'll call you to come down" emily says to sportacus and sportacus nods
emily flies down to the lair and when she gets into the lair, she sees robbie still looking for the cake then he spots emily standing at the lair exit/entrence
"emily!" robbie says dramatically and loudly as he was excited
"what?!" emily shouts back at robbie as she stays at the lair entrence/exit
"i smell cake!" robbie says happily as he was looking around the lair for the cake
"i know you can, do you want me to get it?" emily says grinning and robbie smiles at her
"yes! where is it?!" robbie says sounding a little despite for this cake he can smell
"ok...elf boy! come in!" emily says happily and then shouts up to the pipe
sportacus then comes down and when robbie sees him, he gets annoyed as he huffs but then sees the giant cake in sportacus's hands and he focuses in it hungrily
"cake!" robbie says happily and tries to grab it
"hold on, buddy! we got to talk to you first" emily says as she flies between robbie and sportacus with the cake
"...what is it?! i want cake!" robbie says annoyed and disappointed as he goes to his orange chair
"so we have a problem, tomorrow, a chief from elf boy's home town is coming to lazytown with his daughter to meet elf boy and to see if he is suitable to marry the daughter, the problem is that elf boy doesn't want to marry the daughter as he doesn't like her and he's uh...fancies someone else so we have a plan to disinterest her from getting elf boy" emily explains and robbie was listening but his eyes were in the cake
"go on?" robbie says wondering where this was going
"in the rule book of elf boy's town, it says that the marriage can be stopped if say elf boy here, is either already in a relationship or already married so, long story short, we need you to be elf boy's husband" emily explains and robbie looks at her with wide eyes but then back at the cake "if you do it, you can have this cake that we got the kids to make" she adds as she goes over to the cake and shows it off "what do you say? will you do it?" she finishes as she goes back to robbie again
"...ok, fine, i'll do it! just give me the cake!" robbie says annoyed after thinking about it and then holds his hands out to the cake
sportacus smiles in relief as he hands robbie the cake and robbie eats it happily not leaving a single crumb of the delicious cake, after he eats the cake which he enjoyed, he gets up and goes over to sportacus while wiping his wiping his messy mouth with his sleeve
"so, what do you want me to do?" robbie says seriously but curiously as he looks at sportacus with his gray blue eyes then at emily
" may or may not like this, but...first you need to practice kissing each other" emily says as she goes to sit in her pink fluffy bed and the pair look at her surprised
"why?" sportacus says suddenly then covers his mouth realising he did a bit of a voice crack while being loud 
"because, the lady will ask at some point 'are you sure you two are together? i haven't seen you kiss or hold hands once' so you then kiss each other to prove her point" emily explains and does a texan voice for the lady
"*sigh* i've never kissed anyone apart from my mother before" sportacus says sounding worried and guilty and robbie looks down worried too
"same...hold on" robbie says agreeing with sportacus then he walks away somewhere
emily and sportacus watch him leave then look at each other confused, robbie then comes back and he looked very embarrassed and emily could tell he was nervous as his nose was twitching a little
"uh...sorry, i had to go clean my mouth so d-didn't get a sugar meltdown or anything" robbie says embarrassed with a blush as he looked down and fiddles with his hands
"aww, robbie, that's  so nice of you!" sportacus says smiling sweetly at robbie and was blushing
"yeah...whatever" robbie says still embarrassed and he looks away trying to hide his blush
"now, kith!" emily says happily from her fluffy pink bed and she giggles to herself
robbie and sportacus look at emily shocked while blushing then look at each other still blushing, sportacus then sighs knowing he'll have to do it eventually and he grabs robbie's face gently, robbie gulps and then sportacus puts his lips on robbie's starting the kiss, robbie was surprised at first but then starts kissing back as he lets out a big stress releasing huff from his nose, emily cheers happily seeing that the pair were kissing each other and then looks away to give the pair a little privacy, the kiss was first calm but then it was starting to get a bit rough till sportacus pulls away leaving robbie still in his kissing face but he recovers quickly as they were blushing as red as emily's fur
"i-i...that was nice" sportacus says trying t think on what to say
"y-yeah, it was..." robbie replies simply forgetting how to speak for a second
" want to kiss again?" sportacus asks guiltily as he spins his right foot
robbie didn't say anything as he was just smiling and then he pulls sportacus in for another kiss with him starting it this time, the kiss was better the second time around as they were both loving every minute of the kiss, robbie then took sportacus to his orange chair while still kissing and robbie was sitting in the chair while sportacus was sitting on his lap, the pair ended up kissing for quite a while to the point emily had fallen asleep and when they were done, they were panting but in love
"you-you're a good kisser for someone who hadn't kiss another person before" sportacus says to robbie when he gets his breath back
"you are as well" robbie replies a little impressed but was making a little smile
"...wait...does this mean we are in a relationship now? because as you know, normal people don't kiss like that" sportacus says realising what happened and robbie was thinking
"i-hmm...i guess we are now" robbie replies after thinking about it and sportacus grin smiles happily
"oh good! i mean...yay!" sportacus says then corrects himself as he blushes a little "what time is it?" he asks wondering the time
"'s 7:50pm" robbie replies after checking the bell alarm clock on his counter "you probably want to go back to your airship so you can go to bed at 8:08" he adds trying to not look disappointed that sportacus had to leave
"...actually, i was thinking about staying here with you" sportacus says calmly and he snuggles into robbie's chest
"y-you want to stay with me?" robbie says sounding suprised and shocked
"yeah...remember, we're married now" sportacus says happily as he lift himself up to look at robbie and gives robbie a cheeky smile
"oh yeah, umm...i made these to, you know make it more convincing" robbie says and he pulls out 2 rings from his pocket
"when did you do this?" sportacus replies as he takes his ring from robbie's hand
"wh-while i went to clean my face" robbie says as he closes his hand on his ring
"aww, robbie, are you asking to marry me? your so nice, of course i will!" sportacus says mischievously while blushing and he snuggles into robbie again
"y-yeah....whatever!" robbie says embarrassed as he was blushing like crazy and he looks away
"you're so cute!" sportacus mumbles into robbie's chest then he drops off to sleep
robbie smiles as he glances down at the now sleeping sportacus on his chest then he looks over at emily who was upside down in her pink fluffy bed, he smirks at her then watches as she gains a pained look in her face, he instantly then sees why as little bumps were appearing and going on emily's stomach around the middle part of the stomach, emily then turns to her right side and the bumps seem to disappear as she relaxes again going back to her peaceful sleep, robbie almost forgot that emily was pregnant and the only people that know that she's pregnant is him and sportacus as they were the only people she felt she trusted to know, he even remembers when she told them.
(flashback to early october)
it was a nice afternoon for it being autumn and the kids were playing over on the play things at lazy park, not far from lazy park was emily lying down on the bench looking worried and lost, she just found out that she was 2 months pregnant and the father was her boy best friend ben that came to visit her for 2 days in august, she was thinking on what to do as she needed to tell ben but also needed to tell robbie about it and she was worried on how he will react as she has no idea, as she was lying there, sportacus did come off the ship to go and play with the kids in the playground but then as he was running there, he spots emily on the bench and he gets a little concerned
"hey emily, where's robbie?" sportacus says to emily as he goes over to her
sportacus's voice makes emi,y jump a little as she snaps out of her thoughts and then looks up at sportacus giving him a sad smile
"hi elf boy, buddy is in the lair eating his lunch dessert, he had cake for lunch and is now having cake as a dessert" emily says then explains smiling a little on how funny her buddy is
""you look sad, is everything okay?" sportacus says concerned as he sits by emily looking a little worried
"everything's okay, me and buddy haven't fallen out again or anything like that, i'm just thinking about something so don't worry" emily explains and gives a closed eyes smile at sportacus but the smile still had sadness to it
"what's on your mind? we can talk about it as the kids won't hear, they've gone to pixel's house" sportacus says and glances over to where the kids were
emily looks over at pixel's house to see stephanie going inside the house and shutting the door behind her, she was a little surprised that the kids went in and she looks around to see nobody else outside other then her and sportacus, she then sighs as she turns back around and looks down on the floor
"ok, i'll tell you but please, keep this a secret from the kids, bessie and the mayor, i don't want them to know yet, i'll tell buddy later" emily says and sportacus hums nodding his head "...*sigh* i'm pregnant" she admits quietly but still audible
" are?" sportacus says stunned after a long silence
"yeah, i found out a few days ago and i know who the dad is too, it's my boy best friend, ben that came over to see me back in august" emily says still looking down and she was spinning her right paw around "i also need to as some point tell him as well but that can wait" she adds kinda mumbling
she keeps looking down for a bit then she looks up at sportacus who was grin smiling 
"that's great news!" sportacus says happily and he rubs emily's head affectionly
"i-i'm glad you're okay with it" emily says happily as she was smiling at sportacus being a little calmer then before
"of course i am! it's going to be so cute when it's born and it's also going to be a mini you!" sportacus says happily while grinning and emily giggles a little "when are yoy due?" he asks getting curious as he knows emily isn't a normal cat
"well, it's going to be longer then a cat's pregnancy but shorter then a human's pregnancy february" emily says first mumbling as she was thinking then announces happily making sportacus smile again "now that i've told you i need to tell bud-oh!" she says then stops as she looks over at something in front of her
sportacus looks at emily confused on why she stopped then he looks over at where emily was looking to see the periscope poking out from behind the wall, sportacus gets wide eyed shocked then look at emily who was also wide eyed shocked
"b-buddy! how much did you hear?" emily says coming out of her shock then the periscope goes down like it wasn't there "i think he heard the whole thing" she adds looking worried with drooped ears and worried eyes
"i'm sure he'll be okay with it" sportacus says cheering emily up and she just looks at him still worried with drooped ears
"i don't know, i know he's a softy but this is new for him" emily says unsure what robbie will do
suddenly robbie appears and emily was super worried thinking robbie was going to yell at her or something, robbie then picks her up as she flinched then he suprisenly hugs emily making her shocked and stunned, she then calms down and enjoys the hug as she snuggles into him a little, sportacus smiles seeing how cute the hug was and the trio stay quiet for a while enjoying the hug and the silence.
(end of flashback)
robbie smiles at the memory then he drops off to sleep having his head on sportacus's hat and he hugs sportacus near him to make himself and sportacus more comfy, the next day at 7am, sportacus wakes up first and he feels someone on his head, he glances up to see robbie snuggled into him and then he remember what happened yesterday before he went to sleep with robbie on the sofa, he smiles gaining a blush on his face and he kisses robbie on the face making the villian twitch his nose a little, sportacus smile thinking his nose twitches were cute and with a pillow he finds beside the sofa, he slowly gets up replacing his head with the pillow so robbie gets up
'ok, i need to get to the airship when the chief and his daughter arrive' sportacus thought as he looks at the exit
he looks over at emily who was still asleep in her bed the at robbie who was still asleep, he smiles at them, puts on the ring robbie gave him on his left ring finger and then leaves the lair to go to his ship, when he gets up into his ship, he gets something to eat which was a whole apple with a banana and strawberry milkshake then he decides to do some excises while waiting for the chief and his daughter to arrive, the pair didn't arrive till about 10am when all the kids are awake as well as robbie and emily and emily reminded the kids what they had to do when they come down to the town, she also needed to tell robbie what the kids were going to do as she forgot to tell him last night and he was shocked at first then calmed down when emily calmed him down then they practised for a few minutes till robbie was use to it with also reminding him to put the ring on which he did.
the chief and his daughter arrive at sportacus's ship and the chief was happy to see him, the chief looked to be in his 60s with a full on white beard, white hair that was in a ponytail, his outfit was like sportacus's outfit but in gray and white with a 0 on his crystal casing and he had a walking stick in his hand, the daughter had long blonde hair with green eyes, she was trying to look pretty by having loads of makeup on but it just made her look like a clown, she like sportacus and the chief was wearing the sportacus outfit but it was a purple-pink colour and was more feminine look as it had a little skirt from the waist to above the knees and heel boots on
"hello sportacus 10! it's nice to see you again, i haven't seen you since you left our town at 18" the old man says happily while sportacus was smiling at him
"it's nice to see you too, elder" sportacus says happily "oh! and i remember you, you're selena, right? i remember you from school" he adds adding the daughter now named selena into the conversation
"yeah..." selena says looking away and not wanting to be there
"so what brings you 2 here to lazytown?" sportacus says happily as he backs away from the elder a little
" you know, my daughter selena here, hasn't got a husband yet and we are looking at the sportacus's to see which one is available to marry her and you are the last one on the list so..." the elder says and sportacus gains a worried face
"i'm sorry elder, i would like to marry selena but...i'm already married, see?" sportacus apologetic and he holds up his left hand with his fake wedding ring on it that robbie gave him
"oh...that's a shame...maybe we can see your wife" the elder says looking guilty and sportacus gets a worried face but was smiling
"husband actually but i can show you to him and we also have 5 kids together that we adopted so i can show you them too, they love meeting new people so they'll be happy to see you two" sportacus explains and the elder went 'ah!' and nods happily
"daddy, you've wasted my time, again, i'm never going to find a partner i adore and live up to my expectations!" selena complains and the elder ignored her as he watches sportacus lead him down into the town
the trio make it to town after a long time helping the elder get to the town from the airship and when they get into the town, they head over to the kids as they were playing football together
"look there's dad!" ziggy says happily as he points to sportacus as he was coming over
the kids smile at sportacus when they see him and waved at him while saying 'hello dad!' then went over to the elder with selena
"kids, this is the elder of my hometown and this is his daughter, selena" sportacus says happily as he introduces the kids to the pair
"oh my gosh!" selena says suddenly making everyone look over at her then she goes over to stephanie "how did you find a cute little girl like this, she's so cute" she says as she was coddling stephanie "what's your name, sweetie?" she says happily as she goes in front of stephanie
"i-i'm stephaie, nice to meet you, selena!" Stephanie says kinda stuttering at first then recovers as she smiles at the new lady and intrducing herself
"oh my gosh! she's so cute!" selena says cuted out by stephanie as she hugs herself to stephanie "daddy, i don't care about a husband anymore, i just want to have a daughter like her!" she adds happily as she cuddles stephanie again
sportacus and stephanie look at each other a little confused but then sportacus smiles a little making stephanie smile too, selena kept cuddling stephanie while the other kids look at her confused and the mayor look lost
"selena, dear, how are you going to have a child of you don't have a husband?" the elder asked confused and sportacus looks over at the elder
"she can adopt like we have, all the kids here are adopted by me and my husband" sportacus says happily and he was getting use to calling robbie his husband "sure, they won't be biologically yours but family don't have to be biological" he adds sounding smart and the kids nod agreeing with him
"i-i remember watching a movie with daddy once that had a saying in it, it was 'ohana means family, family means nobody ever gets left behind'," ziggy says happily as he remembers the movie
"that was lilo and stitch, right, we were with you with we watched it" stephanie says and ziggy nods happily
"daddy, when we get back, can we go to the adoption center to adopt a child?" selena asks her dad excited as she lets go of stephanie and goes over to the elder
"but uh-...fine, yes we can" the elder says and selena gets all giddy hearing the news
"thank you, daddy! thank you!" selena says as she hugs her dad happily
the kids and sportacus watch the pair and smile and robbie and emily who had just arrived were also smiling from behind the wall, robbie then goes over to sportacus and when robbie standed next to sportacus, sportacus tales robbie's hand into his and the pair were holding hands now officially being a couple but still being hero and villian.
a while later, the elder and selena went home in the evening after being introduced to robbie, emily, the mayor and bessie and spending a whole day having fun with the kids, when the pair went home, emily explained to the kids why they had to call sportacus and robbie their dads and they seem to like calling the pair their parents so they told emily that they were going to keep doing it for fun, sportacus and robbie enjoyed each other company thoughout the day and when the elder and selena left, the pair went off to sportacus's ship to have some bonding time together making emily keep an eye on the kids till they had to go home for dinner, when they did go home, emily went to the lair and when she gets to her fluffy pink bed , she relaxes in the bed on her back then starts rubbing her baby belly affectionly thinking about her little baby inside, the baby kicks in reply and emily smiles calmly before dropping off to sleep feeling her baby calm down as well while also thinking when her baby will be born.
The End...for now

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