IRL - Mima's New Friend

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It was a calm afternoon in emily's house and everyone was doing their own thing, tom was reading a book to pass the time, sebastian was on his phone texting his friends, emily was lying in the middle of the pair and mima was fast asleep ontop of emily which she didn't mind, as emily was lying on the sofa, she was thinking about a conversation she had with ben the other day
it was sunday and it was evening so the sun was going down, emily and ben were out on a date sitting on hill watching the sunset and the pair were silently cuddling each other as they watch the sun go down
"emily?" ben says breaking the silents as he leans back from emily a little to look at her
"reah?" emily replies curiously wondering what ben wanted
"well, i was wondering...have you thought about...having another baby" ben says and emily looks at him then after a second shrugs
"no, not really, i'm happy with just mima, i did tell you a long time ago dat i only want one child and dat ended up being mima" emily explains and ben nods a little with a smile "why? did you want another baby?" she asks and ben sighs and makes a little smiles
"i...i think so, maybe, i always have thought on what it will be like of having a boy, you know, like how you wanted a girl when you were pregnant with mima" ben replies and emily looks interested
"reah, i know..."emily says in a little mumble and she goes to think "i'll think about it, okay?" she says after a little think and ben nods looking strangely hopeful
"okay, there's no rush so take your time" ben says and he gives emily a happy nose kiss 
emily giggles quietly and she nose kisses ben back and then they go and watch the sun go down going into dusk
(Flashback end)
it was now tuesday and the date was on sunday so now emily had time to think about it as yesterday she was busy looking around on social media and then drawing after so she didn't have time to think about it as she was so distracted but now she does and she felt lost
'do i really want another child? or more importantly does mima want a sibling? she seems to be okay as a single child expecally with me, ben, dad, seddy and da others are basically spoiling her so she seem to be fine on her own' emily thought as she lied on the sofa with mima still on her back still 'but ben did look hopeful when i said i'll tink about it, he did ask if we can have another one and if it will make him happy...' she thought thinking about ben 'ugh! i don't know! i'm lost, i need an answer!' she thought in frustration and she huffs in annoyance as she continues to think
she kinda has nothing to stop her having another child, she does have that doctor who 60th anniversary episodes with friend coming up then the loki season 2 episodes to do but she seem to work around the pregnancy fine with mima when she was doing season 4 of doctor who in 2008, emily also was really fine during her pregnancy with mima and mima is now a healthy baby so she didn't have to worry about the pregnancy part, the only thing she is worry about is sibling dynamic, she never really like the older sister-younger brother siblings, she more likes the older brother-younger sister siblings or twin brother-sister siblings, the older sister-younger brother siblings never really settled with her well since emily knew someone from school who is a older sister to a younger brother and they always bully him, dress him up like a doll, tease him and always remind him that they are the older sister and he can't do anything about it so it made emily go off the whole older sister-younger brother sibling idea.
emily also wondered what ability the baby have if she did have a baby, all her friends have elemental powers like her with her electricity power, ben with his ice power, darien with her fire power, liam with his wind power, hollie with her grass power, hayley with her earth powers, lauren with her water power and chloe with her rock powers, then there's mima with her power of love but then...what other abilities is there to have...the element of ghosts? the element of darkness? the element of sound? the element of life? a new unique ability or element that's never exsisted before? it all in wonder on what's going to be...if emily goes though with the second baby.
'...i wish there was a sigh or a anything to tell me what to do!' emily thought as a last resort as she had no idea what to do
suddenly emily hears a lady talking and she snaps out of her thoughts to look at the tv where the news was on with a breaking news announcement
"breaking news! a strange egg has been found in a crop field and derek has more on the story" the lady says and then it changes to a man in a crop field
"thanks trucy, well, this morning a farmer named johnny jones, was tending to his crops when he finds this egg in the middle of the crop field" the man's named derek says and he shows off the egg
the egg was a around the same size as an ostrich egg but unlike an ostrich egg where it's all white, this one had snow leopard like spots but in blue, red, white and gray
"we have asked johnny what he was going to do with this egg and he replies with this" the derek man says and it goes to the next shot which of the farmer who was dressed in farmer gear
"i want to hand it over to those elemental friends, they might be able to deal with it and see what it is, it's too dangerous to kept here as wild animals like foxes, badgers, stoats, weasels and snakes might take it" the johnny farmer says and this makes emily lift her head up
"so if the elemental friends are watching, you can come and pick this egg up from farmer johnny" derek guy says and that was the end of the breaking news as it goes back to the regular news
emily turns away for a second then brings out her phone, she contacts lauren and she tells her to meet her at the base to go collect the egg, then emily gets up and she puts mima on a fluffy pillow so she can still be asleep and then she teleports herself to the base, a little bit later, lauren and emily appear on the farm with emily's teleport and lauren knocks on the door of the farm house, the farmer opens the door and he smiles seeing emily and lauren
"oh! you two must of seen the news report, good, hold on a second!" the farmer johnny says and he goes into his house
lauren and emily wait a minute then the johnny farmer guy returns with the egg
"here you go!" the johnny farmer guy says and emily takes the egg with her magic as the eg floats out of johnny's hands
"thank you!" lauren says and then they walk away as johnny shuts the door
emily teleports the pair back to the base and when they get back to the base, emily puts the egg on the base gathering table and looks over at lauren
"what do you think it is?" emily asks as she looks at the egg then at lauren who was on her computer
"i don't know, let me look it up!" lauren says happily and she starts typing on her computer
as lauren was looking it up, emily looks at the egg then touches it on the top, she drags her paw down it and then she hears lauren sigh annoyed
"i can't find anything, this is a new species if there's no info on the computer about it" lauren says and she slumps back in her chair
"don't worry, if dis is a new discovery, you can be da first to document it" emily says and lauren looks at emily for a mixture before gasping happily
"you're right! and you can help me!" lauren says excitedly as she grabs a notepad and pen
"what?! how?" emily says a little surprised
"i want you to take it home and study it for me, record a video when it starts to hatch, take pictures of it, study it and tell me it's likes, dislikes and other stuff you find out" lauren says happily and excited as she looks at emily
"umm...okay?" emily says with a shrug and lauren flies in a circle happily
"thanks emily!" lauren says happily and emily giggles at lauren's excitment "you can ask ben to help you too, he's in his room if you want him" she adds and emily blushes a little as she nods
emily goes over to ben's room and as she opens the door, she sees ben playing a game and when he sees her, he smiles and goes over to her
"hi~" ben says happily and flirty and he gives emily a nose kiss
"hewwo, what doing?" emily replies after the nose kiss with a cute smile
"nothing much, just chilling, what are you doing here?" ben says happily and then got curious
"oh! me and lauren just went to pick up an egg a farmer found and it's a really unquie egg, lauren can't even find it on her computer" emily replies and ben looked really curious
"really? where is it?" ben asks and emily points to the base room
"it's on da table in da base room, you can have a look if you want" emily replies and ben goes over to the base table
he goes over to it with emily behind him and he jumps in the table with emily going next to him after she jumps onto to the table
"...this is an interesting egg" ben says as he drags his paw down the egg like what emily did earlier and emily nods with a smirk
"reah, i did tell you a minute ago dat lauren couldn't find any info about it so she asked me to study it for her...and you can help too if you want" emily explains and ben looks at her when she asked ben if he wanted to help too
"umm...sure!" ben says with a smile on his face and a blush as he wants to help emily as he loves her
"yay! thank you!" emily says happily and he licks ben on his snoot "i mean, i can do by myself but with you helping too will make it easier" she adds with a shy look and a blush ben thought was adorable
"hehe, you know i'll help you with anything, right? you are my one and only love of my life and i love you forever" ben says loveingly and emily blushes hard
"reah, i know, i love you too, benny boo" emily replies and they have a nose kiss
after the nose kiss, the pair look at each other's eyes then they have a little giggle, emily then looks at the egg and she picks it up with her magic
"where are we going?" ben asks curiously as emily picks up the egg making it float next to her
"goin' to me don't have to worry about my dad and seddy, they like you if you're worried about dat" emily replies then explains when she sees ben slightly worried face
"i know, i like them too but when i'm alone with one or both of them, they give off this weird vibe that i've done something wrong and i shouldn't be there" ben replies and emily giggles a little
"that's just their parent instincts kickin' in tryin' to see if you are really the right on for me even dough we've been together before dey were born and you are the father to mima so...i guess it's just daddy protection, just ignore it or stay with me and they'll calm down" emily explains and ben looks at emily then nods happily with a smile
"ok" ben says calmly and he licks emily on the cheek
emily smiles then they teleport out of the base after emily says bye to lauren who had just returned from the kitchen with food, when the pair reappear, they appear at the hallway by the front door on the carpet and emily yells ben to stay where he is, she then goes into the living room and sees tom and sebastian still where they were when they left and when they see emily, they smile at her as she walks over to the coffee table
"hi emily, where did you go?" tom says hapoy to see emily but a little confused on where she went
"was it that thing on the news about that egg, i saw it too" sebastian says and emily points at him with a nod
"reah, me and lauren went to collect it and now i have brought it back with ben as well to help lauren study it as she hasn't seen this type of egg before and the computer have nothing about it" emily says and she brings the egg into the room with her magic
she puts the egg onto the coffee table and ben goes next to her, ben and emily look at the egg for a second then at each other
"it looks really weird" sebastian says as he points to the egg
"reah, it's around da same size as an ostrich egg but it has dese markin' all over it, it's really weird" emily says as she looks at the egg then at sebastian
"i wonder what will hot h out of it?" ben says looking at the egg curiously then at emily
"i dunno, i hope it's not a scary monster or anythin' evil" emily replies with a shrug looking at ben
suddenly the egg starts jumping and it makes everyone in the room surprised, the egg jumps around the room like it had a spring on the bottom of it and then it bounces off emily and ben's head which hurted
"ow!" emily yells in a whisper as she rubs her head as it was in pain
"that hurt" ben says as he also rubs his head as it was in pain
the egg still jumps around the living room till it lands on the fluffy pillow mima was sleeping on, emily and ben jump up on the sofa and emily grabs mima from the scruff of her neck, emily moves mima out of the way putting her on sebastian's left leg and then looking back at the egg while having her phone record the hatching for lauren, suddenly the egg starts to hatch as it was cracking on the top of the egg and emily, ben, tom and sebastian were surprised and anticipating what it could be, soon the egg fully hatches as a light shines like in pokémon when the egg hatches in game and then when the light was gone, the egg was gone and instead was a small creature.
the creature coat was a snow leopard coat, it had a mixture of feathers and fur for a coat with the colour of the coat being of the snow leopard but it had a really light gray undercoat, it had feathers coming out the top that were like pheonix feathers, little silver horns by the feathers like dragon horns, it's face and ears looked to be a snow leopard but it had the nose of a dragon with the snout of the mackenzie valley wolf, it had wings on its back that was gray and white, it's tail was long but had spikes going down the tail with feathers sticking out on top of the start of the tail, it's front feet look leopard but it's back feet looked to be from a mackenzie valley wolf, it's paws were a little big like the snow leopards and its claws looked to be from a predator bird like a hawk or eagle and lastly it had a dragon like scales going from under its chin to its underbelly.
"...omg! it's so cute!" emily says with big shining eyes and her paws under her chin looking at the baby
"what is it?" ben asks and emily looks at it
"umm...looks to be a hybrid of a pheonix, a dragon, a snow leopard and dat valley wolf" emily says as she examines it
"do you mean the mackenzie valley wolf?" tom says and emily nods at him
"reah, dat wolf!" emily replies happily and tom smirks while shaking his head "it's kinda like mima, she's a cat-dog hybrid or as i like to call her, a kitpy or a pupten" she adds and looking proud of those names
"what are you going to call this species then" sebastian asks and emily thinks as she puts her paw on her mouth
"umm...umm...dunno, might ask lauren for the name" emily says and then she realises "speaking of lauren" she adds and she grabs her phone
she sends lauren the video after editing it and then takes a few picture of the baby sending them to lauren too
'here is the baby, we can't think a species name for it though, have you got one?" emily says and sends the text
suddenly emily gets a really bad feeling like a mother's instinct and she puts her paw on the baby's head, she then instantly pull away as the baby was really hot on its head
"it's sick! it's has a high temperature" emily says looked worried
ben does the same thing putting his paw on the baby's head and then pulls it back agreeing the baby was really hot
"it is! what do we do?" ben says equally as worried as emily
"hold on" emily says and goes back to her phone 'the baby has a high temperature and it looks sick, what's wrong with it?' she says to lauren and sends the text to her
'sounds like it's got hatchling fever, usually baby lizards and birds get it when they've had a sudden temperature change or been in an egg for a little longer then it's due date, to cure this you need to give it some milk and honey, the honey will act like a tonic and cure the fever' lauren instantly replies and emily nods
"lauren has told me that it has hatchling fever but we can cure it!" emily says to ben and she goes off to the kitchen
while in the kitchen, sebastian checks if the baby did have a fever and he put his finger in the baby's head, he then pulls his finger back blowing in it now knowing that the baby did have a high fever, emily comes back with a little glass of milk with a liquid syringe and some honey in a squeezey bottle, she then squeezes some honey into the baby's mouth which it swallows after licking it inside its mouth, then emily puts some milk into the baby's mouth using the liquid syringe, the baby drinks up the milk and then emily feels the high fever temperature go down
"it fever has gone down, good" emily says in relief then picks up her phone 'thanks lauren, the fever's gone down' she says and sends the text
'you're welcome, i'm still thinking of a species name for it so give me a moment' lauren replies and emily smiles
"lauren is still thinking of a species name" emily says to ben and the pair giggle happily
"tell me the names she comes up with, i wanna hear what she's got" ben replies and emily smiles and nods at him
"i will" emily says in a audible mumble and then she looks back at the baby with a smirk on her face
emily then puts her paw on the baby feeling that it has now a normal body temperature again then puts her paw on mima's head who was still sleeping and she also had a normal body temperature, emily looks back at the baby and then the baby opens it's eyes and it's eyes were a berry blue colour
"*gasp* hi!" emily says seeing the baby's eyes were open and she gives a little wave with her right paw
the baby looks at emily then looks at ben who gives the baby a little wave with his right paw, the baby looks back and forth between emily and ben then smiles a little, it then tries to get up but couldn't as it was just born and it's legs were still weak
"no! don't stand up!" emily says seeing that the baby is trying to stand up so she pushes it down again with her nose on the fluffy pillow
the baby tries to complain but couldn't as it's voice hasn't formed yet so it huffs and lies back down on the pillow
"*giggles* dat was funny and coot!" emily says happily then looks over at mima "hmm..." she says thinking then she has an idea
she picks up mima by the scruff of the neck and mima wakes up when emily picks her up so she slightly complains with a squeak,emily then puts mima by the baby and mima looks over at the baby after emily puts her down, mima and the baby look at each other then they touch noses to smell each other, mima had 2 instincts come to her mind, her cat side was telling her to hiss, smack with her paw at the baby then run off to hide but her dog side was telling her to wag her tail, be happy there's a new friend to play with and grab her favourite toy to show it off, the baby decided to react first and it play bites mima in the cheek after being a little clumsy about it, mima took this as playing so she pulls away from the baby's bite and she jumps ontop of the baby biting it's ear in the progress
"they're playing" ben says happily as he watches the pair wrestling with mima winning as she's older
"reah, we now know dey like each other" emily replies as she smiles at the cute sight "i just realised, we need to give it a name" she says to ben and ben looked curiously surprised
"i know but, we don't even know what gender it is" ben says and emily looks at the baby
she picks it up with her paws and examines it stopping the play between mima and the baby, after emily examines the baby, she puts it back with mima with a smile on her face and the pair go back to playing
"it's a boy, i've checked" emily says and she giggles on how she said that "now we can name it-sorry him" she adds with a smile with her tongue sticking out
"okay umm..." ben says and then the pair start to think
tom and sebastian who had been there the whole time were thinking too with ben and emily and after what felt like hours of thinking when it only had been 2 mintues, ben speaks again as he looks at emily
"i can only come up with names that suits him for his white and gray fur and feather colour" ben says and emily hums with a nod
"reah, me too, i got names like snowy, snowball, snowflake, snowdrop, blizzard, winter, frosty and anythin' with snow winter related" emily replies as she looks at ben then at the baby
the baby and mima were still playing with mima shaking and biting the baby's ear and the baby trying hard to break free, emily watches then then she gets an idea as she lights up
"how about casper, you know? like casper the friendly ghost? as he is a white in colour and so is da baby" emily says and everyone in the room looks at her "casper also goes well with mima, so like 'mima and casper'...see? da names sound good together" she adds and ben thinks about it
"hmm...yeah...i like it, casper it is" ben says happily and emily cheers by raising her paws up and says 'yay!' happily
the baby now named casper and mima are still playing till casper stops and mima gets confused, casper then starts licking his chops a lot and emily realised casper was hungry so she picks casper up and runs off with him
"emily? where are you going?" ben asks confused before following emily to the kitchen
emily gets to the kitchen with ben behind her then she makes a baby bottle appear with her magic
"oh! yes, food time" ben says as he realises what's happening and he chuckles a little
emily hands casper to ben thrn sorts out his bottle of milk, after the milk bottle was filled to the top then warmed up with emily's warmth from her wings, she goes back to casper and takes him from ben, she then starts feeding casper after she lies him on another fluffy pillow she grabbed from the living room and casper starts drinking, while casper was drinking, his ears were twitching everytime he drank and he was pummelling the fluffly pillow like how a cat does when it's suckling from its mother
"aww! dis is so coot!" emily says cuted out by casper's drinking habit
"it this our new child?" ben says then whispers to emily and emily smile with a nod
"you said you wanted a son, right?" emily replies in a whisper and ben nods a little with a blush "den 'ere he is" she adds and points to casper
ben looks at emily and she gives him a smile, ben smiles back then they have a nose kiss, after the kiss, emily looks at casper and see he has just finished his bottle of milk
"are you full now?" emily asks casper as she picks him up with her paws
casper nods and he licks his chops of the milk that had escaped from his mouth, he then yawns feeling tired from a full tummy then emily huffs a soft laugh looking at casper
"heh, mima used to fall asleep right after eating, she still does every now and then, it must be a baby thing" emily says happily and she puts casper down on the pillow again
she then picks casper up from the scruff of his neck and then takes him upstairs with ben following her, she goes into her bedroom and places casper down in mima's pink cot which is a cot for baby dolls
"hopefully, mima doesn't mind you sharing her cot with her for a moment" emily says after placing casper in the cot and tucking him in "just until i can get you one of your own" she adds calmly and she takes a picture of casper sleeping to send to lauren
ben goes to look at casper and emily goes onto her bed to get something, she ends up grabbing a notebook and she opens it to the book to a blank page and grabs a pen
"now to write down the info about casper" emily says and starts writing
'Name - Casper
Species -
Born - 24th of February 2022
Hybrid Animals - Snow leopard, Mackenzie Valley Wolf, Dragon and Phoenix' emily writes down then puts the book down
emily then checks her phone and see what lauren had to say
'i have a species name for the baby, how about the leoparos?' lauren says in her text and emily thinks about it
'hmm...yeah, that's a good name! i'll ask ben' emily says then sends the text
"ben! lauren says is the species name should be leoparos?" emily says to ben and ben thinks about it
"...yeah, it's suits, leoparos it is then" ben replies and emily smiles
'me and ben have talked and we think leoparos is a good name, thanks lauren' emily says to lauren and sends the text
'you're welcome, i'm just glad i can help, got any updates on the baby?' lauren says and emily smiles
'well, its a boy and we've decided to call it casper and after having a drink of milk,  he's gone to sleep and ben is keeping an eye on him' emily explains and sends the text 'oh! and he also gets on well with mima too' she adds forgetting to add it and sends the message
'that's good to hear, sounds like i accidently gave you a new baby to look after but i know you can take care of it as you did with mima' lauren says in her text and emily smirks
'yeah, i don't mind taking in another baby, ben was starting to ask if i wanted another child anyway' emily says and sends the text
'well, now you've suddenly have one, i have to go now, there some i need to work on, text me if you find anything new' lauren says and emily nods
'will do, see ya' emily says and she puts her phone down
she writes leoparos in the species part of casper's info on her notebook then puts the notebook aside on her table, she then sees the time on her laptop being 6:30pm
"oh! it's dinner time!" emily says and she goes to the door "so you want me to make something appear for you to eat while you watch casper?" she asks ben before opening the door
"umm...probably a drink and a ham sandwich" ben says looking over at emily and emily smiles
"sure!" emily replies and she makes a drink of cola and a ham sandwich appear with her magic "enjoy!" she says happily then leave the room
she goes downstairs and sees tom still on the sofa with mima on his lap giving her affection while sebastian was gone as he was in the kitchen making dinner
"hi emily, where's the baby gone?" tom says happy to see emily and she smiles at him as she jumps on the sofa next to him
"he's upstairs with ben, he fell asleep after i fed him a bottle of milk, also his name is casper and me, ben and lauren have decided to call casper's species 'the leoparos'" emily explains and tom smiles and nods at her
"that's a nice ghost like name for the baby and i like the species name too" tom replies and emily nods happily
"reah, i like both names too" emily says happily and does a proud pose
"so what are you going to do with him?" tom asks curiously
"well, me and ben are looking after him so we can also study it at the same time as it's a new species after all and if we find more of them in da future, we'll know what they are and other stuff" emily explains and tom nods with a smile
"that's nice...wait, does this mean little mima has a brother now?" tom says and he had this mischievous face on that he uses when he plays loki as he holds up mima
"umm...i guess? she seems to like him so..." emily says with a shrug and a blush on her face feeling embarrassed "i guess, mima had a adopted brother now" she adds finishing the sentence and tom smiles happily at her
"aww, that's sweet" tom says happily and he pets emily on the head making her purr
"i know *giggles*" emily says happily and tom and emily look at each other
"oh! that reminds me, next week is the baftas and both me and sebastian are going as i have been nominated for best actor for loki and sebastian has been nominated for something in his movie, so are you coming with us?" tom explains then asks and emily thinks
"of course i'll come and i'll leave mima and casper with ben to look after" emily replied and gives a smile with her tongue sticking out "i just hope nothin' bad happens like da last 8 times...yeah, 8 times we went to a award ceremony and somethin' bad always happens, the only time i went to an award ceremony and nothin' went wrong was the one with seddy and dat lady with da bird on her shoulder...i still want dat bird and it's been 4 since i last saw it" she explains and going down memory lane
"dinners ready!" sebastian says as he pokes his head out of the kitchen then pulls it back in again
"okay!" tom replies and he gets up putting mima in her fluffy pillow "are you going to make your dinner?" he asks emily as he heads into the kitchen
"reah, i'll wait till you 2 come out and i'll make somethin' simple" emily replies and tom smiles at her
he then goes into the kitchen and emily looks over at mima who was looking at her calmly
"so mima, what do you think of casper, do you like him?" emily asks her baby as she turns around to look at her
mima looks at emily and then she nods a little with a little smile
"good, and how would you feel if he was your brother?" emily asks mima and mima looks at her confused with a head tilt "or a playmate, how about a playmate?" she adds realising mima doesn't know what 'brother' means
mima looks at emily and she nods more happily loving the idea of a playmate to play around with all day with especially when her mummy and daddy are busy with a mission
"great, i'm sure you'll love casper, he seems to like you" emily says happily and she licks mima on the head grooming her
mima loves that casper loves him as she loves him, she likes that he was different like her with both of them being hybrids and casper makes a great friend, she smiles and cuddles herself into emily enjoying being groomed, after a bit of grooming mima fell asleep and emily pulls away hoping mima stays asleep which she does, emily then goes into the kitchen and makes her food which she makes spaghetti with butter and salt mixed in, when she finishing eating in 20 mintues after making the spaghetti, she takes mima upstairs with her and sees that ben has fallen asleep in front of mima's cot that casper was still sleeping in, emily huffs and smiles then puts mima in her bed where she snuggled up to casper, she then uses her magic to put ben into her bed and after tucking him in, she snuggles up to him and she falls asleep happily with ben by her side.
ben and emily continue to take care of casper as their very own and in a few days, casper learns how to walk thanks to mima with emily and ben helping and by another few days, casper was acting like a 8 week old puppy but he was about 6 days old, mima and casper gain a strong friendship in those 6 days and both ben and emily knew it was going to be impossible to split the pair up when it's playtime, emily anc ben loose casper and even tom and sebastian love the leoparos baby too as emily has caught the pair playing, loving and sleeping with him and emily thought it was adorable, emily and ben also found out a few things about casper like with food, he loves anything meat, fish, honey, eggs, berries, bananas, cheese, any type of bread, yogurt, anything sugary like sweets and some drinks like milk, water, apple juice, orange juice and blackcurrant juice but he dislikes any vegetables, beans, curries, lemons, porridge and rice.
personality wise, casper seems to be taking from emily, ben and mima and he is very kind, sweet, protective, generous, smart, funny, slightly clumsy, cuddly and really playful, he's a lovable leoparos and everyone who meets him when they come over to emily, tom and sebastian's house say he's a loveable sweethearts and they adore him, ben, emily and mima are happy to have him part of the family and would happily keep him in the family as their own bilogical child.
The End

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