Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Commutator's Ship

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(This is a continuation to the previous part 'the toy factory' and this is kinda based on the game 'the stanley parable')

It was calm in space and emily, the doctor and donna were in the TARDIS after dropping off pixie and buddy to their new home after the adventure in the old and abandoned toys for children factory that was taken over by mr.huggins the toy monster, the doctor and emily were explaining to donna who were all sitting on the chairs in the TARDIS about what happened in the toy factory as she was locked up in a cage the entire time after she and the doctor were put to sleep by sleepy pleepy
"that factory was a messed up place and it could of stayed that way if emily didn't see that advert for the place" donna says worried after the story had finished
"reah, i still don't know why me and my dads saw dat advert in da tv...i tink it was a cry for help which worked" emily says thinking about it and the doctor nods agreeing with her
"it had to be, it does make the most sense" the doctor says also thinking about it as he looks between emily and donna
"mmm, so anyway, now that's over with, where are we going? i'm surprised the TARDIS hasn't landed yet" donna says changing the subject after nodding and she looks at the TARDIS confused
"i don't know, i was expecting us to have landed by now" the doctor says confused a he also looks over at the TARDIS "i did set the control to random so i'm guessing she's choosing us a place to go" he adds as he gets up from his spot
'i'm trying to find a place...oh! here we go!' the TARDIS says first confused then happily as she found a place
"she says she has found somewhere" emily says happily translating what she hears the TARDIS said as she jumps on the doctor's shoulder
"oh good, i was worried she couldn't find us anywhere to go" the doctor says happily in relief they were finally going somewhere
the TARDIS then land with a jolt almost causing the doctor and emily to fall over but the doctor quickly catches the railing so they didn't fall
"ok, we're here, now, let's see where 'here' is" the doctor says as he walks to the door with emily still on his shoulder and donna coming up to him
the doctor and emily walk out first and then donna and the trio seem to have landed on a ship, luckily a completely different ship to the ship with those weird clones on it and it kinda looked a lot like the ship from star trek but with some obvious differences
"oh look! we are on a ship again" donna says as she looks around "hopefully there are no weird clones on this ship" she adds still feeling the fear and stress from the clones
"i don't think so, i can see this time we have parked in the front of the ship and i can see loads of stars out the window" the doctor says happily as he goes over to the window and looks at all the white dots, a galaxy and even a comet slowly going passed in the sky
"wow! this place looks beautiful!" donna says amazed as she also looks out the window and her eyes sparkle seeing the stars
"e" emily says agreeing with a nod as she also looks out the window
'oh finally! someone has arrived!' a voice suddenly says making emily turn around
she looks around not seeing anyone and she then looks at the doctor and donna who were still looking outside the window meaning they didn't hear it
'i've been so lonely here, i was wondering if i'll die of boredom' the voice says and emily looks up at the ceiling as that where the voice was coming from (the voice sounds like the narrator from the stanly parable)
'who are you?' the TARDIS asks making emily look over at the blue box with a head tilt
'why, i'm the ships AI, you can call me 'the commentator' and this was abandoned with me in it' the voice now being called the commentator says and the TARDIS sounded happy
'well, i'm the TARDIS, the man is called the doctor, the lady is called donna and the red and white cat is called emily' the TARDIS says happily interdicting herself and the trio and emily looked confused as she looks between the TARDIS and the ceiling
"where gone?" emily asks confused with a head tilt and both the doctor and donna look at her confused
"where 'who' gone? who are you talking to?" donna asks emily looking confused and emily glances at her confused
"da communtator, he's da AI of dis ship" emily says casually as she points to the ceiling
'the crew just abandoned me for no reason, i was helping them like i always do and then one day, they left in a escape pod never to be seen again...they forgot me!' the commentator explains all emotional and both the TARDIS and emily felt something was off
'are you sure that's what happened?" the TARDIS says sounding suspicious and emily also looked suspicious as she looks at the ceiling
"reah, dude! i don't tink dats da full story, bro" emily says sound annoyed agreeing with the TARDIS as she still looks suspicious
'...oh ok, i might be a tiny bit lying but they did leave in a escape pod but in not telling you yet why, i just need your help with something' the commentator says admitting and he then gets serious
"help with what?" emily asks suspiciously and both the doctor and donna look at each other lost and confused
'i need help getting out of this place! i'm so bored here and i miss talking to people! so come and find me so you can get me out of here!' the commentator says both angry and sad and emily looked surprised as she looks at the TARDIS then at the doctor and donna who were still lost
'where are you?' the TARDIS asks confused and emily nods wanting to know to
'i'm at the core of this ship which... truthfully is a very long way down but don't worry, i'll guild you and your friend to where i am and you 3 will be going on a adventure though the ship to find me!' the commentator explains then he sound happy as emily looks between the doctor and donna
"so, let me repeat dis so friend and donnie can understand as i don't tink dey can hear you, you want us to go though dis ship to find you and den get you out of here as your crew of dis ship left in a escape pod and you 'don't know why' dey left" emily explains so the doctor and donna understands what they had to do on this ship
'yes, this is correct and i have no idea why your friend can't understand me, that's a bit odd' the commentator says confirming what emily said but then gets confused why the human and the timelord don't understand him
"i tink it's cuz you are speaking in the same language as animals and dis make me and da TARDIS da only ones day can understand you" emily says guessing and the commentator hums in thought while the doctor looked like he now understood why while donna looked a little lost
'i'll believe that, anyway, you three should get going and rescue this guy' the TARDIS says and the communicator hums agreeing with her
'yes, come along, we have a adventure to have!' the communtator says happily and he opens the double door at the end of the room
"those doors just opened?" donna says as she points to the back door with suprise in her face seeing the doors open on their own
"it did as it's where we need to go" the doctor replies smirking and he starts walking to the doors
the doctor, emily and donna go though the doors and they end up in a corridor that can fit 2 people in it, they walk down the corridor while emily looks at the ceiling
"so, can you tell me about dis place? you know, what crew were on 'ere? what was da purpose for this ship and all dat stuff?" emily asks the ceiling and the doctor also looks up at the ceiling as he wanted to know the same thing
'well...i was made for this ship and i helped everyone, they all loved me and they worshipped me as a god from how good i helped out with all they work, they all loved me!' the communicator explained and emily had a annoyed poker face not believing it '...ugh, okay! they didn't treat me like a god but they still loved me from how helpful i was, but then, one day, they all started to panic and i don't know why, they then just all left in a escape pod and i've been here ever since' he adds first admitting then sounding sad as he was forgotten
"poor you, all forgotten" emily says comforting the communicator "do your really forget why dey ran away? or weren't you paying attention?" she asks looking confused but pulling her poker face again
'umm...i-i don't know as i uh...weren't really told, they just told me to active code flee and i did' the communtator says acting suspicious and emily looks at the celling looking unsure if the communtator was telling the truth
"hmm...are ya telling da tooth?" emily says suspiciously as she had her eyes closed but looking at the celling suspiciously
'why, of course i am! are you saying you don't believe me? *offended gasp* how could you think i'm lying to you, i've never lied in my life!' tej communtator says offended and he huffs annoyed
"well yeah, you are sounding SUSPECIOUS! dude! it's like you are tryin' to hide somethin' important?" emily says sounding annoyed but it was a joking annoyed as she squeaks the word 'suspecious'
'well, i'm not so whatever idea you have in your head about me, you can throw it out because it's not true on the slightest!' the commutator complains back and he huffs again annoyed
emily then giggles a little as she looks down as she can imagine the commutator crossing his arm looking like a upset girlfriend trying to ignore her boyfriend, the doctor and donna felt so left out in the conversation as they look at each other confused then in front of them was a little open room with 3 doors, one in the middle, one on the left side wall and one in the right side wall
"ok, dude, which door do we go though?" emily asks as she looks up at the ceiling looking a bit happy
'oh!'s the right door!' the commutator says and he opens the right door
the doctor and donna look at the door and they were about to go though it when it suddenly closes on then making them look confused
"dude!" emily says offended as she looks up at the ceiling
'sorry, i meant to say the left door, as i said, it's been a while seen anyone has been here so i get a bit confused about the place' the communtator says sounding guilty and he then opens up the left door behind the trio
"he got his doors mixed up, it's dat way" emily says annoyed as she points to the left door while rubbing her face
the doctor and donna shrug and they then go though the left door which was another corridor with a left turn at the end
'right, at the end of this corridor should be some stairs going down as well as a elevator, you need to go down to the 1st floor as right now, you are all on the 3rd floor' the commutator explains and emily nods then explains to the doctor and donna
"why do i have a feeling that this will end in a wild goose chase?" donna says looking annoyed and emily nods agreeing with her
"yeah, dude! are you sure it's da right way? you need to tink about it? hmm?" emily says as she looks up at the celling cheekily
'of course i know where to go, emily! you red and white feline! i am the AI of this ship so i know the ims and out of it!' the communtator exclames sarcastically and emily giggles again with snickering
"yet ya didn't know why ya crew mates left ya, all by yourself!" emily says and she giggles again while she hears the commutator do a short angry growl but then calm down with a sigh
"umm, we reached the stairs" the doctor says pointing to the stairs and then the pair with emily on his shoulder go down the stairs
they go down 2 sets of stairs till they reach the first floor and then they end up in a corridor that looked to be the mechanical room as there were wires, plugs, circuit boards and other stuff around the room also looking very futureistic
'right, you are at the first floor, at the end of this corridor is the engine room, go there and then go though the door at the other end which will lead you to another room and i should be there' the commutator explains and emily tells the pair what he told her
"otay, are you going to tell me what you look like?" emily says after the doctor and donna start walking again
'umm...well, i feel like i'm a fourty year old man with salt and pepper hair, square glasses on a chain around my neck, a jacket ontop of a turtleneck jumper and...that's it really, oh! and blue eyes as well' the communtator says explaining what he looks like and emily was thinking ads she feels like she has seen someone like that before
"oh otay! it's strange as i've seen someone look similar to how you described yourself" emily says happily then she goes to think
'really, there is someone similar to me?! they must look really dashing and handsome like i do' the commutator says praising himself and emily looks at the ceiling with a poker face '...what? it's true!' he adds and emily rolls her eyes
the trio finally make it to the engine room and the room was just full of stuff you'll find in a computer case, the doctor gets amazed by the room and he starts looking around it after he slips his rectangle glasses on his face
'hey! don't touch anything! you could do something bad!' the commutator says panicked and emily smirks as she looks up at the celling
"don't worry, friend won't do anything, he's just lookin' at it like what you do in a museum" emily says happily and she hears the commutator sigh in relief
" seems that this technology is very recent, as in a decade recent, i've never seen anything like it before, it seems that the solar system is getting up to date with their technology" the doctor says as he examines the technology
"it's it different to the ones we saw on the ship with the clones?" donna asks curiously and the doctor nods as he looks at donna as he was standing up
"yep, very different, with that ship, it had morden tech but not that morden while with this one, it has more advance tech that even humans haven't even discovered up, that's how morden it is" the doctor explains as he looks over at another part of the engine room
'yes, this ship was so amazingly advanced compared what those humans can come up with, they are so slow' the commutator says with his ego up to eleven and emily looks at the celling with her unamused poker face
"dude, i can hear and feel your ego from 'ere, i also tink i can also taste it too" emily says unamused as she smacks her tongue to her cat lips
'ha, bloody, ha' the commutator says annoyed and emily giggles at the sass 'can you three get moving? i need you all to save me from this stupid big ship' he adds annoyed and emily nods with a shrug
"dere is no rushin' friend, when he sees somethin' interestin' to him, he will examine it like he's a pirate and he's holding a treasure map leadin' to treasure" emily says casually and the commutator sighs a annoyed sigh
'well, will you tell him to hurry up! i need saving, you know, i'm a damsel in distress!' the commutator says and emily starts snickering hearing the communtator call himself a damsel in distress
"you're definitely a damsel in distress all right, a very sassy one too" emily says sassily and then she giggles at her joke
emily hears the commutator laugh and she made her laugh too, the doctor and donna still felt left out but the doctor was happy that emily was getting along with someone else in exchange to protecting him from everyone, even if it was a voice of the ship that he couldn't hear, after the doctor look around the engine room, the trio kept going and they go down a short corridor but it had loads of doors around like a scooby doo skit with 3 doors to the left, 3 doors to the right and one door at the end of the corridor
"where do we go now?" donna asks as she looks around at all the doors
'...hmm, let me check where you are...uhh, yes! that's it!' the communtator says thinking then gets happy as emily looks up at the ceiling
"what?" emily asks curiously wondering what was up
"i-uh...i don't know? this is very odd as i should know buti don't-!" the commutator says sounding really confused and lost and emily looks unamused
"dude! what do ya mean 'ya don't know'?! aren't ship AI suppose to know everythin' about da ship dey are in?!" emily complains with her paw pointing to the ship and she hears the commutator sigh annoyed and frustrated
'yes, we are! but-...for some reason, my layout map is damaged somehow so-i'm lost to where you need to go, you will have to guess on your own and hope you can find me...' the commutator says admitting and also sounding really disappointed that he couldn't help
"what's going on?" the doctor asks confused and curiously on what was going on
"*sigh* he said he can't tell us where we need to go now as da map layout after da engine wroom got somehow damaged, we need to guess where we need to go" emily explains looking annoyed and she hears the commutator hum confirming what she said "do you know how it got damaged?" she asks curiously but still sounding annoyed
'umm...i don't remember, i remember it working before the crew left but now, half the map is just damaged, what happened here?' the commutator explains sounding really confused and emily starts to think
"so, what it sound like to me is dat you had your memory erased, you can remember some tings but not all da tings" emily says as she thought and she hears the commutator think as he was humming
'that does seem about right but why? why is my memories half erased? was there something the crew didn't want me to know about? this is som confusing' the communtator says super confused and emily looked confused
"so, which door shall we go though?" donna says as she points to all the doors
"i don't know but i think we should just open a door and see where it leads!" the doctor says happily with his cheeky smile
"hooray!" emily says happily cheering on the doctor's shoulder and she giggles quietly
the doctor looks around at the doors then he decides to choose the middle right door as he grabs the doorknob
'wait! no, no, no, no, no, no! don't go though there!' the commutator says suddenly and emily stops the doctor then looks up at the ceiling
"*sigh* why, dude?" emily says annoyed with a unamused face
'i just have a bad feeling about that door, why don't you and your friends go though the uh...bottom left one instead!' the commutator says and emily sigh as she points to the bottom left door ', not that door either!' he adds and emily stops the doctor and donna
"dude! why are you being picky? you said you didn't know?!" emily says with a unamused poker face as she looks at the ceiling
'i don't! i just have a bad feeling about those doors, umm...hold on, let me think about this...' the commutator says and he was making noises with his mouth as he thinks and emily still looked unamused as she looks at the doctor and donna who were confused what was going on '...right! i think i've got it, take the top left door!' he says after a mintue of thinking then the top left door opens
the doctor and donna go though the door with emily looking up at the ceiling and the trio make it into a corridor leading to a cafeteria, when the trio make it to the cafeteria, they look around to see there was abandoned random food left on plates
"dude, we are apparently in da cafeteria, is dis the right way?" emily says to the ceiling confused and she hears the commutator sound confused
'wait, in the cafeteria? no, you're not suppose to be there, that's back up on the 3rd floor, around the area where we met, how did you-?' the commutator says super confused and emily heard him shuffling some paper about
"what? are we dealing with teleporting door?" emily says confused as she looks at the ceiling
"teleporting doors? aren't we not meant to be here?" the doctor says confused as he looks over at emily who nods at his question
"no, dis wroom is meant to be on the same floor da TARDIS is on, so we went though a teleporting door and it brought us 'ere instead of where we are suppose to go" emily explains confused and the doctor and donna look confused as they look at emily and then each other
"do we leave then and see if we end up back at the corridor of doors again?" donna says as she points to the door that they went though
"we can try" the doctor replies with a shrug and the trio go over to the door
as they go to the door, emily spots something on one of the tables so she flies over to it and takes the paper which was a diary entry, the doctor and donna didn't notice that she flew away from the doctor till it was too late as they went though the door, the door then shut and the doctor shakes the door realising emily was still there
"emily?!" the doctor says panicking as he shakes the doorknob but it wouldn't open
"friend! donnie!" emily shouts at the other end of the door but it wouldn't open on her side either
'oh dear, it seems that the ship has a conscious of it own' the commutator says suprised that the ship split up emily from the doctor and donna
"dude, open da door!" emily says as she looks up at the ceiling snarling as it's her way to look angry
'i'm trying but the ship doesn't want me to!' the commutator says as emily can see that he was trying to open the door too but it wouldn't open
on the other side and the doctor gives up shaking the door as it won't open, he then looks around and sees that the corridor the trio came from was now a wall which made him confused and worried
"where did that wall come from?" the doctor asks as he points to the wall looking confused
"i don't know? i know it wasn't there before" donna replies also confused as she watches the doctor go over to the wall to look at it
"hmm...i think that guy emily has been talking too isn't the only one that can control this ship" the doctor thinks as he paces
"what makes you think that?" donna says as she watches the doctor go over to the doors
"it's emily's reaction eariler, she said about the teleporting door meaning that the guy emily is talking to wasn't expecting us to be in the cafeteria" the doctor says as he was thinking "i think the ship is playing with us" he adds as he looks at donna seriously
"well, if that's true then it means the ship doesn't want us to find the guy that emily has been talking to" donna says also thinking and the doctor nods agreeing with her
"come on, we need to try out these other doors to see if we can find emily" the doctor says seriously and donna nods also serious
the pair go over to a door and they check the doors till one of them open which was the middle right door and they go though it, back with emily and she was looking at the paper she had grabbed from the table before loosing the doctor and donna
'it's been a few months now since we departed from the planet terieumus and space is beautiful, the ships AI is really helpful but it feels like the ship and the AI don't get along very well, i have a feeling that they fight a lot like a old married couple that have lost their spark and at the edge of divorce, i'm worried that something bad will happen if they don't get along or worse...i hope the captian sees this issue too' the paper diary entry says and emily looks at it confused
'what does the paper say?' the commutator asks as he couldn't see the paper
"it says dat you and da ship don't get on very well and you 2 complained a lot like a divorcing couple, did you?" emily replies and then asks curiously as she looks at the ceiling
'umm...i don't remember but i have a feeling i did, i don't remember though what we complained about' the commutator says kinda remembering but not really
"how messed up is your memories?" emily asks as she puts the paper back where she found it as she still looks at the ceiling
'i sadly don't remember anything other then the crew leaving in a escape pod, my memory seems to have been either messed with or being here all alone for years has slowly been eating away at my memories, either way, i need time to help me remember again, i might need help with it but i don't know how' the commutator explains and emily hums as she thought
"sounds like you might need more of dese diary entries to help you jog your memory, let's go and see what's beyond dis wroom as da ship is teleporting us about" emily says happily as she points to the paper on the table and then she goes over to the double doors at the other end of the cafeteria
'y-you want to help me? even after we just met?' the commutator says sounding emotional and emily nods with her tongue sticking out
"well, reah, your funny and friend always help out anyone dat needs it and at da moment, you need help gettin' your memories back of what happened, i don't know if it might be a bad idea as it could be dat you are some evil villian that wants the ship to be umder your control or somethin' but i won't know till we get your memories back" emily explains calmly with a shrug and she then giggle happily as she pushes one of the double doors open
the commutator stays quiet for a moment as he was trying to not get too emotional and then he calms down by taking some deep breaths and he then sighs huffs
't-thank you, are, so very kind, i've never met someone as kind as you before' the commutator says still sounding a little emotional and emily smiles with her tongue sticking out
"you're welcome, now let's go and look around, we need to get your memories back and i need to find friend and donnie" emily says happily and she sprints down the corridor that was on the other side of the double doors
emily go down the corridor while stopping to check if any of the doors she went passed opened, she soon finds a door at the end of the corridor that did open and the commutator opens it for her, meanwhile back with the doctor and donna and the pair were standing in the corridor with the door they went though a little way back, the doctor was using his sonic screwdriver and he was pointing it to the ceiling
"what are you doing?" donna asks curiously as the doctor didn't tell her what he was doing
"i'm trying to see if i can get the same frequency of that guy emily has been talking to so then he can help us get though this ship" the doctor replies as he was tuning his screwdriver
the doctor tuned his screwdriver some more and holding it too his ear whike donna was waiting by having her arms crossed and she was tapping her foot quietly, then a voice came though the screwdriver and the doctor pointed the screwdriver at the speaker on the ceiling
"h-hello, c-can you hear me now?" the voice of a middle aged woman says and both the doctor and donna smioe briefly then get confused
"yes but who are you?" donna asks as she points to the speaker confused
"why, i'm the commutator, the AI of the ship" 'the communtator' says introducing herself and both the doctor and donna look at each other confused then the doctor made a suspecious face while donna does the same
"emily told us that you were a man, you sound like a're aren't the commutator, are you?" the doctor says suspeciously a he looks between the speaker and donna who nod agreeing with him
"well...i can change my voice to what suits the person hearing it so in this case, my voice sound like a woman" 'the commutator' explains and the doctor still weren't buying it "anyway, i can help you find emily, just start walking ahead and i'll tell you when you need to go though a door" she adds changing the subject and the doctor and donna start walking even if they still trust this lady
"where is emily anyway?" donna asks confused as she looks up at the ceiling at the speakers
"don't worry about her, she's just gone on a detour, we will find her soon" 'the commutator' explains and the doctor and donna nod accepting the answer "just keep going down this corridor and then at the end on the right, you should find a door that will take you to a shortcut to get to emily" she adds a sounding casual like nothing was wrong
the doctor and donna kept more to find emily then to listen to the lady and when they get to the end of the corridor, they enter the door the lady opened as they couldn't open the left door as it was locked, back with emily and she was slowly walking down the corridor while talking to the commutator, she was telling him about her life before she came up to the ship with her dads, friend and his past, donna and earth and the commutator was very invested in it
'that's an intresting life you have, i wish i had a life similar to that, exploring the world, seeing new planets, being able to thunder stand everything there is out there! it sound like so much fun' the commutator says happily loving the idea to explore
"i bet you will when we get you out of 'ere, we can take you to da TARDIS where we can put you somewhere where you want to go and den you can live your life happily with no more issues or worries" emily says happily as she slowly walks down the corridor
'choose where i want?' the commutator says confused and emily nods happily as she looks back up at the ceiling
"reah, you can for example come back to earth with us and we can find you something to do dere or you can go to any planet you want! like your dream planet" emily explains happily and this makes the commutator think
'hmm...i do like the sound of that, then i'll do it, i will come with you and your friend when you get me out of this ship!' the commutator says first thinking then determined and emily smiles happily
"dat's nice, i'm sure my friend can find you somewhere to go like you can work with UNIT, dey'll be happy to have you on board" emily says happily but then she stops as there were 2 doors in front of her "where do i go?" she asks as she looks confused at the ceiling
the door were just one on the left and one on the right and they had names on it, one which was the left door says 'the storage room' and the other one which was the right one says 'stairs to the bottom and top of ship', emily could kinda tell which one she needs to go though but with the ship doing its own thing, she asks the commutator for help
'oh! looks are here! so that means you need to take...the left door' the commutator says and he opens the storage room door
emily goes though it and she sees that she was now at the stairs been if it says 'storage room' on the door, she then heads down and she finds a paper diary entry on one of the platform between stairs so she picks it up and reads it
'day 24 being on the ship and everyone seems happy, we just docked on our first planet and even though there was a language barrier, we got though it and got the supplies we need, mainly food to last us about 2 months, some baby supplies for tilly for her baby that is meant to appear next month (we still don't know who the father is), medical supplies and some machine parts for the ship, one of the part is a new companion for the ship named R.I.L.E.Y, i forgot what it stands for but it's a AI that will help the ship, kinda like a receptionist to him, hope he likes it' the paper says and emily starts to think after she read the paper to the commutator
'riley? i've heard that name, it's not coming to my mind at the moment...but i can feel it on the tip of my mind, it just won't come out!' the commutator explains sounding frustrated he couldn't remember
"i have a feeling dat dis riley peep could be da cause for your memory loss, all da crew peeps leaving and for me to get split up with friend and donnie" emily says as she thinks about it
'maybe, it does make a lot of sense and even if i don't remember, i know something involving a fight happened to cause the crew to leave' the commutator says and emily looked curious
"what was da fight about?" emily asks as she puts the paper down and then carries on going down the stairs by flying
' was about...uhh...hold on, let me think...' the commutator says trying to remember as it was there '...oh! i remember! it was a big arguement with the crew verses the captian and it was and riley...complaining who was better' he adds now remembering getting happy about it but then getting sad wishing he didn't remember
"from da sadness in your voice, i can tell dat the crew chose riley over you" emily says as she looks up at the ceiling as she lands on the bottom floor
'no!...i mean yes' the commutator lies then admits not knowing why he went straight to lying 'how dares my crew who i've know since day 1 decide to choose riley over me! i don't remember what riley did but i know she didn't deserve it!' he complains letting out his frustration while emily listened
"hmm...let it all out, dude, i can tell your are angry" emily says as she looks up at the ceiling looking worried and she hears the commutator scream but it was distant
'...oh, i needed that, thanks...anyway, shall we continue, i want to see if we can find your friends' the commutator says and emily nods with a smile and her tongue sticking out
emily runs into another corridor and she wonders why this place had so many corridors but she also remebered that loads of ships she went on with the doctor did have loads of corridors, the evil clone ship had a long corridor while the ship that had 42 mintues till demise also had loads of corridors so she forgot what she just though and kept going, back with the doctor and donna and the pair were still going down the corridor the lady told them to go down wondering where the next room was
"ok, just though this door and you should get to somewhere where emily can find you" 'the commutator' says as she opens the door to the middle
the doctor and donna go though the door and they seem to have ended up in another engine room but this one was different as it had a huge engine in the middle then loads of different boxes of tech
"look at all of this tech!" the doctor says geeking out at all the space tech as he looks around the room with donna following him after she rolls her eyes
"you like it?" 'the commutator says expecting the doctor to like it and the doctor nods happily as he examine all the machines
"of course you would, you nerd!" donna says sounding annoyed but she teasing the doctor like how a sister teases a brother
"hey! i'm not a nerd...i'm a geek, martha told me" the doctor says first defensive as he goes over to donna then smiling his little boy smile at donna before looking back at the machines again
donna rolls her eyes again as she watches the doctor then she looks around the room wondering why they were here and how was emily going to find them here
"i bought you here because, you see that machine in the far right?" 'the commutator' says and the doctor looks over at the far right
there sitting in the middle was a run down machine that looked to be working but also looked it needed to be serverly fixed up
"if you fix that, it should stop the teleporting rooms, get us back to emily then we can go into your ship where can leave this place and never come back" 'the commutator' says happily and the doctor looks confused as he looks at the machine
" seems that this will take a-bout...20 to 30 mintues to fix up" the doctor says as he examines the machine
"so you can fix it? good, i was worried you couldn't" 'the commutator' says in relief and the doctor was a little confused but he then went to work on the machine
donna sat down on a chair that was by a table not that far away from the doctor and she was wondering if this machine could really help stop the teleporting as it was old and run down, she then shrugs it off and looks on the table where she sees a paper with a diary entry on it
'it's been a month since we took off and the commutator isn't getting on well with riley, they keep complaining with each other and the commutator has asked for us to get rid of riley, we told him no as she is really helpful and he is now giving us the silent treatment, riley has been taking his place but at the sane time, random things keep happening like things coming on on their own, machines breaking down and things refusing to work, we are looking more into it but i have a sneaking suspicion that the commutator is doing it then letting riley take the blame, i will look at this further' the paper says and donna looks at it confused
donna wondered who this riley lady was the paper mentioned and then she puts the paper down so she can show it to the doctor later when he takes a break as he starts to fix the machine, back with emily and she with the commutator had made it to what seems to be a captain's room and it was very luxurious and very vip
"wow, dis room is very nice and screams vip, i bet friend would love to have a wroom like dis in da TARDIS when he finds it" emily says as she looks around the room amazed on how nice it is
'yes and i like to keep it this clean, the captian get really cranky when his room is not clean so it needs ti stay clean' the commutator says sounding serious
"oh, otay, even if he may never come back?" emily says as she looks at the ceiling curiously and she hears the commutator hum a yes
'if he ever returns, i don't want him to be upset with me that his room is messy so i need you to keep it tidy' the commutator says still serious and emily shrugs as she nods
"otay, i won't mess da room, i'm don't like untidy places anyway as i have OCD so i just look around" emily says looking guilty and she starts looking around the room
'yes, just look around and i'll be right back, i got to think about things while trying to get my memories back, i'll return if i remember something or you need something' the commutator says and emily couldn't hear him anymore so she can tell he was gone
emily looks around the room till she gets to the bedside tables, she looks in the draws of one of the bedside table and she finds a diary which gets her curious,she takes the diary out and she sits on the bed to look at it, she opens the diary and she starts reading the entries inside learning about the ship, the crew and the commutator, the ship is a travel ship that was meant to travel around to different planet and learn about their culture for a book the captian is writing, the crew are all connected being all friend and family and the commutator was built into the ship by the inventure called-
"stanley parabill...hold on!" emily says reading the name out loud and then a thought came to her mind "...i knew da voice sounded familiar!" she adds lighting up now remembering where she heard the communtator's voice before and she then giggles
she keeps reading the diary and she learns some more things about the communtator mainly when riley get introduced, the captian kept talking about how riley and the commutator's relationship kept getting worse until emily gets to the last entry
'it's been now 6 months since we left home and now we have to evacuate, riley is causing so much problem and blaming the commutator for it that she's causing harm to the ship, she's not caring about the crew as long as the commutator gets the blame for it, the commutator is also blaming the crew for things riley did and it's becoming a toxoe place to stay, we are now evacuating as riley is now put the ship on a countdown for it to explode and she saying the commutator set it which isn't true, this is the last entry and if anyone find this diary and the ship, don't trust or believe what riley says, she's evil, manipulative and she will destroy the commutator and then the ship, we shouldn't have brought riley on board, we trusted her too much and now she's gone crazy, please, take the commutator off this ship then blow up the ship before riley takes over another ship! i also erased the commutator memories of his time with riley and some other things so don't remind him of anything involving riley! it's for his own safety' the diary entry says and after reading it, emily now feels guilty for almost reminding the commutator what happened
emily then looks around the room and then looks up at the ceiling wondering where the communtator went, she then flickers though the rest of the diary to see if she could find anything else and she was thinking there was nothing else to see in the diary until she finds something, at the back of the book was 4 numbers '4-6-9-1' which made emily confused as she had a head tilt, she looks around the room for something that the numbers could be used on until she sees a number pad by the bookcase to the left so she flies over to it and look at the keys then punches the numbers in, after the numbers were in, the number pad lights up green confirming the code and then the bookcase slides to to the right revealing a secret passageway, emily looks though the passageway to see stairs leading down so she looks up at the ceiling again to see if the commutator came back which he hadn't and then went down the stairs seeing where they lead.
at the bottom of the stairs was a door and when emily opened the door, she sees that a room that was half a office with a desk, desk chair, computer, cot bed, bookcase and loads of papers on the wall and the other side was a wall full of levers which there were 4 with colours at the bottom, it was going blue, red, yellow and green and emily wondered what they were for, she then went to the computer and it turned on when she presses the power button on the computer console, the computer monitor lights up and takes emily to the log in screen where it asks for a password, emily was stuck on where the password was so she looks though the diary where she finds a clue
'what is the name of the inventor of the commutator?' it says in the diary and emily giggles a little
she puts in the name stanley and the it was success log in as it takes emily to the home screen, on the home screen wasn't much as it was almost empty but there were 2 notepad apps there, one said 'diary entry' and the other said 'lever colour codes' so she clicks both and puts the diary entry in front of the colour codes, she looks though the diary and it was just a word for word copy what was written in the diary except for one entry which was the last entry
'if you are reading this them you've found my lair which is good as i did write down the code and the password in my diary, on here, you find the codes to the colour switches behind you, there is a few codes you can do like disable the teleporting rooms, let riley go in control, release the commutator, start the blow up ship countdown, shut down riley, shut down the commutator, stop the ship running and some others, i did this to override both the commutator and riley if they go out of control and the pair don't know about this room, i put a special compartment in the room so they won't find it, please, make the right choice and help yourself to the ship, i'm not coming back and neither is the crew, just bring the commutator away from this place and away from riley, she's a menace!' the notepad entry says and emily looked stunned as she read it in her mind
she then closes the diary entries and looks at the colour codes to study them
'🔴🔵🟡🟢 - update the commutator
🟢🟢🔵🔴 - update riley
🟡🔴🟢🔵 - release the commutator
🟡🔵🟢🔴 - release riley
🟢🔴🔵🟢 - let the commutator take control of the ship
🟡🔴🔵🔵 - let riley take control of the ship
🟢🟡🔵🟡 - start the countdown timer to blow up the ship
🔴🔴🟡🟡 - secret
🔵🔵🟢🟢 - delete the commutator
🟢🔴🟡🔵 - delete riley
🔵🔵🟡🟡 - give the commutator his memories back
🔴🟡🔵🟢 - erase riley's memories
🔴🔴🔴🔴 - undo the teleporting room
🟡🟡🟡🟡 - recall everyone to the front of the ship
🟢🔵🟢🔵 - update the teleporting rooms
🟡🔵🟢🟢 - make the teleporting room worse
🟡🟢🔵🔴 - return the ship to home' notepad says and emily studies it
she then remebered she put her phone in her backpack so she uses her right paw and wing to get it out and she took a picture of the notepad, she then went over to the lever and as she does, the computer suddenly shuts down and emily was glad she took a picture of the code
"otay, first one i need to put in is...all red" emily says to herself and she pulls the red lever 4 times
after the fourth pull, the ship shakes and then the room went back to being connected again, with the doctor and donna and they felt the shake making them confused
"did you do something?" donna asks the doctor as he looks around the room confused
"no, nothing!" the doctor replies confused and shrugging
"oh no..." 'the commutator says and both the doctor and donna look up at the ceiling
"what?" donna asks confused as she looks between the doctor and the ceiling
she didn't get a reply and then another shake happens, back with emily and she finished putting in the code to delete riley and she was smiling
"right, now to give da commutator his memories back" emily says to herself and she puts the blue lever twice and then the yellow lever twice
after that the ship shakes again and then she goes ahead and pulls the red, blue, yellow and green to update the commutator, she waits a moment then she hears the commutator from the captain's room yelling for her
"emily?" the commutator says and emily comes out of the secret room happy
"yes, dude?" emily says confused as she looks at the ceiling still smiling
"i...i remember everything, why the crew left, it was all because of riley...oh! when i get my hands on her-!" the commutator says calmly then frustrated as he sounds aggressive
"on who?" emily says wondering if the commutative will forget riley as she had deleted her
"on r-umm...i don't remember, umm...i did have a name but then it was gone...oh well, it's a distant memory now, isn't it?" the commutator says confused then calm and emily nods
"reah! anyway, what do now? do you still want to come with us out of here or-?" emily says changing the subject and she hears the commutator think
"hmm...i want to-hey! what happened to the captian's office, i thought i told you to keep it clean!" the commutator says first thinking then get annoyed seeing the room 'untidy'
emily looks around the room and it was still clean making emily confused
"it is clean! what talkin' about, dude?" emily says confused and pretending to be annoyed as she looks at the ceiling
"no it isn't! look!" the commutator says and emily turns around to see she accidently left the bed side table draw open
"oh, hold on...there we are, all clean!" emily says then says again after she shuts the bedside table draw as she claps her paws together
"good!" the commutator says glad the room was tidy again and emily giggles a little
"anythin' else, bossy pants?" emily says cheekily and she giggles again then puts her head into her paws as she giggles
"oh, shush you" the commutator says a little amused as he rolls his eyes and emily giggles again happily
"emily!" the voice of the doctor says and emily lights up when her ears catch his voice
"e!" emily calls out and the doctor hears her with donna by his side
the pair run to the captian's room and were happy to see emily again as the doctor picks up emily and hugs her like his life depended on it
"i'm so glad you are okay! i missed you!" the doctor says happily and emily snuggles into him while her tail was wagging happily like a dog
"i missed you too, friend, and you too donnie with you snass" emily says as she pulls away from the doctor then she tells donna who smiles at emily
'aww, that's cute! i'm glad i don't get affection like that" the commutator says and emily looks up at the ceiling unamused
"dude? wat?" emily says confused and unamused as she looks at the ceiling
"emily? did you fix the teleporting doors? how?" the doctor says the emily and she nods
"follow me!" emily says and she goes to the secret door "oh and dude? stay 'ere and why don't you keep yourself busy by writing a story about a man named...umm...stanley! yes" she adds as she looks up at the ceiling as she hovers by the door with the doctor and donna halfway down the stairs
"hmm, a man named stanley, i mean, okay, sure" the commutator says and emily smiles when he says stanley
she then goes ahead of the doctor and donna and shows the pair the room and the levers, she explains what she did and what happened and the doctor and donna nod understanding, the doctor and donna then told emily what they had been doing and emily told them that the commutator was with her all this time so they must of got to riley
"so, we were being controlled by riley this whole time?" donna says confused and emily nods seriously
"i guess so but what was dat box she got you to fix up?" emily replies confused and the doctor shrugs unsure
"i don't know but i never really got to fix it as there was so many wires and other tech stuff in there that i couldn't really fix anything" the doctor says looking guilty and emily smiles at him
"dat's otay, i have a feelin' dat it could of been connected to da commutator anyway as she's tryin' to get rid of 'im for some reason" emily replies and the doctor nods and smiles
"so, what do we do now?" donna asks confused what should happen now
"ah, i was wondering the same thing and emily, can you hand me your phone? i want to look at those colour codes" the doctor says happily and emily smiles and nods
she hands the doctor her phones and he puts his glasses on while he looks at the picture
'emily?!' emily hears the commutator shout and she does a amused eye roll
"i'll brb!" emily says happily and she flies out of the room "what is it, dude?" she adds as she comes into the captian's room
'i've done it! i've written a story about a man named...stanley!' the commutator says happily and emily giggles a little
"oh gosh...ok, let's hear it" emily says pretending to be uninterested as she sits on the floor
'ok!...*clears throat* this is the story of a man named stanley. stanley worked for a company in a big building where he was employee number 427' the commutator says and emily starts to giggle quietly as she looks down at the floor
"oh! dis sounds so famillar, oh no!" emily says amused as she still giggles quietly hearing these words before and then getting memories from a game she's watched on youtube back in 2022
'wh-what do you mean it sounds familiar, have you heard it before?' the commutator says confused and a little offended and emily nods slowly
"yeah, dere was dis game, it first came out in 2013 then got a rerelease in 2022, it's a good game and i had a narrator in it dat sounds just like you!" emily says happily as she smiles with her tongue sticking out and points to the ceiling
'really? well, that sounds very interesting and i like that name 'the narrator', it sounds like a great name for me, oh, what's the game called?' the commutator says now wanting to be called the narrator and emily giggles a little
"i can't tell you, secrets!" emily says happily putting her paw on her mouth and tongue then she giggles again as she looks down
"well fine! if you aren't going to tell me, i'm going to take my story and make a game out of it...hmm...let's see now, what's shall i call it?" the commutator says and he goes to think of a name for his story while emily say there looking up at the ceiling amused "...*gasp* i know, i will call it the-" he says finally thinking of a name but then he was suddenly cut off
"dude?" emily says shouting at the ceiling but she got no reply "dude? dude!" she continues to shout but still got no reply
she panics as she flies downstairs to the secret office room and when she gets there, she sees the doctor and donna by the levers
"what did you do?! i can't hear him anymore!" emily says panicking as she looks at the doctor and donna and the pair look at each other
"we just pull the lever with this" donna says calmly and she shows emily the picture on emily's phone
emily looks at the picture and she sees donna pointing to the 'secret' colours of 2 red and 2 yellow and emily look at them worried
"well it was bad!" emily says sounding worried while looking she was going to cry and she flies out the room
she flies out of the captian's room and she lands in the hallway as she looks around stressed
"dude! dude, where are you?!" emily says stressed and about to cry and she runs off looking for the commutator
she looks in every room she could find shouting his name but she couldn't find him anywhere making her more and more stressed and upset, she the ends up the front of the ship by the TARDIS and she looked so upset and was now crying
"dude? where are you? i don't want to lose you again, i already lost you da first time!" emily says upset and she almost didn't notice the doctor and donna was behind her
"what do you mean, 'again'?" the doctor asks confused and emily turns around to them wiping away her tears
she explains to them about the game 'the stanley parable' and how the commutator sounded a lot like the narrator from the game and he even wrote the same beginning story as what the narrator did in the game, emily them got her phone off the doctor who was still holding it and she shows the pair the beginning of the video where the narrator was telling the story of stanley in his office, the pair then got it and then emily showed them the skip ending which made them understand her stress
"oh...i get it now" the doctor says and emily nods as she flies back down to the floor "i still don't understand where he went, me and donna pulls the levers for the 'secret'
"are you sure it was the secret and not da 'delete da commutator' as they were next to each other on da list" emily says in a sad mumble and the pair look at each other confused
"what was the difference?" donna asks worried and emily looks at the picture
"da secret was 2 red and den 2 yellow while da other one was 2 blue and den 2 green" emily explains sadly and shows the pair what she was talking about
the pair looked at the phone and they both confused and worried on what colours they pulled
"did we pull the red-yellow one or was it the blue-green one?" donna asks already forgetting which levers her and the doctor pulled
"i though we pulled the double red-double yellow but now i'm not sure" the doctor says worried as he looks between the phone and emily
emily sighs as she puts the phone down by dropping her paw and she looks at the floor before closing her eyes and a tear comes out of her left eye, the doctor and donna felt bad as it was their fault and the doctor was about to pick emily up when he hears the TARDIS sound angry
"what did she say?" the doctor asks emily as he looks at her after looking at the TARDIS
"you don't want to know, just knows she mad at you for messing with the levers" emily replies still sounding sad as she doesn't move
'emily?' the voice of the commutator says and emily's ears twitch making her lift her head a little 'emily?' he says again and emily stands up and looks around
"dude?" emily says standing up as she looks around the room "dude!" she yells out hoping to get a response
"emily? where are you? the commutator says from the distance and emily gasps then gets serious
she goes back to the corridor with the doctor going after her while donna decides to go into the TARDIS as she decided she's had enough for today and both emily and the doctor keep running till they get to the stairs, emily listens for a second before going down and the doctor follows her ending up on the ground floor, emily and the doctor ran down the corridor where all the engine tech was and they make to the room the doctor and donna were eariler before emily fixed the rooms
"dude?" emily calls out knowing she heard the commutator's voice in the room
'emily, thank god you're here! i was worried you forgot about me!' the commutator says and emily laughs as she goes over to a mini speaker type box on the floor in front of the tatty machine the doctor tried to fix up
"forgot about you?! i thought you got accidently deleted by friend and donnie! i'm glad you haven't" emily replies releived to hear the commutator's voice again
'deleted?! i don't want to be deleted! who's going to hear my handsome voice if i get deleted, well, i never!' the commutator says offended and emily giggles happily losing all her sadness
"as i said, you haven't and now, you can come with us as now you are pocket sized!" emily says happily as she holds up the box
'oh good! where are we going?' the commutator says and emily had to think
"back home!" emily says happily and she cheers after
the commutator cheers too and the doctor smiles seeing emily happy again as he did feel really guilty that he deleted the commutator before, later everyone was back home while leaving the ship to drift in space but the doctor did some things to it to let the crew know it was safe to go back to it and even gave the ship a now AI system, emily with the doctor's help made the commutator useful by making him a robot working for UNIT abd he helps out with kate and the staff, he is really helpful and the doctor and emily smile as they are really proud of how helpful he is, the doctor and emily were about to leave in the TARDIS when they were stopped by shirley
"doctor, i'm glad you're here, i just heard that one of your old companions, martha jones, has gone missing and nobody can find her!" shirley says stressed and the doctor gets stressed
"don't worry, i'll find her, coming, emily?" the doctor says seriously and emily nods seriously from the doctor's shoulder
the pair go into the TARDIS and the doctor sets his course to martha, meanwhile in the dark and martha who was tied up was struggling to get out as she wiggles in the chair
"so, you're one of the doctor's many companions, hmm...he seems to have a type of woman, somewhere between 20 to 39, slim and very attractive, i would do the same if i was him but also add some handsome men to the list too" the lady from australia says as she admires martha
martha struggles harder and and the lady stops her by putting her hand on her head
"now, now, pet, calm down, i need you to stay here as it will attract your old partner in crime and don't worry...i know he's coming, i made sure of that" the lady says and she cackles evily
martha looked stressed as she was surprised the doctor was coming for her but at the same time she was glad that the doctor was coming for her, she wonders if he remembers her after not seeing him since 2009, she was hoping to show her son to him but he's not at home at the moment as he's gone to a friend's house for a weekend sleepover while mickey has gone to work so he doesn't know she's gone, she does hope he does though as he should be home soon and she hates it in this dark place.
To Be Contunied...

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