Doctor Who - Team TARDIS - The Animals Screamer

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(this is an idea i've had for a while but i didn't know how to do it until now and it's based on the pokémon orange island saga episode 'pikachu re-volts')

It has been a few days since the event at area 51 and rosie is in love with her puffliboo blossom, the pair have become inseparable and donna thinks it's sweet that rosie has a companion like what the doctor has with emily, it did take shawn and sylvia a while for them to get use to blossom as they were worried that blossom was going to end up like the meep but they soon have after seeing how much blossom loved rosie so they got use to blossom, with the doctor and he has been busy spending time with lily as he wants to be the best dad he can for her while also keeping an eye on mima as both lily and mima have become inseparable with them playing together, sleeping together, mima following lily around and it was really cute.
it was a calm day and emily was with the doctor in his bedroom with lily and mima with them, the doctor was making lily laugh while emily was watching but more thinking as she had zoned out and mima was shaking a toy around excited
"friend?" emily says as she zones out then looks at the doctor with a confused look
"hmm?" the doctor replies curiously still playing with lily
"i've notice dat lily hasn't grown any since me and ben found her, she still looks like she's 6 months old, is her growing delayed?" emily says confused as she points to lily
"i think that since she's been in that frozen state in the escape pod for so long that her body hasn't realised that it's come out of the escape pod yet" the doctor explains as he was thinking as he looks at lily then at emily
"if dats the case, how long do you tink it will be before she will get passed 6 months?" emily asks as she has a confused head tilt
"hmm...probably a year or 2, it will be a bit for her body to realise that she's fully awake but when it does, she will be growing like a normal timelord" the doctor says thinking then smiles as he looks at lily which makes her smile
"how does a timelord grow up? do dey grow up like a hooman and if dey aren't attacked and grow old, do dey then regenerate or what?" emily asks as she was curious with the timelord biology
"yes, that's what happened to my first face, i grew too old so i had to regenerate into my second face" the doctor explains happily and emily went 'ooh' as she was interested
"so can regenerate due to you growing old but your other self, pantless doctor, does he count as a rebirth of you? meaning dat he's a baby!" emily says thinking and the doctor became stumped as he went to think too
"...i-i think-yes it does!" the doctor says realising and looking shocked and emily giggles at his expression "he's a rebirth of me so that means he a 3 month old adult man!" he adds and both emily and the doctor laugh
"n-now i get why he had no pants on! he's a baby man!" emily says while laughing and this makes the pair laugh more "i'm gonna him, baby man doctor" she adds when she calms down a little then she starts giggling again
"...speaking of baby man doctor" the doctor says wanting to talk about something and this made emily giggle hearing the doctor say 'baby man' again "i wanna know, when the toy makes hypnotised you, what did you see before you snapped out of it due to your exhausten?" he asks and emily thinks as she puts her paw on her mouth
"oh yeah! i saw everyone as da toy maker but dey were all acting differently, one was acting stressed, one was acting cocky, there was one looking worried while holding back another one who looked ready to fight someone, some with guns and 2 of dem were just standing there observin', i figured out dat dey were all of da people on da balcony but da toy maker was makin' fun of your current emotion like, i figured out da stressed toy maker was you stressing about me, the cocky one was baby man doctor, the worried one and the ready to fight one was dad and daddy, the 2 observin' one were kate and donna and the ones with the guns were the unit gun peeps and i guess dat is what got me to snap out of my hypnotised state and make me exhausted" emily explains with paw movements and when she was done the doctor nods and smiles at her
"i knew you would be smart enough to figure it out" the doctor says complimenting emily and emily giggles a little while waving her paw acting embarrassed
"aww, friend!" emily says happily while still acting embarrassed "i knew too but hearing dat from you, the smartest peep in all da galaxy feels...heartwarming" she adds happily and she smiles at the doctor with her tongue sticking out
the doctor smiles back at her and then they get distracted by lily blabbing like she has a story to tell, the doctor and emily giggle at lily then they keep playing with the babies, meanwhile downstairs and both tom and sebastian were in the living room, sitting on the sofa watching tv and looking bored, they felt bored as they realise that they want to help emily with her adventures but they didn't know what to do to help her, they didn't mind looking after mima and lily for emily and the doctor but they wanted to do more for emily as they can do stuff to help emily out, sebastian for example was like a mercenary, he knows how to use any weapon, he is a good fist and kick fighter, he's very flexible and he can drive almost anything with the only acception being planes, tom on the other hand was like a mage as he can use magic and it was how he got on the ship the doctor, donna and emily ended up going on in the first place, he learnt how to use magic while being in the planet making emily and magic was also the reason he got pregnant with emily, he just never told her because he didn't think it was important and he guiltily forgot about it, his magic is quite powerful and he can do many things with it like teleportation, shoot magic beams, healing, levitation, future sight, makes stuff appears and disappear, locking and unlocking things, shapeshift and some other things, he learnt all this from some books he found in the planet's library and when he got bored and sebastian was busy training, he would just read the books and practise the magic which he almost mastered as he had to stop after giving birth to emily.
a while later and the doctor, emily, mima and lily were fast asleep on the doctor's bed and they were all calm as they slept, tom and sebastian were still downstairs and they were still bored wanting any action to happened for them to do, meanwhile far away at the top of scotland there was a castle and the castle had a giant speaker on the top of it, inside the castle was 2 men in the main room of the place, a scientist man who was working away at a machine and a man in a suit who was looking out at the window, the man in the suit did look like a human but there was one big sign that he wasn't a human and that was the he had antennas on his head which were green and had little balls as the tips
"animals, the creatures of earth that can be human's pray and predator, some being twice as big as a human and can stop them with ease but chooses to love them as they see them as a weird version of themselves, while others being smaller then a human, have sharp claws, pointy teeth and could infect a human with the scratches and bites it will do to a human but they also see a human as a weird version of themselves and cuddle up to them ugh!..." the man in the suit says first calm then annoyed with a aggressive grunt
"t-the machine is done, sir" the scientist says nervously as he steps away from the machine
", with this machine, i can help the animals of this world realise that humans are taking over this world and let them take this world back to who it belongs to originally!" the man in the suit explains evilly and he then pulls a lever on the machine while laughing
the speaker on the top of the castle then start making this noise and it was so loud that all of england and ireland could hear it but it wasn't heard by people, instead it was heard by every animals as they all perk up when they heard the noise then go into a zombie like state as they all leave either their homes, the zoo, the farm or in the wild, at the beach house and emily, the doctor, mima and lily were still asleep when emily's ears start twitching, she then suddenly stands up and then her blue eyes go a dull blue with no irises, she then walks out of the doctor's room and she heads downstairs in her hypnotised state, mima though doesn't move and she still sleeps next to lily happily, downstairs in the living room and both tom and sebastian see emily come in and they smile at her
"hi emily! where are you going?" tom says happily with a wave to emily but she doesn't reply as she keeps walking
"emily, are you okay?" sebastian says confused as he sees how weird emily was walking
"what's wrong with her?" tom asks sebastian confused and sebastian gives a shrug confused
"breaking news! many animals like dogs, cats, rabbits, deer, horses, guinea pigs and many other animals have been seen all running up the highway and leaving homes all of a sudden, report states that the animals were fine one mintue then they acted like they heard something before running off with their eyes looking dull, if you see a animal on the road, don't run over it and don't follow it, more on this report as the day continues" the news lady says seriously and when the news broadcast ended, both tom and sebastian looks at each other worried
"emily!" tom yells out and both him and sebastian go after emily who had gone to the cat flap in the kitchen
she had then went out the cat flap and tom swings the door open to see emily going down the stairs to go on the beach
"are we following her?" sebastian asks knowing the answer but just checking to make sure
"we have to, the doctor is asleep and she going off without him! she's also being hypnotised by something so we can figure out what it is!" tom says after him and sebastian get down the stairs and start jogging after emily
"...can't you pick her up and let her teleport to where she needs to go so then we can figure out where she's going?" sebastian says confused after thinking about it and tom stops for a second realising he had magic as he almost forgot
"oh yeah, good idea!" tom says happily and he picks up emily after running over to her "i knew i married the right person" he says affectionly as he goes back to sebastian again
"umm...technically, we not actually married as we got married on a different planet so we aren't legally married on earth" sebastian says pointing it out and the pair looks at each other looking stumped " you wanna get remarr-?" he asks calmly and tom cuts him off
"yes! absolutely!" tom says happily and seriously and sebastian smiles cutely at him making him smile back "anyway, hold my hand so we can teleport" he says calmly and he feels sebastian take his left hand into his right
tom then teleports and they reappear at the castle where loads of dogs, cat, guinea pigs, rabbits, horses, goats, chickens, chinchillas, llamas, alpacas, cows, sheeps, parrots, wild birds, deer, ducks, donkeys, tigers, lions, monkeys, panthers, leopards, wolves, wild dogs, hyenas and loads of other animals were just running in the castle
"that's a lot of animals" sebastian says as he watches all the animals go inside the castle
"i think that speaker is what calling all the animals here but why?" tom says as he looks up at the speakers in the sky
"i don't know but let's go find out" sebastian says and tom nods smugly yet serious
the pair go inside though a side door they found with tom still holding onto emily so she doesn't go off with the others and when they get in, they sneak passed the kitchen and the hallway till they get to the main halls where they were so many animals in the hall and on the other end of the hall was a man with a suit, antenna coming out of his head and holding a microphone and a little scientist who looked and worried as he looks at the man in the suit
"animals of the world! listen to me!" the man with the suit says and all the animals go silent "i have a idea for you all! what don't you all attack the humans, they have taken this world from you and made it into a place where there are houses everywhere and no place for animals to live, they keep some of you in cages as they don't like your aggressive behaviour and they make kids stand there and laugh at your agitated behaviour! so, let's give those humans a taste of their own medicine!" he explains aggressively and all the animals make happiness noises "now, go off and destroy the humans!" he demands and all the animals go off out of the building
emily tries to leave too but tom had slipped a harness with lead on her so she doesn't go anywhere, she tries walking off then flying but she wasn't going anywhere
"what do we do?" sebastian asks tom as he didn't know what to do and he was also glancing over at emily who was still trying to leave but can't
"hmm...we need to turn off that machine, i think it's what's causing the animals to obey him so if we turn it off, the animals and emily will go back to normal and we need to do it quickly before the animals hurt anyone" tom says after thinking about it and sebastian nods smirking
"how? those 2 don't seem to be moving from their spot" sebastian asks confused liking the plan but was worried that the man in the suit and the scientist weren't moving
"that's where you come in" tom says smugly and he magically appears a sniper rifle with some tranquilliser darts
"ah! okay, got it" sebastian says happily giving tom a smug smile and he runs off into the darkness with tom watching him
tom pulls on the lead pulling emily into him and he grabs her which seems to have made her calm down a little, meanwhile with emily and even though she's in her hypnotised state she kept hearing a repeating voice in her head and it was the doctor's voice
'you're smarter then you know, you're smarter then you know' the doctor's voice kept repeating in emily's head and she kept smiling at the voice
'i-i'm smarter then i know...i'm smarter then i know?' emily repeats back in her head but nothing was really happening
emily wasn't sure what was going to happened but she has a feeling that she will find out eventually, meanwhile back at UNIT headquarter and kate, shirley and some of the guard were looking at a map on the screen
"it seems that all the animals have headed up here to this castle in scotland, we also know that these speakers on top of the castle weren't there before as this picture show" shirley says to kate as she shows the pictures of the castle then a older picture of the castle with no speakers on the top
"does the doctor know?" kate asks shirley and she shrugs
"i've tries to reach him but he doesn't pick up" shirley says sadly as she really wanted to hear the doctor again after a few weeks
" donna instead, maybe she know where he is" kate says and shirley nods as she picks up the phone
meanwhile, the master who has dressed up as one of the UNIT guards watching the screen has sneaked off away from the guards and he went to a land rover, he gets in the car and he drives off going to the castle in scotland to see if the doctor was there or at least emily as she will take him to the doctor, back at the castle and the man in the suit was looking out the window looking angry and serious while the scientist stands next to him looking worried
"s-sir, may i ask? why do you want the animals to kill off all the humans, you never told me" the scientist says worried and confused and the man in the suit looks at him seriously
"because then when all the humans are gone, there isn't anything that is going to stop me using the animals for hunting sport then i will have every animal in existence!" the man in the suit says and then he laughs evilly making the scientist look scared and worried
suddenly from the darkness, a dart hits the scientist and the man in the suit making them gasp and then they fall over going unconsious, sebastian then comes out of the darkness and tom does too with emily in his arms, sebastian then goes over to the machine and pulls the lever up turning off the machine which also turned off the speakers, tom then uses his magic to teleport all the animals back to where they were but this did use up a lot of tom's magic which made him tired
"tom! are you okay?" sebastian says worried as he goes over to tom when he falls on his knees
"i-i'm okay, used up a lot of magic, that's all" tom says calmly and he smiles at sebastian loving his concern over him
"h-how dares you!" a voice says and both tom and sebastian look over to see that the man in the suit was slowly waking up and he had a pistol in his hand
sebastian then pulls out a pistol that tom used with his magic and both sebastian and the man with the sit were now having a stand off with pistols
"who do you think you are coming here, trying to knock me out and then turning off my machine?!" the man with the suit says as he was struggling to stand as the anaesthesia was hitting him hard
"well, someone has to stop you with this plan and the doctor isn't available at the moment" sebastian says though his teeth as he holds the gun harder
"the doctor? yeah, i've heard of him, he's a menace getting in everyone's way" the man in the suit says aggressively as he also holds his pistol harder "have you been sent by him? was he too busy to come himself?!" he adds getting angry and he starts to snarl
"...yes! we have come on his behalf as he's so busy saving the world from other outer world" tom says half lying while looking serious as he holds emily close to him
emily at this point was starting to wake and she can smell tom's scent and then she then picks up on sebastian's scent, outside of the castle and the master skidded the car right outside if the gate, he gets out of the car and he takes out the laser screwdriver from his pocket
"right, time to get emily" the master says seriously as he grips his screwdriver and he runs inside the castle
back in the castle and there was still a standoff and nothing was really happening just talking
"i'm going to shoot you two if you don't get out of the way of my machine" the man with the suit says as he pulls on the trigger of his gun
"and we won't move until you go down" sebastian replies as he also pulls on the gun trigger's harder
emily at this point was wide awake and she flies over into the machine to look at the surroundings, she then sees the stand-off and she had to do something
"get that cat off my machine!" the man in the suit says now pointing his gun at emily
"you don't tell me what to do!" emily says and she makes electricity come off her body
emily then fires off a lightning bolt at the man with the suit but as she does, a laser beam comes from behind emily and it hits her lightning bolt making it into a lightning beam which hits the man in the suit and causes him to evaporate while screaming
"huh? what? dats never happen before?" emily says confused on what she just saw
"what was suppose to happen?" tom says as he looks over at emily confused
"i was just going to stun him so den we could get out...wherever we are" emily replies as she looks around confused "how did i get 'ere? where's friend?" she says confused as she looks around
"emily!" a voice says and emily looks over at someone which is the master running over to her "i'm so glad to see you again!" he says releived to see emily again but emily looked confused
"who nar new?! i recognise your voice and my tail is waggin' so i must know you" emily says confused feeling like she know who it is but her little mind was failing her
"emily, you know me, i've wouldn't of made you a fan of teletubbies without me showing it to you" the master says worried then he acts smug knowing that what will get emily to remember as he takes his helmet off
"...*gasp* ITS YOU!" emily says realising then getting excited as he talk was wagging hard like a really happy dog "you're alive again!" she adds happily as the master goes over to her holding his helmet under his left arm while having the screwdriver in his right
"hi emily, long time, no see" the master says with a sweet smile and this makes emily more excite as she start to happily pummelling the machine
"alive again?" sebastian says to tom confused and tom shrug as confused as he was
"oh yeah, dads, you see dis guy, right 'ere...he is, friend's BOYFRIEND!" emily says happily as she points to the master dramatically "friend is going to be either so happy or so angry to see you again and he also has someone to show you too!" she says happily as she was now flying next to the master
"boyfriend? really?" the master says with a emotionless poker face and emily nods happily "and what you mean 'someone to show me'?" he adds confused and emily just giggles
"you'll see when you see friend, come, come, let's go bed!" emily says happily and she goes to the door "oh! before i forget" she says coming back and she builds up electricity
she fires out her electricity at the machine and it blows up like the time she shot a big lightning bolt at the machine the master built to bring the timelords back but not as epic, the group then get into the car the master stole from UNIT and sebastian decided to drive as tom was too weak from using too much magic and emily wanted to talk to the master about things that happened while he was gone
"so, dats what happened" emily says after explaining to the master what happened
"so, there are 2 doctors now?" the master says and emily nods happily
"reah, dere is your doctor and my friend and den dere is baby man doctor, the baby man doctor said delt this was caused by something called a bi-regeneration which is really rare to have appeartly" emily explains and the master nods
"it is, i've only heard stories from my dad about the bi-regeneration and i didn't think it was real...till i experienced it too" the master says calmly and emily gasps a little
"you had a bi-regeneration too?!" emily says shocked and the master nods slowly with his eyes closed "dat does explain your calm behaviour, you're usually quite chaotic" she adds smirking at the master looks down
"yeah, my other self took my chaos but it's doesn't i'm not fully good" the master says as he points at emily seriously and emily pulls a amused smug
"we'll see about dat when we get home, you change your mind instantly!" emily says knowing something the master didn't and this made him lean back in his seat with his arms crossed annoyed
"i don't know what you are hiding from me but i don't like it" the master mumbles annoyed and emily giggles happily
"you'll see, trust me" emily says happily and the master looks over at her to see her smiling with her tongue sticking out
the master smirks at her then he goes to look out the window while emily does the same but soon, the ride made her sleepy so she falls asleep, the car ride was quiet for a few hours but it was a peaceful few hours, meanwhile at home and the doctor was finally awake after a few hour nap, he checks his phone to see he got some miss calls from both UNIT and donna but then he sees he got a text from donna saying 'check the news' whick he did using the tv he had in his room
"-and in other news, eariler today, loads of animals were suddenly running away from home all at once and nobody knew why, then about 20 mintues after the animals went weird, they were all returned back to where they were and all asleep, scientist don't know what happened in those 20 mintues but they think a high sound frequency was being broadcasted all over the UK which is what hypnotising every animal, more on this at 6" the news woman says and the doctor turns the tv off
"what happened while i was asleep?" the doctor says confused as he looks at the tv then at his phone confused
he then notice emily was missing as he didn't hear her reply to him and he sees mima was still sleeping with lily which made him confused on why mima was still here as she would of heard the noise too, he then leaves his room and looks around to see that not only emily was gone but tom and sebastian were gone too, he then put 2 and 2 together and he figured out what happened which made him smile seeing that he got to have a break for once and letting someone else sort out the issue while he was napping, he then hears a car come up the drive and he looks out the window to see a UNIT truck which made him confused but then he sees sebastian and tom get out of the car and he smiles seeing them again, his phone then rings and he picks up seeing it was emily
"hi emily! why aren't you coming out the truck?" the doctor says happily and emily giggles a little
"i need you to go into the back garden, i have a surprise for you" emily says happily and the doctor was confused
"umm...okay?" the doctor says and he hangs up the phone
he sees tom and sebastian come in and they both tell the doctor to go to the back which he does but still looking confused, emily then comes in the house with the master following him and she goes out to the garden first while the master stays at the door
"what's the surprise?" the doctor asks confused yet really curious
"you ready...ta da!" emily says with the doctor nodding and then she stretches out her paws as she points to the door
the master then comes out and the doctor stood there both shocked and surprised to see the master, his master again after not seeing him in 6 years
"hi doctor, i-i know we left with me dying but i'm better now, see and now we can be-" the master explains looking scared as the doctor looked mad but he didn't get time to finish as the doctor was now hugging him making the master stunned
"oh, i missed you so very very much" the doctor says happily with happy tears running down his face "and you know why" he adds as he pulls away from the master as he wipes his tears away from his face
"i have a feeling that i know but why?" the master says smiling at the doctor who smiles at him back
"because you're my boyfriend" the doctor says calmly and then he puts his lips onto the master's making the master surprised
the master then closes his eyes and he leans into the kiss making the kiss last longer, when the kiss was over, the doctor pulled away first and the pair look at each other lovingly
"i've missed our kisses" the doctor mumbles and the master nods
"yeah, me too, last time we kissed...well, i was dying and i kissed you on those beautiful lips" the master replies and smiles at the memory
"i still can't believe i was a woman for a time but thanks to some companions, i learnt how to be in tune with my feminine side" the doctor says happily and the master smiles at him happily
"hey friend!" emily says at the door and both the doctor and master look over at the door "lily's awake" she says as she holds out lily
"wait, lily? as in OUR lily?" the master say starting to realise and the doctor smiles
"yep, this is our lily, the one i had when i was a teenager with you" the doctor says happily and the master takes lily from emily
"what? how?" the master says really confused as he looks at the doctor after looking down at lily in his arms
"emily and the TARDIS found her, she was locked in a escape pod for decades after the timelords did a failed experiment, the experiment was to see if timelords could live on different planets but they used babies for some reason, lily was sent to this snowy planet where she slept for decades after her pod failed to open and then emily with her partner ben found her after the TARDIS took them to her" the doctor explains as he watches the master and lily play with each other
"so this is the someone emily says she wanted me to see...i'm so happy" the master says happily and he kisses the doctor out of happiness
"i'm happy too that both you and lily are with me again and we can live out the life we should of had ages ago" the doctor replies happily and the doctor and the master look at each other
"yeah, i like it this way, just you, me, lily and this nice beach house" the master says happily and the doctor nods ageeeing with him
emily was at the door the entire time and she smiles seeing her friend happy again after so long, he had his daughter and now he has his boyfriend and maybe husband in the future, she then turns around and sees tom and sebastian flirting and loving each other on the sofa and she smiles happily at them seeing that she had the best parents she could ever ask for, she then picks up mima who was on the table wanting to be picked up and smiles at her knowing that mima has her mum and dad back, she now has 2 grandads, 2 uncles and a cousin, another cousin with rosie, a aunt with donna and her side of the family, they also all to get to travel together with the TARDIS in the doctor's room and emily smiles happily thinking this is the best life she always wanted with the doctor, she then flies outside and she sits on the table while the doctor and the master talk about why the doctor got his old face back and the master makes a relisation on why he has his old face back with emily chiming in now and again, at the castle and the scientist wakes to find UNIT soldiers pointing a gun at him making him raise his hand and he sees that the machine was broken and the man in the suit was gone with only ashes on where he use to be, he was escorted to the car and taken to UNIT headquarters where he was locked up for aiding someone in a paranormal crime.
meanwhile in australia and everything was calm in the desert as roadrunner ran by and kangaroos jump in a group when suddenly a escape pod land causing a bit of a dust storm, the escape pod then opens and something stepped out in high heels, it was a woman and she looks around confused before smiling figuring out where she was
"i'm finally on earth! now, i need to find that doctor and his master boyfriend and give him a taste of his own bloody medicine!" the lady says and she cackles evily before she runs off
the lady head into the direction of a town and she gets to working thinking on how to find the doctor and the master to ruin their day and maybe even their lives forever
To Be Continued...

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