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After completing the work in her office, Emily walked out of the building looking extremely tired but as an average Joe, she doesn't have anything exciting about her life. Not that she hates her average life she is glad that she is leading a normal life, Emily has a unique look at life.

All of it was crashed when a bolt of huge lightning struck Emily who was burnt to ashes due to its sheer power of it. The ashes flew away from there in the air.

Emily didn't realise what happened until she saw the world from a different perspective. She saw ashes in front of her, she was about to forget about it until she noticed she couldn't move.

She tried many things just so she could move but nothing worked. A person walked right through her. Emily was about to shout but nothing came out of her mouth.

Emily started to panic but stopped her feeling because nothing will come out of it.

She thought about what happened until now, she was coming from her office when she felt a bright flash after that, she couldn't move and she saw ashes fly away in front of her.

' Am I dead? Either way, A supernatural phenomenon happened, it means the world is not just science, infinite possibilities exist now. Even if I'm dead, there must be a way to come back to life for me ' these are thoughts of Emily right now.

Emily has a unique way of thinking until now she never believed in the supernatural, she only believed in science, but that doesn't mean she'll not believe in the supernatural. She just needs proof, the situation she is currently in proves the existence of the supernatural.

Emily could only think of the infinite possibilities the supernatural can bring. Emily watched anime and read novels in her childhood, she was fascinated by the power systems and always felt that if the supernatural was real, she always feared she couldn't believe anything anymore because your neighbour can be a god, your life might be seen as a show from higher powerful beings perspective, or your parents may be secretly gods and not care for you if you are weak since you are going to die because you are weak anyway. But Emily also realized the potential of the supernatural, they are just endless, who knows this whole world can be a simulation too. You can be powerful and change the world as you wish, you can live as you wish.

While having these thoughts, a sudden screen appeared in front of max.

[ Congratulations on reaching enlightenment soul no. 273538939262628383...12. For your achievement, you will be ejected out of this reality and given a chance in other realities. As a reward you will be given a boon, please choose anything you wish]

Emily contemplated for a while, she was not surprised by this screen honestly, nothing can surprise her anymore since the supernatural now is real, everything and anything is possible. She won't be surprised even if her father is the creator of all existence because anything is possible in Supernatural. After a while, Emily asked with his thoughts ' Boon, in this case, means a Super-power, right?'

[ It can be anything, an object, a power, a bloodline, knowledge, even an anime's Sharingan, system ]

' Okay, then I choose an extremely Overpowered Gacha system'

[ Granted ]

[ soul no. 273538939262628383...12 is now ready for ejection ]

The next second, Emily felt like she is losing consciousness and gave in to his feeling knowing her new path in life was waiting for her.


Emily thought ' Where am I? Oh.. right, I died but at present where exactly a-'

Doctor: So, what do you want to name this child?

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