ch 34*

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I created a dimension that can support incorporeal beings, then I summoned the soul of Yuuki.

She looked around confused until her eyes landed on me. Her eyes widened

"Wah!!!Onee-sama!! You died too!!!

She tackled me in a hug and cried " Wah!! Onee-sama! How can you die so young!!!*hic*, I'm sorry, I am not strong enough to protect you *hic*"

She's such a sweetie, I really want her to be with me but she will lose the 'spark' in the future. The difference between humans and divine beings is, that humans view immortality as a curse due to their limited thinking and many other factors that make them unable to 'live' a long life. Especially, Yuki, I saw multiple futures of her with her spirit broken due to her longevity.

I gently patted Yuki's head as she laid her head on my bosom.

"Yuki, I'm not dead"

"Hmm, okay. Then, why am I with you Onee-sama, wait, did that old hag assassin use her seance-cursed technique to summon my soul??!"

"No, Yuki. I summoned your soul here to this dimension. I'm a Goddess, when I saw your death, I couldn't bear it so, I'm here for you, I want to give you a chance. I know this is a lot to take in but this is the truth"

I can see her get shocked at the truth, honestly, if something like that happened to me, I would definitely reach the same. I don't mind if she hated me now because, in a way, I deceived her. Even I would never forgive my parents if one day they suddenly came out and told me they are some godly beings when they raised me normally the entire time.

In fact, I will torture them for eternity if they pulled that sh*t on me.

To my surprise, Yuki hugged me even more hardly "Thank you, Onee-sama......for being there for me, you are my everything. So, Knowing you are alive and well is enough for me, I don't need anything else"

I can see her feeling relieved and even happier than before.

"I see, in that case, I have a special gift for my lovely Imouto"

A blue light entered her soul replacing her cursed energy.

"Onee-sama, I suddenly feel....a lot stronger"

"I gave you my divine blessing, you can now use ice powers freely without any restrictions. Along with that, your soul and body are completely immune to possession and manipulation. Since my cute imouto wants to thank her Onee-sama, you can do it by living a full filing life once I reincarnate you "

" won't be in it, isn't it..."

I can see her looking down in sadness, I kissed her forehead and held her close to me one last time.

"Yes, but I want you to live a fulfilling life without any regrets. You lived for me your entire life before, just live for yourself this once"

She turned into particles of blue light.

I created a new world, along with humans that have common to unique superpowers, nothing too world-shattering though, at most they'll have street-level potential.

Of course, they won't be anything too bad like human experimentation and such in that world. They will look for future progress, then I warped the time to the future of the world, where people have enough technology and developed the nature as well. I reincarnated Yuki as a child of an extremely rich and kind-hearted couple.

Only Yuuki is the strongest in this world. I gave her absolutely free will to do anything, she cannot be manipulated by fate and destiny, unlike others.

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