ch 19*

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After I gained my new powers, it became easy to fight others as I can perfectly control everything about me including the amount of strength I can release.

Now I have been saving my points for almost 7 years. That means I can probably open 2 high-level gacha tickets.

While I was thinking in the hall, I heard dad saying "Weird, there is someone out there with such a power out there?"

"What happened, dad?"

"It's nothing sweetie. More than 500 satellites got deactivated for 15 seconds all around the world. I think it is possible if someone has technomancy quirk but no quirk can be that powerful"

"Did anything bad happened because of that?"

"No, but they found a radioactive site in the middle of the streets of France. I think these two things are related"

Well, it is obvious that they are both related. I didn't think much about it, I went to my room to open 2 gacha tickets.

"System, open 2 High tier gacha tickets"

[Sky wolf sordid blood(stablized), Life drain ]

"I already have skills almost similar to life drain but what is sky wolf sordid blood?"

[Sky wolf sordid blood: Sky wolf, A destructive rank dream beast that is capable of dimensional travel, extremely high superhuman strength, agility, endurance and instincts. The sordid blood is used by mortal species as a way to gain its abilities and turn into a sky wolf ]

"Dream beast? Well, there are infinite realities out there. So, anything is possible "

A syringe that has some red liquid manifested in my hand. I injected it by making her body extremely soft and when the blood began to run through my veins, I immediately felt changes in my body. A new energy source, an extremely powerful one at that began to course throughout my body.

I can feel the changes in my body as my instincts once again rise higher. I didn't feel any other changes as my normal strength is insanely high but I can feel the magical spell ingrained into my very soul.


With a thought, the space in front of me tour apart, the other end is my lab.

This is entirely different magic, the kaleidoscope feels like a smooth trip but the sky wolf ability is different, it is breaking the space apart with its magic. This speaks just how powerful the sky wolf is.

I looked at my new changes, physically my eyes became yellow with black slits while my ears became more pointy.

I went to my lab and closed the portal. Then, I transformed into sky wolf form.

I saw my reflection, I look like a giant 30-foot wolf with red fur. Transforming back, I changed my ears back normally along with my eye colour back to red but I do keep the slit eyes.

When my father asks me about it, I have a perfect reason for it.

But for now, hey system just what is the name of this new energy source

[It's called Ether host]

"Ether huh? interesting..."

This Ether is powerful, I will research it more in the future.

For now, I went back to my daily life. Dad didn't notice it until a few days later due to him and mom being busy.

"Akane, what happened to your eyes?"

My mom who is preparing some documents heard what dad said and rushed to see my eyes.

"Are you alright darling??"

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