ch 30*

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I saw Sasuke vanish into the surroundings. Naruto is still present ready to charge at Kakashi.

I looked at him with disappointment" Naruto, I won't babysit you so, once you get your ass handed by him. Come and meet me"

Naruto "hey! What does that mean!!"

I didn't give a reply, I went to the place where Sasuke is hiding. I tapped on his shoulder, he is surprised and was about to stab me with kunai but I stopped his kunai before it can reach me.

Akane " we need to talk about the test"

He actually listened to me.
" What do you want to say?"

Akane" what do you think about the test, how do you think we will pass "

Sasuke " all we have to do is get the be-"

He paused seeing my disappointed looks.

Akane" Sasuke, you know first, second and third Hokage taught to three Genin per team right?, In class, we are also sorted as 3 Genins per team and Konoha have the philosophy of family love, fire love or something like that, our sensei said only 2 members can pass while showing us 2 bells when we are 3 members. Do you also think you can fight an experienced elite jonin when you are barely a fresh Genin "

His eyes widened at the realisation
" he wants us to fight each other by creating a problem. We never have a chance to fight him on one on one but we have a chance as a team "

Akane " I'm glad you at least have a little better head compared to that fool. Now then, first we have to get Naruto here, he is obviously getting his ass handed by our sensei, look"

We Saw Naruto getting thrashed by Kakashi.

Akane " Sasuke, I will transform into a kunai. You throw him a set of kunai, when he is away from Naruto, throw me then throw this smoke bomb, it should create enough distraction for me to get him back, we will meet at another place while I will create a clone to distract out sensei "

He nodded, and I transformed into kunai. Sasuke began throwing Kunais at Kakashi who easily dodged them. When he is away from Naruto, Sasuke threw me at Naruto then he threw a smoke bomb creating a smoke screen. Just before I hit Naruto, I transformed back into my original self. I held him, with shunshin Jutsu, I left along with Naruto while leaving a clone hide in another place, it will distract Kakashi. 

I took Naruto with me and looked directly in his eyes " so, can you beat him alone? When you don't know how to fight with a proper Technique?"

He is stunned by what just happened but looked down understanding what I meant.

Akane "come follow me, we will make a plan with Sasuke. We can't beat him one on one"

I found Sasuke and went there while felt my clone vanish, I can see Kakashi's shadow clone standing in the middle while a clone of his is secretly hiding. 

I discussed a plan with Sasuke and Naruto.

...Third P.O.V...

Kakashi observed his new team, he didn't expect much from the civilian kid but up until now she has shown to have the best observational abilities and can think with a logical head, he knows she is best in Taijutsu from reports but didn't expect her to be a strategist. While he is disappointed with Sasuke and Naruto, he can see that they have so much potential in terms of pure power and combat.

As he was thinking, he saw Akane come running at him and saw her kick just as he was about block her attack. He sensed multiple Kunais and shurikens aimed at him from multiple directions before he can get away, he got memories from his clone that got destroyed due to a surprise attack.

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