ch 31*

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' system, open 2 high tier gacha tickets ' 

[ Temporal demon spirit book,  Eternals physiology]

System, can Celestials from marvel universe Manipulate me if I equip the Eternal's physiology?

[ No ]

Good, the temporal demon spirit book huh. A Wikipedia of tales of demons and gods. I will spend my time absorbing that knowledge once I am done with this world.

The eternal physiology didn't add much to me since I am crazy Strong already, it did add something special though. I can use cosmic energy.

Golden energy formed in my hand. I sent 100000 clones to my dimension to develop new abilities with it.

Kakashi trained both Naruto and Sasuke in chakra control, I told my elemental affinity as lightning, just like in canon, Naruto has wind,  I was surprised to find that Sasuke has fire since he mostly uses lightning but then again, affinities mean nothing when we can learn other elements.

I started to use Earth as a 'secondary' element. Earth is much more practical in this world, hmm now that I think about it, I want to copy dust release. It is too much Overpowered to just leave it like that .... Now that I think about it, Hmm, hey system, if I plant a God tree by summoning Ten tails and did what Madara did to the entire world, will I gain all the knowledge of Techniques and chakra from the God tree?

[ If the host modified the God tree, it is possible  ]

So, all I have to do is let the Akatsuki do its work, while I fade away in the background. I can enchant the tree with Ethernano.

I don't want to deal with the C-Rank mission so, I killed Gato and his men, now the land of waves will be free. I want to work as a real ninja and assassin. To experience it myself.  I decided to use a sword, searching for the chokuto Sasuke used in Shippuden, I found it in the land of iron and warped it to myself. I will use this sword and Taijutsu from now till I leave the world. 

Hmmm, should I kill Zetsu and jigen while at it? I want to develop skills if they exist, the world will go into wars. For now, I will kill Zetsu, once the shippuden timeline starts, I will make jigen and the rest of the kara members if they exist at this point as catalysts to jumpstart God tree, oh! That's right. He to have 10 tails with himself. I will plant Kaguya's on earth and jigen's on the moon, I will have a total of three chakra fruits by then.

Great !!! For the next few months, I started to train in Kenjutsu.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, they didn't get much improvement other than learning Taijutsu and C-Rank and D-Rank Ninjutsu. They are developing just like any other ninja.

We did take a C-Rank mission but nothing noteworthy happened. I had my 'first' kill which didn't feel like anything to me, even Sasuke didn't react much since he already knows it from his past but Naruto had an exaggerated reaction. He was traumatized, I can understand it if we are living in a normal world but for god-sake, we are in a world of cold-blooded killers. Even his father and mother are famed killers that got nicknames like Red death and Yellow Flash. So, seeing him like that made me look at him in even more disappointment. After that, he got little silent.

I went to call Anko for a special request of mine.

Anko " what is it, Akane-chan?"

Getting a summoning is impossible, it is deemed a high-level Technique. So, it is best to keep Manipulating her Memories.

I used my Geass on her making her submit to me.  Now then, I began to read her memories on how to perform the summoning. It seems she doesn't have a snake contract. It is fine

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