ch 23*

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I successfully bought the ownership of U.A., now I can make my heroes, it didn't cost much, just some 800 million yen. I will make the heroes in training write a contact with my company.

I spend my day times at the company while spending the rest of my time with Eri. She is a lot more open to me now, I have two more weeks before entering UA. So, there's some time for something I've been having in my mind.

I created a small alternate dimension with my construction cursed technique. With my cursed energy becoming stronger, it received a strong upgrade. I can now abstract concepts like pain, emotions, and dimensions. Although, its scale is small.

Now, I can do whatever I want. I activated my mystic eyes of distortion and I felt the power to control space, unlike limitless which breaks down space into multiple portions. This power bends the space itself into however I like. I am in control of the very fabric of space-time.

After creating some drones, I let them shoot me. I bent the space changing the trajectories of the bullets.

This is a basic application, now for the real test. I bend the space around the drones destroying them.

Next, I bend the space such that it creates a portal effect. I threw a  rock on the ground, I saw it fall from the sky.

"Let's create a black hole"

I bend the space in this dimension into a single point while creating a singularity. A mini black hole appeared on my palm. Although its power is not really equal to the real one, I can create it but then, everyone on this planet will die. The black hole is already pulling the matter surrounding me into itself and my dimension started breaking up, I had to fly into the space to avoid it.

"But this is still strong... "

I created the strongest alloy with perfect molecular bonds that it is the strongest material I can come up with.

The black hole sucked the alloy into nothingness in seconds.

"This is strong, I can create a truly strong black hole in time. It's been some time since I opened a gacha. System, open 1 high-level and 6 mid-level gacha tickets"

[High: Voice of Ruler

Mid:Female Titan, Sex magic, beautification pill, C-Moon(Stand), Strength enhancing pill]

{A.N- It is not the C-Moon you think, this is quite different}

"Sex magic huh....I got bored of sex in the last world already, I am now completely into bondage. I would have loved Bondage magic. Hmm, female titan is lovely, then the stand.....let's see what it does"

[C-Moon- A stand that controls animal#-&@#;*:
Due to the host's tremendous power, the stand's power exceeded its limits and gained 'over heaven' status

C-Moon over heaven-A sentient invincible stand that is absolutely loyal to its host and defends the host with its raw strength, speed and durability with unlimited stamina. The stand can passively control any non-intelligent living being and create and manipulate natural life itself

"Would you look at that~, come out now, C-Moon"

I felt a new energy, this must be my life energy. I can feel my life energy gather into something living. It turned into a beautiful-looking bulky girl with green and grey hair, hmm. I know it is a manifestation of my life energy but damn, it is sexy.

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