ch 28*

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{A.N: This is another huge info dump}

waking up in a prison cell, I saw the screen.

[Quest: Change the hero society. You hated the society influencing your one and only friend. Change the World by Bringing this world under your control. End the fight between AFO and OFA.

Rewards: Life conversion, pure High elf bloodline, Instant death,  ?????

Status: FAILED ]

I don't have time for this.
I saw that my clothes look like some rags, I cancelled my angel mode.

"So, you can do that too?"

I already sensed the presence of two people. One is Levi and another one must be Erwin, they speak German. I didn't give them a reply, I can sense the Titans in the walls and other titans roaming outside the walls.

I destroyed the rags and changed them into my old costume.

"W. what??"

I ripped the jail apart, Levi went offensive and tried to hit me but I ripped his hands apart and held him down with my feet.

I felt pain in my soul. It is just being held by me but it is still damaged, even my magic circuits are damaged beyond repair.

"Interesting, you don't shout even if it is painful. I guess your bloodline also gives you high pain resistance"

He is twitching but he is not letting out any whimper. Ackerman's bloodline gives some really good benefits in this world.

Chains of hell are binding Erwin not letting him escape.

I used reversed cursed technique on my soul healing it but noticed it is healing very slowly.

'It must be due to my soul's power. At this rate, it will take many years to heal. I guess it's a good thing that I am in the AOT world. I can use that source of all matter to heal my soul'

"Hey, do you know Eren?"

'Eren!! how does she know about him??!!'

"That's useful. You know... I just fought a God and he is even more powerful than me. I was just taking pleasure in tormenting one of my latest toys but the next second I was fighting a God"

I crushed Levi's chest out of frustration as I continued my ranting.

"During that fight, I lost many things like I could have new powers, extremely strong ones at that but I failed. Then, I lost my parents. Even though they are foster parents, they were nice. I liked them. So, when they died, I felt sad, it was my first time feeling sad for another soul and it is the second-highest honour anyone can receive from me. I will kill that God next time for sure. At least my daughter and lover are alive "

"Now, they are in a dimension I created where their bodies are frozen in time. At least, they won't feel anything there"

"I am just...frustrated. You know... So, I just need to cool off. You don't mind if your people die right now for my sake, do you? Haha! Of course, you won't "

I can see the terror in his eyes but the space around him crushed his head killing him.

"Hah~, I really need a cool off. Eri, Momo, please wait, I just need to be a God. As soon as that happens, I will release you from there."

I locked most of my physical strength to just normal levels. Then I flew into the air and created a barrier surrounding the two walls.

I  turned into my Titan form combining the powers of both Female titan and war hammer titan.

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