ch 11*

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After Akane slept, the second phase was completed. She woke up at night, seeing the clouds in the sky. She hummed when she felt a presence.

"Took you long enough, I thought you were not gonna come to meet me"

"Oh, I am just strolling. Anyway, what were you saying this morning?" Manchi replied to Akane's comment. She didn't know why but again, she felt hot being in front of Akane, not to mention, that the beauty of Akane is only enticing her more. She is blushing madly right now.

Akane hugged Menchi in front and whispered in her ear " I will f*ck you till your brain can't comprehend anything anymore"

We can see Akane lying on the bed with Naked menchi who is having a stupid look on her face with her tongue out and eyes rolled back, she is covered in a lot of white stuff.

"Hmm, that's a relief. Having sex on the bed is a lot better than going wild. Well, now I need to plan things"

'System gives me the devil fruits'

The Goro Goro no mi and Hie Hie no mi appeared in her hand. She ate the devil fruits, they did taste horrible but she treated it like a minor inconvenience.

Generally speaking, she couldn't have more than one devil fruit at the moment but the ability to adapt to any phenomenon kicked in making her body adapt to it.

Akane felt different, she could shift her body into two elements of ice and electricity. She decided to practice these elements. Teleporting to barren land, she created 100 clones of herself and
left them to train. It's like shadow clone jutsu but here the bodies are physical flesh bodies.

She teleported back to Menchi's room. She looked at the figure of menchi and licked her lips and mumbled "well, this will be my last prey in this world, why don't I enjoy her some more~"


The airship landed on the trick tower. The rest of the contestants landed on the tower while Netero begin to explain the third phase.

"This is the third phase of this year's hunters exam. The task is very simple, all you have to do is reach the bottom of this trick tower"

He left with those words, many began to walk around or climb down but they were eaten by giant birds.

Gon approached Akane" Akane, do you know how to get down"

" Well, I have my ways but they are way too dangerous"

" Like how?" Gon asked but to his surprise. He saw Akane jump down from the tower directly.

Akane observed three birds flying around the tower, just when the time is right, she jumped down. When she touched the ground, the three giant birds burst out cushioning her fall while a small crater formed. To be honest, she is invincible but the impact of her fall may destroy the base of the tower.

She saw the surprised expression of the protagonist group from the bottom.

The third phase is completed, most of the people are surprised to see Akane down first along with a crater and dead Giant birds. This made her an even bigger threat in others' eyes.

The proctor of the fourth exam arrived and asked everyone to pick up a number. Akane picked up Illumi's number on purpose.

"Now that all of you picked up the numbers, those are the numbers on the badges given to you at the beginning. The number you picked up is your hunt. Your badge worth is 3 points while your hunt's badge is also worth 3 points. You can collect others' badges but they'll only be worth 1 point. Your goal is to collect 6 points. The hunt begins on Zevil island for one week "

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