ch 33*

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It's been ten years since my power-up. I controlled all of my aura and power.

I noticed that I lost my humanity not that it amounts to anything in my book.

Being a God, my mentality has transcended the mortality, it's like my mind is opened up to a new realm of possibilities I could never come up with as a human and the shackles called guilt, remorse, and emotions, in general, are lost, or for the better word, they are optimized.

Things like sexuality, Gender, and Race, all became nothing in my eyes.

I discovered some new abilities like I can think for eons in my mind but a second can just pass in reality, I don't have boundaries to my soul like my previous self, So, my physical form which is not human flesh but divinity is not limited in size.

I once released my full form which is so massive, that I was about to destroy the reality and this multiverse, hell I played with galaxies like Beyblades. There are many other abilities like that. I can manipulate abstract concepts like fate, luck, existence and destiny to a super-high extent, mainly due to my authorities and my Godhood. They are really broken.

I also became nigh-Omnipotent, nigh-omnipresent and nigh-omniscient like I knew most of the answers for everything as I utilized the connection between the Akashic root and me.

Now, I'm just waiting for my last power-up before butchering God.

From my estimates, it should take 100 more years for the chakra fruit to be formed. It's actually less time than it should be.

I opened the dimension of the pure world where all souls reside and connected that dimension to God tree.

The same happened on the moon, which made it easy now.

I started to play with my authorities, I created a universe where events of Naruto and Naruto shippuden happen, however, I added a touch of reality to it. It ended up with Naruto becoming Hokage despite the terrible abuse he faced as a child because he is brainwashed by the leaf to become a perfect soldier, however, the world is plunged into darkness. I destroyed that world once that happened, while I'm at, I destroyed my other dimensions, they are not worth carrying them and I can create new worlds whenever I like.

I terraformed this world, with the land of fire as my base. The rest of it is barren land or sea where I test and control my powers.

I created some humans to serve me while I am here. It is great to have such Godly power.

I also had to 'discipline' Garaga to not stutter in my presence, it took time but he finally behaved normally course he is still respectful and calls me 'highness' which I don't mind, I like it to be honest.

As I was eating, a servant of mine came, kneeling on all fours. He is like an ant in front of me, I generally stay in the size of my titan form which is just my body size at 100 metres, even my 'special palace' is Gigantic. So, for humans, this feels a lot intimidating, not that I care.

Servant " Your holyness, this slave begs permission to speak"

A smile formed on my face seeing him in such a polite and obedient manner but it is mainly due to my divine beauty which causes inferior beings to submit themselves to me.

Akane " Speak"

Servant" Your holyness, some Otsusukis are flying outside of our planet. There are 3 of them, they wish to speak with you"

Akane" Good, you may go "

It's a good thing that I created a few humans, they are resourceful.

I already sensed them a while ago. They are just above this planet but I can feel their fear. It seems they are scared of me, I used Azatoth on them. My origin eyes absorbed their eye powers empowering my own. Tool creation complements well with Light force creation. The chakra pill creation also complements with cursed absorption, with my powers I merged these abilities making them even stronger.

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