ch 44*

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Akane along with the rest of the students began to leave the bullhead as it docked at Beacon. 

Until then, Akane concealed her presence so, no one sensed her. But when the bullhead landed, she exposed her presence, not to mention the big weapon box is eye-catching. This made few people alert, especially Blake as she realised who it is and what scared her more is she didn't sense her presence until now.

Ruby however has a different expression. Initially, she was scared but now that she thought about it, her weapon is ingrained in her mind. She wanted to ask her about it so, completely forgetting about the incident, she rushed at the tall student with her eyes on the weapon case.


Akane turned to the call of little red riding hood.


"Can I please look at your weapon? It's so cool!! What did you name it? My weapon is called Cresent rose, it's a scythe along with a highly compact sniper. I was amazed by your weapon that day!! It is so beautiful to look at and also it's so big, how do you fight with it. I always have a feeling I saw it somewhere but I can't remember it. Can you show it to me, please please please"

There is a silence in the air as Ruby realised she just kept babbling. With a blush, she kept her head down.

Yang noticed the trembling hand of Blake but didn't think much of it.

"Sorry" Ruby squeaked lightly.

To her relief, Akane didn't think much of it and patted Ruby, she found ruby like a cute little enthusiastic hamster, Ruby got mesmerised by the smile and beauty of Akane.

"It's fine, kiddo. I will let you look at it but not now. Anyway, I gotta go"

Before Akane disappeared from her line of sight, Ruby shouted "Thank you!! I'm Ruby by the way!"

Akane slightly turned and gave a nod acknowledging it.

"It looks like you got a friend, Ruby. A hot one too" Yang commented seeing the sexy back of Akane.

"Hey, she didn't say she will be my friend" Ruby shyly replied.

"Friends don't announce themselves as such....Kiddo" Yang teased with a wink.



In the announcement hall, Akane leaned against the wall closing her eyes with her weapon case beside her when another red hair approached her.

"Hey, Pyrrha" Akane spoke without opening her eyes.

"Why am I not surprised you would sense me even with your eyes closed " Pyrrha replied in a disappointed and slightly annoyed tone.

"Aw~, don't feel bad now dear~, here, let your girlfriend give you a hug"

Without even a chance to escape, Pyrhha got smothered into Akane's Bosom, the fact that Akane is only slightly taller than her made her face perfectly fit into her breasts when all Akane did is hug her normally.

"Hey! Leave me! It is embarrassing!" Pyrrha protested to which Akane complied.

"Hai~Hai~ My Greek warrior~"

Pyrrha looked around seeing some eyes on them. No doubt they recognised her but then she noticed most of the people's eyes are on Akane immediately after they recognised her, which didn't surprise her knowing her friend's charisma. She didn't like to admit it, but sometimes she liked how Akane attracted all the attention away from her.

"Anyway, I'm glad to see you here. Honestly, I was scared that I would never see you again after your fame rose" Pyrrha began to chat with her old friend.

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