ch 27*

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In the U.A. infirmary, Ryujin can be seen staring at the wall blankly, occasionally taking glances at his crotch.

He couldn't believe what is happening, beside him. His crotch has been healed due to his regeneration but he doesn't have a male reproductive part. Instead, he has a female reproductive part or something like that.

He asked what happened, recovery girl told him Akane gave him her blood when he is in a critical state.

Due to Akane's quirk which enhances everything about her, they just happened to have some type of blood, she requested a blood transfusion to save him when his body is in critical condition and left him to heal.

They still didn't know he lost his dick and he don't want to tell it to others either because he don't want others to about his regeneration and he can't exactly go out and tell he lost his dick either. He concluded that Akane's blood must have mixed with him when he is regenerating, which must have messed up his correct regeneration and instead of a dick, he has an abomination that is not male or female. 

He didn't know what the recovery got told him was all BS, it was just Akane messing with him.

His mom and sister are comforting him. He expected them to hate him or look at him with disgust but all they said is

"It's okay, son/brother. We love you no matter what, we are not after your body but your love"

When he heard that, it was like a needle piercing him through his heart.

He thought of his childhood when he logged at his mother's breast looking at her like a piece of meat instead of like a mother, the way he took advantage of his father's death to get close to his mother.
His sister stood up for him when his 'quirks' manifested lately but the way he liked her body.

He felt guilty for having such disgusting thoughts toward the people who stood up for him and loved him dearly. He loathed his past self. He remembered what happened before this accident, Akane punching him up and Momo knocking him out but he felt he deserved it.

Tears started to gather in his eyes as everything sunk in

'Heh! I was really thinking with a dick just like the other protagonists I loathed in my past life, I really deserved this'

He saw the worry in his mother's eyes and cried out in guilt and sadness of what he had just done all these years, he confessed he mind-controlled both the mother and sister

"'m s...sorry, pl..please for..forgive me"

"It's fine, Son/brother. You did it out of love for us, so there is nothing to forgive here"

Just then, he remembered they are speaking as they are under the effect of kotoamatsukami and it is irreversible.

This realization broke him and had a mental breakdown


The world stopped as everything came to a halt, the time itself has stopped for everyone and everything. Except for Akane and Ryujin.

A golden light manifested in front of Ryujin. He immediately got down on his knee and begged the God but


Ryujin couldn't see but Akane could see the physical body of the god in front of her.

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