ch 38*

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In my new life, I was named Akane again due to my mind manipulation. It seems I have reincarnated in a future world. I set myself to normal standards locking all of the powers, I can access them any second I want.

The only thing I have is my memories and a Faunus body which is a demi-human race in this world.

Occasionally, I do use some powers like mind control and creation due to this orphanage being too racist towards me and causing me inconveniences.

It seems in this new world, there are no gods. I could sense shattered divinity in this world but this is a somewhat futuristic world, where everyone can have a superpower called semblance.

The energy source is Aura, the energy of one's soul.

Considering I'm a Goddess, I have a limitless amount of it but it is not literal infinite. My body is still normal so, my soul outputs only a limited amount of aura my body can contain, let's say my body can contain 1000 units of aura and even if 1 unit is used up, my soul fills up the quantity to 1000. So, I virtually have infinite of it.

Despite the futuristic aesthetic of this world, this is an extremely broken world where creatures of darkness or more specifically, the creatures made from Dark divinity roam the world.

The point is, this world is beyond salvation. The energy source the people here use is called 'Dust' which is just crystalised rocks imbued with mana. However, it will run out after 1171 years. Also, there are no fossil fuels not to mention some laws of physics that are slightly different so, no nuclear energy here.

Of course, I can save this world with a snap but I won't. I am not obliged to help others, I have my own life.

I came here on a vacation. I don't care if the entire world is annihilated.

Sadly, my parents left me after my 'birth'. It's not their fault, they are mere miners and humans are racist in this world just like in any others so, they overworked them and died. I didn't feel anything but it is for their good, they can't love me and I can't love them for our own good. Just for giving birth to me, I rewarded them by reincarnating them in a new world where they will be born with a silver spoon. They will end up loving each other again and live a happy life.

However staying in Atlas is a chore, there are racists everywhere. I need to get out of this place.

Matron"Hey you snake! , get this work done, Now!!"

Sigh~, how many times should I manipulate her memory?

I entered her mind, altering her memories. I need to get out of Atlas kingdom. 

I'm being a snake faunus with occasional red scales over my body and red slit eyes. I was treated very harshly by most in the atlas. Snakes are cool. So, I choose to be a Snake Faunus.

I gave myself the semblance of Flight after I unlocked my Aura.

With the help of some illegal sources, I managed to gain basic information easily accessible around the world. I can use Omniscience but it will ruin my experience.

Now that, I have basic information about the world, it's time to see if there will be anything interesting going on soon. This world is really small and I can feel many strings of fate gather in the kingdom of Vale, it seems I found my target. It's already been 6 years since I was born in this world.

Since most don't care about a 6-year-old Faunus missing in an orphanage, I guess I can just escape without worry.

The Matron slept, and I used my stealth skills to escape, Aura also gives superhuman strength, speed, reflexes and durability, not to mention Faunus have night vision and special advantage depending upon their animal trait, my snake trait gave me incredible flexibility and reflexes. So, I can easily escape the city.

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