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(a/n: Normal/English ; Se Rin/Chan/Staff/Twins)

I woke up to Chan's kiss the next morning. He was already dressed when I saw him. He told me to eat breakfast. I lazily got up and took a bath before joining them in the dining room. The kids were eating toast and scrambled eggs when I joined them. Chan gave me a plate of food too and gave me a kiss before getting something to drink. He settled down beside me. We were eating breakfast in peace and I loved it. After breakfast, we both got ready to go out. We left the kids at my parent's place and headed out. He took the keys of my car from me and got into the driver's seat. He drove us somewhere.

I only realized that we were at the city hall when we arrived there. I just let him guide me. We arrived at an office and I watched him as he talked to the teller. After a few minutes, he took out papers from his bag and handed it to her. She told us to wait for a bit. I kept asking him about what's going on but he wouldn't tell me. After a while, the teller approached us and handed us some papers to sign. It was then that I realized that he brought me here to officially make the twins our kids. We signed the papers and then the employee left. We waited a few minutes more and then finally we officially became the twins' parents. They congratulated us after returning our personal documents. We thanked them and headed out. It was only when we got back to the car that I gave Chan a hug.

"I've actually prepared something else." He said as he buckled up.

"What did you prepare?" I asked curiously.

"We have to get the kids first. Don't worry, they're already dressed. I talked to eomeoni about it earlier."

"Okay." I replied.

We talked a lot while on the road. The kids were brought down to us by appa. We buckled them up in their seats before getting in and driving off again. He parked near a building. We all got off and then we followed him into the building. After the necessary procedures, we followed him to a studio. When we arrived, we were greeted by a nice receptionist and led to a changing room. I knew that we were at a photography studio. But I didn't know why we were there.

"Why did you bring us here babe?" I asked him.

"I wanted us to have our very first family picture with the kids and our babies." He replied. His words made my heart go crazy and I suddenly felt tears form in my eyes.

"I love you babe."

"I love you too babe." He replied and then he hugged me tightly. And then someone entered the room.

"Annyeonghaseyo. We've already prepared the clothes. Please change into those." The staff said.

"Thank you." we replied and then he left.

I was surprised when I found the clothes hanging on the rack. There were four sets of clothes. The smaller ones were exactly a mini version of the bigger one. We decided to wear the white set first. Chan brought Woo Hyun with him to change while I had Soo Hyun. After changing Soo Hyun's clothes, I asked her to wait for a bit while I put on mine. The white dress was beautiful. When we were done changing, another two staff members came and did our hair and makeup for us. We thanked them after and then we were escorted to the studio. We took a lot of pictures together. We changed clothes a lot and shot a lot of pictures together. On the last set, we were all wearing jeans and t-shirts. Soo Hyun's t-shirt had the words 'big sister' on it, Woo Hyun's had 'big brother' and Chan's had 'dad' on it. I was the last to enter the studio because I was a bit embarrassed. My t-shirt had the word 'mom' on it but it was cut just until below my breasts. They put a temporary tattoo on my stomach and left my jeans unzipped and unbuttoned. It was only when I looked at the mirror that I saw that they wrote 'baby 1' and 'baby 2' on my stomach with arrows pointing to my baby bump.

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