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(a/n: Normal/English ; Se Rin/Twins/Sunbae)

On Saturday morning, I woke up early and prepared the things I needed to bring for the playdate. I packed extra clothes in case the kids make a mess. I also packed tissues and all the other necessities. Then I put the gifts I prepared for William and Bentley in a bag along with a present for sunbaenim and his wife. I also packed the ingredients for making chocolate chip cookies that I prepared. Once everything was ready, I washed the kids and got them dressed. They seemed excited to go and meet William. I put everything in the car and then I brought the kids down there too. I made sure that I had everything I needed and made sure that I had my driver's license with me. It was my first time driving on my own so I was a bit nervous.

I carefully drove us to our destination. I called sunbaenim when we arrived at the parking lot. I brought out the bag I prepared. Thankfully, it was just one big paper bag besides my backpack. I carried everything with me while still holding hands with the kids. When we finally arrived at our destination, I rang the doorbell and then sunbaenim welcomed us and let us in. The kids carefully went inside and they started playing with William as soon as they saw him.

"Why did you bring so much Se Rin shi?" asked sunbaenim.

"Oh, I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies for the kids since it'll be Christmas soon. And I've brought presents for William and Bentley." I replied.

"You really didn't have to. Please have something to drink. Lunch will be ready soon." He said and then I thanked sunbae and joined the kids.

I wasn't used to not doing anything. So, I went to get William's present and gave it to him. He thanked me and then showed the gift to sunbae. Then I asked if I could borrow some things so I can prepare the cookies and bake them. Sunbae gave me the things I needed and then I took out the batter I prepared and made gingerbread man cutouts on the dough. I made quite a few cutouts and then put them in the oven to bake. While they were baking, I went to play with the kids. They were getting a bit noisy and soon, I heard a baby crying. Sunbaenim quickly washed his hand and went to get the baby. I told the kids to quiet down a little because of the baby. Then sunbae came out with Bentley. William excitedly introduced me to the baby and then the twins looked at the baby with a lot of curiosity.

"Have the twins not seen a baby?" asked sunabe.

"They've only seen babies on TV or from afar. They've never been this close." I replied.

"Can you hold on to Bentley for a bit while I finish making lunch?"

"Of course!" I replied. And then made sure that my hands were thoroughly clean before I went to carry the baby.

I cradled the baby in my arms while the kids gathered around me. William was telling me something about Bentley while the twins kept trying to hold Bentley's hand. When lunch was finally set on the table, sunbae took Bentley to feed him while I took care of the kids. I made them follow me like a train and brought them to the bathroom to wash their hands. After that was done, I helped them sit on the table but had to take the cookies out of the oven to let it cool in room temperature. Then I helped the kids eat. I was telling them to eat but they wouldn't.

"Is there something wrong?" I asked them.

"Eomma, eat." The twins said.

"Ah, I have to eat first?" I asked them.

"Eung." They replied.

"Okay." I said and then I took a bite of the pasta. After that, the twins started eating too. I was helping three children eat their food when sunbae joined us at the table.

"Wow, how did you manage to get them to eat?" asked sunbaenim.

"Oh, I do help the twins when they eat but they know what to do."

"You're very good at handling children. How was it when the twins were younger?"

"I did mention before that the twins came to us last winter after my cousin suddenly passed away. Originally, it was supposed to be eomma and appa who was to take care of them. But they didn't want anyone but me because I looked a lot like their eomma. I was really flustered when they started calling me eomma and started looking for me all the time. They were just 2 years old then. I was practically learning about parenting as I spent time with them. I wasn't ready to be an eomma but because of the circumstances, I had to be one. But I guess I grew up with them. We understand each other and they're really great kids. They adapted quickly and they learn quickly."

"But do they know that their eomma's not coming back?"

"Yes. They know."

"Wow. By the way, can they swim?"

"Yes. They started learning very young. Eonnie used to bring them to the pool to learn how to swim when they were still very young. We continued to do that when they came here. Although it's usually my oppa who takes them to the pool with my parents."

"William, hyung and nuna know how to swim too. Should we invite them to go swimming some time too?" asked sunbae.

"Yes!" replied William.

"By the way, do they go to a daycare?"

"Yes. I bring them to the daycare before I go to school. And then I'd pick them up after."

"Wow. So, you take care of the twins, attend university, work on your music and then you'd do your promotions."


"Wow. Hey Sam and Wesley, who do you like better, mom or your uncle?" asked sunbae.

"Chris!" replied Sam.

"Soo Bin!" replied Wesley.

"Who are Chris and Soo Bin?" asked sunbae.

"Oh, they're my friends. They're pretty close to the kids too. Soo Bin actually picks up the kids from daycare when I have to work as soon as school ends."

"I see. Do they ever look for their dad?"

"They do ask from time to time. But we've never actually met their appa."

"What do you do when they ask?"

"I just tell them the truth." I replied. And then I wiped the sauce from the twins' faces.

"Eomma, done!" said Wesley.

"Me too!" said Sam.

"Okay. Let's clean you up and then you can play while waiting for William to finish eating."

"Yes!" they said. And then I helped them down from the chair.

I made them wait for a bit while I cleared their plates off the table and then I went to clean them up and change their clothes to cleaner ones. After that, I let them stay in the living room where William was already waiting for them. After playing, I put them all to sleep for their afternoon nap. Only Bentley was awake and sunbae was cleaning in the kitchen. I played with Bentley and then I remembered his present. So, I went to give the remaining presents to sunbaenim. We talked a lot while keeping Bentley entertained. I also did my interview while the kids slept.

The kids ate the cookies I made when they woke up after their nap. They played a bit more before I said that we needed to head home. Sunbae and I thanked each other for the time and then the twins and I said our good byes and left after making sure that we had all our things. When we got home that night, everyone was at home already. I was exhausted but the kids were still very active. Thankfully, oppa told me to rest and that he'll play with the twins. I thanked him and then I went to rest after organizing the things we used and put them where they should be.

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