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(a/n: Normal/English ; Se Rin/Chan/SKZ/Eomeoni+Twins+Manager)

(Trigger Warning!!: Coarse Language)

We continued to talk while eating. After lunch, we cleaned up and then Chan and I brought the paper bag to the car before going back to work. We were working in separate studios. We didn't really bother each other since we knew that we had to work too. When I got hungry, I'd drink juice from my fridge and continue working. I was so immersed that I didn't notice time passing by. Sun Gyu oppa had to check up on me and remind me to eat when it was dinner time. So, I stopped what I was doing and ate my meal. My meal didn't last long in my stomach since I had to the comfort room to vomit.

I stayed at work until 8 PM. I made sure that all the demos I made were safely saved and then I gathered my things. It was only then that I realized that I didn't have my car keys with me. So, I decided to drag my feet to Chan's studio to retrieve my keys. When I arrived outside his studio, I knocked on the doors and went in quietly. I saw Ji Sung and Chang Bin looking busy inside too. Their eyes lit up when they saw me.

"Nuna!" they said excitedly.

"What's up guys?" I asked them.

"We were just waiting for Chan hyung. We've already finished the lyrics." Replied Chang Bin.

"How are the little beans nuna?" asked Ji Sung.

"The little beans have been making me crave. But nothing out of the ordinary though. You know, if you're bored or hungry, there's snacks and drinks in my fridge. You can just come and get some when I'm there."

"Really?! Can we go and get some drinks?!" asked Ji Sung.

"Sure. Go and get some and hurry back." I said as I threw my keys to him.

"We'll be right back." Said Chang Bin and then they got up and left the room. That was when Chan finally took off his headphones and turned to me.

"Oh?! Hey babe! What brings you here?" he asked.

"I came to get my car keys. You didn't give them back to me." I chuckled.

"Oh, I'm sorry babe." He said and then he took the keys out from his bag. I was about to come and get it when he pats his lap, telling me to come and sit on it.

"Babe, I'm tired. I might fall asleep if I sit down on your lap." I said as I tried to grab the keys. But he just put it back in his bag.

"You are not going to drive home if you're that tired babe." He said as he held my hand.

"But I have to go home. I have to put the kids to bed and organize the things you bought."

"Just sit here. If you fall asleep, I'll take you back to the dorm."

"But what about the kids?"

"I'll call eomeoni. Don't worry too much. Just come here." He said as he carefully made me sit on his lap.

"I love you." I said as I wrapped my arms around him while he cradled me.

"I love you too." He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. He quickly went back to work. I could feel and hear his heart beating in his chest as I rest my head there. The feeling of it and the sound it makes made me feel relaxed and I loved it. I continued listening to it. It was so comforting that I didn't notice when I fell asleep.

Chan's POV

I was already used to having Se Rin on my lap that it didn't bother me one bit that she was leaning on my chest. I was immersed in my work once again that I didn't notice when she had fallen asleep. It was only until I felt a tap on my shoulder that I managed to pull my attention away from my work. I looked beside me and noticed Chang Bin pointing at Se Rin. I immediately looked down and saw her sleeping peacefully while leaning on my chest. She softly snoring and was pouting as she slept. I giggle at her cuteness.

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