Chapter 19

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We walk inside and go sit at our normal booth. Kie goes and gets her apron. I over hear her apologizing to her dad.

“What are you guys gonna get?” JJ asks, looking at the menu.

“Fries,” I say.

“I’m gonna get my normal” John B says.

“Same,” Pope says.

“I don’t think I’m gonna get anything. I'm not that hungry,” JJ says.

Kie walks over to our table.

“My dad’s pissed,” She says laughing. “Do you guys want your normal things?”

“Yea, but I don’t want anything,” JJ says.

“Okay, I’ll bring it out soon.” Kie says, before she walks away. I feel JJ’s hand on my thigh. I look up at him and he pretends not to notice. I place a quick kiss on his cheek. 

“I love you,” I whisper in his ear.

“Guys were sitting right here, can you two not flirt,” John B says.

“Shut up, now you know how we feel seeing you and Sarah, “ I say, fake gagging.

“I think they're cute,” Pope says to JJ and I.

“Thank you Pope.” I say. John B throws a straw wrapper at him. We all make a little bit of small talk, mostly about midsummers. Kie walks over and gives us all of our food.

"What time is it?" I ask her.

“Uh 2:33. I would stay and talk but I just had a party of 8 walk in,” She says with a sigh. Kie walks away and we all dig into our food. JJ steals a couple of my fries and eats them.

"Do you want me to order you something?" I ask.

"No, I'm still not hungry. They just looked good." He says.

"Are you sure?" I ask.

"Yea," He says. 

"So you guys up for a kegger tonight?" John B asks.

"Yea I'm surprised we have only had one kegger this summer," I say.

"Me too!" Pope says. "Normally we have hella parties."

I laugh and agree.

"Alright, so we're doin it!" John B says excitedly.

"Yay!" Sarah says. When Kie walks back over to the table we fill her in on everything.

"Awesome!" She says."I have to work until 9, but then I'll come."

"Okay," John B says. We pay Kie for the food and go back to the chateau. JJ and I start heading back to my room.

"Leave the door open!" John B yells with a laugh.

"Nah, we're gonna fuck," I yell, shutting the door.

"Sophia, shut up," JJ says.

"Make me," I say, walking toward my bed. Before I can sit down he grabs my waist and turns me around so that I'm facing him. He smashes his lips on mine and pushes me down on the bed. He lays on top of me and starts kissing my neck.

"JJ, Sop-" Pope says, opening my door. Once he sees us on the bed he immediately shuts the door. JJ and I start dying laughing.

"Pope! Come back!" I yell as JJ climbs off of me. We hear his footsteps coming toward the door and he opens it. His face was as white as a ghost. 

"I'm sorry, I should have knocked," He says.

"No, Pope. It's fine," I say, still laughing. 

"Anyways, back to the main reason I was coming in here, John B and Sarah went to get a keg and stuff. My dad wants me home for a few hours so you guys have the house to yourself." Pope says.

"Okay! You're coming to the boneyard later though, right?" I ask.

"Yea," Pope says. We hear a honk come from the front yard. "I'm gonna go. Love you guys!" Pope yells, running toward the door.

"Love you Pope!" I say.

"Now were we?" JJ asks, walking back toward me.

"Can we go smoke?" I ask. 

"Yea, I have one rolled on the counter," He says. He grabs my hips to move me out of the way as he walks out to the kitchen. He grabs the blunt and walks back to me. I grab his hand and we walk out to the hammock. I lay down and he lays next to me. He grabs his lighter out of his pocket and lights the blunt. We smoke it and talk about life.

"My dad called me earlier this morning," JJ says.

"Awe is he getting better?" I ask.

"Yea he said he's glad I sent him there and he, he um told me he loved me," JJ says.

"Awe, baby." I say wrapping my arm around him. "I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you, I love you."

"I love you, too." I say. We continue talking. When we finish the blunt we go inside. JJ goes out to the living room and starts playing COD. I go into my room and hook my phone up to my radio. I play Grenade by Bruno Mars and start curling my hair. When I'm done I put on a little bit of mascara. I walk over to my dresser and get a dark purple bikini out. I'll just wear this under my clothes in case we go swimming. I grab a pair of jean shorts and a white cropped tank top. I put on my bikini and JJ walks in.

"Hey, sexy lady," He says with a smirk.

"Hi, pretty boy," I say, putting my shirt on. 

"John B and Sarah just texted me, their on their way back," He says, looking at his phone.

"Okay," I say. I put my shorts on and walk over to my dresser and put on deodorant and my favorite perfume. 

"I can't wait to show you off tonight," He says, grabbing my hips. God I love when he does that. I stand on my tippy toes and place a kiss on his lips, I go to pull away but he leans forward, not breaking the kiss. I smile against his lips. When I try to pull away this time he lets me. We hear the front door open and walk out to the living room. 

"We got it!!" John B says excitedly.

"We also got before party drinks!" Sarah yells, lifting the 12 pack of bud light in the air. 

"Where the hell did you get that?" I ask with a laugh.

"Pope's old man gave it to us," John B says. I look at the time 5:04.

"When do you guys plan on going to the boneyard?" I ask, walking over to the couch and sitting down.

"Prolly around 7 or 8," John B says. 

"Okay," I say. I get out my phone and open tik tok. John B and JJ sit on the other couch and get the xbox turned on. Sarah comes and sits by me. Well the boys play rocket league, Sarah and I watch tik tok and make fun of the tourons posting on Instagram.

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