Forever with Boys (25)

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Hey guys :) Ideas are flowing in my head. So I had this earlier plot that I wanted to happen but now thats history... I have a new ending for the story.... If you guys are interested, once I finish this story, I'll post a 'Deleted Scenes' type thing where I'll post some stuff that was going to happen later on but didn't make it :) Enjoy!

“I don’t even know why he’s still with her.”

“I know. I heard she’s been holding out on him. Refuses to give him anything.”

“Seriously? He’s good looking enough, I’d give him some.”

I was at the mall. At the end of this week, it was the Valentine Dance, which is taking place right on Valentine’s Day. It’s just another act to raise money for school activities at our school.

Declan and I have been going out for a good, solid 2 months now, and of course, he had asked me to the dance.

It was really romantic. He got on his knee during lunch in front of everyone and had this ring box. When it opened, it was the ticket. I thought it was cute. That happened all just yesterday. I guess that’s why people are talking about it now. I’m currently at the mall with Addie trying to find a dress.

“Hey Ever, is something bothering you?” Addie asked, coming from behind me. She was going with Evan, of course, and was ecstatic about it.

I shook my head quickly. “Nothing is wrong,” I assured her.

But maybe the girls were right. Why was Declan even with me? He’s really good looking and could any girl. Any girl who would be more than happy to offer him sex. Unlike me. Of course, I’m really into Declan. I think he’s perfect and I wondered why I even liked Luke in the first place. But we’ve been together for only 2 months and I don’t feel like I’m just ready to give in to him just yet. Besides, he hasn’t been pressuring me so it doesn’t bother him that we haven’t done it, right?

“Come on Ever, I know you, what’s up?” Addie pressed on. I bit my lower lip.

“Does Declan talk to you about things?” I asked.

“Some stuff, yeah,” she said, looking at me funny.

“Has he ever told you about his past relationships?” I asked.

“Um, not really,” she said. “I mean, like what about them?”

I blushed. “You know, how far the relationship went,” I said slowly.

She looked confused for a second before recognition dawned on her. “Like sex?” she whispered.

I nodded, embarrassed I was even bringing it up.

“Yeah,” I said.

“Why would Declan tell me about his sex life?” Addie asked. “If he did, I wouldn’t want to listen.”


“Why?” Addie asked. Suddenly, she froze. “Oh my peas! You and him did the deed!

“Shh!” I hissed. She was extremely loud and other people were looking over at us curiously.

“So you have?” she asked, looking surprised.

“No,” I said. “But that’s the problem.”

“How is that a problem?” she questioned.

“I mean, Declan’s not ugly. He could get any girl willing enough to get in bed with her,” I said.

Addie laughed. “You’re worried that if you don’t give him yourself he’ll leave you?”

Forever with Boys (sequel to Competing with Boys)Where stories live. Discover now