Forever with Boys (6)

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So I was gonna upload Sunday, but since it was the last day of break for me, I went out with zach and a couple of other people to hang out.. then i started writing monday but didn't finish and i kinda was too busy to finish it yesterday, so here it is, finished and uploaded today... a bit late but not that much- i hope... i kinda had to rush it since i still have homework to do. i'll try to at least get a 2-page one out there this week since next weeks are finals for me and i don't think i'll have time then.. sorry. but enough talk, here it is, enjoy!

“I’m so tired!” I yawned to myself.

I was currently sitting in my last class of the day, and I could barely keep my eyes open. I didn’t even know what the lecture was about. All I knew was that we were taking notes, and I had barely taken any. I yawned once again and then glanced down at my paper, which had started out with neat handwriting in the beginning, and went down hill from there.

“Hey, can I borrow a pencil?” Luke whispered to me after he had thrown a wad of paper at me. I was surprised he even talked to me. Usually he asks other people to lend him a pencil. I never know what happens to his by the end of the class.

“Here,” I said, handing him the one I was using at the moment. He nodded at me, and for a split second, I thought there was a smile on his face. But before I could really tell, he turned to face the teacher.

I glanced over at his sheet, and noticed how neat his handwriting was, neater than mine has ever been.

“Ever!” the teacher screeched. My head snapped up to the front.

“Uh, yeah?” I asked timidly, blushing furiously.

“Detention,” she shouted. “Pay attention!”

“Mrs. Rogers, Ever was just trying to let me copy off her notes,” Luke said. All eyes turned to look at him, surprised he would stick up for me. Even Mrs. Rogers knew how much he talked down on me.

“Prove it,” she said, narrowing her eyes. Luke shrugged and then handed me a paper that had my name on it. It even looked a little like my handwriting.

Mrs. Rogers sighed and then nodded. “Fine, you’re free from detention, Ever,” she said and then returned to her lecture.

After her back was turned, I looked over at Luke, who had his own notes. Did he take my notes for me?

“Thanks,” I said, blushing slightly. He looked up at me, raised his eyebrows and nodded.

“Sure thing, Ever,” he said, smiling. He turned back to his notes, and my heart raced just a bit at his nice gesture. Why the sudden change?


“He was so sweet,” I gushed to Addie when we were up in her room. Declan and Luke were downstairs doing something.

“That is out of character, yes?” she said, looking thoughtful.

I smiled. “Maybe he likes me,” I said, sounding hopeful.

“Don’t get too ahead of yourself,” Addie said warningly. “It’s just asking for a heartbreak if you do.”

I shrugged. “Too late,” I muttered.

“Are you even sure Luke is the one for you?” Addie asked.

“I don’t know. He’s been the only one I’ve ever really been interested in,” I said.

“But what if someone else likes you? You’re kind of restricting yourself from that person if you only focus on Luke,” she said. I narrowed my eyes.

“Does someone like me?” I asked.

“I’m just saying,” she said. “What if someone did?”

I shrugged. “Well, then they’d show me,” I said.

“How would they do that?” she asked. I thought about it.

“They would try to get close to me, and get me to be comfortable with them,” I said.

“That’s the guy, huh?” Addie asked. I nodded.

“Yeah, it’s one thing to feel flustered around a guy you like, but if I could be comfortable around a guy, that would be my dream guy,” I said, smiling. Addie nodded, seeming to be thinking of something.

“Good to know,” she mumbled. I looked at my best friend, confused as to why she cared, but I didn’t bother to ask. All I could think about was what Luke did for me today in class. What did it mean?

*What did it mean?

What is Addie talking about?

Does someone like Ever? If so, who?


Forever with Boys (sequel to Competing with Boys)Where stories live. Discover now