Forever with Boys (12)

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Okay, so I finished and I wanted to post :) Aren't I nice? So I decided to change up the rules of the voting thing... So now, all you guys have to do is have 6 votes (the other has 9) by 1-1:30 in the afternoon tomorrow (Fri Jan 14) and I'll post that 4 pgs or more part up for you guys within an hour or 2 :) Think you can do it? I'm sure you can! Enjoy!

Oh, and I actually have started to brainstorm what the ending is gonna be like and for that to happen, I'm gonna have to change directions of the story a little... Some of you might not like it, but no worries, I'm sure you'll be okay with that ending :)

“Kick!” Declan instructed for, I believe, the 16th time. I kicked harder. “Not too hard!” I heard him spit out water. I stopped and let myself calm down. I felt myself panic as I felt myself falling into the water. I started to thrash.

Suddenly, something encircled my waist and pulled me up, making me blush. I was wearing the only thing I could find. Of course it had to be my kind of skimpy gold bikini with black straps. I loved it, but not in a moment like this.

“Erm,” I said, a little uncomfortable that his hands were still on my bare skin, burning where flesh met flesh.

“Don’t panic, okay?” he said softly. “I promise I have you.”

He looked so sincere I believed him. I smiled and nodded.

“Alright, one more time,” he said, putting me into position. I took a deep breath and started kicking, hard but not too hard.

“Good job, Ever,” he complimented. “You’re getting it.”

I smiled.


“Want to take a break?” Declan asked me. I nodded, trying to catch my breath.

It’s been about an hour and I was really making progress. I could hold myself up under the water now, and I learned to calm myself and not panic.

“So why are you so scared of swimming?” Declan asked, sipping his lemonade.

“Hasn’t Addie ever told you?” I asked.

He shook his head. “Never thought I should ask,” he said.

I shrugged. I then explained to him what happened.

“Wow, so you’re scarred for life?” he asked.

“Not for life,” I said. “Thanks to you.”

He grinned. “I wanted to be a swimming instructor for awhile,” he said randomly.

“Really? What happened?” I asked.

He shrugged. “Just didn’t interest me anymore,” he said. I smiled.

“You’d make a good one,” I said.

“Thanks,” he said.

A silence followed. It wasn’t uncomfortable. It was just to get our thoughts together.

I looked up at the sky and it was darkening slightly.

“Thanks for teaching me,” I said.

He nodded. “No problem.”

I stood up and threw back on my clothes, not caring that I was wet.

“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow at school,” I said. He nodded.

“So, how about we make this a weekly thing?” Declan suggested. I smiled.

“Sure, if you can handle me,” I said.

“I think I can,” he said, grinning. I laughed and hugged him quickly. When I pulled away, I was blushing slightly at my bold attempt.

“Thanks,” I said. He nodded.

“Blushers,” he said before I walked out of hearing range.


“So he taught you how to swim?” Addie asked me when I called her. She came home a little after I left.

“Yeah, and he was a really good teacher,” I admitted.

“That’s good,” she said. “So it’s going to be every week?”

“Yeah,” I said.

Imagine that, once every week with Declan. The thought sent butterflies flying in my stomach, which was an odd sensation. Especially when received thinking about my best friend’s brother.

*Wish Declan was your swimming instructor?

Me too!


Forever with Boys (sequel to Competing with Boys)Where stories live. Discover now