Forever with Boys (18)

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So here's the next upload... Maybe for the next week... But I'll try to upload before a week goes by, but no promises :) Enjoy!

“Hey, pretty girl.”

For like the millionth time, another drunk guy came up to me. At first, I was blushing but now I’m just red with annoyance.

“Stay away,” I warned, which usually got the guys to leave. This guy was different.

“And what if I don’t?” he slurred.

“Leave me alone,” I hissed as he grabbed my arm.

“Come on, a pretty girl like you needs some special attention,” he said.

I tried pulling my arm out of his.

“Let go,” I said.

“Nah, let’s go somewhere private,” he said, dragging me outside. Why wasn’t anyone helping me? Oh, that’s right. They were all too busy grinding on each other.

We had gotten here almost 2 hours ago and Addie had abandoned me right as we got here. Declan talked with me for about 10 minutes before meeting up with his friends.

I should’ve never came.

“Don’t cry,” the guy said gently as we stopped. I looked around and saw that there was no one around. My heart started to beat faster and I worried for what was going to happen.

“Let go,” I pleaded.

“I’ll be gentle,” he said with a wicked grin on his face. He leaned closer and that was my cue to scream. I only got out a second of screaming before he covered my mouth with his hand and then started kissing my neck. I shivered out of disgust and of the cold. He took it the wrong way and his lips met my mouth, muffling my screams. Tears rolled down my face and I worried that I wouldn’t be a virgin for long.

His hands were all over my body, making me feel so violated and disgusting. I would’ve never imagined I would be a rape victim. Slowly, I lost my will power to do anything, for resisting him was futile. My body went numb, and I felt like the years of living were all a waste at the moment. My eyes fluttered closed and I resisted the urge to throw up. He pulled his mouth away from me and grinned.

“I knew you’d give in,” he said. I sobbed and he massaged my breasts, groping them.

“Please stop,” I whispered. It was my last attempt to get him to stop before I just give up. I felt so trashy.

“It won’t hurt,” he said. “Much.”

My cries grew louder and I was shaking and slowly inching away from him. He grabbed my arm and slapped my hard across the face.

I screamed in pain.

“Don’t run and it’ll pass faster and less painfully,” he warned. He slammed his mouth on mine and with such an aggression that I knew it was over. Goodbye virginity.

Suddenly, his lips disappeared from my mind and I heard a loud, most likely painful, crack. I fell to the ground sobbing.

“Stay away from her,” a voice said.

Feeling queasy, I threw up.

Suddenly, I was being helped up and then a warm embrace enveloped me.

“You’re okay now, I’m here,” Declan said. I sobbed into his shoulders and held onto him tightly. He felt so safe right now.

It seemed like hours before I let go of him, when in reality, only a few minutes has passed.

“I’m so sorry, Ever,” he said, looking pained.

“You have nothing to be sorry for,” I said, suddenly feeling so disgusting.

“I should’ve kept an eye on you. I shouldn’t have abandoned you,” he said.

“But you saved me, thank you Declan,” I said. He smiled.

“Are you okay now?” he asked. “Wait, that was a stupid question.”

“Can we please just go,” I said. He nodded and handed me his jacket. Gratefully, I put it on and held his hand as he led me inside the house.

“What happened?” Addie asked as she saw us, concern was all over her face.

“Nothing,” I said. Addie looked at me and knew not to ask anymore.

“We’re just going to go home,” Declan said.

“I’ll go too,” she said.

I shook my head. “I’ll be fine,” I said. “Just stay.”

Slowly, she nodded her head and hugged me tightly.

“I’ll see you later,” she said, looking sad.

I nodded and forced a smile on my face.

Declan drove me home and led me to the front door.

“You’ll be okay, right?” he asked. I nodded.

Declan reached over and wiped away the tears I hadn’t realized had fallen.

And just like that, I was crying all over again.

“Stay with me,” I pleaded. He sighed. He opened the door for me and we were quiet to go up to my room. I didn’t want my parents to wake up and question what had happened. I don’t think I could relive that brief, but horrifying moment.

We went up to my room and fell on my bed. He draped the blanket over the both of us and hugged me tightly to his chest, where I felt so safe and comfortable.

He kissed my forehead. “You’ll be okay, Ever. I won’t leave.”

And I believed him.

At this moment, he wasn’t Addie’s older brother. Or one of Luke’s best friends. He was the guy that saved me from a possible disaster. He was my knight in a leather jacket.

*Awww, I've always wanted my own prince :)

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Forever with Boys (sequel to Competing with Boys)Where stories live. Discover now