chapter 2

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 Author pov

Few days passed after that hangout Tay was in his cold behaviour once again, and at last he fired that project manager whom he had warned before the hang out. He asked lee to look for someone else who is much more efficient. Whole day he was in a bad mood nobody knows what was wrong with him, even lee kept quiet.

Later at night his parents had to leave to abroad urgently so only Tay and Singto were only left,Singto was very bored his brother was in his own grumpy mood

so he decided to call all their friends he asked went to Tay to ask about it "Tay since we are alone why don't we call krist and others lets have fun" he said beaming to Tay who was checking his mails

He sighed and said "p just tell me you want to be with p kit so your giving these lame reasons he is living in next door you can go there"🙄 singto smiled   "No no how can i leave you alone in here and what's with being grumpy?" Tay didn't answer he ignored his brother, Singto gave up and called their friends hoping it will change Tay's mood.

After an hour or so offgun, lee and krist arrived with champagne and some food.

All of them had dinner and as usual lee started complaining about Tay's grumpy mood and firing his employees

"Singto can you fill some sense on your brothers brain I'm fed up with his attitude" Tay who was talking to off suddenly turned to him and said "p why do we have to talk about that now" he said sulking

 Lee was so annoyed "of course I will talk about it now let your brother and others know how cold your are to your employees are you aware the one you threatened to fire is the 8th person" Tay knew this was going to come.

He was about to answer when singto interpreted "what is this Tay I thought you stopped being cold to your employees for gods sake they too have problems" said singto.

Tay was going to answer again but once again Gun interpreted him "P singto I have a friend whose in Phuket he is good in computers and other work,he was searching a job and p lee was said that this idiot fired his graphic designer so can I call him here to Bangkok " gun said

Tay was going say something again but off spoke before him "who is this friend I don't know when did you meet him why didn't you tell me anything"

Tay who is trying to speak for a while was pissed "SHUT UP YOU ALL😤allow me to talk when it's related to me, and off why are you so possessive about him he wont go anywhere leaving you" he said and everyone started laughing

"what are you all laughing at and Gun  do you think that guy is really  good in his work? If he dont impress me i wont think for a second to fire him "

He said annoyingly  all of them just sighed they gave up in convincing him is like talking to a rock, and decided to call off the day.  Singto said his friends to stay at their house since it's only Tay and him.

Off gun shared a room and off started the conversation

"Gun who is this friend of yours who is going to join Tay's office is he a good guy" Off can't help but worry for Tay

Gun who was texting New looked up and said "papii you know him I told you about him his name is New whom i met in Phuket when I got lost he and his family took care of me, Tay is right you are becoming old" said gun laughing and was busy texting New.

If Off had to be honest he actually didn't care who it was when Gun told him about his trip to Phuket because gun had ditched him and went for a solo trip.

But now when he heard this name after so many years he was completely shocked  he got a flash back of what happened 15 years ago when they lost their newwiee.😢

His thoughts were broken when Gun excitedly shook said "look look he is ready to come here and work for Tay I'm sure Tay will like him this is really existing"

Off went near gun and asked for a picture of this friend of gun he felt like he have to see him to know who he is Off usually don't care about Gun's friends and never ask Gun about and of them and  now when he asked for the pic he was a bit surprised

Gun showed him Off was astonished to see his friend he looked like his lost friend

'How can a person look the same and have a same name what a coincidence' he thought he didn't want to worry Gun so he smiled and gave his phone back to him

"Gun since you met us, you have never asked me why Tay is like this aren't you are curious about him?" gun looked up to him

" I know something bad might have happened and I don't mind it I know that you wil tell me when the right time comes I do love Tay so I don't want him to get his old wound back" he said smiling off was touched by this how can someone be so sweet.

"what did I do to deserve you baby I'm so lucky to have you" he said hugging Gun and after few more conversation they called for the night and slept.

Next day morning Gun informed Tay that his friend will visit him by noon and to be ready to which he lazily said OK and left to office with lee without even having breakfast seeing that singto was a bit worried Tay never skip breakfast unless and until he had a nightmare or if his previous day was bad.

There's a dead atmosphere in the whole office once again Lee is kind of used to this environment and there stood Tay Tawan glaring at his employees after firing a new project manager whom he had warned previous day for his rude behaviour ,the employees were watching Tay as what he is going to do next

"what are you all looking at? Is there any live show or a play going on huh? Go back to your work or you all will be next"

Said Tay annoying he was really angry how can his own employee disrespect him

He went back to his cabin lee who is fed up with his behaviour followed him without saying a word  inside lee was going to talk

"Tay what i..." "Oh please p i'm already tired by these people don't nag on this topic" he said tiredly

" I was not going to nag about it coz i know its useless to talk and you won't listen to me" hearing that tay smirked

Lee just continued ignoring his smirk "I just want to remind you about the meeting with that boy who gun suggested"🙄 lee said to Tay just nodded his head not wanting to meet this  so called friend of gun he feels like this person is a bad news to him.


I hope you liked it lemme know your thoughts in comments feel free to correct me 😆 and yea do vote😁

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