Chapter 17

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Author pov

Tay was discharged and he went home with New and others

Mrs V was at the door waiting for her son, she was Panicked when she got the news of Tay being in hospital but singto assured his mom that he is fine but she is mom after all she was worried to hell

As soon as Tay arrived she hugged him told him to be careful and not to talk to strangers

She also reminded him not to go to work he did protest her, but to his bad luck  Mrs P to supported his mom and he couldn't go against two moms of his.

After a while they all settled and

" Since nothing happened to Tay and Newwiee has come back  let's arrange a welcome party, let's call everyone and we will anounce about New what do you all think? " New's mom asked

" I think it's a fantastic idea lan I loved it and you boys I don't want no as a answer"

Tay's mom said and the sons didn't have any choice but to aggree to their mom's after all if both become upset it's dangerous for them.

After lunch both mom's were busy planning for the event which will be during weekend, Tay was resting in his room he was still feeling dizzy after taking his med. New went back to office with lee

Suddenly someone rushed inside the house both mom's were startled for a while when they heard a loud voice

"WHERE IS HE" A small boy accompained him with another person who is fuming in anger

" Calm down P off you will scared them"

It was offgun who came back, off was in a panic when he got to know what ever happened and he and Gun rushed back home he is pissed with Tay that he didn't let him know.

Listening to the sound down Tay came out of his room

" What's with all the noise here I can't even sleep properly" He complained with a sleepy voice

" Why don't you open your eyes and see for yourself " Off answered Tay looked at Off surprised

" Hey Off when did you come? Why didn't you tell me " Tay asked him but off didn't tell a word to him just ignored his presence.

" Come on off talk to me" Tay said once again a bit worried " WHAT SHOULD I TALK HUH" He looks really angry on Tay of course Tay have to blame himself

" Off I'm sorry I.." He was cut by off

" I DON'T NEED YOUR SORRY, so many things happened in a week and you didn't say a word to me ANSWER ME TAY" Off was very angry and Tay felt guilty and sad. Off was never this mad at him, he was at off but not off. Off always made fun of him.

" I... I.. I'm not giving you any justification I know I should have told you everything but off you went on a vacation with Gun after so many days I just didn't want your vacation to be spoilt by me, these will keep on going and coming "

Tay said with a small nervous smile looking at off Tay knew that he is more angry now

" Peng I'm sorry I just didn't want your holiday to go on waste you took time for yourself after days" Tay tried again

"WHAT HOLIDAY I don't need any when you were suffering here and that New where is he? even he didn't open his mouth when Gun called him! you know how bad I felt Tay I'm your friend and you didn't tell me any of it"

Off said a bit calmly he didn't want to scared his friend who is recovering "It's ok off now leave it now that you are here I have lots of work for the two of you" Mrs V said to Offgun who looked puzzled

Tay tried again the last thing he ever wants is his close ones getting mad at him

" P off I'm sorry I th...thought, I sho....should not disturb you please don't be mad at me" His voice was like he will cry any moment.

Off was very surprised Tay never give him respect he ignores whenever off demands for respect.

But Tay has been always like this since he lost New he is scared of loosing someone close to him, off did see that

" Tay this is your first and last warning to you if I be on vacation or meeting or what ever you should tell me everything" He said glaring but had a hint of worry in his eyes

Tay just nodded his head looking down  he can't say anything afterall what can he say he is at fault here

" Now go and rest" He said Tay didn't say a word just went from there obeying him.

"Don't you think your hard on him papi" Gun said after Tay went to his room, off just sighed " I was wasn't I? " He said in a low voice, but off was not at fault Tay did hide everything from him and when he came to know after everything was done he was super pissed.

"I never saw Tay being this obedient to you did the earth turn upside down? " Tay's mom teased off

"I agree mom it's the first time off to get the respect he wanted so long" 😂 Gun added

"Hey that's not true he will respect me just that he loves me too much that he feels like he don't want to respect" Off said saving himself from embarrassment and protecting his best friend.

" Ok now you boys have to help us " Their conversation was stopped by two mom's.

" Do we have any choice mom's" Off said giggling.

Another small chapter I didn't know what to write So was it ok? Good or bad? Do let me know😁

Thank you everyone for giving so much love to this story. Honestly I was not expecting it will cross 1k in a week☺ hope you will guys enjoy it till the end

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